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The Witch, the Wolf and the Snowstorm: (Book 6, Grey Wolf Pack Romance Novellas)

Page 3

by Price, E A

  Gingerly she sat up and snapped the reading lamp on. Greg didn’t stir. She put her glasses back on and reached for her new book. Tonight wouldn’t be a total waste.


  Kayleigh wiped the sweat off her brow. The horse she was grooming, Lucky, whinnied and she patted him on the rump. She was wearing a white cotton dress and her hair was in pigtails.

  It had been a long day working on her uncle’s ranch. Her uncle had taken her in after her own parents were taken with influenza. His own wife had died in childbirth and he was alone in the world.

  Over the years she had worked hard on the ranch, each month they scrimped and saved to earn enough money to pay the rent for the land. In a fit of drunken despair he had lost the ranch and land to his neighbour in a poker game.

  Kayleigh tried to persuade her uncle to give up the land and leave, but he would not have it. His dead wife had loved this land and was buried here, he would never leave her. So each month they were left working their fingers to the bones to make ends meet.

  She dropped the brush to the floor. Bending down to pick it up she started as she heard a loud whistle behind her. She spun round to find her neighbour and landlord Don Cross observing her.

  She blushed furiously. “What are you doing here? The rent isn’t due for another three days.”

  He leaned against the door jamb nonchalantly, feet and arms crossed. His stetson was pulled low over his face, his crystal blue eyes regarding her hungrily under dark brows. His suit was molded to his body, thickly muscled from years of hard work.

  “I ain’t here for the rent Miss Kayleigh.” He drawled. His piercing eyes took a slow tour of her body, taking in every detail.

  She shivered involuntarily and her nipples hardened. She crossed her arms over her chest.

  “What do you want?” She asked breathily.

  She hadn’t been alone with him since the town’s hoe down four weeks ago. She’d had an argument with the boy she was promised to, Gregory. Don had found her crying. He had cornered her and swept her up into an overwhelming kiss. He had told her she was beautiful and how he dreamt of her.

  She had run away, terrified of the feelings he had awakened in her. She had never felt sexual desire before and the hunger blossoming within was overpowering.

  Since then she had seen him a few times, he had made excuses to drop by her uncle’s house. He had gazed at her longingly, and his hand had lingered over hers as they shook. The warmth of his touch sent tingles throughout her.

  Now alone with him once again, she didn’t trust her mind or her heart.

  “I came for you Miss Kayleigh.”

  His words were possessive, and said with such force she felt a frisson of fear at the powerful man stood before her.

  “I want you Miss Kayleigh, I want you to be mine. Come live with me and I’ll give your uncle his lease back.”

  “What are you talking about?” She asked hesitantly before flashing to outrage. “Are you trying to buy me with my uncle’s land?”

  Don took a step into the stable, her chest heaved expectantly. “I’ve been waitin’ for you to come of age for six years now, I won’t wait another minute. I must have you.”

  He rushed forward and took her in his arms, he crushed her curvy body to his.

  “I can’t I’m promised to another.” She whimpered, ignoring her betraying body that heated up at his nearness.

  Don laughed nastily. “That foolish boy won’t be botherin’ us again. I gave him some money and a train ticket to New York and he couldn’t get outta here fast enough. Little darlin’, he didn’t even think twice about you.”

  Kayleigh gasped in shock, but quickly fury stole over her. “You paid him to leave me alone? You are trying to buy me! I am not one of your cheap hussies Mr Cross.” She wriggled in his grasp to no avail as he roughly pulled her against him.

  His lips curled. “You’re jealous of the other women you’ve seen me with.” He said smugly.

  Her cheeks reddened. “No... no...” She stammered.

  He traced her cheek with a calloused thumb, the roughness against her smooth skin gave her goosebumps. “You don’t have to be jealous, I only want you. I’ve only ever wanted you.”

  He pushed his lips to hers in a devouring kiss, eagerly he invaded her mouth and she surrendered to the exquisite feelings he gave her.

  He pulled away, a look of self-satisfaction on his rugged face. She looked at him, still drunk from his all encompassing kiss.

  “All you have to do is say the word, and your uncle can have the lease back and I can kiss you like that every day of your life.”

  “This is all so sudden...” She whispered, curling her fingers into his shirt.

  He pushed her backwards until she hit the wall, without ceremony he pulled her body up his until their groins were pressed together. She wrapped her arms and legs round him, fearful he my drop her.

  “There is nothin’ sudden about this, I’ve been dyin’ to do this for so many years. I can’t contain myself anymore. Say you’re mine!” He demanded hoarsely.

  She bit her lip, her mind desperately tried to hold out, but her body was already lost in a sea of pleasure. “I’m yours!” She cried.

  He smiled lustfully before kissing her passionately. Slowly he dragged her down to the ground, arranging her on the soft hay. He kneeled between her legs and hastily fumbled with his trousers. She looked at him curiously and was amazed when she saw his enormous manhood spring free. She knew what it was, but had never seen one before. She was astonished at the size, and marvelled at how it would fit inside her.

  He watched her through hooded eyes, pleased at her reaction. Smoothly he pushed her dress up her legs so it bunched at her waist. He tore away her underwear and was rewarded with the beautiful sight of her mound, it was dusted by a few golden curls and he could already see her juices glistening. She was already wet for him.

  Carefully he climbed over her. He was delighted when she keenly folded her arms and legs round him, clutching him to her. Jolts of pleasure swept through her as he pushed his throbbing member to her entrance, she felt a delicious burn at his touch.

  “I love you Miss Kayleigh.” He breathed into her hair.

  “I... I... oh lord I love you too Don!”

  She screamed in ecstasy as he pushed inside her and she felt herself explode.

  “Oh Don!”


  Kayleigh snapped her eyes open as her body shuddered in orgasm. She panted heavily as the aftershocks raced through her soft body. She was lying in bed shaking from head to toe having come whilst dreaming of Don. She was clasping her romance novel to her chest.

  That was the most intense orgasm she’d ever had! Uh oh, Greg! She whipped her head round to look at him, holding her breath. He was sleeping peacefully. Thank god! Explaining that was not something she relished.

  She peeled the book away from her and placed it on the bedside table. She’d fell asleep reading it, she’d just got to the scene where the heroine was cornered in the stable by the sexy older Texan... then she fell asleep and her imagination took over, inserting herself and Don in the scene.

  Well that was hardly her fault was it? She was reading a book about a young woman who falls for an older Texan man, of course she was going to picture the only man in town who fit that description. That was normal right? It’s not as though she loved him or anything, she just... she just...

  She sat up shaking her head. She’d done nothing wrong. Dreaming of another man was not illegal. She bet Greg sometimes dreamed of other women too. There was nothing wrong with having a healthy interest in sex. It wasn’t like she was going to march over to Don and beg him to ravish her. How could she? He was miles away.

  That wasn’t the point!

  She groaned rubbing her eyes. She still felt hot and shaky, the best thing for her was a cold shower. A quick shower, then back to bed. And hopefully some dreamless sleep.


  Don snapped his eyes open. Fuck he’d come in his slee
p! He hadn’t done that since he was horny 14 year old and he had been dreamy of his Italian teacher. Damn the woman had been fine, not as fine as Kayleigh but still... Fuck!

  He’d been dreaming of Kayleigh and gotten over excited, hence his unfortunate accident. He couldn’t believe it, he had only ever dreamed of Melinda. And he had stopped dreaming of her five years ago.

  Not to mention how weird the dream had been. Normally sex dreams were just that, all about sex! But in this dream for some reason he was a wealthy cattle rancher, trying to seduce his tenant’s innocent niece, Kayleigh, into marrying him.

  He was surprised at himself. He’d never really had that much of an imagination! The whole scenario was kind of trite, like a cheap romance. Definitely not something he was into.

  Although he wasn’t really that surprised to be dreaming of Kayleigh. He’d been thinking of her every waking, and apparently sleeping, moment since they met. There was something inherent about her that appealed to him. Not to mention his wolf. The beast was more animated than it had been in years. Why wouldn’t it be? Kayleigh was young, gorgeous and charming. What wasn’t there to like?

  If Kayleigh were single he’d consider seducing her, just to work her out of his system. To hell with the age difference, sex was just sex no matter how old you were. But Kayleigh was engaged, so she was off-limits.

  He checked his watch. 2am. He thanked the lord that at least he had his own tent. Coming in his sleep was one thing, having to explain it to Mal or Felicity would have been tortuous.

  Quickly he divested himself of his boxers and shoved them into his backpack. He would shift and go for a run, and then bathe himself in the creek a mile from there. The water would be freezing, but at least that would appease his already growing erection. He had to stop thinking of Kayleigh so badly.

  Quietly he stepped outside the tent and listened to the sounds of his pack mates even breathing, and deafening snores in Mal’s case. Satisfied he stretched and swiftly shifted.

  He sniffed the air for signs of potential predators. All clear. He began trotting away, speeding up to a run.

  Images of Kayleigh swam in his head spurring him on. If he could just run a bit faster maybe he could get away from them. Fat chance! She was in his head and she was there to stay...

  Chapter Four

  2nd December

  Kayleigh yawned widely, letting out a loud moan.

  Terri stared at her before giggling. “Yeesh! For a second there I thought I was going to get sucked into that yawn!”

  The two of them were sat at the circular desk in the library waiting for 1pm so they could go for lunch.

  Kayleigh smiled wryly. “Sorry I haven’t been getting much sleep recently.”

  “Oh?” Terri arched an eyebrow and smirked.

  Kayleigh rolled her eyes exaggeratedly. “Settle down girl! We’re not all sex mad like you.” She was trying to be teasing, covering up her own envy. Greg hadn’t touched her once in the last two weeks, not even for a kiss...

  Terri frowned. “I wouldn’t say I was sex mad, it’s just that since I got pregnant sex seems to always be on my mind.” Terri was just over three months pregnant, and her libido seemed to be rising every day. She had been pretty restless and fidgety since her mate went out of town, thankfully he was due back tomorrow. The sooner he came back the better for everyone.

  Kayleigh snorted indelicately. “No you’re right, thinking about sex all the time is the complete opposite of being sex mad.”

  Terri sighed. “Oh ha ha! So why haven’t you been sleeping? Is everything alright with Greg?”

  Kayleigh pursed her lips. Everything was fine... wasn’t it? Although she had barely seen Greg since the night he proposed. He had been working long hours. He worked as a mechanic at the local garage, one of his colleagues was on his honeymoon and they were pretty busy. By the time he came home, usually after going out for a drink with his friends, she was asleep. Should she be worried by how little time they were spending together?

  Her sleep was currently being invaded by bad dreams. Well not actually bad dreams, they were pretty damn spectacular dreams! When she wasn’t dreaming about her mysterious wolf playfully chasing her through the snow, dreams which she was truly enjoying now, she was fantasising of Don in a number of erotic romance scenarios. She was starting to love the doctor/nurse scenario just as much as the cattle rancher, or the one where he’s a farm hand...

  Inevitably she got so worked up that she orgasmed on the spot or was so turned out that she had to dig out her vibrator. That reminded her she needed more batteries. Lots more batteries...

  The dreams made her feel horribly guilty, so she had tried to stave off going to sleep as much as possible. Her thinking was that if she was exhausted she would fall into a deep sleep and wouldn’t dream at all. So far it had only succeeded in making her tired during the day.

  “Everything’s fine,” she reassured Terri. “I’ve just been having visions during the night... they’re kind of draining.”

  Terri rubbed her arm. “Just let me know if you need any time off, I can always get Mrs Martin to cover for a few shifts.”

  “Ughhh! That woman! She’s a nightmare!”

  Kayleigh took off her glasses and rubbed her eyes, they’d felt too tired for contacts that morning and Kayleigh hadn’t really cared what she looked like that day. It wasn’t like she was trying to dress to impress anyone. After all Don was out of town...

  No, stop that girl! You do not want to impress him! You are engaged to Greg, you love Greg. Kayleigh stamped her foot a little more vehemently than intended. Terri probably thought it was just about Mrs Martin.

  “I know she can be... difficult. But she does work for free, and she does the job.” Terri tried to convince both Kayleigh and herself.

  Kayleigh pouted. “The woman is poison, she doesn’t care who her gossip hurts.”

  “I’ll admit I don’t like the way she treats my Mal.” It was no secret that Mrs Martin hated Mal for destroying her car and a beloved apple tree when he was a kid. “But she’s not outwardly mean... usually. Besides she told me she was thinking of moving to Florida to live with her sister, she may not be with us for much longer.”

  “We can only hope...” Muttered Kayleigh as the woman herself swept into the library.

  Mrs Martin had agreed to cover the library whilst the two of them enjoyed a lunch together. It wasn’t often that they did spend much time together outside of work. Terri’s mate Mal took up just about all of her time.

  Terri greeted Mrs Martin and, after a kick from Terri, Kayleigh murmured a hello. The two women started gathering their purses and coats.

  Mrs Martin gave them an unpleasant smile. “So Terri, is young Mal still out of town?” Terri replied that he was. “Well you’re a braver woman that I would be.”

  Nobody said anything, the two younger women knew better then to react to her bait.

  Unperturbed Mrs Martin continued. “After all, a young boy like him... who knows what he might get up to alone for the week. Boys will be boys...”

  She watched Terri carefully for a reaction, but Terri looked at blankly. “Thank you for filling in for us,” said Terri smoothly, “we’ll be over at the Honeypot Diner, call if you need us.”

  Mrs Martin’s smile twitched. She was onto a loser if she thought she could cause friction in Terri and Mal’s relationship, Mal was absolutely besotted with his mate.

  “Of course dear.” Her eyes suddenly gleamed. “Oh you two will never guess who I saw in town earlier.”

  Nobody tried to guess so she plowed on regardless. “Sharron Ealy... say wasn’t she going steady with Greg before you? Didn’t she run off with Greg’s best friend? I heard he was heartbroken... and then he took up with you straight afterwards...”

  “Well see you later Mrs Martin.” Said Terri loudly, linking her arm in Kayleighs, dragging her away.

  “I thought you said she wasn’t outwardly mean...” Whispered Kayleigh sourly as they rushed out the door.
/>   “I’m sorry.” Terri offered lamely.

  “Don’t be, not your fault the woman’s such a cow!”

  Should she be worried about Sharron though? Yes Sharron had cheated on Greg with a close friend of his for about a month before running off with said friend, but Greg had loved her to bits. If she wanted Greg back he would probably go to her, even though she didn’t deserve him...

  Although based on Kayleigh’s own nocturnal activities she didn’t feel overly judgemental. Kayleigh was fantasising about cheating on Greg too. Maybe she wasn’t good enough for him either...

  They pushed open the door of the Diner. Melanie waved them over.

  When they were settled Melanie leaned forward. “I hope you guys don’t mind I invited Carly to join us.”

  Carly was the Omega of the wolf pack. Physically she was the weakest and smallest member, but she was connected to the pack members emotions and if pushed could manipulate emotions. She was powerful in her own right.

  Both of the other two women said of course not. Melanie smiled. “Thanks guys, she just had a major bust-up with her boyfriend Bryce, she’s feeling a little delicate.”

  Kayleigh looked up from her menu. “God that guy is so obnoxious! I ran into him in the grocery store yesterday and he actually hit on me! He could see I was wearing an engagement ring and he knows I’m living with Greg but he actually tried it on. And do you know what he said? He said, ‘are you tired? Because you’ve been running around in my mind all day!’”

  “Euwww that’s so cheesy!” Cried Melanie.

  “Could have been worse,” chipped in Terri, “when I first move here he asked me ‘did you ever realize screw rhymes with me and you?’ I’m still trying to forget that!”


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