The Witch, the Wolf and the Snowstorm: (Book 6, Grey Wolf Pack Romance Novellas)

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The Witch, the Wolf and the Snowstorm: (Book 6, Grey Wolf Pack Romance Novellas) Page 8

by Price, E A

  “I think the spider’s gone.” He leaned down and breathed in her scent, honeysuckle and desire. His wolf howled in appreciation.

  “Probably on the run for attempted murder.” She purred at him, a coquettish look on her face.

  Oh crap! He should really leave. Now. His legs and his beast didn’t agree with that though...

  Her hands roamed over the hard contours of his chest. God he had muscles upon muscles. “You’re wet and cold.”

  His chest heaved, his breathing became laboured as his arousal mounted. “I’ve been outside...”

  She nodded as her fingers toyed with the buttons on his shirt. “You should take your clothes off, you don’t want to catch a chill.”


  He watched her unmoving. Desire was etched into his face and he moved his hands down her body until they rested at her hips. Smoothly he reached round and cupped her buttocks, kneading them lightly.

  Encouraged she began unbuttoning his shirt. His eyes were flooded with amber as he gazed at her with unabated passion.

  As she came to the last button his lips sought hers and she gasped at the unexpected kiss. He pushed his tongue inside tasting her sweet mouth. She moaned and met him with a fiery kiss of her own, her tongue tangling with his, wanting more.

  Dimly he was aware that maybe he shouldn’t be doing this... but he couldn’t stop himself now. His wolf roared joyfully. Pulling away from her he tore the sodden clothes off his body and angled her back into the bathtub, climbing in after her.

  He pushed her against the cold tiles. She shivered a little but quickly pulled his face to hers for a devastating kiss, heat pouring through her body.

  He ran his hands over her body, massaging her ample breasts before moving back to her buttocks. They honey flowed from her under his manipulations.

  Leaving her ass he snaked a finger through her damp folds swirling it inside her while rubbing his thumb against her clit. She wailed tempestuously into his mouth. Had it really only been a couple of weeks since she last had sex? Her body was feverish with need.

  Releasing her mouth he hesitated to take in her flushed face, bee stung red lips and hungry eyes. He’d never seen a more beautiful sight than the naked woman stood before him, her body begging for him to make love to her.

  “Please... I need you...” Her voice was husky and low. She sucked his bottom lip into her mouth and gently nipped it.

  His beast yowled in agreement. He needed her more badly than he needed air.

  He held her ass with one hand and positioned himself at her entrance with the other. He rubbed himself over her slit for a few moments, covering the head in her juices. She planted butterfly kisses over his chin and down his neck.

  Shuddering he pushed into her slowly, glorying at how tight she was around him. Damn she felt fucking unbelievable!

  “Yessss.” She hissed. All of the dreams, all of the scenarios of being with Don that had played over and over in her head were nothing compared to the incredible feeling of having him inside her.

  As he moved she felt her flesh parting for the enormous intruder, she felt every inch, every vein of his thick member. When he was finally fully seated inside her he stopped and panted as she adjusted to his size.

  She wriggled her hips and dug her fingers into his rock-hard biceps. He groaned and slowly pulled out of her halfway only to slam back into her. She squealed at the unexpected forcefulness and cried out for more.

  He began pounding into her with short hard thrusts. Her charming moans were like music to his ears, goading him on.

  She’d never felt so full, his massive girth was virtually scraping her insides, rubbing against her most sensitive spot. She leaned her head back against the cool tiles, closing her eyes and revelling in the sensations.

  He felt himself becoming harder, readying for release. He lifted her leg up pushing it against the wall. He opened her up further to his exquisite assault, allowing him to plunge into her more deeply.

  She was now chanting his name with every thrust, her voice getting louder and more incoherent the closer she got to release. Feeling her teetering on the edge he leaned down and nipped her neck pushing her over. Her body jerked as a ferocious orgasm ripped through her body, lighting up every nerve ending.

  Her inner muscles clenched him fiercely as her body pulsed around him. He lost control as her body massaged him marvellously. Roughly driving himself inside her he roared her name as he came, exploding within her. He thrust into her, pouring his seed into her body. At last satisfied he had nothing more to give he slowed until he held himself still, his deflating manhood slipping from her body.

  He allowed her leg to slide back down and she steadied herself leaning against him. His beast was rolling around like a puppy wanting its belly scratched.

  She giggled into his shoulder in between pants. “That was incredible...”

  “Yeah.” Full sentences were too hard at that moment. He’d never felt so satiated, she was amazing. The feel of her body against his, the feel of being inside her was indescribable. He’d never felt such pleasurable sensations, not even with Melinda...

  Damn. That thought subdued him and his body went rigid. His wolf huffed at the change in mood, the animal was still riding the waves of satisfaction. But guilt and remorse washed through Don. How could he think that? How could he compare Kayleigh to his true mate? The woman he had sworn to love forever?

  Oblivious to his change in mood Kayleigh nibbled on his collar bone whilst her hand travelled south. Taking hold of his already impressive half-mast she caressed him. She worked his smooth member in her hand elated as he twitched and grew under her ministrations.

  He groaned lustily. In spite of his misgivings Kayleigh skilfully worked him to full hardness again, and his guilty conscience was overridden by a dominant need to be with the woman stood in front of him. His wolf yapped gleefully, eagerly inciting him to take her.

  Don reached over and twisted the shower off. She shrieked as he scooped her up in his arms and flew out of the bedroom. Unceremoniously he dumped her on the bed and she bounced up and down giggling excitedly.

  He watched mesmerised as her breasts jiggled terrifically. No man had enough willpower to walk away from that sight! Swiftly he climbed over her and immediately pushed his arousal inside her. She moaned loudly and folded her arms and legs round him, clutching him to her. Unwilling to let him go.

  They made love twice more, the first time fast and hard and the second slow and languorously. She fell asleep in his arms a contented smile on her face.

  Chapter Ten

  Don watched the rise of fall of Kayleigh’s chest as she slept, half splayed over his body. He looked away in embarrassment. He shouldn’t be staring at her breasts. Although considering what they had already done together maybe it was a little late to be bashful...

  He wanted to regret what they’d done but he couldn’t. It had been amazing. She was amazing. Besides why should he be guilt-ridden? He’d been with numerous women over the years, shifters were red-blooded animals who needed release on a regular basis. When he had a need he found a woman who was looking for a bit of fun and he took care of it, simple as that. No reason why Kayleigh should be any different.

  His wolf growled at that thought, and even he couldn’t think it with much conviction. He knew deep down she was different. That she meant more to him than just some random roll in the hay. He just wasn’t sure why.

  If he didn’t know any better he’d suspect she was his mate. But that couldn’t be right. For one thing she was half his age, surely fate wouldn’t put two people with such vast age difference together. Although, his Beta’s mate Liv was fourteen years younger than him. The age difference between him and Kayleigh wasn’t that much more.

  That was irrelevant anyway as he had already met his mate. Melinda.

  He remembered the first time he met Melinda. They were both 19. He was the third son of the pack’s Alpha. He knew he would never be Alpha, or Beta for that matte
r. Both those roles would go to his elder brothers Evan and Rick respectively, so he made damn sure he was the best hunter and tracker in the pack. Better than both his brothers.

  Don was picking up some groceries in his home town, which was called Charming. A common name in Texas, Don presumed it was because so little of Texas really was charming, in his opinion anyway.

  Melinda was working at the grocery store. The first time they met she had been sullen, all greasy dark hair and snapping her gum at him. He hadn’t been impressed. But then a couple of days later he had an overwhelming urge to see her again. He felt like his body was tearing apart by not being with her. At that moment he needed to see her or he would die.

  He’d raced over to the grocery store, almost knocking over several townspeople. Running into the store he found her waiting for him. She was a vision. Gone was the gum, gone was the greasy hair, she looked stunning. He ran to her and swept her into his arms, and all at once everything felt right with the world... mostly anyway.

  His wolf had taken a little longer than Don did to realise she was his true mate. The wolf hadn’t hated her but he hadn’t been jumping around like a puppy, not like he had when he met Kayleigh. It didn’t mean anything though. Some wolves knew right away who their true mate was like his Beta Alec. But others took a little longer like Mal, and now he and Terri were sickeningly happy together.

  So why didn’t that make him feel any better? Why was it so easy for him to just forget about Melinda? Why did being with Kayleigh feel so right?

  He just hoped Kayleigh didn’t expect too much from him, he couldn’t bear to see her hurt.

  He closed his eyes, concentrating on the vibrations of her heartbeat. Allowing her to steadily lull him to sleep.


  5th December

  Kayleigh woke up early, refreshed and bursting with energy. Spending most of yesterday sleeping had definitely been good for her, not to mention her amorous exploits with Don...

  She also hadn’t dreamed last night. Why would she need to dream about Don when she had the real thing? The dreams felt so hollow in comparison. She still quivered from his touch.

  The cabin had become chilly, the fire Don had built the day before having gone out, completely forgotten after he joined her in the shower. Shivering she groped around until she found her glasses and then threw on the shirt Don had given her the day before and after rooting around in his draws she found a pair of thick woollen socks.

  She pulled the covers round Don and skittered over to the fire. She stacked some of the wood and lit a match. Throwing it onto the fire she muttered the words ‘ignem autem efflorebit’ and flames immediately engulfed the wood, blazing ferociously. God she loved being a witch.

  She rubbed her arms waiting for the cabin to heat up. Looking out the window the snow fall had slowed but was still steady. The view was beautiful really.

  Spying the coffeepot she decided to switch it on. Rooting around his small kitchenette she was pleased to find it well stocked. The freezer in particular had a huge amount of food carefully labelled and ready to defrost. Rummaging around she found some blueberry bagels and took them out to defrost.

  Don was still sleeping soundly. She placed her coffee cup on the bedside table and crawled into bed. She watched him for a few minutes, drinking in his every detail, from his thick dark hair, slightly tinged at the temple with a few strands of grey, down the hard contours of his torso to his imposing manhood.

  He was so perfect. He was a masterpiece, every inch of him was delectable. She trailed her fingers over his chest through the dusting of dark hair.

  She felt a twinge of apprehension. What if last night was a one-off? What if she was just a one night stand to him? It’s not like they really knew each other. She could count the amount of times they had spent time together on one hand.

  It’s not like he had promised her anything. He was being forced into allowing her to stay at his home, he was being nice because he had to be. He had spent last night with her because she nigh on threw herself at him, there was no way he was going to turn her down.

  She was probably just another notch on his belt. It was silly of her to expect him to treat her as anything special. Yet she desperately wished he would.

  She smiled. Being here in his home just felt so damn right. Waking up beside him, lighting the fire, making the coffee, it was so domesticated and felt so easy.

  She remembered how hard it was learning how to live with Greg, everything had been a fight. Who got to use the bathroom first, who made the coffee, how many pairs of shoes she had. He’d hated all her kitschy furniture and had wanted to get rid of it. She’d put her foot down and absolutely refused to part with a single item.

  Every single thing she owned had been hand picked by her and had a story behind it. She loved everything she owned, it was a collection of moments from her life. As far as Greg was concerned it was just kooky crap, he couldn’t fathom how someone could be so attached to cheap furniture. He really didn’t get her, in hindsight it wasn’t really a surprise that things hadn’t worked out.

  She laid her hand over Don’s heart. Maybe Don didn’t want her now but perhaps she could persuade him otherwise. After all they were trapped together for a few more days at least. No escape.

  After enjoying so many wanton dreams she had thought her attraction was just about sex. But now she knew otherwise, it was so much more. If they spent time together perhaps he would come to care for her as she already did for him. She knew in her heart that she wanted to be with him.

  She wondered if the age difference would bother Don. It certainly hadn’t last night! She couldn’t see that it would, but then she’d dated men older than Don, the relationships hadn’t worked out but not because of their ages.

  No, his age didn’t matter to her. She loved him. Whoa holy shit! She loved him?! Where the hell had that come from?

  The acknowledgement of her feelings made her both uneasy and over the moon. It had all happened so quickly, was she really so sure it was love? She never usually fell so quickly or so hard. But then there was something different about Don. Arousal bloomed within her and her heart swelled just thinking of him. Damn she had it bad.

  She wondered how he felt about her. She doubted it was love for him but she had at least a few days completely alone with him. Maybe he would come to love her. If ultimately he didn’t want her at least she will have tried, she’d never forgive herself if she didn’t try. No pain, no gain.

  She sat up in bed and took a few sips of coffee. Don stirred, stretching and flexing his gorgeous muscles. Mmmm, she could get used to that sight.

  Don’s eyes fluttered open to find Kayleigh watching him, smiling. Her cheeks were rosy pink, her dark eyes twinkling and her golden hair was sexily tousled. He certainly didn’t mind waking up to this.

  “Morning.” He muttered.

  “Good morning cowboy!” She said brightly.

  Don folded his arms under his head. “Sleep well?”

  She giggled cutely. “Fantastic. You?”

  “Yeah, real good.” Despite his misgivings he had slept more soundly than he had in years, having her curvy body pressed against him all night had felt great. But he couldn’t get used to it, it was a one time deal. His wolf growled at him.

  “Let me get you a cup of coffee.” She leaned down and planted a quick soft kiss to his mouth before jumping out the bed.

  He tracked her movements as she sauntered over to the kitchen, watching her bare legs and generous hips swinging. Blood rushed to his groin exponentially, he could barely contain himself around her.

  He had to try and focus on something else. Looking round the cabin he was impressed to see she had built a fire. He’d never brought a woman back here, this was his space and he didn’t want it invaded by anyone else. But having Kayleigh there felt so right, she seamlessly fit into his life. Those were dangerous thoughts to have.

  A few minutes later he sat up leaning against the headboard as she passed him a cup and a p
late with a toasted blueberry bagel. “Thanks.”

  She climbed back into bed, they sat next to each other sipping their drinks and eating their breakfast.

  He stole quick glances at her, groaning as she licked jelly off her fingers. He was very aware of the fact that he was naked under the covers, and his erection was growing furiously. He kind of hoped she didn’t notice, although part of him hoped he did. The part of him that desperately wanted a repeat of last night.

  She tried to hide her smirk as she noticed his manhood coming to life. Damn he was big.

  He cleared his throat abruptly. “I should probably go out and check on the rest of the pack.”

  She chewed thoughtfully. “I thought you said we couldn’t get out.”

  He wasn’t trying to keep her there under false pretences if that’s what she was thinking! “You can’t get out, you’d freeze before you got anywhere!” He told her quickly. “In my wolf form I can make it to the next pack house.”

  “Oh.” She pursed her lips. “Do you... do you have to go?” Couldn’t you stay here with me? In bed...

  He wavered. Being in his nice warm cabin, lying next to Kayleigh’s sexy warm body was infinitely preferable to trudging through a snowstorm but... “I need to make sure the rest of the pack’s okay. Some of the older members may need help.”

  She nodded disappointed, she didn’t care about the outside world. She only cared about what was going on in this cabin. Yes okay she was being selfish and she didn’t care!

  “Besides I need to let people know you’re safe, nobody knows you’re here. I’m guessin’ a lot of people are worried about you... your fiancée for one.”

  She snorted. “I doubt that.” She muttered.

  He looked at her uncertainly. Up until a couple of days ago she was intending to marry Greg, was she really so blasé about what happened between the two of them? Did she really not have any niggling feelings for her erstwhile fiancée? The fact that she might bothered him more than he liked to admit.

  His wolf was whining. He wanted nothing more than to stay in the cabin with Kayleigh. But his sense of duty prevailed.


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