Cage of Bones

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Cage of Bones Page 19

by Tania Carver

  And she couldn’t work like this any longer.

  She took out her phone. Hit speed-dial. Waited.

  He picked up.

  ‘Hey,’ she said, ‘where are you?’

  ‘Home,’ he replied.

  ‘What? What are you doing there?’

  ‘I, uh… ’ His voice trailed away.

  ‘You what?’

  ‘I got wet. Needed to change my clothes.’

  She asked the obvious question next.

  ‘Chasing a suspect. Up at the hotel. Well, I thought he was a suspect. But he… yeah… ’

  Marina sighed. ‘Phil. We need to talk.’


  ‘We do.’ She turned away from the rest of the office, cupped her hand over the mouthpiece so no one could overhear. ‘Whatever’s going on, you need to talk to me about it.’

  More silence.

  Her voice dropped further. ‘I thought it was about us. Just about us. But I’ve seen how you are at work. And Phil, it’s not right. You need to talk to me. Whatever’s going on, you need to talk to me.’ Her voice even lower. ‘We’re in this together. Remember?’

  A sigh. She waited.

  ‘Yeah,’ he said, eventually. ‘You’re right, I… ’ Another sigh. ‘I don’t know… I just… don’t know… ’

  ‘Well at least we’re communicating,’ she said.

  She heard him laugh. ‘Yeah.’ Then another sigh. ‘Oh God… ’

  ‘Look. We don’t have to talk about it now. Let’s do it later. OK?’

  ‘Marina, you don’t understand. It’s… I don’t know.’

  ‘OK. We’ll talk it through. Get it sorted.’

  There was another silence on the line.

  ‘Glass was on at me earlier,’ he said.

  ‘Joy,’ she said. ‘What did he want?’

  ‘Well, amongst other things, I’m not smart enough. I need to dress more like a copper.’

  ‘How horrible.’

  ‘That’s what I thought. So I’m having a look through the wardrobe now. Trying to find something… ’ He tailed off again.

  ‘Phil? You there? Phil?’

  ‘Oh yes,’ he said. ‘Oh, that’s just perfect.’

  ‘What is?’

  He gave a little laugh. ‘Glass should be careful what he wishes for. He might just get it. Or my version of it, anyway.’

  Marina smiled. This was more like the old Phil back again.

  ‘Can’t wait to see it.’

  Another silence. Then, at last: ‘I think I’m… ’ his voice shrinking with each word, ‘I’m… cracking up… ’

  Marina felt her heart break. ‘Oh, Phil… ’

  ‘I just… I’m… I’m losing it… ’

  She started to talk again, but he cut her off.

  ‘I’ve got to get ready. Get back to work. I’m going to the hospital to check on the kid. See Anni. Anything to avoid Glass. I’ll… I’ll see you later.’

  And he hung up.

  Marina was left with a dead handset. She slipped it into her pocket, didn’t move. The office was still in full swing, activity all around her, but she couldn’t move. Stood still as a statue.

  Then she snapped herself out of it. No. She had to do something.

  She had to find Don, talk to him. Maybe he could help her, shed some light on what was wrong with Phil.

  She left the incident room.

  Set off down the corridor looking for him.


  Rose Martin had driven up and down the street three times. Not because she was practising any kind of surveillance. Just because she couldn’t find a parking space. And now that she had finally found one – at the opposite end of the street, nearly round the corner, useless if she did want to do surveillance – she was angry.

  Very angry.

  She had done some checking before coming back here. Found out a few things about Faith Luscombe. She had gone into the town centre, to the main CCTV control room. Asked to see footage from two nights previous of New Town. Specifically the corner Faith Luscombe had been working from.

  Nothing. No cameras on that stretch. Probably why Faith had chosen it. From what Donna Warren had told her, Rose had worked out what time Faith had been there, and from her ultimate destination had worked out the route the car would have taken out of town. That kind of requisitioning would take time, she was told. She gave her best smile, flashed a bit of cleavage and said she would be very grateful if it was done as quickly as possible. They would see what they could do.

  Her next stop had been to see Nick Lines at the mortuary. He hadn’t been pleased to see her, although with his bald head and cadaverous appearance, he never looked pleased to see anyone. She asked to look at Faith Luscombe’s body.

  ‘If you’re sure,’ he had said. ‘It’s not pretty.’

  ‘I can take it,’ she had said, not sure if she could.

  He was right. It wasn’t pretty. Rose struggled to keep her eyes on it.

  ‘Is there… anything you’ve picked up about it?’

  ‘We haven’t done a post-mortem, if that’s what you mean,’ he said. ‘It wasn’t requested. Cause of death was being mangled by two cars. No surprises there.’

  ‘So nothing unusual?’ She felt her heart sinking. She had been sure there would be something. Hoped there would be something.

  ‘Just this,’ he said, pointing to the sole of her right foot. ‘This mark. Looks like a brand.’

  ‘A brand? Like a cow?’

  ‘Could be,’ he said. ‘Some of the extreme body modification crowd go in for it too. One step up from the ubiquity of tattoos. And much more painful, of course.’

  ‘Would she have been into that, d’you think?’

  He frowned. ‘Not sure. If it had been on her arm or body, I’d have said yes. Show it off, flaunt it. But on the sole of her foot? I don’t know.’

  ‘Have you seen anything like it before?’

  ‘Never. Not like this, anyway.’

  She thanked him for his time and asked for a photo of the brand. Then went to see Donna Warren once more.

  She turned the ignition off, sat there in silence for a few seconds. Counting her breaths. Slowly in, two, three, four, slowly out, two, three, four. Controlling herself. Like Marina had encouraged her to do. She didn’t want to give the woman credit for anything, but this had helped. Simple really; she should have thought of it herself. Take a few seconds, breathe, calm herself down. Then, if there was still some residual anger hanging round in her system, channel it into whatever she was about to do. Simple.

  Especially when it involved Donna Warren. Channelling rage in her direction would be a pleasure.

  Rose hated being made a fool of. Always had done. Refused to put up with it. All the way through training at Hendon, she had worked hard to make sure she was never the butt of jokes. Never bullied or picked on. She always stood up for herself, always gave as good as she got. Sometimes too much so. When her attitude began to be commented on, to threaten her future plans, she knew she had to rein it in, find new coping mechanisms. And she had done. It was obvious, really. Subsume the rage, channel it. Into career advancement. Into making sure she was better than the rest of her year at everything she did. Into being the youngest DI in the Met. The highest flyer.

  But it hadn’t quite worked out that way.

  And none of it was her fault.

  She checked her wing mirror, looked down the street at Donna’s house. Studied it. Sat like that for several minutes. There was nothing to see. No one came or went; she didn’t see anyone at the windows or the door. Nothing.

  Rose ran a few options through her mind. Quickly rejected all but one.

  She nodded to herself. Got out of the car, locked it, began walking down the street. Hyper-vigilant all the time.

  She needn’t have been. No one watched her, approached her, moved away from her. The only other people she saw were a young couple, both wearing tracksuits but, from the unfit, lumpen shape of their bodies, going nowhere near a gym.
They were coming down the road pushing a buggy with a child inside it, bulging Aldi bags hanging from the handlebars.

  Rose smiled to herself. I might have a few issues, she thought, but at least I’m not as bad as them.

  She approached Donna’s front door. Stood before it. Before she could raise her hand to knock, she felt that old familiar rage bubbling up inside her. Looked at her hand. It was shaking. She put it in her jeans pocket, breathed in slowly once more. Out once more.

  When she was composed, she knocked.

  As soon as her hand was away from the door, her stance changed. She was ready. When the cheap whore arrived, opened the door, Rose would be on her. Inside, door closed behind her, and then her lesson could start. See what happened when you played Rose Martin for an idiot. See how far that attitude got her. She wouldn’t do that again in a hurry. No. She’d be begging and pleading for another chance, screaming how sorry she was. How she’d never do it again. Yeah. Just wait. Just you see.

  Nothing. No answer.

  Sighing in irritation, Rose tried the door again. Waited.


  Another angry sigh. Not in. After all that, not in.

  Rose looked round, hoping to see Donna walking towards her. Didn’t happen. Even the lumpen couple and their child had disappeared. No one about.

  Rose turned back to the door. Smiled.

  She could still give Donna a surprise. In fact, this way, the surprise would be that much bigger. A much better way to show Donna just who was in charge. She would be terrified.

  Giving a last check over her shoulder, making sure there was no one about, no one watching her, Rose turned back to the door. Took out a set of lockpicks in a leather case.

  Got to work on Donna’s front door.

  So happy with herself, she could have whistled.


  Marina found the door to the records room. Turned the handle. Open. She went inside.

  ‘Don? You in here?’

  No reply.

  She looked down the first aisle. It was exactly as she had expected it to be. Long rows of shelving piled with old cardboard boxes. Dark in there, especially for daytime. Bad, infrequent overhead lighting. Several of the tubes were buzzing, flickering. Strobing the room.

  Like in a horror film, she thought.

  Then mentally pinched herself. Don’t be so stupid. This was Southway police station in Colchester. Not The Living Dead at the Manchester Morgue.

  She paused, listening. Called again.

  ‘Don? You there?’

  A noise. Down at the end of one of the aisles. Someone was in there with her.

  ‘Don, it’s Marina. Are you… ’

  A figure detached itself from the shadowed end of the aisle. Moved towards her.

  ‘Don? Is that you?’

  The figure moved into a pool of flickering light.

  Marina let loose a breath she didn’t realise she had been holding. ‘It is you. I thought for a minute it was… ’ She stopped, sentence unfinished. ‘What have you got there, Don? What are you doing?’

  Don was frantically stuffing something inside his jacket. From the look on his face, it appeared that he wasn’t pleased to be caught doing it.

  ‘Marina… ’ The flickering overhead light picked out his eyes, lit by a strange cast. Not a pleasant one.

  Marina was beginning to get scared. This wasn’t the kindly old grandfather who looked after her daughter. This was… someone she had never seen before.

  ‘Don, what are you… ’

  Papers successfully hidden inside his jacket, he advanced towards her.


  Donna turned the car off Barrack Street into her own road. Slowly eased it along, looking for a parking space. One foot hovering over the accelerator, ready to drive off, speed away at the first sign of trouble.

  Ben sat next to her, silent but full of unanswered questions. He had started asking them as soon as she had stopped crying and let him go, standing outside the car earlier that day. She hadn’t had the strength to argue, shout or contradict him. She had even tried to answer him, although what she could tell him was limited. But something the boy had said had made her think. At first she had dismissed it, but once she had stopped and thought, she realised that what he had said might be important.

  ‘Have you got her storybook?’

  ‘No,’ Donna had said straight away, not knowing what he was talking about. ‘No storybooks.’

  ‘Mum always had her storybook.’ Ben had sat down on the ground on his own. Kicking at the hard-packed dirt of the forest floor with the heel of his shoe, working up a cloud of dust and grit. ‘She wrote in it all the time. Said it was her life story. Said it was important to someone.’

  ‘Yeah, well we don’t have it, so it can’t be.’

  More kicking, more dust. ‘Said it was important, though. Said someone would want to read it one day and pay her for it.’

  ‘Yeah.’ Donna had lit up a fag, ignoring the boy. Just about everyone she knew thought their life story was fascinating. Thought it was so unique someone would pay a lot of money for it. Well Donna had read misery memoirs. Knew there was nothing unique about them. W. H. Smith had a whole section of them. Tragic Lives. Why the hell would anyone want to read about someone else’s tragic life? Losers.

  But no wonder Faith wanted to write about hers. There must be a lot of money in that kind of shit.

  ‘That’s where she went, isn’t it?’ Ben had stopped kicking the dirt. He looked up at Donna. ‘When she went out. She was going to sell her storybook.’

  Donna had been about to answer the boy, give him some dismissive reply, not even diverting breath from her fag. But she stopped. Thought about what he had said.

  ‘She told you that? She was going to sell her storybook?’

  Ben nodded, head down, fascinated once again by the dust.

  Donna didn’t move. Stared straight ahead. Thinking. About what the boy had said. About what it meant. About all the vague stories Faith had told her in their time together: her childhood, her escape, her life with Ben. All the drunken stoned hints she’d dropped about her plan, how she was going to get revenge and make money in the process. About how she would sober up and pretend she had never said anything.

  But just because she hadn’t said anything didn’t mean she hadn’t been doing anything…

  Donna dropped the fag at her feet, ground it out.

  ‘Tell me about this book, Ben. Tell me all about it… ’

  And he had. As much as he had known.

  And that was why they had come back to the house.

  A few days ago, Donna would have said the book didn’t exist. Or if it did, it was just some fairy story Faith had made up. But after the things she had been through, the fear she had encountered, the loss… she was willing to believe anything now.

  She found a space down from her house, pulled in. Checked the street. Both directions. Nothing that looked suspicious. Nothing that screamed law. She had seen enough stakeouts – been caught in enough – to know what to look for. And she prided herself on her street sense. She knew just which punter to go with, which one to drop if she got a bad vibe about him, thought he would hurt her and not pay. And she was always right. Always.

  But she saw nothing on the street. Nothing – and no one – that got her senses tingling.

  She switched the engine off, turned to Ben. ‘Right then, kid. Where did your mum keep this book, d’you know?’

  He shook his head. Then thought a little. Eyes screwed up tight, trying to work it out. Bless him, thought Donna. The kid really wanted to help.

  ‘My room,’ he said at last. ‘Or yours. And Mum’s.’

  ‘Right.’ Another look up and down the street. ‘You stay here, then. Keep your head down, don’t talk to anyone. Don’t let anyone know you’re here, OK? Just be as quiet as you can.’

  ‘But I want to come with you.’

  ‘I know you do, kid. But it’s better if you stay here.’

Might them men be waitin’ in the house?’ Fear in his voice.

  Christ, she thought, I hope not. ‘No,’ she said, hopefully sounding more confident than she felt. ‘I’ll not be long. Soon as I get the book, I’ll be straight back out.’

  ‘’Cos I’m strong,’ Ben said. ‘If they attack you, I’ll defend you. I will.’

  Donna looked at the boy. Saw fear on his features. Bravery, too. He had lost his mother. And he didn’t want to lose her too. Emotions swirled round inside Donna. Loss. Responsibility. Protection. She had never felt like this before. All the things she had tried to avoid, to keep herself immune from. Here, now, all together. She was all over the place.

  She opened her jacket. The kitchen knife glinted. ‘Still got this. Don’t worry. You just keep your head down. Won’t be long.’

  She thought about kissing him, decided against it. She wasn’t ready for that yet. Even though her heart was saying she was.

  Donna crossed the street, found the front-door key and, with another quick look round, was in the house, door closed behind her. She stood with her back to it, listened. Nothing. Only the sound of the street outside, her own heavy breathing.

  She scoped the living room. Exactly as she had left it. Or it seemed to be. She looked for little things, ornaments, magazines, things only she would know the correct positioning of, indicators of whether someone had been there, moving things and trying not to let it show. She could find nothing out of the ordinary. She went upstairs.

  Towards their bedroom.

  Her bedroom. She had to get used to saying it.

  She stopped, looked round. Something felt wrong. She didn’t know what, but it wasn’t right. Fingering the knife in her pocket, she entered the room.

  Crossed to the chest of drawers, opened the top one. The underwear drawer she shared with Faith.

  Had shared with Faith.

  The things in it were always neatly rolled. Now, they were all over the place.

  She checked the top of the chest of drawers. Saw fingerprints in the dust. Clean smudges, small but unmistakable, telling her that someone had been there. She opened the second drawer. Same as the first. everything thrown around.


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