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The Dragons of Sara Sara

Page 26

by Robert Chalmers

  The two girls were too late. Together the animals sprang at Antonin and were within a hand span of closing their massive jaws on him when they disappeared with a roar and a blinding flash of blue light. The golden band around Antonin’s head glittered and twinkled as though a thousand gems moved just below its surface. The very air about him crackled and sparked. Antonin was left staggering about, his head in his hands and his ears ringing. He didn’t know how he had done it, but the destruction of the two beasts had come about at his call, and none too soon. At the last moment he had roared out the word ‘Sha’ in a voice that would have shook mountains. With this word the golden band had flashed out utter destruction on the attacking beasts. Nothing but strange dark motes were left drifting in the air and the unmistakable smell of burnt hair and flesh. There was a faint whiff of sulphur as well. The other three animals lay on the ground, and the girls retrieved their arrows, as well as those of Antonin.

  Catharina came across to Antonin. Her chest still heaving with the exertion of the battle.

  “A close call my Lord,” she said, watching Antonin. “I heard you cry out a strange word?” The question in her voice told Antonin she wanted an answer.

  “Catharina, I do not know what it was I said. Only that it worked,” he rubbed his temples. “And it gave me a headache.” He added.

  “Nareena,” he asked. “What do your tales tell you of these beasts?”

  “I recall only that they mention the Lord of Darkness had his own hunting pack. Beasts that were nearly impossible to stop, and that once set on a prey would ignore all else in their path.” Nareena was cleaning her spear on the fur of one of the fallen animals.

  “These would make fine trophies for the lodge,” she said. “But see, they already rot.” She pointed to the bodies. Even as they watched the corpses were disintegrating.

  “Either the Dark One knows where I am,” said Antonin. ‘Or he simply loosed his hounds in response to my earlier use of his name.”

  “Let us all hope that it was only that one use of his name.” Said Elsa, dusting herself off with a great show for Antonin's sake. “I don’t like being run down and ignored by animals I am trying to kill. I was just beginning to enjoy myself.” Nareena laughed. The girls were now automatically using finger talk as they spoke, so that all could be a part of the conversation.

  It seemed that the Dark One had heard Antonin’s careless use of his name and had simply let loose his hounds when he could not yet be free himself.

  The golden circlet held many mysteries it seemed and Antonin would have to learn them as he went.

  Nareena had spoken of a ‘keeper’ in a Blue Tower. Perhaps this person could help. Perhaps not. In any event they should continue on to reach Nareena’s village. Whether it was a village or a town or a city was yet to be seen. Antonin could use some hot food and a mug of ale, and he supposed the others were no less enthusiastic about the idea.

  Nareena simply gathered up her gear, having already redressed herself in her furs and started down the slope. The others quickly followed. Once again Antonin walking between the two Mare Altan. They had trotted into place, ignoring his looks. Nareena was well out in front. A steady few hours walk brought them to the crest of a low rise, and there before them were the winking lights of Nareena’s village. It looked more like a small city to Antonin. Not quite as large as the one they had left Mei’An and the others in, but a fair size. It was not yet quite dark. It seemed that the twilight in this land lasted many hours.

  “What is the name of this city Nareena?” Asked Catharina.

  “Su Nan.” Nareena replied. “A village only, really, but it is my home.”

  Elsa tried the words. They felt strange in her mouth. This was a strange and unfamiliar language indeed.

  The city, or village as Nareena called it, was laid out in a huge square. The streets could be seen to criss-cross it at right angles. The whole place was a series of neat squares, enclosed by a huge wall. The wall appeared to be very thick, and so high that it towered over the tallest building within its walls. The sides were straight and unbroken by window or door. The top was constructed as battlements, and guards could be seen pacing their duty out along its length, coming and going from turrets on each corner of the wall. From the guard houses long flights of stairs could be made out leading down into the city. In the wall facing them stood huge iron bound wooden doors. The timbers looked like single tree trunks shaped to fit together, and sheeted with worked copper that gleamed gold and green in the weak light. The fortifications were impressive. Nothing would easily breech that wall and gain entry to the city.

  Already Nareena was leading the way down to the level of the valley floor. It was not long before it became apparent that they had been spotted. There was activity on the top of the wall, and there was a gathering of people in the entrance now that the huge doors stood open. It looked like an armed escort was being sent out to meet them. Strangers were few in these regions and anyone coming from the direction of the frozen wastes would be met with suspicion. The squad of spearmen trotted along the dusty road toward them. Some twenty men in leather armour, helmets with half face visors, long spears and swords by their sides formed a close order rank and stepped in time. It told Antonin and the others that these were not villagers dressed for the occasion, but proper soldiers, and well trained ones at that.

  Nareena stopped in the roadway, and held her spear above her head. Catharina and Elsa moved in closer to Antonin. They did not stand relaxed and waiting as Nareena did, but stood tense and ready to defend Antonin, the Dragon Lord, if needs be.

  The squad kept coming without pause, and formed two lines one either side of the road. The dust rose from their feet as they halted. Antonin, Catharina Elsa and Nareena stood between the two lines of men. The squad leader barked an order and the soldiers turn to face inward. Their spears were still raised at their sides noted Antonin. Catharina and Elsa looked along the lines slowly. They reminded Antonin of cats. All they needed were twitching tails. At that thought he chuckled, drawing a startled look from Catharina. Her arched eyebrow the only indication that she was trying to sense the source of Antonin’s mirth. Here he was surrounded by twenty armed men, and he was thinking of Catharina’s ... tail. He shook his head and looked along the lines toward the leader. Catharina said something to Elsa and she gave a throaty chuckle. Neither relaxed a muscle though. The men on either side stood motionless. Their faces unreadable behind the iron grill work of their helmets.

  The squad leader approached Nareena, still standing with her spear above her head. Antonin understood his command to her to ground her spear. She did so immediately. She was used to obeying these people without question. Her stance must have been a recognised form in her society. Antonin could not hear the conversation between the two now, as they both kept their voices very low. The squad leader seemed capable of soft spoken words when needs be. After a moment he removed his helmet and his continuing quick looks in Antonin’s direction told Antonin that he was the subject. The squad leader took Nareena by the arm, not ungently, and walked along to face Antonin. He ignored Catharina and Elsa as though they weren’t even there. The only thing that stopped the girls reacting was the fact that he had removed his helmet.

  He stood within inches of Antonin, and was almost of an equal height. Solidly built, he was every inch a soldier. His head was shaved except for above his ears and plaited into a long tail that hung down his back. The man didn’t say a word, simply looked Antonin up and down slowly with the assurance of someone who well knew his place in the order of things, and well knew his own power.

  Finally he said. “You are the Dragon Lord reborn?”

  The men nearby in the ranks started and looked directly at Antonin. A barked order snapped them back to a rigid stance. Antonin weighed his options. This man was no fool, and from the look of him would have little tolerance of fools. From the set of his face and his eyes, the man was hard, but not harsh. He did not have the look of cruelty about him. Anton
in decided that simple answers would serve him best.

  “I am.” This was not a time for hesitation and denial of the obvious.

  The guardsman didn’t even blink. He let go of Nareena’s arm and then stepped back a pace. Catharina and Elsa tensed, hands flexing on short spears.

  “You will tell your guardians to relax. We will escort you to within the city. There are those who will talk with you.” It was a statement, not a question. Although Antonin was sure Catharina and Elsa, and himself for that matter could put up a good fight, he was also sure that they would all die in the attempt.

  “Catharina and Elsa,” he said. “Let us see the sights of this new city. Perhaps there is a comfortable inn where we can rest, and take account of events. Nareena, will you accompany us?”

  Nareena looked at the squad leader, then back at Antonin. She was looking decidedly nervous.

  “What is the problem Nareena?” Antonin asked casually. He was not about to let Nareena be dragged off by anyone. If he had to fight he would.

  “The girl goes with us. She has questions to answer.” The squad leader said.

  Antonin looked squarely at the man.

  “Nareena.” He pointed casually to her. “She comes with the Dragon Lord. She comes with me.” The other man frowned but said nothing. He looked at the two girls, then back at Antonin. Saying nothing, he stood to the head of the column of men and barked a series of orders. The column turned in the direction of the city and began a fast march, forcing the pace. Antonin was in no mood to pushed about, so he slowed to a casual stroll, the girls following suit, even Nareena who was now by his side. Antonin did not like the idea of appearing at the city gates under escort, whatever the local regulations. The entire squad was forced to slow to their pace, or they would leave them far behind. Finally, in exasperation the leader came back to them. He removed his helmet again and scratched his head. He was clearly unsure of himself now. If this truly was the Dragon Lord returned, he for one did not want to be on the wrong side of him. If it wasn’t, then it would do no harm to treat the party as outland guests. The girl Nareena could be spoken to later. He intended no harm to her, but the law was the law. There was no sign of her companion, and that needed explaining.

  “Would you care to accompany me at the head of the column?” He asked Antonin. “Your own companions as well of course.”

  Antonin nodded. “I would be honoured to share your company.” He replied. He and the girls walked to the head of the column, which closed up behind them into two well ordered rows. Together they covered the remaining distance to the gates at a brisk pace. It would not do to have the squad of soldiers seen loitering along the road, and Antonin and the others understood this. It was now quite dark, the last smudge of light disappearing from the far horizon. The darkened crags of the mountains loomed briefly in the distance.

  Antonin was starving. His stomach rumbled loudly. The squad man bid them wait. He dismissed the guard and rejoined Antonin and the girls.

  “Come, if you wish I will show you to a fine inn in the village.” Said the man.

  “How are you called?” He asked looking at Antonin.

  “I am named Antonin, of the village of Xu Gui, on the Star Field Plain, in the country of Da Altai.” Antonin paused. Catharina looked at him steadily. Antonin was speaking the language of the guard, but she knew the names. Nareena was still translating with finger talk. Antonin shrugged.

  “I am also the Lord of the Dragon Armies, King of the Malachites, and ... Lord of the Chamber.” He could not resist adding the last title. Catharina and Elsa both relaxed. Nareena smiled. For a moment Catharina had feared that Antonin might again start denying his duties. The golden circlet was hidden under his long hair and the furs still wrapped about him. It had not yet been seen. The squad leader seemed satisfied.

  “I am called Tong Hui, of this village. I am a squad commander,” he paused, then added. “You may refer to me as Tong Hui.”

  “And you may call me Antonin. My companions and guards,” he gestured to Catharina first. “Are called Catharina, and Elsa.” Tong Hui nodded to all. Antonin pointed to Nareena. “This is Nareena, of your city. I have the gift of her companions clothes. He died in the frozen wastes. I do not know how he died, for it was there that I found him. You can see why I need Nareena with me.” Antonin waggled his fingers. Tong Hui smiled. It was the first indication that the man was relaxing.

  “Yet you speak our language clearly?” Tong Hui said, the question in his voice.

  Antonin raised his hands to his head to pull back the fur hood and his hair. “I believe it is a power given to me by this...” Antonin slid back the hood and the glittering gold circle came into view. Tong Hui’s eyes nearly popped out of his head. He could read the inscription clearly in the torch light, but even before that the sight of the band was enough. Story and legend passed down over thousands of years had told of a dark skinned stranger coming out of the frozen wastes, wearing just such a crown. The crown of the Dragon Lord. The prophecy of the last battle. Tong Hui was at a loss. They were still on the street. There were people about, and already attention was being drawn to them, and to Antonin in particular. With a startled look at Antonin and the crown, people were hurrying off, all business forgotten. The news would be all over the village in a very short time.

  “Quickly, er, er, My Lord.” Tong Hui said, uncertainty in his voice. Even if this wasn’t the Dragon Lord, he was certainly some sort of lord. He possessed more gold in that crown than Tong Hui had ever seen in his life. He also had two warriors with him who were obviously sworn guards and protectors. Tong Hui knew warriors when he saw them. Antonin may well fool some into thinking he was a farmer, but he carried that sword far to confidently. Tong Hui was almost hopping from foot to foot in agitation.

  “My Lord, follow me to the inn that I spoke of. I think it would be a good idea to be off the streets. The village elders will want to speak with you. I have no doubt they already have news of your arrival. The inn is just around the corner. The Dog and Girl it is called. They were already walking in the direction indicated.

  Antonin stopped in his tracks. “The Dog and Girl?” He said, “The Dog and Girl?” He looked at the others.”How is this possible? That is the name of the inn in my home village.”

  “I know not my Lord, but it is the oldest inn in the country. This is the oldest village, even though you refer to it as a city. Our true cities are many times larger than this place.” Tong Hua hurried the small party down alley ways and side lanes. Twisting and turning so many times that Antonin lost all sense of direction in the blackness of the night. There was no doubt that anyone seeking for them would be hard pressed to find them in the maze of streets and alley ways. What little light there was came from lantern lit windows, and the pale light of a half moon high in the sky.

  Antonin turned a sharp right corner, the low awning of a stone building throwing deep shadows into the lane way.

  Unseen far above them, a dark shape flittered past the distant moon. An otherworldly cry drifted down in the night, almost unheard. Only the lone guards on the quiet ramparts heard it faintly. They shivered and drew their cloaks around themselves. More than one felt that this was a strange night, but none could put a name to the reason.

  Antonin stepped into the shadow, hand on sword. Already Tong Hua could be seen further along the narrow lane. Something felt wrong, and the hair on Antonin’s neck prickled. Catharina yelled, almost in unison with Elsa, and together their spears flashed over Antonin’s shoulder at the same instant he was drawing his sword. The scream that rent the night almost froze the blood in his veins. The entire city seemed to pause, as though holding its breath as the scream died away.

  A huge beast lurched forward out of the deep darkness by the wall. It stood taller than Antonin, and was covered in thick black fur. Enormous paws with long razor sharp claws at the end of its huge forelegs reached out to crush Antonin. The thing normally travelled on all fours it was obvious, but was raised on its hind
legs in attack. A huge head on a thick neck seemed to be half mouth as it roared again in rage and pain. It’s steps faltered. There was a spear embedded in its throat, and another deep in its chest. It still came on though. Antonin backed away from those huge claws. The animal was mortally wounded, but still tried to attack.

  Antonin waited, and as the beast made an attempt to claw the spear out of its body, he lunged forward, his sword piercing the beasts heart. It collapsed like a punctured water bag, death rattling in its throat.

  The whole event had taken only minutes, yet there was a hue and cry in the city already. The beasts cry had been heard throughout the city. People poured into the lane way from every door and gateway, burning torches held aloft.

  They suddenly stopped in their tracks though when they saw Antonin and his companions, and the fallen animal. The guards man was obviously with these strange people. Tong Hui looked at the animal, and at Antonin. “That bear was set upon you only Lord Dragon, else it would never have let me pass. We must get to the inn, only in the next street now. The guards must clear this thing away to the compound.”

  Tong Hui drew a short silver whistle from a pocket in his vest and gave a series of blasts on it. Some coded signal Antonin thought, for within minutes the timed tramp of boots at double march could be heard approaching. The crowd fell back, pressed against the walls in the narrow lane way. The squad all carried torches, and some had coiled ropes. Quickly the bear, as Tong Hui had called it, was bound and with the aid of onlookers pressed into service was being dragged off. The crowd remaining behind pressed in closer, although not too close. The two girls had those wicked looking spears held ready for stabbing thrusts, and looked ready to use them. Even Nareena had a white knuckle grip on her long reed thin spear. Antonin wiped his sword on some fallen straw in the street and with the rustle of steel on leather sheathed his sword. At the last second before the sword ran home he stopped. He normally didn’t have to watch what he did, but a quick glance at the sword had him unsheathing it in an instant. On the flat of the blade, right up by the hilt flowed the outline of a dragon. It seemed to be etched in a blue flame. Not part of the sword, yet also deeply embedded in the very metal itself. It could be clearly seen by all though, glowing in the darkness of the night. The golden crown reflected the starlight setting it glittering on his brow. A quiet fell over the crowd in that confined alleyway. There could be no doubt now, not even in Antonin’s mind. He raised the sword aloft, the tip pointing straight up. The dragon seemed to be alive in the steel, the blue lines shimmering and flowing. Fine streams of particles flowed from the sword tip into the night sky, bringing a soft sigh from the crowd. Antonin looked to the sky, his head thrown back he roared “The Dragon is returned Ba’al, the battle comes.”


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