Burning Desire

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Burning Desire Page 8

by Donna Grant

  She nodded expectantly when he looked at her. “I want to fully be a part of this family. I’m proving myself, Father. Please tell me everything.”

  His lips pursed as he considered her words. Seconds stretched into minutes as he remained quiet, their stroll circling back to the house. The closer the house came, the more anxious Shara was to learn all the Dark were planning. For herself, of course.

  “I thought you said I was proving myself? I made one mistake, and I served out my punishment. I’m bringing a Dragon King to you.”

  “You did serve out your punishment with dignity. However, I’ve told you all there is for now.”

  Shara gave her cheek to her father to kiss as they reached the doors to his office. “Thank you for your approval, Father.”

  His red eyes went hard as he stared. “Now that you have it, if you botch anything up, Shara, only your death will make up for it.”

  “I won’t disappoint you.”

  With a nod, he released her arm and walked back into his office. Shara turned to look at the sea once more. It stretched endlessly before her, and yet, Scotland wasn’t that far away.

  Why was she even thinking of Scotland? Just because she had felt good in Kiril’s arms? He was a Dragon King, enemy to the Dark. Her family was all she had, and she had to remember that. At the end of the day, if Kiril had to choose, he wouldn’t choose her. It was a dose of reality that she needed. She would do as her family asked.

  But she also knew her brother was a first-class arse. He hated her, had always hated her. No matter what he said, he would do his utmost to ensure that she failed somehow while still managing to capture Kiril.

  That meant she had to think for herself. Farrell would likely strike before she could ever have her father’s ear, which meant she needed someone with more power than her family.

  She briefly thought about Taraeth, but quickly dismissed the idea. As ruler of their people, there were countless females looking for his favor. No, she would need something more immediate, someone who would notice her sooner.

  Her mind immediately snagged on a candidate who had power that even her father feared—Balladyn.

  It was a huge chance she was taking, and he might not even notice her. Yet she wouldn’t know unless she tried. First, she would need a look at him and his infamous fortress.

  A part of her thought about asking for Kiril’s help, but she knew there was nothing he could do for her. If she was to come out of this at all, she had to have the help of a Dark Fae.

  Shara turned on her heel and walked around to the back of the house where a lone Fae doorway was located. It was kept separate because it would bring her right inside Balladyn’s compound. She hesitated for just a moment before she stepped through.

  Gone was the brightness of the sun. There was nothing but darkness and shadows and gloom. A Dark Fae’s perfect world. She ignored the looks of the Dark soldiers guarding the doorway. They knew exactly what family that doorway led to on Earth, and because of that, they didn’t stop her.

  She kept her shoulders back and her head high even though she didn’t have a clue where she was inside the fortress. It was time she learned what was going on. Being kept locked away for centuries made her ill-prepared, and that was the worst thing for a Fae in her position.

  Her wandering through the hallways brought her to the great hall, reminiscent of the castles dotting Ireland, which was crowded with Dark Fae. Tall, slender cages hung from hooks on the walls or dangled on chains from the ceiling. Inside the cages were humans—males and females.

  They were naked, waiting for a Dark to take notice of them. The males were in a constant state of arousal as they desperately tried to reach out to any female Dark to take pity on them and have sex.

  Many of the human females stared blankly around them, a sign that a Dark had already begun to suck out their souls. They weren’t the worst. The worst was seeing the human females sitting huddled in the cages crying as they begged for someone to help them. Those were the females that every male was focused on, because they hadn’t yet been touched by a Dark.

  In the middle of the hall stood a Dark she didn’t recognize. His black-and-silver hair was trimmed short as he shouted to the occupants. And then the bidding for the newly kidnapped human females began.

  That could be her up there except for the fact that she was born a Fae. The Dark weren’t particular about the humans they snatched. Pretty, ugly, fat, skinny, old, young. It didn’t matter. Because a Dark male would kill just for the taste of a human soul.

  Shara shifted her gaze to the grouping of Dark females as they looked at their choices of caged males. The Dark females rarely took the souls of the humans as the Dark males did. A Dark female had more … refinement in how it was done.

  They were slow in their taking of the soul, just sipping at it. It helped the human males last much longer than the females.

  “Find something to your liking?”

  She turned to see a handsome male with black-and-silver hair that hung down to his waist. This wasn’t a Dark warrior. This was a Dark used to power, money, and influence. A Dark who let others steal what he wanted.

  He smiled and bowed his head. “I’m X.”

  “X?” she asked. “An odd name.”

  “It’s a nickname. Put an X on it, and I find a way to get it for you. I wondered when you might find your way into Balladyn’s fortress, Shara Blackwood. I had been hoping.”

  “I’ve been … away.”

  “So your family has said. I’m glad you’re back.”

  Shara drew in a deep breath and returned his smile, making it as seductive and inviting as she knew how. “So much has changed while I’ve been gone. I’ve heard whispers of Balladyn. Is his legend as great as they say?”

  “Greater,” X said and held out his arm for her.

  Shara eagerly took it. “Tell me everything.”


  Kiril knew if he remained in Cork he wouldn’t be able to remain away from Shara, and he needed to have a clear head if he was going to keep out of any kind of trap. He dressed and left the estate in short order. Kiril didn’t have a destination in mind at first until he spotted a sign mentioning the Jameson whisky distillery. Kiril turned down the road and drove toward the distillery.

  Dreagan whisky was the most sought-after Scotch in the world, but he wanted it to be the number one whisky—Irish, Scots, or American. It was Dreagan that began making whisky well before any human ever thought to. Because the Dragon Kings didn’t like to leave Dreagan, and because their methods for whisky were proven, they hadn’t taken any other company seriously.

  Yet Kiril needed his mind occupied with something other than midnight hair and red eyes. If he had to visit every distillery in Ireland, he would. It was imperative that he get a handle on himself.

  Kiril drove down the winding roads with the top down. His mind drifted to Shara as he wondered what she was doing.

  And wished like hell that he could trust her.

  He pulled into the Jameson distillery and parked. The sheer size of the distillery was impressive. The tour didn’t take as long as he’d hoped, and the fact that he couldn’t focus on what was being said didn’t help. Even when it came to tasting the whisky, he couldn’t remember it since his mind was so ensconced with Shara.

  After three more distillery tours, Kiril gave up and just drove. Hours passed as he meandered around Ireland, never venturing too far from Cork—and Shara.

  Kiril eventually pulled over and chuckled as he found himself at a tourist spot. He shook his head as he took in the view of the beautiful cliffs. They weren’t of Scotland, but they were majestic just the same. Across the wide expanse of dark blue waters of the Celtic Sea was Wales. It wasn’t near enough to being Scotland to calm his restless heart however.

  “It’s pretty enough, I suppose, but it isna Scotland.”

  Kiril briefly closed his eyes as the voice registered as belonging to Phelan. Kiril turned his head to look at the Warrio
r. “What are you doing here?”

  “No hello or anything?” Phelan asked with feigned hurt. “I should’ve expected that from a Dragon King.”

  “Phelan,” Kiril said in a low voice, his anger rising by the second.

  Phelan signed dramatically. “Tristan called, but never said why. A day later so did Con, giving me the same response. It was Rhys arriving at my home that got me worried.”

  “What did Rhys tell you?” He prayed it was nothing about Shara, though if anyone could understand it was Phelan. He had taken a drough, or evil Druid, as his mate.

  Aisley had saved her own soul from Satan and reverted back to being a mie, a pure Druid, but before that happened Phelan caught all kinds of hell from his fellow Warriors and their Druid wives.

  Phelan crossed his arms over his chest and faced him. “It wasna so much what Rhys said as what he didna.”

  “So you came because you think I’m in trouble? Please remember that I’ve been alive since the beginning of time.”

  “You think way too highly of yourself, Dragon,” Phelan said with a flat stare. It vanished a moment later. “The truth is, all three are worried, but when they wouldna tell me why, I knew then it had to be bad.”

  “I can no’ find out anything on Rhi.”

  “I might care for Rhi as if she were my sister, but that’s no’ the entire reason I came.”

  Kiril watched the continual roll of the sea hoping it would help calm him. It didn’t. It was Rhi who had found Phelan and told him he was part Fae. They had developed a strong, unbreakable bond, a bond Kiril understood fully.

  “The Dark are onto you,” Phelan stated. “Everyone is worried.”

  “I’ve been handling things.”

  “No doubt. It’s just … things can get out of control quickly.”

  Kiril narrowed his eyes as he swung his gaze to Phelan. His words held a deeper meaning. “Rhys told you about her.”

  “Only after I pestered him. He’s concerned. The Dark managed to get their hands on two Dragon Kings recently. It was by pure luck and strategy that both Kellan and Tristan were able to get away. And here you are smack in the middle of the Dark Fae nest, almost daring them to try something.”

  Kiril shrugged. “Dreagan must be protected, as all the Dragon Kings should. Our enemies are growing, and I can no longer sit idle and hope that the few allies we have discover something for us.”

  “Your fellow Kings want to be here with you, but it isna safe. No’ the same for a Warrior. I’m no’ saying what you’re doing is wrong. I’d be doing the same.” One side of Phelan’s lips quirked in a smile. “Besides, I loved to irk Charon as often as I could.”

  Kiril laughed. He couldn’t help it. Phelan had spent most of his immortal life away from MacLeod Castle where the Warriors resided. He had a different take on life than they did, but he also understood what it meant to be a part of a family.

  They sat in silence listening to the wind swoosh around them and inhaling the sea air. Kiril closed his eyes and relaxed for the first time in days. He didn’t know if it was because Phelan had arrived, or if it had something to do with Shara. Either way, it allowed him to push past the blinding need and clear his mind.

  “Who is she?” Phelan asked. “More importantly, how significant is she?”

  “Her name is Shara, and she’s a Dark Fae.” Kiril met his gaze to see a frown form on Phelan’s brow. “She tried to use glamour to hide that fact, but I saw through it.”

  “So you knew she was Dark?”


  “Did you walk away?”

  “Nay. I took her to dinner.”

  Phelan nodded absently as he dropped his hands to his sides. “I imagine because you wanted to see what she was after.”

  “That’s how it began.”

  “You’ve seen her since?”

  Kiril rubbed the back of his neck, debating how much to tell Phelan. No other Kings could be there to watch his back—or remind him he was treading on dangerous ground with Shara. But Phelan could.

  “Aye. I went looking for her. I had to.”

  Phelan let out a slow breath. “She ensnared you already?”

  “It only took one look at her.”

  “Damn. Have you slept with her?”

  Kiril paused a beat too long.

  Phelan let out a string of curses as he paced away. When he turned back to Kiril, his face was hard as stone. “How deeply are you in? I’m going to stay regardless if you accept my help or no’. The more I know, the more I can assist you.”

  The fact Kiril knew he needed aid told him just how far he had treaded on risky ground with Shara. He wanted to believe everything she said, but it could all be a lie to lure him into a trap—a trap that would be useless since he didn’t know the location to whatever it was Con had hidden.

  Kiril considered Phelan’s words for long moments before he said, “I’m in too deep.”

  “That’s what Rhys thought. Let me help in whatever way I can.”

  Kiril looked around him to see the many tourists stopping to see the cliffs. “Where is your car?”

  “I doona have one. Fallon jumped me here.”

  Of course Fallon would teleport Phelan. It was the quickest mode of transportation, damn them. “How are you going to get back to Cork?”

  “I’ll figure it out. Does this mean you’ll accept my help?”

  Kiril didn’t spot any Dark observing him, but that didn’t mean they weren’t there. “They watch me always. We can no’ be seen together again.”

  “How do I contact you if I need to?”

  “We’ll figure it out as we go. I bought an estate no’ too far from Cork. Doona come there. I go into the city every evening for dinner and then to the Dark’s pub an Doras.”

  Phelan nodded and turned so his back was to Kiril. “Understood,” he murmured and walked away.

  Kiril walked to different spots along the tourist location, and just as he hoped, others spoke to him as well. He thought his plan was working until he saw two Dark out of the corner of his eye standing behind a tour bus.

  There was no way the Dark could know about Phelan. Kiril pivoted and started toward the bus. If the Dark knew what he planned they would teleport away before he could reach them. The tourists milling about didn’t help, but their attention was on the majestic scenery, not him.

  Kiril stopped to talk to the bus driver as he covertly swiped one of the canes set against the outside of the bus. He then walked around the tour bus and spotted the two Dark. They were facing each other, one with his back to Kiril, talking.

  He threw the cane, pegging the Dark who faced him squarely in head, knocking him to the ground instantly. Kiril moved with lightning speed to get behind the second Dark as he began to turn around.

  Kiril grabbed the Dark around the back of the neck. Before he could break the Dark’s neck, the glint of sunlight off the blade of a push dagger caught his attention. Kiril leaned to the side to avoid the small but lethal blade and grabbed the Dark’s hand that wielded the weapon while continuing to apply pressure around his neck.

  Kiril kicked his feet out from underneath him, dropping him to the ground on his arse. He had more leverage since he was kneeling and used that to his advantage as he used his strength to turn the Dark’s hand toward his own chest. Kiril ground his teeth together and gave a shove, sending the push dagger right into the Dark’s chest. The Dark jerked, his eyes widening as the life drained from him.

  Kiril pulled out the push dagger and looked at the blade to realize it wasn’t just any weapon. It was a weapon from a Light Fae, forged in the Fires of Erwar. It was a weapon that would kill a Fae—any Fae.

  He flipped the dagger in the air and caught it deftly as he stalked to the second Dark and plunged the blade into his throat before he had time to wake. After tucking the push dagger in his pocket, he pulled in a deep breath and called forth his dragon magic. As the breath passed his lips, it was pale blue, making ice coat his lips.

  When his
breath touched the two Dark, they were frozen instantly. Kiril heard the approach of footsteps and punched both of the icy corpses, shattering them into millions of tiny pieces. He stood and walked to the back of the bus, a smile on his face as the strong sea wind lifted the shards of ice and scattered them.

  There was no trace of either Dark, and neither had then reported back about Phelan. Not to mention Kiril had worked off some of his aggression. It was a win-win in his book.

  He returned to his car and started the drive to his estate feeling much more in control of things.

  * * *

  Shara was surprised at how orderly Balladyn ran things in his compound. She tried to see everything, but spending an entire month there wouldn’t reveal everything. There were too many passages, too many rooms even X didn’t know anything about.

  After passing so much time on her own while her family was dealing with Dark Fae politics, wars, and who knew what else, and then being locked away for her screw-up, she was so out of the loop of what the Dark were doing. Because she knew it was much more than just taking the souls of humans. The Dark were always planning something, always trying to take over one realm or another.

  It was odd to see the Dark in all their sinister beauty, lounging on the floor amid huge pillows and reclining on chaise lounges while the music of Pitbull thumped through the speakers and humans—male and females—either begged for attention or prayed to be ignored.

  “We’re going to rule them,” her companion stated when he caught her gazing at a human male.

  Shara nodded absently. A human male with wheat-colored hair caught her attention. He was handsome enough, and at a quick glance resembled Kiril. The more she looked, however, the more she spotted the differences.

  The human was thinner, not having nearly the bulk or definition of Kiril. The human’s hair was short instead of having Kiril’s long waves. The human’s eyes were a plain brown and not the shamrock green of Kiril’s.

  The differences continued, but Shara stopped noticing them. Her heart had accelerated at the thought that Kiril could end up in the compound, and that alone, alarmed her.


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