Revolution of the Gods: The Battle for Sol Book One

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Revolution of the Gods: The Battle for Sol Book One Page 8

by W. R. Hobbs

  “I will move the base acquisition forward to 2000 hours. That is the minimum time required to prepare the assault force,” Lindherst begrudgingly replied, back-pedaling to cover his ass.

  “The C7 wants Dugway out of Bracken’s hands. I suggest we do our best to carry out their orders,” Osborne added, providing an extra layer of arrogance.

  “I understand Osborne. Contact me if something changes,” Lindherst rebounded, salvaging what was left of his posture.

  “Osborne out.”

  The colonel’s image flashed off and the viewer reverted to the clear view of the capital skyline.

  You are right Osborne; the Dugway Facility will be taken – taken by me. And Bracken…you could be a worthy tactician, what are you up to? You must have some knowledge that motivates your behavior, Lindherst self-affirmed.

  Near the Salton Sea, CA

  Dr. Hauer’s recorded holographic image projected fourteen inches from the small metal disk in the old man’s palm while he sat and listened in an underground facility near the Salton Sea:

  “I am transmitting Taon’s latest analytics including an abilities progression probability assessment. The data will be helpful with Taon’s further development once he arrives. Thus far, the early indications are that we have succeeded with this attempt.

  “Taon is the most powerful being to walk this planet in over 2000 years, but his abilities are currently more instinctive than trained and there is a range of unintended consequences present now as a result of his delayed arrival. As you know, it is now imperative that we redirect all resources to his safe arrival.

  “We have also gained a formidable ally in General Bracken. He has finally confided his group’s plan to displace the Council of Seven. I have informed him of what we are truly up against. He has requested me to brief his group at 1800 hours of the true nature of events.

  “This additional support may be too late for tomorrow’s event but General Bracken’s assets greatly increase our odds of overall success. He recalled the recon teams from Las Vegas, and plans to lock down the facility at 2300. There is no need to retrieve Leroux and the fossil. Bracken ordered them both to this facility.

  “With Bracken indicating he is willing to employ our recommendations, I believe it will be more beneficial to remain here for now. I will transmit again after the briefing so that we may modify our contingencies accordingly.

  The hologram reverted to several floating files that Dr. Hauer had transmitted regarding Taon. The old man used his other hand to touch the abilities assessment file and review the report:


  GEO-0131-A Validated Abilities:

  GEO-0131-A possesses manipulative control of his molecular structure as a result of gene mutation performed in the targeted HARs. This mutation is the predicate for all of Taon’s enhanced abilities which evolved rapidly after he left his origination chamber at Dugway. Some initial reflexive abilities were exhibited before he left the facility likely as a result of the incubatory stamina optimization. However, depending on his exertions before reaching your facility, he may need more or less rehabilitation.

  Observed Instinctive Abilities:

  The subject already has the capability to manipulate electromagnetic fields; twice he generated sizeable lightning bursts that were significantly larger than necessary during his escape from the facility. Currently, this ability appears very much reflexive and not yet well controlled. He also exhibited greatly enhanced strength and speed as a result of maintaining a high molecular density during his incubatory maturation cycle.


  It is probable that a limited form of instinctive, reflexive molecular density control is another innate ability. This defensive reflexive ability will manifest as a low or high density localized phase if harmful particles breach Taon’s molecular structure. The energy will either be absorbed or repelled according to is atomic structure, stored and converted into other forms. The progression of his energy control will be greatly dependent on which types he encounters first.

  As we projected, these reflexive abilities should be capable of exponential enhancement with acuity training and physiological optimization. Listed below are the progressions that are probable from the most recent findings:

  Controlled manipulation of electrically-powered devices and electromagnetic force fields.

  Controlled manipulation of an electromagnetic repulsion field, providing limited flight ability.

  Controlled formation and use of concussive beam energy.

  Controlled manipulation of molecular density through conscious alteration of the atomic vibrations within his molecular structure. Lower densities will enable phasing through solid matter, with atoms vibrating in between the spaces in the other object.

  Higher densities will provide exponential strength and nearly impervious solidity, achieving a mass several times greater than that of Osmium according to the initial readings in the chamber.

  Enhanced controlled absorption, storage and conversion of ambient energies into varying intensities of electricity, microwaves and ultimately plasma waves. His passive absorption rate will achieve optimal storage with as little as two hours of sunlight. Directly active absorption rates will vary according to energy sources between a few seconds to several minutes.

  Enhanced directional control of his molecular kinetic energy resulting in the ability to produce proportional velocity accelerations. Once he achieves this capability, he will be able to temporarily displace himself dimensionally by consciously warping space and ultimately achieving controlled teleportation within our dimension.

  Residual control and manipulation of gravitons and magnetic fields.

  Residual Psionic abilities.


  With further refinement and training there is a 98.36% probability that transdimensional phasing will be possible.


  Las Vegas

  The ribbon of asphalt known as Hwy 93 carried her into the east side of old Las Vegas. Before reaching the expressway, she exited to South Boulder Highway and halted her cycle to survey the surroundings. The surveillance cameras were inoperative, facing toward the ground in this section. Mykah had chosen her route carefully around the restricted zone. The Las Vegas RZ was formed within a new security perimeter using three main boundary roads: 95 Veterans Memorial Hwy, I- 215, and I-15.

  Mykah knew what resided inside those boundaries.

  The power elite still enjoying your materialistic celebrations of wealth and power-you poor souls, you have no idea, she lamented.

  The tight black leather bike pants and jacket were painted over her toned physique. Diving up and down from under her helmet, her hair was splashing on her shoulders as she raced down Boulder Highway, carefully using the tree lines and buildings to maintain a low profile wherever possible. After traveling about 10 miles, she suddenly came to a full stop. A large triangular shadow had appeared on the right side of the road and quickly streaked across the asphalt in front of her. Looking up, Mykah caught a glimpse of the aft section of a sizable craft passing overhead.

  As she looked ahead on the right side of the highway, Mykah spotted a large hotel and casino which apparently had been inoperative for several years based on its condition. The Eastside Cannery Hotel & Casino's neglected tower was sixteen stories of exposed steel and glass with a saw tooth shaped roof.

  That looks like it has a good view, she determined.

  The climb to the hotel roof was a quick one. The lobby doors were already demolished and offered her an unobstructed path up the emergency stairwell. After running to the top level, she kicked open the door and caught a view of the ship that was still heading westward. She bounded to the highest part of the pitched metal roof and steadied her arms to get a clear view through the binoculars she retrieved from her pack. The craft was already over a mile away but still hovered at an altitude that made it easy for Mykah to observe from her location.

  According to her best estimate,
the colossal ship appeared at least 500 feet in length and the bridge structure towered over 100 feet in height. As the craft began banking downward and to the right, Mykah could see the top and side views which exposed a long narrow triangular shaped fuselage. Located at the rear of the fuselage, the ship’s downwardly angled primary wings resembled those of a gigantic Pteranodon forged in metal. A row of five blue glowing orbs stretched across the back between the wings and pushed the formidable craft to its landing zone.

  That must be the Helios.

  She had heard of the experimental craft but never imagined that one could already be in operation.

  That ship must be searching for Taon, he must be nearby, Mykah surmised.

  Deciding to proceed on foot, Mykah hid her backpack in one of the luxury suites on the twelfth floor during her descent back down to ground level. After grabbing the detachable data panel from the crossbar, she hid her cycle and headed west down Harmon Avenue, mindful of the approaching RZ perimeter.

  The C7’s command center in the Las Vegas RZ projected over 1,100 feet into the skyline. The former Stratosphere Tower provided C7 security officials the tallest overhead view of the zone. Commander Reyes, the head of zone security, had spent the last few hours on heightened alert after receiving the message from Old Cairo regarding the escaped GEO from Dugway.

  Reyes was a tall, tanned man with an over muscled build. He wore a cleanly trimmed black wavy hairstyle and had coffee-colored eyes that were rarely unprotected by his lightly tinted rectangular sunglasses. The commander stood in contrast to his subordinates, wearing a black tactical uniform in place of a tailored suit. Standing in front of an ocean of video feeds stretching across the wall at the top of the tower, Reyes wondered where the hell the escaped GEO was located.

  “Sir, the Helios has entered our airspace perimeter,” alerted one of the guards that had been tracking the ship for the last few hundred miles.

  Hmm, it looks like our friend from Old Cairo has arrived, Reyes thought as he looked at his watch.

  “Send Agent Valik our current trajectory data and extend any support necessary,” the commander ordered, apprehensive about the fact that he had not yet found the target and a higher level C7 agent had arrived to do his job.

  “Sir we have not been able to determine the cause of the camera hiccup at Tropicana Ave. and I-15,” a C7 technician reported after running several diagnostics to determine why the six cameras at the Tropicana Ave. exit from I-15 failed for seven seconds earlier that morning.

  Luxor Hotel

  “Do you know what time it is you idio…” an obnoxious patron, wearing an NY Giants football jersey began to bellow before cutting his sentence short once he looked up at the tallest waiter he had ever seen.

  “You guys need to get your shit together down there,” he retreated, offering a slightly more subdued criticism.

  Taon carried the room service tray inside and sat it on the table in front of the agitated hotel guest. He contemplated simply leaving and finding an unoccupied room on the same floor when the assertive former professional athlete sealed his fate.

  “I hope you don’t expect a tip you slow ass motherf--”

  Using his right hand to grab the wrist of the unlucky gambler, Taon simultaneously drove his left elbow into the visitor’s weak chin as he jerked the man toward him. He laid the unconscious man down on the floor.

  I need to get some rest, Taon concluded, flopping on the cushy king size bed.


  Oakland ROC

  Ben had sat quietly next to his improvised stove in the basement off Market Street, while Cadan and Simeon spent the entire morning reflecting on Simeon’s mission that began four months ago in the United Mideast Consortium. Their conversation concerning the Mideast absolutely absorbed the Israeli. He had long sought any scrap of information about his homeland. During the course of the exchange, Ben learned what happened in the past three years since he left.

  After the United Mideast Consortium had formed under the C7 in January 2029, the region was coordinated in a massive reconstruction effort. The Six Hour War - the name given to the Mideast nuclear catastrophe because of the amount of time from the first launch in Pakistan to the last launch in Israel was almost exactly six hours - caused depopulation of the entire region as a result of the fallout.

  Reconstruction efforts were carried out solely by transnational corporations at the direction of the C7. The UMC was now a ‘commerce’ region with only council personnel living in the area. The small domed towns constructed adjacent to the region's oil fields resembled enormous glass igloos for a new race of Hazmat suit beings because every worker wore white and yellow protective gear.

  The UMC, like the NAU, was a high priority region to the C7 for several reasons. One of the higher priorities was the remaining oil reserves underground. The Council needed direct and complete control of this particular region to successfully continue its infrastructure build-up worldwide. But, even more important than the oil was the C7’s priority to relocate specific ancient lost artifacts.

  Back in August, Simeon had started tracking the trackers – the S1s. They had been conducting a ground reconnaissance mission for over a year at certain areas in the UMC and UAF. These targeted locations correlated to various ancient religious and spiritual structures in the region. Greek No.9 was tracing the S1 movements and noticed they were getting close to a long protected ancient hidden secret.

  The Antients had already intended for Simeon to retrieve this particular artifact but the C7’s activity caused them to accelerate their plans. The Prime Delegates were intimately familiar with the history of the artifact. The S1s had located its container in Ethiopia, where it had once been hidden by the Antients’ predecessors. But the artifact itself was missing. Simeon was dispatched to its true hidden location and ordered to take it to their facility in southern California.

  “Ben, in the decades before the New Earth Union was formed, our popular culture, through its books, movies, websites and television shows, disseminated all sorts of sensational conspiracy theories. But the truth is that some of those conspiracy theories and suppositions, fiction and non-fiction alike, were close to the actual explanations of many past and present events. Your particular ancestors were associated with some of the more popular ones. As I recall, the Ark of the Covenant was always near the top. That one theory about the Ark being utilized as a containment device for a power source…well that one was just about spot on.” Simeon had explained while restraining a wise grin and attempting to help Ben process this incredible revelation.

  He had explained that the remaining Antients were charged with a most difficult task – preservation and protection of not the Ark, but an ancient power core that had once occupied its inner compartment. The Antient mason explained how he had retrieved the power core ahead of the S1s, eluded their search and escaped Zimbabwe on an emptied NAU supply flight returning to the Southern Regional Military Zone. After the S1s had learned of his escape on the aircraft, the flight was hit by fire from a naval stealth destroyer just off the NAU east coast. The plane had crashed in a dense but small swamp in eastern North Carolina.

  Simeon described how he was heavily tracked by the NAU Command and S1s, spending three weeks making his way westward, and barely evading the S1s by the time he reached Blythe, California. Still intact and inside a much smaller modernized containment case, the artifact had made it with him to Blythe as well, but that was as far as it traveled with Simeon.

  Shortly after he had crossed into the town of Blythe, Simeon scouted an Oakland ROC internment patrol. He explained that with the S1s about to overtake him he made the decision to hide in plain sight and was purposely detained by the patrol. Before he was apprehended, Simeon hid the artifact and transmitted its coordinates to the Salton Sea Facility which was less than 100 miles away at that point.

  The calculation that he would likely be unrecognizable to the ROC patrol proved correct. Consequently, Simeon had been hiding right under t
heir noses for the last three months waiting for the correct time to act. Although all of his personal effects were seized when he was first arrested, just like Cadan, he kept a trick up his sleeve - literally. Two days ago he had made his first move by activating a nano-locator beacon sewn inside his shirt cuff.

  It was now almost 1 p.m. and Ben was sitting in the basement still trying to wrap his brain around what he had heard when his attention was drawn back once again.

  “The primary purpose of our brotherhood has been to protect the artifact from falling into the hands of the C7 and all of its previous incarnations. We could not risk a premature rescue before the event tomorrow; otherwise our entire effort ran the risk of being revealed. They must not learn the location of the Salton Sea facility. That is why I waited until this time to contact you… I assume the old man retrieved the artifact.” Simeon stated, looking at Cadan for confirmation.

  “It is safe and secure thanks to you Simeon.” Activating a hologram of the entry gate, Cadan continued, “Well gentlemen, we have just a few hours to prepare for our departure.”

  The setting sun towed its fading twilight behind the Pacific horizon. The spotlights on the guard towers and gates were already engaged in their slow ping pong like motion across the perimeter’s interior. Hundreds of barrel fires flickered across the ROC resembling a debris field from a small meteor shower. The meal lines were already filled with thousands of residents for the final meal of the day.

  This time of day required extra oversight from ROC personnel and drones at the meal lines. The nearest meal distribution point to Ben’s residence was directly across Market Street in the parking lot of the former Jack London Gateway strip mall. One block directly south, between 7th and 6th Streets, stood a newly constructed two story auxiliary ROC command post with a landing pad next to it that covered the entire block to the east. This post was in the furthest southeast corner of the ROC, directly between the I-880 and I-980 fork.


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