For the Love of the Viscount (The Noble Hearts Series Book 1)

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For the Love of the Viscount (The Noble Hearts Series Book 1) Page 6

by Callie Hutton

  Simon took a seat and waited to see what Pomeroy was about. Hopefully he wasn’t preparing to tell him Elise was betrothed to Blackwell. He quelled the panic that thought brought on.

  “So, you and my lovely daughter are off for a ride this morning?” Pomeroy walked around the desk and sat on the edge, swinging his foot.

  “Yes, sir. Off to Rotten Row.”

  “Good, good. Lovely day for it, too.”

  Simon looked out the window at the threatening rain. Despite the risk of getting wet, he’d decided to call on Elise for their ride anyway. Since the garden party three days ago, he’d thought of nothing else but getting Elise alone to see just how far she would let him go. If the look in her eye at the Townsend party was telling, she seemed ready to venture into territory he could easily lead her. What that meant for their future he had no idea and did not want to think much on it.

  “Wonderful girl, Lady Elise.” Pomeroy brought him back to the present.

  “Yes, sir.” What the devil was the man up to now? He’d just announced to Elise only a few days ago that he was going to pass her off to Blackwell. While quite fond of Lord Pomeroy, he certainly found him confusing.

  “I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you squiring Lady Elise around. It’s good for her to go out in Society. She’s always avoided it, you know.”

  “Yes, sir. I am aware that she does not favor ton events.”

  Get to the point, man.

  “I guess you wonder why I invited you in talk.”

  “Yes, I am curious.”

  “My daughter, for all her bluster, is soft and tender on the inside. I would not like to see her heart broken. As much as I would like to witness all my daughters happily married and settled in their own homes, I will not abide anyone causing them pain on their path to the altar.”

  What the hell?

  “I agree, sir. I would not like to see anyone cause Lady Elise pain.” This was by far the most convoluted conversation he’d had in a long time. He wasn’t precisely sure what it was Pomeroy was trying to tell him, but he began to sweat anyway. He thought Blackwell was the chosen one. Now he had no idea.

  “Oh, there you are.” Elise came into the study, adjusting her hat, dressed for her ride. His mouth watered at the sight. She wore a pale blue riding habit with black piping that fit her fine form like a well-used glove. The silly little hat sat on top of her head, a feather curving toward her mouth. Plump lips. She smiled and he grinned back.

  After a few moments Pomeroy cleared his throat, and they both looked at him. “Have a nice ride.”

  “Yes. Right.” Simon placed his hand on Elise’s lower back and they left the room. The horses were ready and waiting for them when they descended the stairs. Elise glanced up at the sky. “It appears our ride might be cut short.”

  “Hopefully we can get it in before the skies open up.” He lifted her onto the saddle, his hands lingering on her waist, as well as a bit lower, for a moment. She blushed and fussed with her skirts, making sure they covered her legs.

  They headed toward Hyde Park and then onto Rotten Row, the broad track running along the south side of the park, leading from Hyde Park Corner to Serpentine Road. Apparently most early morning riders had decided to forego a ride, based on the weather, which was fine with Simon since it left the track almost empty.

  They rode, side by side, for about twenty minutes when the first raindrops fell. Elise looked over at him. “Should we make a run for it?”

  Simon looked up and was rewarded with a splash on his face. “Let’s move over to that cluster of trees. Perhaps it will pass in a little while.”

  Once they were safe under the trees, Simon jumped from his horse, tied the reins to a branch, then placed his hands around Elise’s waist. She stared at him as he slowly lowered her, sliding her body against his. Once she was on her feet, her hands resting on his shoulders, she licked her lips, her sweet earnest eyes meeting his.

  He was lost.

  With a slight moan, he covered her lips and crushed her body to his. His caress was a command, a way to possess her, and he wanted her to know, and accept. Both of his hands gripped her hair, turning her head to take the kiss where he wanted to go, where he would conquer her. He nudged her lips, demanding acceptance.

  She opened, and his tongue explored the warmth and moistness, the sweetness of her breath. He drew back, panting heavily, then rested his forehead against hers. “This is killing me, sweetheart.”

  “We should do something about that.” She studied his lips when she spoke, unable to look him in the eye.

  His hold on her tightened and all sorts of images flooded his mind while his blood flooded his cock. She could not possibly mean what he thought she meant. Could she? “What do you mean?”

  “I have been thinking. If I am to remain a spinster my whole life, why should I not experience passion?”

  He lost his ability to speak as he stared at her. She did mean what he thought she meant. He wanted to shout and run for the nearest bedroom, but then sanity prevailed. “My love, you cannot mean that. You are an innocent, a gently reared woman. You must save yourself for your husband.”

  She puffed out a breath of air. “How many times do I need to tell you there will be no husband? I intend to never marry. But just because I don’t want to be shackled in marriage doesn’t mean I need to remain a virgin my entire life.”

  He closed his eyes, trying very hard to continue the conversation while his cock was shouting its approval so loudly. “Elise, once your give away your maidenhead, there is no turning back.”

  “I know.” She fingered his cravat, still staring at his throat.

  “Honey, if you can’t even look me in the eye, then I know you’re not serious and don’t really know what you’re saying.”

  She raised her chin, her eyes sparkling. “Oh, I know exactly what I’m saying and I’ve given it a lot of thought.” She kissed his jaw. “I want to know where all these feelings I get when you kiss me will lead. When I leave you I always feel restless and my clothes feel scratchy and tight.”

  Once more his mouth covered hers hungrily. She wrapped her arms around his waist, under his jacket, her hands running up and down his back. His hands moved to cup her bottom, pulling against his erection. He released her lips, kissing the pulsing hollow at the base of her throat. Her head fell back and she moaned. He brought his hand around and cupped her breast. Instinctively her body arched into his touch. “Yes.”

  Oh, God, yes. And yes. And yes.

  Luckily sensibility prevailed when he realized they were standing out in the open—despite being under a copse of trees—and they might not be the only riders who decided to wait out the rain by sheltering under the heavy branches.

  He pulled away and placed his lips against her temple. “Sweetheart, we can’t do this here. Someone could come by and you will be ruined.” He pulled away, keeping her at arms’ length. “We will have to try to make it to your house.”

  Looking completely dazed, she nodded and he turned her toward her horse and lifted her up. “Sweetheart, grab your reins and pay attention.”

  She nodded again.



  “You will fall off your horse if you don’t pay attention.”

  She seemed to pull herself together. “I’m fine.” She smiled. “Truly, I’m fine.”

  He vaulted onto his horse, and they both rode into the rain that had now turned into a slight drizzle. By the time they reached the townhouse, they were both wet. He helped her down again as a groom came from the mews and took her horse.

  “Do you want to come in and dry off?” she said.

  “No. I will go ahead on home.” He stopped and looked at her. Her face was still flushed and her lips swollen. Hopefully her father would not see her before she made it to her bedchamber.

  She moved closer to him, and standing on tiptoe whispered in his ear. “Come to me tonight. I will leave the back door unlocked. My bedroom is
the third one on the right. Papa is always in bed well before midnight.”

  With that declaration, she turned and hurried up the stairs, leaving him staring at her stupidly.

  Chapter Six

  Elise paced in her bedroom, the gown she wore flying out as she turned and strode back and forth. It was twenty minutes past midnight. Would he come? She was so sure he would that she had asked Charlene to brush her hair until it shone and rested like a silky curtain around her shoulders.

  Once the maid left, Elise removed the gown Charlene had selected for her and dug into her wardrobe for the scanty night rail and matching dressing gown she had purchased last year, just to have something risqué in her wardrobe. She’d never worn it before, but it seemed this would be the best night to do so.

  Her heart stopped when she heard a light scratch at her door. She flew to the door and threw it open. Reaching out, she grabbed Simon’s hand and dragged him into the room. He turned and locked the door.

  Simon was casually dressed in a dark blue jacket and tight breeches, with no waistcoat or cravat. Curly dark hair peeked out from where his shirt opened at his throat. He leaned against the door, studying her, his arms behind his back. “I don’t think this is a good idea.”

  “Then why did you come?” She remained where she was, even though she wanted to throw herself into his arms and once again experience the feelings as when he’d kissed her the way he had that morning.

  “I’m a fool, that’s why. I couldn’t stay away.” He pushed himself off the door and dropped his hands, walking toward her stealthily, moving like a sleek beast of the jungle. He stopped right in front of her, no more than six inches away. “You are sure?”


  His hand covered her cheek and slowly he drew her to him. He kissed her gently, unlike his other kisses. He released her mouth and placed his lips on her temple. “If you change your mind at any time, just say so and we will stop.”

  “I won’t change my mind.”


  She stood on tiptoes and kissed the hollow of his throat, then rubbed her nose in the scratchy dark hair. He smelled of mint and soap. “I promise.”

  “In that case, you are far too dressed, my lady.” He slid his large, warm hands under her dressing gown, and, with a quick movement, pushed it off her shoulders to slither to the floor. Wrapping his arm around her waist, he tugged her to him and took her mouth in a kiss reminiscent of the ones he’d given her before.


  This was what she wanted. To be crushed to him, to feel the hardness of his body against hers, minus all the underclothing and stays. The tingles once again in her breasts and between her legs had her blood soaring through her body, causing her heart to pound. He moved his mouth to her neck, where he kissed and licked.

  She didn’t know how he did it, but she felt her nightgown slither to the floor to join the dressing gown. Had he given her enough time to think about it, she might have been embarrassed at being naked, with him fully clothed. Then, for some reason, the thought of her with no clothes while Simon was dressed excited her further.

  Whatever was she turning into?

  Simon placed his hands at her waist and lifted her. “Wrap your legs around me.”

  She complied, and they stared into each other’s eyes for a moment. His eyes had darkened to almost black. A slow smile started on his lips, then he bent his head to take one of her breasts in his mouth, suckling softly, then pulling much harder.

  Elise drew in a sharp breath as a wave of incredible sensations moved through her body. She threw her head back, his strong hands spanning her back as he gripped her, keeping her from falling backward. He released one breast only to offer the same attention to the other one. Elise moaned as he scraped his teeth over her nipple. With one final lick, he moved his mouth back up to hers. He shifted her so he carried her in his arms to the bed where he laid her down gently, coming down on top of her.

  His clothes scratched against her sensitive skin. She rubbed her nipples against his chest, wanting to continue the sensations he’d elicited with his mouth. To her dismay, he sat up, taking all the warmth and heaviness with him. He removed his jacket, then stared at her, his eyes going from her hair, down her body to her toes. A slight flush rose in her at being so closely regarded.

  “You are breathtakingly beautiful, Elise. I could spend hours kissing every inch of your body.” He ran his large palm over her, dipping into her curves and shaping and massaging her breasts.

  “Take off your shirt. I want to feel your skin.” The words she whispered brought a flare to Simon’s nostrils and a slight smile to his lips. With a swift movement he tugged his shirt from his breeches and pulled it over his head, tossing it to the floor.

  His flesh was golden in the candlelight, all powerful muscles and sinew. Instinctively, she raised her hand and ran her palm over his chest, the ripple of muscles, the hardness of his chest, and the sprinkling of dark hair running down the center to end at the waistband of his breeches. Still locking eyes with her, he bent and removed his boots and stockings, then stretched out alongside her, shifting to his side to face her.

  “Do you wish to continue?” He smoothed the hair back from her face.

  “Move than ever.”

  He groaned and, resting his warm palm on her hip, tugged her closer. His mouth covered hers with an intensity that raised the heat in her body to a smoldering fire. At last she would have a way to assuage the raw desire she felt whenever he kissed her.


  Simon had tried his best to make sure Elise knew what she was doing. So far, she’d followed him step-for-step to where he led her. Her innocent, but enthusiastic responses so far had been more of an aphrodisiac than what the most experienced courtesan employed. In some ways she was adorable; in others, a true seductress calling to him in a way he’d never before experienced.

  He’d literally lost his breath when he’d entered her room and saw her in night clothes, obviously waiting for him. With her hair cascading over her slender shoulders, resting against her plump breasts, his mouth watered to place his lips there. But the moment he’d laid her down on the bed and seen her completely nude with the candlelight casting her dips and curves into shadows, he’d known were she to withdraw her consent it would be agony for him.

  She was part innocence, part temptress. Her ingenuous gaze turned sultry after a few kisses, and his reaction to her gentle touches to his chest brought a siren’s smile to her lips. While he gazed at her, his palm wandered over her luscious body. She made low mewing sounds that were driving him crazy. The air surrounding them was filled with the scent of their passion.

  At his whispered request, she parted her legs. She was already wet and swollen. Stifling a groan, he leaned in and kissed her mouth, nudging her lips to open to him. Using his finger at her opening and his tongue in her mouth, he mimicked what his cock was screaming to do. He jolted when he felt her fingers fumbling at his falls, apparently attempting to open the buttons.

  Simon moved her hand away and, with years of practice, had the flap opened in seconds. He edged back and slid his breeches down, over his hips and down his legs, kicking them free. Elise stared at his cock in wonderment, then reached out and took it in her hand. He hissed as her warm palm wrapped around it.

  Moving his mouth to her breasts, he covered one plump mound as her hand squeezed and brought a groan from him. “Like this, sweetheart,” he murmured. He placed his hand over hers and moved it up and down, closing his eyes at the sensation.

  “It feels strange to me.” She grinned at him, a devilish sparkle in her eyes. He loved those eyes. They said everything. There was no guile in Elise. And just like everything else he’d witnessed so far, she brought that honesty to the bedchamber. Used to years with opera dancers and women of the demimonde, to now see genuine responses, and know they were real and not practiced for the purpose of simply pleasing a man, raised the level of his desire.

  Since she seemed so responsive an
d willing to experience pleasure, he kissed his way down her body, dipping his tongue into her belly button, eliciting a giggle from her and bringing a smile to his face. Never had he laughed during sex, a new occurrence, and something that added to his enjoyment with this woman.

  He continued down until he reached the dark curls surrounding her feminine sweetness. Widening her legs, he placed his mouth on her nether lips and kissed her slick folds.

  “Oh, yes. Oh, Simon, that feels wonderful.” She sucked in a breath. “Don’t stop.”

  He had no intention of stopping, having too much fun tasting her warm, moist honey. The scent of her desire surrounded him, bringing him so close to the brink he had to conjugate Latin verbs to keep from climaxing.

  His eyes traveled up her body, past the slight swell of her belly, her plump breasts with rosy nipples tight and pert, to her beautiful face. The frown on her forehead told him she was close to release. Her legs tightened, and her panting increased. He felt her muscles constrict as he continued to watch her face. She inhaled deeply and a low keening sound came from her sweet lips. Her body jerked and her knees gripped his shoulders as she thrashed and moaned.

  Once her muscles relaxed, he placed his hands on either side of her body and moved up between her open legs to capture her mouth with his, knowing she tasted her own pleasure on his lips. It was a heady feeling, knowing how open she was, how willing to experience everything he had to offer.

  “That was wonderful. I’ve never felt anything like that in my life,” she gasped.

  He kissed her eyelids, cheeks, and jaw. “Even better than your intellectual gatherings?”

  “Oh, yes. A hundred times yes.”

  Braced on his elbows, he smoothed the damp curls from her forehead and stared at her. “I must ask once again if you are sure about this, Elise. Once ‘tis done there is no turning back.”

  “I am sure.”

  Thank you, God.

  “I’m told this will hurt at first, but hopefully not too much, and I will take it slow.” Inch by slow inch he moved into her opening until his cock came up against her maidenhead, something he had never experienced before. It gave him a feeling of caring and possessiveness to be the first man to ever take her completely, to enter her body. That would have frightened him had he given himself time to dwell on it.


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