Tidal Wave: Forces of Nature, Book 1

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Tidal Wave: Forces of Nature, Book 1 Page 7

by Vivian Arend

  Suddenly Joshua was there, crowded against her body in the shower stall. He leaned into her and caged her between his firm body and the tile wall. “There was nothing casual about last night. And it wasn’t a one-night stand either.” Anger rolled off him as he kissed her hard, his hand trapping her wrists and lifting them above her head. Her body responded to his aggression by melting under him. She kissed him back, trying to appease with her tongue and lips, offering her neck and body to him. In spite of her embarrassment, she understood why he was upset. It sounded like she had denied her response to them, and that wasn’t what she meant at all.

  Anthony’s voice swept over her, his chastisement gentle but clear. “You felt more than sexual need for us. Don’t cheapen what we gave you.” Alexia was ready to break in two. So many strange and unusual things had happened in such a short a time.

  Joshua’s hands softened as he released her wrists. He kissed them, one by one, his tongue stroking the tendons before he dropped to his knees in front of her. “I’m sorry, Alexia. I shouldn’t have overreacted.”

  He pressed his forehead into her belly. His breath warmed her stomach, his hands wrapped around her torso like he would never let her go. Water cascaded down their bodies, cleaning some of the cobwebs from her mind. Alexia looked at Anthony, standing outside the shower stall, his beautiful face clear and smooth as he waited for her with a towel in his hands.

  In one day her world had turned upside down. Men waited to serve her every need, sexual or otherwise. They said they needed her to lead. In the midst of all the confusion, she knew one thing. She touched Joshua’s head tenderly, brushing the wet strands back from his face until he looked up at her.

  “I don’t understand what is going on, Joshua. Why I feel so attracted to you, why I had sex with you and Anthony all night long. I don’t understand at all, but I’m not sorry I did it. That’s all I can give you right now.” Alexia brushed his cheek, watching his fire-flecked eyes glint at her. She reached her other hand to Anthony and smiled as he brought it to his lips and kissed her knuckles, his expression adding to the fire in her belly.

  Joshua forced her clean body into Anthony’s arms for his cousin to dry, resisting the urge to ravish her. His cock was more than ready to enjoy her again, even after their incredible night. He couldn’t get enough of touching her and wondered if her need for the chemicals spilt over to them, increasing their ability to provide for her.

  Clean clothes, toothbrushes and his abandoned things from downstairs were in the duffle bag Victoria had brought to the room, and he chuckled for a moment.

  “Stop that,” Alexia complained. “It’s not funny, really, it’s not.”

  Joshua turned to admire his lover. She wore a pair of pale blue slacks and was pulling on a matching blouse. He moved closer, unable to resist running a hand down her delicate skin, stopping to cup a lace-covered breast in his palm. He leaned close and kissed her before closing the buttons one at a time, his eyes staring into hers.

  The realization she had chosen him over Michael sank in hard again, and his heart leapt. One more step toward reaching his desire of being with her permanently. She needed to understand it all. They needed a long, blunt talk, even though it was going to embarrass her even more.

  “I’ll be nice and stop laughing. Let me know when you want to go downstairs,” Joshua brushed a final kiss to her lips, soft and tender.

  By the time they were both ready, Anthony was out of the shower. “Go ahead, I’ll join you in a few minutes,” he encouraged them. Alexia watched him shyly from the corner of her eye as he dropped his towel to dress and Joshua grew still. Her continued interest in Anthony was clear, and he wasn’t sure what he thought about it. Hadn’t last night been enough?

  Walking downstairs with Alexia on his arm, Joshua felt warmth pour through him. Being with her was so right, now she needed to come to terms with the facts. “Your grandmother is not going to be embarrassed or upset by what we did last night. I suggest you act however you would when you normally join her for breakfast.”

  She clung to his arm tighter and spoke barely above a whisper. “That’s easy for you to say, but a lot harder for me to do. She may be your leader, but she’s my Gram. I’m feeling more than a little uncomfortable.”

  “Did she think you were a virgin?” Joshua asked.

  Alexia shook her head. “I doubt it, but the whole two-of-you, one-of-me thing, it’s not normal, Joshua.”

  He stopped them at the foot of the stairs. “Alexia, that’s what I’m trying to tell you. Amongst the merfolk, it is normal, especially for the matriarch. While you might be uncomfortable, you don’t need to be embarrassed. Trust me.”

  She nodded but there was still doubt written on her face.

  The table was set for four, wonderful smells floating on the air from the kitchen. Gram blasted through the door carrying a plate of something steaming hot, and Joshua rushed to take it from her and place it on the table.

  “What a nice young man you’ve turned out to be. Thank you, Joshua.” Gram grabbed a chair and patted it. “Come, Alexia, you sit here. I’ll get the drinks.” She disappeared in a whirl of motion.

  “She’s supposed to be some kind of decrepit and lonely old lady who desperately needs my help. Bah, what a bunch of baloney.” Alexia glared after her grandmother.

  “Old and decrepit?” Joshua kissed her cheek before heading to the kitchen to help bring in the rest of the food. “Not Victoria. Maybe you misunderstood.”

  In the kitchen, Victoria had piled a tray high with tea, coffee and juice. He reached for it but before he could leave the room he found his way blocked.

  “Did you do something to influence her decision?” Victoria asked, her lined face scowling up at him.

  Joshua paused. He didn’t think making love to Alexia alone would have that effect, but perhaps it had. Still, he didn’t want to admit to anything, not to the woman who had been his matriarch for his entire life. Not before he’d talked to Alexia and explained the dream hadn’t been a dream. It was definitely time to change topics. “Do you think I’m not good enough for her?”

  Victoria waved a hand at him. “Whether you are or not isn’t my concern, but hers. You’ve been such a mouse over the years, you’re the last one I expected to see with her.” She picked up the loaf of bread and shrugged. “You and Anthony are among the youngest of all the available men. I hope you’re aware you might have a fight on your hands to keep her interested in you.”

  Joshua nodded slowly and followed her back to the table. A mouse? Is that how people had interpreted his patient waiting, his willingness to put aside his own desires? His stomach tensed. If only they had any idea of how much control it had taken to follow the rules all those years and not chase after Alexia on his own. Waiting until the time was ripe to step in and be there for her.

  He placed the drinks on the table, briefly acknowledging Anthony’s presence as his cousin pulled out a seat for Victoria.

  “Anthony, you’re on summer break right now, aren’t you?” Victoria asked as she served breakfast. “You teaching again in the fall?”

  “I’ll be back at the high school in September,” Anthony passed the coffee tureen to Joshua.

  Victoria nodded. “I hear positive reports about you. You manage to walk the fine line between making learning enjoyable and still insisting they accomplish their goals. Good for you.”

  Anthony flushed and Joshua hid a smile. His cousin was far too tender hearted. It was amazing the older students didn’t eat him alive.

  “And, Joshua, did you get the commission for the mosaic at the museum?” Victoria asked sweetly.

  It was so like her, acting like she hadn’t just verbally chastised him. Fine, he could play the game too. “I finished last week and it will be installed by the end of the month.” Joshua was pleased with the results and could hardly wait to take Alexia to see his work. He knew she’d appreciate the intricate design he’d created.

  Victoria eyes opened wide. “You finis
hed it already? Well done!” She gave him an approving nod before turning her attention to her granddaughter.

  “Now, Alexia,” she said. “Today I thought we could—”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Alexia interrupted.

  Joshua and Anthony froze at the tone of her voice. She sat far back in her chair, arms crossed, her plate ignored. Her whole body screamed with tension, and it was difficult for Joshua to not take her in his arms and comfort her.

  “Tell you what, Ally?” Victoria stirred her tea and blinked innocently at them.

  Alexia lifted her hand and ran it through her hair, messing the scramble of curls even further. “Don’t play games with me. Not anymore. ‘I have something I want you to have, Ally. It’s been in the family for generations.’ Ha! Does that give you a clue? Or do you need me to show you this?” She grabbed the medallion and held it up, a blue light sparkling noticeably around the silver.

  “Ohhhhh!” Victoria clapped her hands with delight before squeezing Anthony’s arm. “You boys must be the right ones for the job. The fire didn’t show for me until at least four days after I—”

  “Gram!” Alexia slammed her hands on the table. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, releasing it slowly before she turned to Joshua. Her dark eyes flashed with anger, and he placed a reassuring hand on her arm. The connection between them flared and Joshua’s heart leapt. Even furious she was beautiful.

  “Perhaps this is a conversation I should have alone with my grandmother,” Alexia said.

  “Nonsense.” Victoria snorted. “You slept with them, they can certainly listen to a little conversation about the merfolk. In fact they might be able to help me answer your questions.”

  Alexia’s cheeks flushed red, but with embarrassment or anger Joshua couldn’t tell. “Fine, we’ll do it your way. Why did you not tell me about merfolk before now? You’ve had plenty of opportunities. That’s question one. Number two, why didn’t you at least tell me before you gave me the damn necklace what I was accepting instead of shanghaiing me into a position I might not want to take responsibility for?

  “And three, after giving me the thing why in the hell did you not tell me you were pimping me out when you dragged me around town yesterday? It would have been nice to know I was going to have the sudden urge to throw myself at anyone with a…a penis and…screw them senseless.”

  Anthony’s jaw dropped and Joshua bit back a laugh. Sweet little Alexia had sharp teeth and Victoria wasn’t used to being bitten. The older woman opened and closed her mouth a few times before deliberately taking a bite of her breakfast and chewing slowly. Victoria patted her mouth delicately with her napkin before smiling all around the table at them.

  “Well, I guess I don’t have to mince words if you’re already swearing at me. I didn’t tell you about the merfolk because your mother asked me not to. Karyn’s a sport—unable to shift or take a change—and she felt there was no place for her in the pod. That wasn’t true but she decided to reject us completely. It took years to convince her to let you stay summers with me in the hopes you would someday come into your heritage and take over. Give you the opportunity to gain a few of the merfolk chemicals.”

  “Mom knows about merfolk and she never told me?” Some of the color faded from Alexia’s face and Joshua reached for her hand, holding it under the edge of the table. She squeezed him tight, hanging on like he was anchoring her in place. “She sent me on the yearly vacation to you but when I went home, Mom never wanted to hear a word about what I did during my holidays. Everything else about our relationship is fine so I figured you two had some kind of falling out.” Alexia shook her head as understanding slowly spread over her face. “My dad wasn’t a merfolk, was he?”

  “Your father was human. No merblood. Your mother accepted the medallion from me at one point and tried to transform but she never managed. Karyn returned the medallion and I had no choice but to resume leadership of the pod. Since then I’ve waited years for you to grow up enough to be able to take over.” Victoria poured herself more tea before calmly sipping it.

  This version of the story was new to Joshua. There had been rumors floating around for a while when he was young, but he’d never really wondered about the situation. “Why was your daughter unable to change? I’ve never heard of such a thing.”

  Victoria shrugged. “It’s very rare. She never desired to lead and I think that made a huge difference. Plus she had already been making eyes with Jeffrey, Alexia’s father, and with her heart committed, she couldn’t accept the way of the merfolk and enjoy more than one lover. I’d hoped when they got divorced she would return to Jaffrey’s Cove but she refused.”

  Alexia’s hand jerked away from his. “More than one lover? You knew I’d…” She dropped her head into her hands. “Holy shit, I don’t believe I’m having this conversation with my grandmother.”

  Another imperial wave of the hand followed. “Then stop thinking of me as your Gram and accept I led an amazing group of people and I have passed on the privilege to you. As the previous leader, I will advise and give you guidance about any area, including sex.” Victoria leaned forward, her gray eyes sparkling. “But, Ally, you know what you need to do. It’s built into you, I can tell. I need you to trust yourself because I am done. I stayed twenty more years than I planned. I loved being matriarch, but the past while I’ve lost many personal opportunities. Perhaps I’ve become selfish in wanting to move on. That’s why I gave you the medallion with no warning.”

  The tension around the table ebbed and flowed as Alexia considered Victoria’s words, nodding slowly. “Then I ask you this, as past leader, can you tell me what I have to do to make sure I can transform? I do feel a connection to the dolphins and Jaffrey’s Cove. I have since my first summer here. It’s deeper than simply a love for the area and wonderful memories. I’ve dreamed about dancing in the waves, not as a human. I’ve dreamed about a beautiful cave and bright blue lights that turn into lovers—”

  “The cavern?” Victoria sat straight and Joshua tensed. Perhaps he should have made sure to speak sooner to Alexia about their lovemaking. “You’ve seen the cavern already?”

  “Often, but only in my dreams.” Alexia’s hand touched lightly on his shoulder. “The last time, the most vivid, was two nights ago and I met Joshua there. That was after you gave me the medallion.”

  Victoria’s face screwed up in confusion. “I don’t understand. How could you see the cavern before I even gifted you? Even after you had the medallion, you would have had to drop it in the ocean at night, and Joshua would not have been the only male merfolk to respond.” She turned toward him and Joshua stilled.

  Everyone stared at him.

  He refused to feel guilty regarding the wonderful experience he had shared with Alexia. It had been right for them to be together, he was sure of it. “I stopped the call from going out. Alexia did dip the necklace but I didn’t let the others hear the summons.” It stuck in his throat to make the confession but it needed to be said. “The time will come when she will need to make an open call, but it wasn’t appropriate then. We’ve been so connected over the years, I decided we needed time alone.”

  Victoria sat back in her chair, shaking her head. She stared at Joshua and he returned her gaze evenly. He would not apologize anymore for doing what he felt was right.

  “Joshua, what are you talking about?” Alexia asked, her voice tinged with her confusion. He turned to face her, his hand reaching out for hers again. “What is this business about dipping the necklace and the cave? Did you have the same dream I had?”

  He paused for a minute, squeezing her fingers reassuringly. “I’m not sure how, but I sensed when Victoria gave you the medallion, and I came to talk to you. You went to the beach and I watched you approach the water. I didn’t think you understood what would happen if you got the medallion wet in the moonlight, so I waited nearby in my fire form.

  “The medallion has the power to call the unmated males of the pod to you, to let you select a
consort. You set it off, Alexia, and I chose to block the call so you wouldn’t be surrounded before you even knew what was going on.”

  Alexia’s expression shifted from confusion to something darker, and Joshua hurried to reassure her. It wasn’t how he wanted to have this conversation, but he had no choice to wait. “The cavern is real, Alexia. Two nights ago I carried you there and we made love.”

  “It wasn’t a dream?” she whispered, withdrawing her hand from his, her eyes wide. “How did… No, never mind. It doesn’t matter right now.”

  Alexia glanced uneasily around the room, her body tightening and growing rigid. Joshua’s stomach fell as he recognized the emotional turmoil flashing through her. She was ready to lay down the law and it wasn’t going to be pretty.

  “I’ve fallen into a fairy tale but no one is following their proper lines. ‘Your world is not what you think it is, Alexia, but I’m sure you’ll be fine with us ordering you around.’” She rubbed a hand over her neck, glaring at them. “My Gram is a manipulating tyrant, my lawyer date tried to force himself on me, and my dream lover is a liar. Of all of you, Anthony is the only one behaving like the gentle person I remember.”

  “Calm down, dear,” Victoria soothed, her weathered hands fluttering in the air.

  Alexia laughed, a harsh, ragged sound. She shook her head, “Calm down? I am calm, Gram. I’m so calm the boats are all sitting dead in the water right now. You have a lot of nerve sitting there and expecting me to be calm about having two lovers in my bed and you traipsing in like it’s normal.”

  Joshua spoke softly, his guilt at adding to her burden making him attempt to be a peacemaker. “She’s not trying to upset you, Alexia. None of us did anything—”

  “Shut up, Joshua.” Her head whipped around and her mouth tightened to a thin line. “What was all that shit you shouted at Michael last night? About it being my choice, not his? I seem to remember you saying something about the Keeper knowing what she needed.” Alexia pushed herself away from the table violently, her chair flying to the ground behind her.


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