Sweet on Wilde

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Sweet on Wilde Page 6

by Fabiola Francisco

  My mind wanders to last night and my date with Parker. Excitement and nerves overwhelm me at the thought of seeing him tonight at Southern. I’ve become one of those girls I’ve always made fun of. You know the ones, the girls that swoon over boys, even when they’re not nearby. The memory of his lips on mine and his hands roaming over my body captivates me and I feel his presence lingering on me. If only it’d be that easy, snap my fingers and he’d be here, skin on skin, mouth on mouth, hands exploring and testing the limits.

  Take it slow.

  Parker wants to take it slow, take our time. He’s definitely not gay by his reaction to me when I was straddling him, so what’s the hold up? Does he think I’m a loser for enrolling in online dating to find someone? Am I a fool for thinking that someone who isn’t a part of it would find that normal?

  No. If Parker thought I was some weirdo, he wouldn’t have asked me out, let alone kissed me the way he did and ask for a second date. Releasing my own self-doubt, I turn my attention back to the TV but my restlessness doesn’t let me get sucked back in to the show. Instead, I grab my laptop and research ideas for our second date. Thinking of something unique that would give us time to get to know each other, I come up with some outdoor ideas. Being that it’s already fall, the weather is nice and there are lots of outdoor events going on.

  I decide on the perfect date and plan to make the pumpkin cupcakes Parker loved when he first went to the bakery before I had met him and knew what an adorable smartass he could be. Excited about my idea, I’ll talk to Parker today so we can choose a day. It will have to be while the sun is still out, but I think a late afternoon would be great. I hope he likes the idea. I’ve never planned a date, but Parker seems to be open to different ideas. Actually, from what I do know of him, he fits the perfect profile I filled out on The Perfect Match. Go figure.

  A little while after, I’m bored being home and decide to head out to the city center. I can grab lunch at a deli or just go for a walk. The weather is fabulous and I love being outdoors whenever I can. I park my car in a public parking lot and begin to walk around my small city. I’m tempted to go to Sweet Delights but I won’t do it. This is my day and I need to spoil myself. That means, doing what I want. No matter how much I love my job and truly enjoy being there, I agree that every once in a while I need to disconnect from the baking world and rediscover the world I live in.

  Walking past a spa, I walk in and see if they have any slots available for a mani and pedi. Maybe I’ll wax my eyebrows too. Heather greets me at the reception counter and squeezes me in between two appointments. Being a small city and owning one of the most popular bakeries, I am well known. I’ve also always gotten along with everyone I’ve come across. My family has been a part of this city and its history for a lot of years, and my grandmother has always been an active member in our community.

  I thank Heather and take a seat. I’m looking through a magazine when I hear my name being called. I look up and smile at Aly. I’ve known her forever and I always try to make my appointments with her, but since I just dropped in, I didn’t’ think she’d be free. I give Heather a grateful smile and walk in behind Aly to her table.

  We chat and catch up while Aly pretties me up. I choose a dark purple color for my nails and relax into the seat as she massages my hands and gets to work on them. She does the same to my feet, and I further relax into the slight massage. Noticing it’s still early, I ask Aly if she knows if the masseuse is free. I might as well go all out if I’m spoiling myself today. I never get time to do these kinds of things. I can have lunch after.

  She confirms with Heather, and it must be my lucky day, because she can put me in right after Aly finishes my eyebrows. We continue to talk. I ask her about her husband and baby and I tell her how the bakery is doing. Aly is a few years older than me, but I’ve known her for years, inside the spa and out.

  By the time I walk out of the spa I’m practically floating. The massage was spectacular, and I truly got to relax and clear my mind. Why don’t I take more days off and do this? I should consider making this a monthly habit. Between last night’s date and today’s lazy Saturday, I am on a high.

  I step into Susi’s and sit at a small table. I love this place and the food is great. It’s a small local joint but their burgers are delicious. The lighting is dim and vintage posters are placed throughout the space. The waitress brings my drink and I sip slowly, waiting for my food. I pull out my phone and open my e-reader app. I am deep in this book when the waitress drops off my food. Smiling politely at her, I thank her and begin eating in between pages of my book. When the waitress keeps passing by to clear the table and I’m awkwardly sitting here reading without ordering anything else, I decide I’ve been here long enough and get up and leave.

  I’m sitting on a stool at the bar of Southern talking to Jake when I feel Parker approaching us. I don’t need to turn to know it’s him, but I look his way to greet him. His smile holds me captive and I can’t break away. I smile in return and will my heart to slow down.

  “Hi, beautiful,” he kisses me on the cheek and I just about melt into this stool. “Hey, Jake.”

  Jake laughs and greets him. I curse that he’s witnessing this reaction from me. I won’t hear the end of it.

  “Hey,” I say and take a sip of my beer trying to hide the effect Parker has on me. Jake’s eyes are dancing with happiness as he looks between us. Obviously he knows we went out last night and I was telling him about it before Parker got here, but I may have left out just how much I enjoyed it, or the fact that I haven’t stopped thinking about it all day.

  Parker sits closer to me than he has in the past, and his right hand finds my thigh and gives me a quick squeeze as he orders a beer. He doesn’t remove his hand and that intimate touch speaks loudly to me. He’s been thinking about me too. He’s affected. Between his touch and the gleam in his eyes, I know this is true. I bite my lower lip and smile at that knowledge as I twirl my beer bottle on the countertop.

  “How was your day?” Parker turns his body towards me and takes a drink from his beer. I can’t help but look at his lips and remember how they felt on me last night. Parker smiles like he’s read my mind and I focus back on his eyes. His cobalt spheres are shimmering with mischief in the dim lighting.

  “Great! How was yours?”

  “Good. I spent the morning with the guys on the field for our morning practice. Then I went by the bakery but you weren’t there.” He arches an eyebrow in question.

  “Nope, I didn’t go in today. Took the day for myself.” Inwardly, I’m ecstatic that he came by the bakery even if we were going to see each other that evening. I finish off my beer and place the bottle on the counter.

  “You do look relaxed. Maybe a certain someone took over your thoughts and cleared your mind.”

  “Actually, I got a massage. And by the looks of it, you had a certain someone occupying your mind.”

  “You’re right, I had a certain brunette swimming in my thoughts. You know, I give pretty good massages,” he whispers in my ear, close enough to smell his scent and send chills down my skin.

  “Hmmm…A certain brunette, huh? Maybe you should give her a call.”

  “I may just have to. Will you excuse me a sec while I do that?” I playfully slap his shoulder and he grabs my hand, threading our fingers together and bringing us closer. His legs cage me to my stool and his feet on each side of me are resting on the footrest rungs. Our hands connected, he looks me straight in the eyes and smiles. “You know I’m joking, but I like your reaction.”

  “Well, it would be a shame seeing that I have our second date planned. I guess I’ll have to go with someone else.”

  “No way,” he whispers in my ear. “You’re going with me.” I breathe in deeply, closing my eyes in the act, and take in his fresh scent again.

  “I think it’s more like you’re going with me. It’s a surprise, I’ll be driving.”

  His expression is adorable and I laugh. “Seriously?”
r />   “Yup!” I give him a wide grin and grab the beer Jake just placed in front of me. “Cheers.” I clink my bottle to his and drink as he’s processing the information. It really isn’t that big of a deal.

  “I’ve never been on a date where a girl drives me.” He drinks his beer, dumfounded.

  “Well, there’s a first time for everything.”

  “There sure is. So you really aren’t going to tell me where?”

  “Nope. Same way you kept our first date to yourself. Although it would be adorable to hear you try to guess the different places we’re going to.” I smirk.

  “Adorable, huh? So that’s what you really think of me. You’re pretty adorable too, especially when you’re impatient.”

  “I’m pretty sure you called me beautiful when you greeted me.”

  He laughs loudly and shakes his head. “One of a kind,” he murmurs before drinking. “You are both, beautiful and adorable.” I blush at his compliments, only joking when I said it. “Oh no, don’t get shy now. You brought it up.”

  I smile up at him and enjoy how easy it is to be around Parker. He’s honest and drama-free so far, no weird outfits or traits, and hot as hell. I’m starting to wonder how the hell he’s still single. Are there some skeletons in his closet? I stop my negative thinking and enjoy his company. Someone could think the same of me. I need to follow my gut, and right now it’s telling me Parker is a keeper.

  “Anyway, beautiful, when will this date be happening?” I smile at his emphasis and feel my face heat a bit.

  “Are you free next Saturday at five o’clock?”

  “I’m all yours,” he says genuinely. If there’s one thing I’ve observed about Parker, it is his honesty. His emotions are honest and that’s a big thing for me. “So does that mean we’re going to have to stick to our unofficial dates until then? Or are you going to make me wait a week to see you again?”

  I love that he wants to see me before our date. I smile once again at his honesty. “You’re going to have to wait, unless you see me as I wait for one of my online dates to arrive,” I tease him.

  “I may need to scare them away before you arrive. I’ll make a big sign that says, ‘Savannah is a weirdo, stay away.’ and have Jake hang it up.”

  He also gives back what is thrown his way. I laugh and shake my head. “That beats the size does matter comments, so I’ll take it.”

  “I could write that you like to be ridden like a cowgirl.” I stare at him in embarrassment. Had I known then we’d be dating in the future I probably would’ve bit my tongue and never made that comment. That’s what I get for letting out my sarcasm every chance I get.

  “Maybe I’ll be able to test that out one day. You know, I do have cowboy blood in me, cowgirl.”

  Oh god, “You’re a baseball player.” Seriously, that’s the best you can do?

  “I didn’t know there was some unwritten law that I’m not aware of that states a baseball player and a cowboy cannot be one in the same. I know my way around a barn. I just have a stronger love of the game.”

  “I can’t believe I said that out loud.” I shake my head, still in disbelief. “Good to know you’re at home around a barn though,” I wink.

  “Funny as hell,” he says. We continue to talk, with me still caged between his legs, our fingers still entwined, and our smiles an obvious feature that we’re on a date despite it being “unofficial.”

  After a while, Parker says, “Dance with me.” My legs are thumping to the beat of their own volition but I’m not really paying attention to the songs. I pay close attention to the song starting and recognize Lee Brice’s beat coming through the speakers. As “I Don’t Dance” begins playing, Parker pulls me up without an answer and leads me to the dance floor.

  We begin to move together. Rather than the loose two-step we danced the other night, our embrace is more intimate, not following the crowd, but moving to our own steps. Parker twirls me around and pulls me back in. I feel free in his arms as I laugh and hold on to him. After the song ends, they switch it up to a little Brantley Gilbert and his unique sound blasts through the speakers. The crowd thickens as they prepare to dance to his song, separating Parker and me. I see him eyeing me and I laugh as I begin to line dance, getting lost in the music and the steps that lead my body on the dance floor.

  Once the song ends, I feel Parker’s hands on the small of my back and I turn to look at him. “Have fun dancin’?”

  “Would’ve been more fun if they played another slow song so I can dance with that brunette I was telling you about,” he counters.

  “Oh, is she here?” I pretend to look around for her.

  “Funny.” He smirks despite trying to be serious. “There’s only one brunette I’m interested in and I’m holding her.” With that, I smile and my heart thuds in my chest. As much as I like his raw honesty, sometimes it throws me off my axis and leaves me speechless.

  After I compose myself, I hold onto him and say, “Well, you may just be lucky enough to be the only blonde on her mind.”

  “I sure hope so,” he says and leans down to kiss me softly.

  Lost in my baking, my mind wanders back to Saturday night with Parker at Southern. Our date on Friday was spectacular, but Saturday night we were more comfortable around each other, like Friday broke the ice for our relationship…Ummm, not sure what we have is a relationship.

  Shaking that thought out of my head, I go back to what I’m making. It felt really nice to have a long weekend. Well, for most people it’s a normal weekend, for me having Saturday and Sunday off is a long weekend.

  “Good morning, sunshine.” Beth is chipper this morning.

  “Good morning.” I look over at her with curiosity.

  “How was your weekend? Please tell me it was spectacular and that’s why you took Saturday off.”

  I go into details about our date and meeting up at Southern. We talk about the movie and our playful teasing. Beth tells me about her unsuccessful date with that mystery guy and how this time she didn’t promise seeing him again. I’m glad she told him she wasn’t interested. Poor guy had high hopes for their relationship and she wasn’t feeling it. I assume her happiness goes to her getting rid of the guy.

  Once the morning rush begins, Beth goes out front to help the rest of the staff and I stay in the kitchen prepping the sweets for the rest of the day and lunch items.

  “There’s a customer that demands you check him out–pun intended.” Smiling, I make my way out to the bakery knowing who that customer is.

  “I hear you need services only the owner can provide you with.” I smile mischievously at Parker.

  “You heard correctly. I’m glad you’re able to meet those services.” I ring up Parker’s order, happy to see him today. As he hands me his card, our fingers brush against each other and I feel that familiar spark within me. I missed it.

  “See you Saturday,” I say, as he gets ready to leave.

  “You’ll see me before.” Parker smiles with a combination of sex appeal and adoration. I can’t help but feel my own smile creep up my face and stay for the remainder of the day.

  I inwardly squeal but try to keep a cool exterior. I do not need people talking about me dating the out of town baseball player. Okay, he may not play baseball anymore, but he did at one point and those who follow the sport know him. I want to make sure where this is going before it’s the talk of the town. Beth doesn’t miss our interaction and she smiles excitedly. I’m sure she’s happy to see me open up to a guy after being single for so long.

  The rest of the week passes by in the same fashion. Parker makes his daily visits to the bakery, something that has become a part of his routine, requesting I ring him up so he can see me. I happily oblige his request, falling deeper into our subtle touches and smiles. Some mornings he’ll stay a bit longer, sitting at a table as we glance at each other. While he’s at the bakery, I stay in the main room, cleaning up and serving customers. I feel his eyes on me as I laugh with my customers and tell them a
bout my latest creations.

  I also sent Mark a message this week to let him know that I had met someone and wished him luck. I know the dating scene isn’t easy, especially with his work schedule, but I wasn’t going to leave him hanging. Being honest, I told him I wasn’t free to see him, and he totally understood, also wishing me luck in his response.

  I’m starting to fall for Parker and it excites me. I have never felt so excited about dating a guy before. Sure, my dating record isn’t the best, but I’ve had my share. I wouldn’t say we’re on our way to walking down the aisle at all, but I love the comfortable feeling of this newness. We aren’t awkward around each other and our playful banter is refreshing. I feel like I can be myself and spit out any comment and not get judged. I think Parker likes that I speak my mind.

  Our time is limited between me working and him having to head out to practice and meetings, but we make it count when he’s in the bakery.

  Emily calls me on Friday and I catch her up on everything that’s been happening. She had an idea about Parker, but I haven’t spoken to her all week to update her.

  “So you’ve found yourself a Georgia boy. They say they are loyal to the bone. Then again, it’s probably the Georgian mommas telling me that about their own boys.” She laughs. You gotta love those Southern mommas. That makes me think about Parker and his family. I don’t really know much about them. I guess I can ask him tomorrow on our date. I wonder if he’s an only child or not, or if he has a good relationship with his parents, or if they’re still married or not. I realize there’s still a lot to learn about him.

  “I guess I have,” I say, laughing. “Who would’ve thought? Can’t find myself a southern boy in my own state, but I find one from the neighboring one.”

  We continue to talk and laugh. I miss having Emily here and I’m grateful for technology keeping us connected in all possible ways.


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