Sweet on Wilde

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Sweet on Wilde Page 8

by Fabiola Francisco

  Emily and her parents are like family so it is kind of nerve wracking to take someone to an event in their house. It feels like I am introducing Parker to my own family, but it’s just a party and really, a casual introduction to my best friend and her parents.

  I can’t wait to see my best friend and spend some much-needed time with her. Maybe Friday night we can go to Southern so she can see Jake and we can all hang out with a few beers. Planning all the possible outings for the weekend she’ll be in town, knowing there is no way to do all I have planned, I drift off to sleep.

  The annoying vibrations coming from my phone pull me out of my sleep. Sundays are my day to sleep in a bit. I grab my phone and sit up on my bed. Parker’s name flashes on the screen and I remember our plans for today. It’s too early for lunch but I answer, curious about why he is calling at this time.

  “You do know lunch isn’t until after noon, right?”

  Parker chuckles before he speaks, “Good morning to you too. I know at what time lunch is supposed to be. I changed my mind. I’m picking you up in twenty minutes. Dress comfortably and wear sneakers.”

  “Um, okay.” I rub my eyes confused. I say bye and hang up, jumping out of bed to get ready. I pull out a pair of long, geometric pattern leggings and an oversized t-shirt to wear with my sneakers. I finish pulling up my hair in a ponytail when Parker rings my doorbell.

  “Hey,” I smile up at him. The sun hasn’t even risen yet and I’m only up this early when I’m going to work.

  “I brought a peace offering for waking you up so early.” He hands me a coffee cup.

  “Thank god. You may be forgiven for waking me up so early on my only day off. Where did you find coffee this early?”

  “I have my ways,” he winks and smiles. “Let’s go.” Parker reaches for my hand and pulls me to him, kissing my cheek. “Lock up. We’re on a time crunch.” I do as he says and walk towards Parker’s truck with him.

  In his truck, I look over at him in the darkness before dawn and take in his muscles under his long sleeve t-shirt. My eyes wander discreetly down his body to his loose fitting sweatpants and back up to his face slightly hidden under his cap.

  Taking in his features in the moonlight, I feel my eyes begin to close as the movement of the truck lulls me to sleep. I hear a faint chuckle coming from Parker but ignore it too tired to let my stubbornness out to argue.

  “Savannah,” I’m gently being shaken. Blinking my eyes, I see we are in some kind of park.

  “Where are we?” I groggily look around.

  “We’re going for a hike. You said you don’t get to do it often, so we’re going to change that.”

  “Did we really have to start so early if we’re going for a hike?” I try to wake myself up and jump out of the car. I realize I sound ungrateful and try to rectify that. I make my way towards Parker and grab his hand. “Thank you. I’m just tired. I do love hiking.” I reach up and kiss his cheek. “So lead the way.”

  We begin walking down the trail and get lost amongst the greenery of the tall trees and the forest. I look up and take in the beautiful surroundings, breathing in fresh air. It’s daybreak so the shadows of the trees still surround us as dawn makes its first appearance on the horizon. This really is beautiful. We have a few state parks in the area that have awesome trails, but this is one of my favorites.

  We silently walk deeper into the forest, hand in hand, taking our time, lost in the beauty around us. We pass by small creeks and hear the songs of birds overhead in the trees. The world is beginning to wake up and in the early morning light we see the lake on our right, open and vast as we begin to loop around it. We make it out from the trees and into an open area facing the water.

  The view is breathtaking. From between the hills, the sun is rising, casting a golden glow on the water. The ripples on the lake reflect the glow and we stand quietly just watching nature take its course.

  “This is beautiful.” I keep looking in front of me, memorizing every detail. I’ve seen the sun rise many times, but witnessing it in this spot makes it a different experience.

  “I thought you might like it.” I look back at Parker and he’s watching me from under his cap.

  “So this was the rush. Totally beats lunch.” I smile and look back at the sunrise. Parker pulls me closer to his front and his arms wrapped tightly around my waist as he nods his head.

  “Yeah, I wanted to make sure we got to see this.” I wrap my arms around his at my middle, looking up at him, suddenly shy. For some reason, I can’t find my words, I just feel my heart pick up speed in my chest and nerves surround me. In the short time I have known Parker, he has learned to read me so well.

  I rest my head on his chest, and look out at the water. This is perfect. I could complain all I want about Parker’s early wake up call and an earlier than planned outing, but in this moment I don’t care that I could still be sleeping because what I really want is to spend more time with him and get to know him better. We haven’t even slept together. Hell, this is technically our third date, but I guess if you count our encounters in the bakery and at Southern, we’ve seen each other more often than we may realize.

  After the sun is shining above us, we continue to walk along the trail as we explore more of the area. A few bikers cross our path and they ride by us getting their Sunday morning started outdoors.

  “So… My best friend is coming to town this weekend…” I begin to tell Parker about next weekend and maybe that is where my nervousness stems from. “She lives in Atlanta actually and is coming for her dad’s birthday. They’re having a party and I was wondering if you’d want to go with me. No pressure…”

  “I’d love to,” he interrupts me before I can give him an out. “Savannah, I really like you.” Parker stops us from walking and tugs my hand. His hands come up to the sides of my face and he kisses me. “I’ll be there.”

  “You’re easy…” He cocks an eyebrow at me in amusement. Laughing, I correct myself, “I meant that was easier than I thought. And I may like you, too.” I reach up on my tiptoes to kiss his lips.

  “Oh, you better. I woke up really early to bring you out here.” His teasing makes me smile and I drag him down the trail.

  After an hour of getting lost in the magic of the forest and finding our way back, I tell Parker to take us to Sweet Delights. He looks at me skeptically, but does as I ask. Once we get to the bakery, I unlock and lead him back into the kitchen. He takes off his cap, keeping his manners in check.

  “I’ll be right back,” I walk into the main room and brew coffee for us as I decide what to make for breakfast.

  “Coffee is brewing. That one cup was not enough.” Parker is sitting on a stool in the kitchen looking more delectable than any recipe I can whip up. He chuckles and reaches out for me. Letting him guide me to stand between his legs, I smile at him.

  “I needed some kind of peace offering for waking you up so early.” His hands hold my hips and I heat at the contact.

  “You’re forgiven. That sunrise was totally worth it.” The proximity to Parker kicks up my heart rate and I need to break away before I do something embarrassing. “I’m going to get our coffees.” I move away from him, back into the main room and I swear I hear a faint groan coming from him. Smiling, I serve our coffees and return to the kitchen, handing him his mug with some cream and sugar in case he wants some. I fix my coffee to perfection and open the fridge.

  “Is biscuits and gravy okay?” I look at Parker over my shoulder.

  “Private dining, I approve.” His smile is tempting and dangerous. “That sounds great.”

  “Good.” I begin taking out the ingredients for the biscuits and preparing them before I make work on the gravy. Parker and I talk casually as I cook. Once the biscuits are rolled out and cut into perfect circles, I place them on cookie sheets and into the oven to bake.

  “Any new recipes you’ll be making this week?”

  “Haven’t thought about it yet. I’ve been a little busy.” I look at Par
ker and he smiles proudly. “I’m sure something will come up. I usually get ideas as I go.”

  “So you don’t research or look for recipes, just kinda think them up?”

  “Yup. I used to look for ideas when I first started, but I know what flavors mix well together and I’ve kinda memorized the measurements for different recipes already.”

  “Well, I may just have to come by and check what’s new this week.” I love that Parker doesn’t hide his interest or try to mask it with a cool exterior. “You may become even busier in the future if I can help it.”

  Loving the thought of spending more time with him, I say, “I sure hope so,” as I put the sausage on to cook for the gravy.

  As soon as the sausage hits the pan, its smell fills the kitchen as I focus on the task of cooking while I have Parker’s eyes on me. Although we’ve quieted down, I’m very aware of his gaze on me, observing my movements. I love cooking, but I have never been observed so closely while I do it besides when I was in school. Even then, I think Parker is looking at me with more intensity than any teacher ever did.

  “It smells good,” Parker interrupts my thoughts. I’m almost done with the gravy and I smile up at him.

  “It does.” I take out the biscuits from the oven and let them cool a second while the gravy simmers. “This is one of my favorite dishes but I hardly ever make it.”

  “I gotta say, my grandma makes the best biscuit and gravy in the South so I’ll be a tough critic,” Parker says trying to bite down his smile.

  “You tell me this now? Way to put pressure on me...”

  “Well, I’m pretty sure I’ll like yours just as much. Or almost.”

  “Yeah, maybe if I were cooking in lingerie…or naked,” I mutter. Parker lets out a loud laugh and shakes his head.

  “I can say my grandma’s never done that. That would have been one point in your favor.” I roll my eyes and plate the biscuits, cutting them open, and pouring the gravy over them.

  “Do you want to eat in here or out in the bakery?”

  “Let’s go sit out there,” Parker says, grabbing the plates. I take utensils and our mugs, following him out to the room. I stop by the coffee maker and refill our mugs before sitting at the table Parker chose.

  We silently begin eating. I had not realized how hungry I was, and if I do say so myself, this meal is delicious.

  After a few bites, Parker says, “Okay, you’re pretty damn good at making biscuits and gravy. I approve.”

  “I hadn’t realized I needed your approval,” I tease. “But thank you. I’m glad you like it.” We finish up our meals and sit talking leisurely over our coffee. This feels like our millionth date instead of our third. The comfort that surrounds me around Parker is familiar yet exciting. I feel like I can be myself with him and tease playfully but I also sense the attraction between us, an attraction that I would not mind exploring further.

  We continue to get to know each other, laughing as our conversation shifts to different topics. “Worst date ever?” I ask Parker, curious about his dating record.

  “Hmmm… let me think.” He looks up at the ceiling pondering. “Okay. This one time I went out with a girl while I was in college. I was just starting off my baseball career and thought I was hot shit. God was I so wrong. We went to a party the team was hosting. Things seemed great at first. She seemed to be totally interested in me. After a while, she spotted the team captain by the keg eyeing her. She thanked me for the ride and ran off to him stating she had been trying to get his attention for months.”

  Not able to hold my laughter in, I give Parker an apologetic shrug. That must be terrible for someone’s ego. “So, can you introduce me to #23 on your team? I’ve been dying to meet him.” I imitate a breathy voice and exaggerate my movements.

  “You won’t like him, he can’t dance the way I can,” Parker teases back. “Your turn.”

  “Oh god, worst date ever. Let’s see. Besides the obvious sucky dates I’ve had recently, I went out with this guy once who asked me to go watch a football game with him. He knew the team playing was the biggest rival to my team but asked anyway, convinced I would be rooting for that team by the end of the night. We got to the place where he always watched the game, some kind of country club thing, full of older men and no women. I was the only female and the other men just looked at me like I didn’t belong. I tried to keep a positive mind. We took a seat in front of the TV and he pulled out a small radio and headphones. I looked over at him all confused when he put on the headphones and focused on the game playing on the screen.” I cringe at the memory of that date.

  “Anyway, I thought the entire time he would take off the headphones and speak to me or something. Instead he said, ‘This is how I always watch games,’ as if that was an excuse, and he carried on. After our date, we went out to have a drink. When it was time to pay, he asked if I had enough money to cover my half of the bill since he was short on cash. So not only did I have to sit through a game I hated, but I also had to pay for my own beer.”

  I can tell Parker is trying hard to hold in his laughter but the slight trembling of his frame is betraying him. “Go ahead, laugh it off.” The rumble that leaves his body echoes throughout the empty bakery and I laugh with him.

  “And that was some guy you met in person? Oh god, that’s hilarious. Sorry.” He catches his breath and I admire how gorgeous he is. Catching my own breath, I giggle.

  “You wanted to know my worst date ever. Well, that’s one for the books. I think I was in shock as it was happening and thought that at any moment he’d realize his mistake and change. That didn’t happen. I didn’t even have him walk me to my door. Got out of the car and said a simple goodbye.” We both laugh again and I realize my dating record really is a sad one. “To add to it, he asked me out again a few weeks later.”

  “Lucky for me that it didn’t work out with him. I’m hoping to rectify your dating streak then.”

  “You’re doing alright.” I smile at Parker.

  “Good,” he reaches for my hand and holds it, his eyes searching mine. Squirming under his scrutiny, I shift uncomfortably at how closely he’s watching me. I can’t read what is going through his mind.

  “This might sound really stupid, but the head coach of our team is having a Halloween party in a couple of weeks. Would you like to go with me? I know it’s what younger kids do, but I’d love to have you there with me.”

  “I’d love to. I actually love Halloween and dressing up.”

  “Oh, really?” Parker cocks an eyebrow. “So, what kind of dressing up do you like to do?” His innuendo is obvious, but I play along.

  “Oh you know, a princess, long dresses and tiaras.”

  “Can I be your Prince Charming?”

  “We’ll see…” I tease.

  I load the dishes into the dishwasher and turn to Parker. He’s sitting on the same stool he was on earlier and reaches out to me, pulling me back in. His lips instantly hit mine, his mouth exploring my own, tasting and teasing with his tongue. Chills travel down my spine as goose bumps appear on my skin.

  His hands roam along my body, touching me. Our lips move together desperate to taste more and my hands move up to his hair, tangling in the loose ends at the nape of his neck. His lips move down to my neck, trailing kisses from my jaw down to that spot right behind my ear that makes me shiver. Wetness begins to spread between my legs and a moan escapes me. Closing my eyes, I let Parker discover this part of my body with his mouth.

  Parker’s hands move down to my ass and he lifts me so I straddle him on the stool. My lips seek his, and my tongue enters his mouth wanting to taste more of him. I feel no inhibition when it comes to Parker and less when he’s holding me the way he is. My body moves over his of its own accord, and I feel his hardness under his sweatpants. Those sweatpants that teased me as we were hiking, hanging perfectly low on his hips, tempting me to want more.

  Parker groans against my mouth, his hands on my hips holding me down against him but not stopping m
y movements. His hand moves under my shirt and strokes my nipple over my sports bra, leaving it peaked and wanting. He moves over to the other, giving it the same attention, and causing my core to ache for him. He hardens even more under me and that ache intensifies as his hands stroke my back.

  Breaking away from me, he says, “As much as I truly am enjoying this, we need to stop or I’m going to lose all self control. And it will be quite embarrassing to me if I do.” Breathing heavily, I chuckle in understanding.

  “Sorry,” I say as I try to get off him. He holds me in place and kisses me.

  “I also don’t want the first time we sleep together to be a quickie in the kitchen of your bakery on a whim. Although you made it very difficult for me to stop.” I shrug unapologetic. I could’ve kept going and I loved feeling his desire under me.

  I get off his lap, turned on and wet. “You made it difficult when you picked me up and placed me on your lap. What’s a girl to do? It’s so easy to run the bases with a baseball player.” I tease and take a deep breath.

  I have not felt this hot and bothered in a long time. Besides his charming personality, he is hot as hell and feeling his hard body beneath mine did things to me.

  “Using baseball terms to get in my pants? There’s nothing more I’d like than to do that with you, but not here. Besides, I’m pretty sure that would be unsanitary for your shop.” His voice is laced with amusement. His hands reach down and grab my ass again, squeezing, and his mouth devours mine. I run my hands up his arms, feeling the muscles there, and getting even more turned on. I think if he’d just touch me once, I’d explode.

  Pulling away from him, I look into his eyes and see the same desire reflected in them. “We should probably go,” I say, regretting it but knowing it’s the right decision. If we stay here, we’ll end up having a quickie for our first time together and I don’t want that. I agree with Parker when he said that, and I want to make sure we keep it that way.

  “I know.”

  Parker arrives at my house and parks in the driveway before facing me. “I’ll see you tomorrow. I’ll be damned if I wait until next weekend to see you again outside of work.”


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