The Shifter Protector's Virgin

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The Shifter Protector's Virgin Page 82

by Leela Ash

  “Oh God,” she said aloud.

  She watched him limp slowly up to her driveway. His suit was ripped up one leg and exposing his shoe and sock, and he had a blood patch on his knee and a little trail coming from his nose. His eye was beginning to swell. The guilt hit her all at once, like this was her fault, but she stopped herself from going down to see him because she knew if it hadn’t been him in that state, then it would have been her. He had been prepared to hurt her if she went against him. Kristin smiled smugly at the thought of Locke beating the shit out of him and watched as he struggled to lift his bags over his shoulder and drag the rest down the driveway. He didn’t once look up or try and see if she was inside. He simply walked back down the street, looking like he was about to collapse, and disappeared into the distance.

  When he was gone, Kristin flopped down on her bed and stretched out. She had her home and her life back. She grinned and rolled over and picked up her cell phone. Her next item on her agenda was telling the firm that they could shove their job. She was quitting and she never wanted to set foot in the building again.


  As the sun set that night, Kristin lay outside on her sun lounger and sipped a martini. In the space of a few days her world had been completely changed and although it was frightening to not have a plan or any clue where she was heading, it was also the most liberating feeling she had ever experienced.

  Her cell phone buzzed next to her and she picked it up. Locke was calling her.

  “Hello,” she smiled into it as she held it to her ear.

  “Hey, Babe,” Locke said with his deep, gruff voice. “I took care of that for you.”

  “I know,” she cooed, “I saw him go.”

  “He’s a piece of shit, you did the right thing.” She could tell he was smoking.

  “Thank you for your help,” she said.

  “Listen,” he exhaled and cleared his throat. “Seeing as you’re not my lawyer and there’s no conflict of interest… You want to get together tonight?”

  Inside, Kristin was doing summersaults. She clamped her hand over the mouthpiece as she smiled and tried not to explode with excitement.

  “Hmm,” she teased, “Well, I don’t know about that.”

  He stayed silent and exhaled again.

  “Of course I’d love to see you,” she said. “Why don’t I meet you somewhere?”

  “Meet me at Tuscan Motel,” he said, “I’ve been staying there.”

  “Okay,” she said, unsure. She knew that this could be a terrible idea, knowing how dangerous this guy could be and going to meet him somewhere alone… but she’d known him pretty much her entire life… surely he wouldn’t do anything to her?

  “See you soon,” he said and then the line went dead.

  Kristin downed the rest of her martini and got to her feet. She felt a little bit tipsy, but she knew that she was fine to drive. She giggled to herself as she thought that his bad boy persona was already rubbing off on her. She went upstairs to her room and pulled a black vest out of her closet and a pair of ripped jeans. She hadn’t worn anything like this in years, but somehow it felt right. She slipped into them and ruffed up her hair and applied some black eyeliner. Now she wouldn’t look out of place walking around somewhere like The Tuscan. It was a shabby motel on the outskirts of town that was well known for its biker scene. She took one last look at herself in the mirror and smiled. She always wanted to be this girl, and she was finally giving in to it.


  She took a cab. She didn’t want Locke to see her car and judge her. He had already seen her suited up and in full on lawyer mode and she didn’t want to freak him out. As the cab pulled up outside The Tuscan, she could see rows of motorcycles lined up out front, some with riders and some without. The men were big and burly, clad in leather, and covered in tattoos and chains. Kristin swallowed and ran her hands through her hair. She was really doing this. She was really going to go in there and see Locke.

  “Here you are,” the driver said as he turned and looked over his shoulder at her, “You sure this is the place you want?” He peeked over the top of his sunglasses.

  Kristin smiled like it was nothing and just said, “Yes,” before she handed the driver a twenty and climbed out of the back seat and out onto the dusty road.

  She looked around as the cab pulled off behind her and made its way back onto the highway. She felt cold and wrapped her arms around herself. She felt like all eyes were on her as she took a step towards the motel and then stopped and sat down on the curb. She pulled out her cell phone and dialed Locke.

  “I can see you,” he said as he answered. “Turn around.”

  Kristin got slowly to her feet and turned on her heel. There was a big group of men all looking in her direction, but she couldn’t see Locke’s face in the crowd.

  “Where are you?” she said into the phone.

  “Look up,” he said.

  She looked up to the second floor row of rooms and saw him instantly, standing in a doorway and leaning against the frame. His shirt was off and he was only wearing a dirtied pair of cargo pants. His amazing chest was on show, as were his rippling, tattoo-covered abs and his tanned skin that glistened with sweat.

  “You coming up?” he asked.

  Kristin smiled and hung up the phone. She took a step forward and then another, no longer noticing the gang of bikers leering at her. She made her way to the steps and climbed them, with her sights only set on one thing. She had to have him. He had never looked sexier, not in the entire time she had known him. Not even when they were younger and she used to watch him from her bedroom window as he lounged in the yard and worked out in his basement. Not even that day he had shouted out of the car for her to show him her pussy. There was something about him then, in that moment, that was driving her so wild she knew she wasn’t going to be able to keep her hands off him.

  She charged up the stairs and walked seductively towards him. He looked at her with intensity, like a predator. He was set to pounce on her at any moment. As she approached the door, she slowed her pace and waited for him to reach out for her. He licked his lips and lunged out, grabbing her by the wrist and pulling her inside with him before he kicked the door shut and held onto her so tightly she thought he may snap her in half.

  His stubble grazed her shoulder and he kissed her so hard he seemed to suck all of the air out of her.

  “You’re here. Good girl,” he breathed, “Now what am I going to do with you?”

  Kristin didn’t respond. She wanted him to take her anyway he wanted. He spun her around and kissed the back of her neck while cupping her breasts and nibbling her, pulling at her nipples and slipping her top off over her head. She had purposefully not worn a bra and the feeling of him touching her was so incredible she was already wet and ready for him. She moaned as he pushed her forwards and she fell on the bed face first. He was behind her in a split second, pulling her jeans down and off around her ankles, hooking his rough hands into her lace panties and ripping them off in one swift motion. Kristin gasped as he separated her legs with his knees and climbed between them. He was still wearing his pants but she could feel how big and stiff he was inside them, and as he rubbed himself against her she felt the most exquisite rush of pleasure.

  “Do anything you want to me,” she panted as he lifted her up with one arm and moved her across the bed so he had better access to ravage her.

  Locke smiled and pulled his pants down, exposing his impressively thick and rock-hard length. He reached between her legs and slipped a huge finger inside of her. The sensation was amazing. It had been so long since someone she really wanted had touched her. His finger was slick with her juices instantly and when Locke realized how warm and wet she was, it made him harder. His dick jerked as she shuddered and writhed against him, moaning with pleasure. She let her hand wander down and she groped for him, wanting nothing more than to touch his member and have it inside her. As she wrapped her hand around him and tugged, he breathed in deeply and g
roaned. He was so engorged and throbbing, Kristin didn’t know how she was going to take him. She ran her other hand up his torso and touched the beautiful inked artwork on his amazing chest. He was like a human canvas.

  She had never been with a man who was that size before, both his dick and his frame. He was so huge, he could pin her down easily with one hand and dominate her in every way possible. She wanted to open up to him easily, but she knew her nerves would make her even tighter. She lay back and tried to relax as Locke groaned and moved between her legs so his massive length was positioned at her opening. He was unprotected but she didn’t care. She wanted to feel every part of him, and she wanted him to cum inside her. He looked at her deep in the eyes as he wrapped another hand around her throat and slowly and powerfully slid himself inside her. He penetrated her inch by inch and opened her wider than she had ever been. Kristin gasped as the pleasure thundered through her and he thrust himself in and out, his intense heat filling her up as they became one. She felt weightless as he gripped onto her soft thighs and pounded into her. He still hadn’t shaved and the stubble on his chin and cheeks were even sharper and they nicked her skin as he kissed her. Kristin groaned as he pulled her onto him again and drove his cock into her. His arms were heavy and thick as he held onto her and his groans turned into grunts, getting louder and deeper.

  The more he was dominating her, the more the dangerous man she had seen at the police station came through. He was taking on another persona, his whole demeanor changing with the more pleasure he experienced. He was the most powerful man she had ever known. She was so into him, she was so turned on, she loved that he was bad and dangerous. She loved that he had kicked the shit out of Pete for her and was even intimidating to the local cops. She lay beneath him and opened herself up to him like a flower as his hot, hard dick pumped in and out of her, bringing her to the edge of the most intense release.

  Kristin gripped onto Locke and her whole body tensed up as he fucked her slowly. He was hitting her spot so hard and good she knew that she could not hold on any longer. She fell back in an explosive rush of pleasure, just as she felt Locke’s body tense and jerk and he pumped his hot seed right up inside her. He emptied his huge load into her tight pussy as her whole body spasmed. As she came, she bit onto his shoulder and Locke wrapped his hand around her throat and pulled her face to his so he could stare into her eyes. The power exuding from him was so impressive, she was frightened. She had never been at the mercy of someone so completely and she loved it. She knew now there was no other way she ever wanted it to be.


  She lay next to him as he panted in and out. His huge chest heaved up and down as he caught his breath and reached over and lit a cigarette. Kristin nuzzled into him and let her long hair fan out across his torso, mixing in with his ink. She traced her fingertip over an eagle.

  “Tell me about the murder charge,” she said quietly.

  “There’s nothing to tell,” he laughed. “I didn’t do anything.”

  “So why did they arrest you?”

  “Because they just want to cause shit for us,” he said, taking another drag.


  “The club,” he blew smoke out through his nose. “But they can’t touch us, and they know it.”

  “I’ve heard stories,” she said. “Bad ones, about those types of gangs.”

  “They’re bad news if you’re on the wrong side of one, that’s for sure.”

  Kristin stopped touching him and leaned up on her elbow.

  “You’re on the right side, babe, don’t worry,” he winked at her.

  “You’re gonna look after me now right?” she asked seriously.

  “Of course I am,” he smiled and ran a hand through her hair. “This, right now, is all I ever really wanted. Now I’ve got it, I’m never letting it go.”

  Kristin leaned forward and kissed him, the taste of smoke making her wet all over again. She lay back down as he stood up and walked naked into the bathroom. She watched him turn on the shower and step inside. She still found it crazy to believe that the boy who she had lusted after all of her teenage life was now such an incredible man and she was there with him. She had essentially turned her life upside down for him and was prepared to turn her back on everything she had ever thought to be right and true. She thought back to Pete and to how dissatisfied she had been with him… He had done nothing but treat her like shit and make her question herself and her abilities, whereas Locke was the complete opposite. She thought about how different the two men were. Locke was supposedly dangerous and Pete was supposed to be the safe bet… but she knew now how wrong she had gotten it all.

  Locke came out of the shower with his hair wet and water dripping around his eyes. Kristin beckoned for him to come back to bed, and he grinned before walking slowly over to her and taking hold of her hand. He kissed it lightly and the stubble grazed her again. She smiled.

  “Ten years,” she said playfully, “I think we’ve got a lot of catching up to do, don’t you?”

  “Hell, yes, Babe,” Locke grinned as he took another step forward and dropped the towel…


  What the Outlaw Must Have

  Samantha Leal

  Copyright ©2015 by Samantha Leal. All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic of mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Thank you so much for your interest in my work!


  Holly collapsed on the stool and rubbed the soles of her feet. They were red hot and tired. She had been working since eleven that morning and now as it approached 1:00 am, her whole body ached. Her shoes fell lightly to the floor, and Elle almost swept them up with the edge of her broom. The girls laughed, half with amusement and half with exhaustion.

  “What a shift,” Holly sighed as she stretched and pulled a strawberry milkshake closer to her and took a long, much-needed sip.

  “Tell me about it,” Elle said as she set down the broom and sat on the stool next to her.

  “Pass me mine,” she smiled, motioning to the other tall glass next to Holly.

  Holly slid it along the countertop, and Elle began to stir it with her straw.

  “Happy Friday,” she grinned. The two girls clinked glasses.

  “Yeah, who needs to go to a bar when you can serve truckers and indulge in these once a week?” Holly joked.

  Elle laughed and slapped her playfully on the arm.

  “We need to get lives, don’t we?” Elle scrunched up her mouth as she pouted and looked out across the parking lot. It was now deserted, but just an hour before it had been filled with trucks and cars, and the diner had been full of men and women either traveling somewhere or just looking for someone to talk to. Their small town could be a lonely one and they regularly got people in there who simply had nothing better to do.

  “I’m just glad tonight is over.” Holly rubbed her eyes. “I’m so tired, I feel like I could sleep for a week.”

  “Are you off tomorrow?” Elle asked as she got back to her feet and continued to sweep up the remnants of French fries and pie crusts that had made their way onto the floor.

  “Yep,” Holly grinned. “And I intend to sleep all day.”

  “Don’t waste it,” Elle said seriously. “Go shopping, catch a movie, or even better…come in here and see me!”

  “Haha,” Holly laughed. “No chance.”

  “Spoil sport,” Elle pouted.

  Elle knew that even though they had the milkshake ritual every Friday night, she couldn’t stomach the thought of finishing hers. She pushed it away and got to her feet. Without her shoes, she tiptoed behind the counter and began to clean the counters before heading over to the cash register and counting the money.

  “Randy would kill you if he saw you without shoes,” Elle laughed. “Fired on the spot.”

bsp; “Well, it’s a good thing he isn’t here, then,” Holly winked before arranging all of the cash into neat piles and putting it in the safe. Randy would be in at 6:00 am to collect it and no doubt check that the girls had done everything exactly how he liked it. For a boss, he could be a pain in the ass, but at least he left them alone regularly to just get on with things. Holly didn’t exactly like working as a waitress, but she was grateful to have a job that allowed her to pay her way and put a roof over her head. Since she lost her parents, she also didn’t mind not having so much time on her hands… She didn’t like being left alone to think.

  “Seriously, though,” Elle said as she turned off the neon lights that lit up the windows out front. “Don’t waste your day tomorrow… I’m stuck in here until six and then back in on Sunday. What I wouldn’t give to have the weekend free.”

  Holly thought about it for a moment and realized her friend was right. She should do something worthwhile rather than just lying in bed and churning everything over.

  “Okay,” she smiled. “You’re right. I’ll get out and seize the day.”

  “ Carpe diem ,” Elle nodded with pride.

  “Indeed,” Holly laughed.

  As the girls left the diner and made their way to Holly’s car, she had an overwhelming rush of affection for Elle. She really had been a great friend to her when she needed someone the most, and she was grateful to have found her. When she had taken her job at the diner, the last thing she had expected was to find a friend for life. Now the two of them were the longest serving waitresses there and well-known fixtures in their local community, as well as with the hundreds of truckers who traveled down their stretch of highway day in and day out.


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