Peace Maker (Blackwood Pack Book 3)

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Peace Maker (Blackwood Pack Book 3) Page 19

by Mary Rundle

  “Oh yes, yes…please…I need it…now…Ple-e-ese, sir!” Cody’s voice rose in pitch as he begged for what he wanted so badly. Squirming against the body on top of him, Cody tried to find some friction for his leaking cock but there wasn’t enough to give him his orgasm.

  Dylon rose to his knees, lifting his mate’s legs up, placing them on his shoulders. Starting slowly, he eased his cock back and then snapped it forward sharply and repeated it over and over—each time going faster and harder until he was jackhammering into his mate as if there were no tomorrow. Listening to Cody’s moans of need and passion, Dylon felt the first quiver of his impending orgasm. Remembering what else Cody wanted, he grasped his mate’s cock and pumped it, adding a twist at the end of each stroke. Both sets of balls retracted in unison and Dylon could feel Cody’s channel clench his cock as it grew larger.

  His mate’s cock started to pulse and cum shot up, covering his hand as Dylon climaxed and shot his load into Cody again, marking him as his. As each gave the other his last drops, Dylon slid Cody’s legs from him and onto the bed. Then collapsing onto Cody, he listened to their heartbeats as they became one. The love he felt through their life thread was incredible. And then it happened—he swore he could hear a key turning as the ends of their life thread were firmly stitched into the walls of their hearts, forever locking them together.

  Raising his head, he looked into Cody’s eyes, searching for an acknowledgment of what had just happened. And he found it—two liquid silver eyes gleaming with love staring back at him. “Did you hear that, my pet?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Do you know what that means?”

  “Yes, sir. It means we are forever one, never to be separated by anyone or anything.”

  “How do you feel about that, my pet?”

  “Me, sir? Like I finally found the heart and soul that I’d been missing forever. My body is at rest, my mind is free of torment, and I feel as if I have been given another chance at living my dream—something I’d given up hope of ever being able to do. And I have a fierce need to bite you, and claim you as mine, sir.” Cody finished with a shy smile.

  Inside, Dylon was jumping for joy. His mate did it! Went through the fires of hell and came out whole on the other side—ready to tackle his life’s work. Well, almost ready. The final part of the claiming ceremony was still to come. “And you will, but first a shower and some breakfast. Then we’ll go over what happens when you bite me, okay?”

  “Yes, sir.”


  The peace conference now underway, Slate had high hopes he’d reach a compromise among the three packs, ending years of violence. It had taken more than two years to get everyone’s agreement to sit down and talk. Last night Slate sat through a meeting with Arald, the Alpha of one of the packs, and after a three-hour session, he still couldn’t figure out why the meeting was necessary. During the entire time, Arald expounded on how great an Alpha he was. What the fuck for? It’s not like it accomplished anything. Even Ordovic, an Alpha from one of the other two packs left early. Not that I can blame him.

  But today was a fresh start with all parties in one room—that, in and of itself, was a miracle. Checking over his notes about each Alpha, Slate waited for them. He’d staggered the arrival times to prevent any early disagreements. A glance at his watch indicated the first should be here in moments. Slate stood, walked over to the door and waited.

  Ulfric walked through his village, noting how many of Arald’s goons were around. Nervous didn’t even begin to describe how he felt today. He had spent the night going over all the possibilities of what could go wrong, and that had done nothing to comfort him. If Wallace didn’t remember him…if Dire Enterprises wouldn’t believe him…if Arald somehow found out… The ‘ifs’ were endless, and each led to the death of himself, his wife and unborn pup; not to mention the suffering it would bring to his pack. But among all the negative ‘ifs’ there was the positive one that he hung onto with hope because if he succeeded in ending Arald’s terror, then all the risk would be worth it.

  Once he arrived at the building that had been constructed for the peace conference, he was surprised to see enforcers he’d never seen before surrounding it. His steps faltered and he came to a stop. It’s a trap! Whatever Arald had planned, he wanted no part of it. He turned around and walked quickly toward to his house. I must get word to Ordovic! Suddenly, without warning, he felt a hand grab his shoulder. Whirling around, fangs out, claws unsheathed, he attacked.

  Slate quickly sidestepped the attack, grabbing the man when he rushed passed him. Now, with a snarling, half shifted wolf held in a tight bear hug, he wondered how he was going to resolve this without shifting. One of his enforcers quickly came to his aid, taking control and restraining the shifter. Slate walked around to face the struggling shifter and said, “Ulfric, are you Alpha Ulfric?”

  Scowling fiercely, the shifter said, “Why do you want to know?”

  “I’m Slate Valentin, from Dire Enterprises. I had a meeting scheduled with him this morning. I saw you approach, stop and then turn away and I wasn’t sure if you were the man who I was going to meet with. I wanted a chance to introduce myself. That’s all I was going to do. I’m sorry if I startled you. ”

  Ulfric cursed himself for acting so foolishly. Here was the man who represented possible freedom for his pack and he attacked him. How can I ever make the man believe me now? Pulling in his fangs and claws, he relaxed his body and stopped struggling. But he was still wary. “I am Ulfric. Who are all these men surrounding the building?”

  “They are my men, here for the purpose of providing a safe and secure place for all of us to talk, unhindered by fears of any attacks,” Slate said, nodding to his enforcer to release Ulfric.

  “I’m sorry, I thought…Never mind. Okay.”

  Slate wanted to ask Ulfric what he thought but decided it was better done inside, away from the prying eyes of the crowd that had gathered. “Why don’t we go inside?”

  “Fine, fine,” Ulfric said nervously, then headed to the door of the building.

  Slate followed, contemplating this Alpha’s behavior. There was something that was odd, but he couldn’t put his finger on it at the moment. Filing it away for later, he held the door open, ushered Ulfric inside and led him into the meeting room.

  Ulfric couldn’t help snorting when he saw a large round table. Arald will be so angry when he sees this. Finding his name tag at the table, Ulfric sat down and folded his hands over the documents in front of him. As he looked around the room, he wondered when Ordovic and Arald would arrive; the décor surprised him, not usual for just a temporary facility.

  Watching the Alpha check out the room, Slate was curious about the fleeting emotions crossing Ulfric’s face ranging from surprise to contempt. And that was the expression that interested him the most. “We were going to build a temporary place to hold the conference but then Arald convinced us a permanent facilty would be better. It would be a neutral place where you, Ordovic, and Arald could come to work out issues pertaining to all the packs.”

  Ahhh, yes, now it makes sense. The asshole thinks this will be his palace to rule us all. What a fucking, conniving son of a bitch! Nodding, Ulfric decided to say nothing.

  Slate saw Ulfric’s face change to a sneer at his explanation, but it was quickly replaced by an emotionless façade. Puzzled by that reaction, Slate again decided against pursuing it any further right now. Instead he said, “I met both of the other Alphas but not you. I like to meet everyone alone first, so I can get to know you informally before the start of the conference.” Receiving no response, Slate continued, “Do you have any questions about the conference’s goals, or the schedule? Or maybe you have questions about who I am?”

  Ulfric thought about it for a moment. He certainly didn’t need to know anything about this farce of a meeting. Nor about Slate Valentin; he had researched him thoroughly on the computer at the hospital and that was the only reason he was about to risk his life. But h
ow could he ask it without it coming back to bite him in the ass. He would have to phrase it in such a way that if Arald found out, it wouldn’t raise any suspicions.

  “I understand congratulations are in order.”

  Slate was bewildered. Of all the possibilities of what he’d be asked, this strange comment wasn’t one he ever considered. “I’m sorry, congratulations? For what?”

  “Your brother finding his mate. I’m not wrong, am I?”

  “Oh, that, yes. Thank you. How did you hear about it?”

  Great, just the opening I need. “I was at the hospital for a follow-up to an injury and I heard my doctor talking about Dr. Wallace. He was the one who had originally treated me. I’d asked for him when I came in but was told he found his mate who, I think, is related to your brother.”

  “Through my brother’s mate,” Slate clarified.

  “Is Dr. Wallace coming back? He’s a good doctor.”

  “I don’t know,” Slate said, then trying to get the conversation back on track, he asked, “What goals would you like to accomplish during this conference?”

  “Me? Why, peace of course. I have a pup on the way and would like to know he and his mother will be safe when they step out of the house.”

  “What about for your pack?”

  “The same. If it is safe for my mate, it will be safe for them.”

  “That follows. And ideas on how to achieve it?”

  Ulfric snorted. “Isn’t that your job? If I had the means to do it, don’t you think I would have done it already?”

  Slate laughed. “Yes, I suppose you would have. But is there a specific issue you think we need to focus on that would help to arrive at your goal?”

  He couldn’t help himself as he laughed over his thought. Just kill the fucker and peace will be instantaneous. “No, not really.”

  What was that all about? I’m missing something. Slate opened his mouth to speak but heard a commotion out in the hall. Rising, he strode over to the door to see what was causing it and, when he opened the meeting room door, he was greeted by Arald and a small army.

  Chapter 25

  Dylon watched Cody finish his breakfast while he drank his coffee. He was planning on spending the day in the forest but first wanted to make sure Cody understood what would happen to Dylon when he was bitten. Once it happened, his fate would be in Cody’s hands.

  Cody knew what was bothering his mate and frankly if the shoe were on the other foot, he’d be worried, too. However, there wasn’t any cause to worry. For the first time in a very long time, he knew he’d be all right. His mate had restored him and Cody was looking forward to living his life instead of planning how he could escape it.

  “Cody, all rules are suspended for now. First let me say, I’m over the moon you want to finish our claiming by biting me. But I want…”

  “I know what happens to you when I bite you, Dylon. I understand I will hold your life in my hands and any decision I make will also bind you to it.”

  “Good to know because if you ever enter your vision realm and decide not to return…”

  “Then I will have signed your death warrant, yes I’m very aware of that. It’s why I haven’t wanted to bite you until today. Dylon, when you first saw me, I was hanging on by the merest of threads. You came in, took control, gave me a place where my mind could heal. Then you filled me with your love and by doing so, chased all the darkness away. I promise I’ll always protect you and guard your life.”

  “Thank you, ma moité, as I will also. Now, how about a day spent in the forest?”

  “Absolutely, but one other question.”

  “What, my pet?”

  “I know what my gift from the Fates will be and it won’t involve having children. Are you all right with that?”

  “Ma moité, I never expected to have a mate who could have pups so there’s no disappointment there. But if you want them, there are other ways we can have them.”

  “Like adoption?”

  “Like adoption, yes.”

  “Do you want pups?”

  “Yes, if it is meant to be. But not having any will not diminish my love for you. You and me—this is our family. And it is the best family in the world. Not everyone is as fortunate to have found the other half of their heart and soul. But we did. By some twisted, perverse route, we were thrown together at the exact moment we needed each other most. You and I are one with each other, closer, and tied more firmly together than anyone else I know. And whatever our future holds, I will be happy because I have you to love.”

  Cody smiled through his tears. “Thank you, love. I have been so blessed by the Fates when they picked you for me. You complete me in every way possible and have given me a future. Once our bonding is complete, the love and happiness I feel right now will be with me—with us—for the rest of our lives.”

  “Come here my pet,” Dylon said patting his legs.

  Cody rose, and then sat on his mate’s lap. Wrapping his arm around Dylon’s neck, he began kissing and licking the strong jaw of his mate, occasionally nipping at it.

  “My pet, how do you feel about continuing my rules in our bedroom after you bite me?”

  Cody stopped, looking at Dylon with concern on his face. “What do you mean?”

  “Shush, don’t worry my pet. Just that I intend to keep my rules in place afterward and I wanted to know if you agree.”

  Cody sighed, relieved to know Dylon understood his needs so well. “Yes sir, I do. I know I have a lifetime of visions ahead of me and they will cause me pain but when I am in our bedroom, everything disappears except you and your love. I need to know I’ll always have a place where I can retreat to find my inner peace. You do that for me with your rules. I knew I had submissive traits—I mean I always was a bottom and I liked to be ordered about during sex,” Cody said, then stopped as he heard Dylon growl. Smiling at his mate’s possessiveness, Cody continued, “but I never knew I was a submissive in the bedroom.”

  “I can’t put into words how much I admire you my pet. Your mental strength is unbelievable and it helps to explain why you are submissive.”

  “Really? How?”

  “I’ve seen your visions and they almost brought me to my knees. But you my pet, after you have the visions, you return to this world knowing your mind will suffer the pain that appeared in them. Not once, not twice, but endlessly. How many men do you know who’d willingly go to a place knowing they will face relentless pain? Yet, you kept returning. Why? Because you care more about your brothers then you do about yourself. It would have been so easy to remain in your vision world, cocooned in an endless painless environment.”

  “But you never did. Even when the pain in your mind was almost endless, you fought it and struggled to stay in this world. Mental strength—you have it in spades. The Shaman taught me only the strongest can be submissive because they actually are in control, my pet. The rules and punishments are for your benefit so you will be able to do what needs to be done outside our private world. And I will be at your side, always.”

  Cody threw his arms around Dylon and rested his head on his mate’s chest. Inhaling his mate’s enchanting scent transported him to a place of love and security, quieted his soul, and healed his heart of all its painful cuts caused by his foresight.

  Dylon returned the hug, holding his mate tight as he inhaled Dylon’s scent. He knew he had finally found what he’d been looking for his entire life—someone who needed just him. Not his father’s power, position or connections— no, just Dylon and his special skills. Someone he could protect and someone who would truly be his partner—tied together forever, never alone again.

  As the morning sun arose, together they sat, lost in their own world as their love swirled around them.


  Slate looked at Arald and the men surrounding him. Behind them he could see his enforcers trying to keep more shifters out. “Good morning, Alpha Arald. Glad you could make it. Why don’t you go in and find your seat, while my men cle
ar the hall?”

  “These men are with me,” Arald said.

  “Yes, I can see that. However, you have nothing to fear here. My enforcers will keep this building safe from any attacks so all the Alphas will be safe. Trust me, I have taken every precaution. Alpha Ulfric is inside by himself, without any enforcers.”

  Arald’s laughter barked out. “Of course, he is. But I’m an important man—not like him,” he said derisively. “My position demands I be guarded at all times.”

  “I understand. And you will be guarded—but by my men.” Slate gave his head enforcer a nod after which he said to Arald as he held the door open, “Please Alpha, I assure you, your men will be looked after by mine.”

  Ulfric watched in disbelief as Arald gave in and entered the meeting room alone. What? How? Arald obeying? Not wanting Arald to see him watching, Ulfric lowered his head and stared at the table top. He had to think about this. Never in his life had he ever seen Arald listen to anyone. He was always the one ordering around pack members. What did Slate do? Could he do it again to Arald? Hope was now taking root in his heart and for the first time since he’d come up with his risky plan, he believed it might work.

  Arald stomped to the table and plopped himself in a chair. Giving Ulfric a warning glare, he said, “What are you doing here so early?”

  Slate spoke before Ulfric could respond. “I scheduled Alpha Ulfric at an earlier time as I hadn’t met him yet. Alpha Ordovic will be here shortly.”

  “What’s this? Secret negotiations already?” Arald growled.

  “Not at all,” Slate said, “Just wanted to introduce myself and ask Alpha Ulfric a few questions.”

  “What questions?”

  “The same ones I asked you last night. All the questions pertained to the conference and what we are trying to accomplish here.”

  Once again to Ulfric’s great astonishment, Arald accepted Slate’s answer. What the fuck is going on? Then he gasped. Of course, they are in cahoots. This is all show-and-tell for me and Ordovic. His eyes narrowed as he studied the only man in the room unknown to him. Ulfric didn’t want to believe it but there could be no other explanation. But the seed of doubt kept tickling his brain, telling him he’d come to the wrong conclusion. Deciding to trust his wolf, he looked to see what his reaction was to what he had witnessed.


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