Peace Maker (Blackwood Pack Book 3)

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Peace Maker (Blackwood Pack Book 3) Page 25

by Mary Rundle

  “You’ll just have to keep doing it yourself, babe,” Jackson said to Steel. “Come on everyone, let’s eat,” Jackson said, chuckling as he took his mate’s hand before walking to the dining room.

  Colton turned and went to his brother’s study as the rest of the group followed Jackson and Steel—all except Dylon who kept Cody from leaving.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “Have you had a vision about Daniel yet?”

  “No, you know that. You’ve seen all of them. Why?”

  “I think I know what Maximus is talking about and if I’m right…”

  Cody’s eyes widened as he saw what was in Dylon’s mind. “Holy fuck! Do you think we should say something?”

  “No, I could be wrong. I think Maximus will look it up because his curiosity is peaked.

  “Okay, let’s wait until we get back,” Cody said, as he pulled his mate toward the dining room.


  Frank was waiting for Lizzie to finish dressing. This afternoon, she’d be presented with her Cordon Bleu certificate for successfully completing the course and he’d get to taste the results. He’d never seen her as happy as she’d been these last few days and that thought made him realize how much Lizzie had given up when she became a High Council Representative’s wife. Why didn’t I know she wanted to do this? Hell, my son even knew and he hasn’t lived at home for years now. After vowing to be a better husband, Frank’s thoughts shifted to the response the High Council received from Alpha Silver Point.

  Humph. Not a response but more of a demand to dismiss Alpha Blackwood’s complaint unless an eyewitness could be produced. Clever bastard.Thinking through all the options the Council had regarding Josiah’s demand, Frank didn’t see his wife entering the living room of their suite. It wasn’t until she pushed his feet off the coffee table and stood in front of him that his focus returned to her. “Don’t you look beautiful, sweetheart!”

  “Honestly, Frank, what were you thinking about, now that you missed my grand entrance? How do I look? Chef Dragontlovi gave us only fifteen minutes to get ready for the awards ceremony. I couldn’t do much with my hair but it will have to do. Good thing I brought my new dress. I’m so excited and can’t wait for you to taste my dishes. Come on, I don’t want to be late. Do you have your camera? I want a picture of me receiving my certificate. I’m going to hang it on the wall next to my certificate. Or maybe I can put them in the same frame. That would look better don’t you think? Are you ready?”

  “Yes, I am,” he said as he stood. Pulling his wife into his arms, he kissed her cheek mindful not to mess up her makeup. “Let’s go so I can stuff myself on the fruits of your labors.” Putting his arm around her waist, he felt his cock stir as it always did when Lizzie was anywhere near him. He thanked the Fates again as he had done so many times before for giving him the perfect Fated Mate.


  As soon as he finished eating, Carson rushed to his office. Cody had sent him a message saying he and Dylon would meet him there after lunch. Hurriedly clearing piles of spreadsheets from his chairs and desk, Carson stood there holding them, wondering where he could set them when Cody and Dylon walked in.

  “Hey bro, are you the new filing cabinet? I don’t think you’ll get much done,” Cody said.

  Carson’s eyes locked onto the small, empty table next to the couch. Dumping the stack of papers on it, he smiled, “Sorry, don’t have visitors usually except for Steel and he always stands. Ahh, where would you like to sit? On the couch or the chairs?”

  Sensing his brother’s nervousness, Cody said, “Relax, Carson, Dylon won’t bite. We’ll take the chairs.”

  Settling in his chair behind his desk, Carson looked at his brother and saw someone transformed from how he’d looked before his claiming. Cody was smiling, relaxed and once more teasing him. Then he spoke, “Cody, Dylon, I owe you a huge apology for several things I did that hurt both of you. I invaded your privacy and interfered with a claiming of a Fated Mate, both of which are so grievous, I will spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to both of you. I also convinced Zane to help me—so stupid, I just can’t believe I did it. I know why I did all of it but that’s no excuse so I give you my deepest, sincerest apology and hope I can make it up to you in some way.”

  Cody asked, “Why did you do it, Carson?”

  His brother sighed. “Does it matter? I knew better but I ignored it and instead I hurt you—you, Cody, my triplet, as close to me as Colton is and who I look up to and respect. And yet I let my emotions rule my judgment of what was right and wrong.”

  “I understand that, but I want to hear you tell me why you did it.”

  Fuck! I was afraid of that. Exhaling, Carson started, “I thought I had put the massacre behind me. When Steel came into our lives and we moved here and Steel gave me this job, I finally started to live again and the massacre seemed like a bad dream. But when Dylon arrived, I picked up a faint scent of Silver Point Pack on him and all those memories came rushing back to me, nearly crushing me. That’s when I decided he had to leave. So I could have my world back—the one I was just learning how to live in. I know it was wrong and I’m so very sorry. I swear, I’ll make it up anyway I can. Whatever you want. Just tell me.”

  Using their mind link, Cody heard his mate say he understood and was willing to accept Carson’s apology. He sent back a thank you and then said to Carson, “Thank you, bro. I know that wasn’t easy for you to say, but it was important for my mate to hear why you did it. Me, I already knew, which is why I made up my mind to accept your apology yesterday. Now Dylon has also accepted your apology. But Carson, your memories will never disappear totally. A word, a thought, a smell, can bring them back in a heartbeat. You’ll never be able to erase them—the best you can do is to learn to live with them.”

  “But how? How do you do it?”

  “Concentrate on the good memories that you have. And you do have good memories of our family and life before the massacre. Find them and keep them close to your heart. Anytime a bad memory threatens to overwhelm you, find a good one and spend your time remembering it, until the bad one disappears. It’s the only way you’ll be able to truly start living and moving forward.”

  Carson sat there, soaking in his brother’s words. He did want to remember his happy family memories and locking them away deprived him of enjoying them. “Thanks Cody. I’ll try,” he said, and giving a small smile to his brother, asked, “Now, what can I do to make it up to you?”

  “How about doing laundry for an extra six months?”

  Carson groaned, “Okay, whatever you want.”

  Cody burst out laughing, “Just teasing you, but I do have a request.”


  “Dylon and I will be making a series of short trips and it would help if you did the laundry during the time we are gone.”

  Carson gave a bigger smile this time. “Sure, I can do that. Where are you going? Does Jackson know this?”

  “Yes, he does and we have his blessing. We’ll be leaving for Tajikistan in another day. After we get back, I’ll explain everything.”

  “You will be safe, won’t you? Are you going to be with Slate?”

  “Yes, to both questions. So, we’re good?”

  “Yup, and thank you also, Dylon. I’m really curious about what you guys are doing with Slate but I’ll be patient. Is he coming back with you?”

  “I don’t know, but we have to go and get ready for our trip. See you at dinner.” Cody and Dylon stood, along with Carson who then walked over to his brother. “Luv you, man. Be safe,” Carson whispered as he hugged Cody.

  “I will. Luv you too, bro,” Cody murmured back as he returned the hug.

  Stepping back, Cody took Dylon’s hand and left Carson’s office. Walking down the hallway, Cody said to his mate, “We have a few hours free. Fancy checking out our wolves and taking them for a run? We won’t be able to do it over there.”

  “Thought you’d never ask, ma moité.”<
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  They headed for the front door and when they were in the woods, Cody stripped and shifted first. Dylon stared, his jaw slack at the amazing sight before him. Cody’s wolf was half white and half gray with liquid silver eyes. The sight nearly brought him to his knees at the sheer beauty. Stripping and shifting, Dylon’s wolf matched Cody’s—they were mirror images of each other except for the eyes.

  Cody’s wolf looked at his mate and barked a short greeting. They were one now and he could feel Dylon’s wolf inside him. Raising his snout to the sky, Cody’s wolf howled, loud and long, inviting his mate to join him.

  Accepting, Dylon answered and their voices howled together for the first time since they became one. Breaking off their song, Dylon dug his front paws into the soft floor of the forest, with Cody’s wolf at his heels, bounding up the mountain path. Up the mountain and down, changing directions and chasing some prey, they played like pups for the afternoon, stopping only to drink at any mountain streams they came across.

  Finally ending at their favorite waterfall, they drank deeply of cold water, before flopping down on the mossy bank. Cody laid his wolf’s head against Dylon’s wolf, soaking up the sunshine filtering through the trees and listening to the sounds of the forest before he dozed off.

  Dylon waited until his mate was asleep and then spent some time planning how to save the shifters in Tajikistan. He knew how dangerous it was going to be, but he was determined not to fail his mate. With his new powers, Dylon now had the link that had been missing before their meeting with Oracle.

  Chapter 33

  Jackson was sitting on a tree stump, waiting for Cody and Dylon’s wolves to return to the pack house. Curious about how their wolves would look, he waited outside for them. At his feet, Daniel’s wolf was exploring, stumbling over tree roots before turning and attacking this fierce new enemy. Spotting them through the trees, he rose. As his brother and his mate entered the clearing, a low whistle left Jackson’s lips. Striking in their looks, there would be no mistaking these wolves were unique—making them prime targets. Thank goodness for the gifts the gods gave to them.

  Cody shifted, and while pulling on his jeans, he asked, “What’s up? Why the welcoming committee?”

  “I wanted to see your wolves but also tell Dylon his parents would be returning tonight instead of tomorrow,” Jackson, said as he watched Daniel charge Dylon in a series of attacks.

  Cody followed Jackson’s gaze and smiled. “Look at Daniel being a badass.”

  “Must get that from Steel,” Jackson chuckled.

  “I don’t know, you’re getting pretty Alpha yourself. I don’t think Zane or Carson would question your ability to lead this pack anymore.”

  “No, I guess you’re right,” Jackson said, smiling at his pup who was now climbing all over Dylon’s reclining wolf, taking small bites of the thick fur. “So, bro, everything cool with Zane and Carson? Did you and Dylon accept their apologies?”

  “Everything’s fine. Zane is doing some research for me about the packs at the peace conference and Carson agreed to do the laundry any time Dylon and I are gone after his six month punishment is up.”

  “Fuck! Maybe you should do the negotiating at the conference instead of Slate.”

  “No way. Carson had a lot of guilt he needed to get rid of, so it worked out fine. Now, let’s have it. Why did you really come out here?”

  Chuckling, Jackson said, “Don’t even tell me how you knew but I want to see you turn invisible—not that I don’t believe it—well, maybe a little. I mean, come on bro, it is pretty unbelievable.”

  Cody smirked. Repeating the words Oracle told him, I am invisible, to himself, he saw himself encased in a shimmer of light. Looking at his brother, he saw the shock on his face and knew it worked. He looked down at his life thread and saw it shining brightly as he followed it to his mate. He saw Dylon’s wolf eyes follow their life thread until it disappeared into his chest.

  Dylon chuffed with pride when he saw Cody disappear before him. He had an extraordinary mate and one he loved with every cell in his body. Giving a soft growl at Daniel whose tiny, sharp teeth were now chewing on his ear, Dylon stayed still so as not to cause the pup to fall. But damn, it hurts!

  Jackson glance at his pup when he heard the growl and quickly removed Daniel from Dylon’s ear. “No Daniel, we do not bite ears—at least not yet,” Jackson admonished his son before placing him once more on the forest floor. He watched in amazement as his son walked up to the spot Cody was last seen and started sniffing. Finally, raising his hind leg, he proceeded to piss on nothing at all—that is, until Cody became visible and jumped out of the way.

  “What the fuck, Jackson? Haven’t you house broken him yet?” growled Cody, shaking his wet leg.

  Dylon had shifted and pulled on his jeans. Then he turned to his mate and said, “Don’t be angry at Daniel, ma moité, he may just have saved your life.”

  “Pissing on me saved my life? Really?”

  “Yes, Daniel just showed us he could find you because of your scent. We need to figure out a way to hide it when you are invisible, so you can’t be located.”

  “Dylon has a point, bro. Maybe Mystia can help.”

  Cody knew his mate was right. “Sorry bro, my mate is right. Will you contact Mystia and see if she can come here tonight or tomorrow before we leave?”

  “Sure,” Jackson said, and then crooned to his son he’d picked up and was cuddling, “You are so smart my little Dire Wolf. I love you to the moon and back.”

  Cody leaned over and gave Daniel a kiss on his furry head. “Thanks, little badass. I owe you one.”

  Jackson turned and headed back to the house. “Dinner will be served shortly. I suggest you change clothes, bro, or expect to be the subject of your brothers’ fun tonight.”

  Dylon snorted, “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up. Believe it or not, Daniel did us one huge favor by pointing out what we should have thought of before now.”

  “I know. But it pisses—pun intended—me off because I know how much you love my scent as I do yours. Haven’t you given up enough already? Do you have to give that up too?”

  “Maybe Mystia will have a way that I don’t have to. Before you get all grouchy, why don’t you wait and see what she says.”

  “Yeah, you’re right. Sorry.”

  Taking Cody’s hand, Dlyon started walking back to the house with his mate. “No apologies needed, love.”


  After dinner, Jackson asked Cody and Dylon to come to his study. As they followed their Alpha, Dylon whispered, “Do you know why we’re being called to the principal’s office?”

  Cody snickered before whispering, “Principal’s office? Is that where you spent your youth?”

  “Sometimes. You know, for beating up assholes.”

  Jackson called over his shoulder, “You two need to learn how to use your mind link more if you intend to keep Cody’s location secret when he’s invisible.”

  “Uhh, right,” his brother answered.

  Reaching his study’s door, he paused with his hand on the doorknob. “The reason I brought you here is I thought you would like to talk to Mystia in private,” Jackson said, as he opened the door.

  Mystia was standing in the center of the room. “Come in so I can solve your problem,” she said to Cody and Dylon.

  Cody led the way into the room and stopped in front of Mystia with Dylon standing beside him. “Mystia, glad to see you again.”

  “Congratulations on your claiming and your gifts. And Dylon, I hope you have found a way to forgive this old woman for what she did when I put the spell on you.”

  Cody looked at Dylon and waited for him to reply. When he was finally able to mind link with his mate after biting him, Cody saw Dylon’s memories of the many beatings he suffered at the hands of Silver Point Pack. Brutal was too kind a word to describe them—torture was better, although falling short. As much as Mystia meant to Cody, he would support whatever his mate decided because Dylon came f
irst in his life now.

  Anger flashed through Dylon at the thought of the beatings he endured due to Mystia’s magic, but as fast it came, it went, dissolving in a mist of thanks. Strange as it sounded, those beatings brought him to his Fated Mate who was the love of his life. Would I have preferred for it to happen differently? Sure, who wouldn’t. But it was a test and one I needed to pass in order to be worthy of the gift I received. “I forgive you, Mystia. But with one correction—you are not an old woman,” Dylon said smiling.

  Cody laughed, “My mate has you there and you better not let Jackson hear you say that, either.”

  Laughing softly, Mystia looked at Cody, liking what she saw. “I won’t. Jackson told me briefly why I was needed but explain exactly what you want to me to do.”

  Cody began, “You know my gift is the ability to become invisible, but today when I did so, Daniel’s wolf was able to locate me by my scent and if he can, then I’m not truly invisible especially around wolf shifters.”

  “I can block your scent by the same spell I used originally.”

  “I know that, but I want Dylon to be able to smell me because he gets so much pleasure from it.”

  Mystia nodded slowly, thinking about how to solve the problem. Suddenly her face lit up. “Stay here, I’ll be back in a second. I know just the spell to use, but I must refresh my memory on this one since I haven’t used it for a very long time.”

  “Wait, where are you going?” asked Cody.

  “To look at one of my book of spells.” And with a swish of her wand, Mystia was gone.

  When it registered what Mystia was going to do, Dylon exclaimed, “I don’t know, Cody. Cast a spell on me? I don’t think I’m comfortable about her doing that. Isn’t there some other way?”

  “Who said she was going to cast a spell on you? Maybe it’s me.”

  “True, then that’s okay.”

  “Gee, thanks,” Cody chuckled.

  “You know what I mean. Using me as a witch’s guinea pig gives me the willies. You heard her. She doesn’t know it and what if something goes wrong? What if my dick shrinks and becomes small. Then who’s going to pleasure you?”


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