Heaven is Weeping (A Croft & Croft Romance Adventure Book 5)

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Heaven is Weeping (A Croft & Croft Romance Adventure Book 5) Page 39

by Morgan Kelley

  Not that he was her type, but she didn't doubt that the piercing aqua eyes and black hair drove the women wild. In fact, he was totally a bad boy.

  When she glanced over at her husband, he was giving her a look. It wasn’t one in anger, but out of curiosity. He must have realized she was studying their company.

  “Really, we should go. This can’t wait,” Dimitri stated.

  Croft was now intrigued. He wanted to know what a dead man would have to say to him from beyond the grave.

  More importantly, what would he have to say to Emma.

  Dimitri handed him his keycard, and the repaired gate swung open, allowing them access. He wanted to prove he wasn’t trying to pull anything.

  “What did you do for Randall?” Emma asked, watching the man.

  “Things. Trust me, Mrs. Croft, you don’t want details. Let’s just say that my partner and I protect things, and when needed, we were brought in to handle any unpleasantries.”

  It was probably better they didn't ask any more questions. Croft didn't doubt the man was crooked and dangerous. When they arrived at the main house, there was still police tape up.

  “Why didn't you just wait inside?” Croft asked.

  “It’s blocked off by police tape. I didn't want to break the law,” he stated, laughing.

  He was the only one who found that amusing.

  Inside, Emma was forced to recall what happened there. Instinctually, her husband dropped his arm around her body, holding her to his frame.

  She was so glad to have him.

  “It’s in the office.”

  That was the last place she wanted to go, but Emma made herself do it.

  Inside, she realized it looked very different. The crime teams had stripped it, and all that was left was the big furniture and blood.

  Randall’s blood.

  Going to the painting, Dimitri Gideon pulled the painting of Aria Mason from the wall.

  “What’s your birthday, Mrs. Croft?”

  She rattled off the date in September.

  Greyson watched the man. “How did you know it would be my wife’s birthday?”

  He entered the date and waited for the beep. Once it happened, he opened the thick metal door. “Randall told me to bring Emma here, ask her birthday, and get the letters.”

  He then did just that.

  Pulling out two envelopes, he handed them over.

  “You’re to read yours first, Director.”

  Greyson watched his wife hold the envelope in her hand. She looked up at him and her eyes were full of tears.

  “I’ll open it later,” she stated. “I’m not ready. I can’t do this.”

  Greyson wouldn’t push her, and the look he gave Dimitri warned him not to dare push her.

  Dimitri caved, but pointed at the large man. “You need to read yours, sir.”

  Opening the cream envelope, inside, he found a letter from the deceased man.

  ‘Dear Greyson,

  You’re in danger. If you’re getting this letter, then I’m gone. I’m not really surprised. I’ve lived a long life, and it’s my time. The man before you has worked for me for years. I consider him my family. Dimitri will help you. Trust me when I say that you’re going to need it. What’s coming is bigger than the head of the FBI. If I was murdered, then Dominic Marianna is going to try and take you out. The only way he can do that is through your wife. She’s your weakest point. I know you don’t trust me, but please believe I love her dearly. She’s like a child to me, and was the brightest part of my life this last year. I’ve already insured that she’ll be safe, and you both will find out what I’ve done shortly. Be her shield, but use the means I can offer you.

  Protect her.

  Use all the assets I’ve left you, and when the time comes, Dimitri will handle the rest.

  See you on the other side, my boy, but hopefully not for a long time.


  Greyson folded up his letter and tucked it into his pocket. He could feel the other man watching him. When he glanced up, Dimitri was holding out a card.

  On it was a cell number and nothing else.

  “You know what to do.”

  He headed toward the door, only stopping in front of Emma. “Mrs. Croft, I'm very sorry for your loss. Randall always told me how much he loved you. I can see by the way you’re mourning that you loved him too. We’ll get through this. I promise.”

  With that, he headed out.

  Emma didn't know what to say.

  When Greyson crossed to her, she went into his arms. “I am so confused. He was nothing to me, yet I feel like there’s this big hole in my heart. He did matter, but I can’t understand why.”

  Greyson knew the truth. He was like a father to her.

  “Why don’t we head home?”

  Emma nodded. “Wait,” she said, stopping him. “Can I bring the painting?” she asked. Why she wanted it, she’d never know.

  “I think we should,” he stated. “You do look like her, you know?”

  She waited as he picked up the painting. “Yeah, I see the resemblance. Thank you for this, Grey. I appreciate you bringing me here.”

  He took her hand. “Anything, my sweet.”

  On the way out, Greyson Croft was lost in thought. Now, he had a whole new set of problems.

  Hell was coming. Randall told him that he had the means to hold it back, but it would mean breaking the law.

  Did he put his badge first?

  He glanced over at the smaller redhead beside him. She looked miserable and his heart ached.

  Could he break the law to save his wife?

  Maybe he wasn’t sterling after all. Could he be just as bad as the next guy?

  He pictured Dominic Marianna’s hands all over Emma’s body, and he nearly lost his mind. That one moment of the man abusing his wife, touching, and feeling what was his, was enough to make up his mind.

  Screw the law.

  Vegas had made the rules.

  Now, he was going to play by them.

  No matter what the cost.

  ~ Chapter Seventeen ~

  Maybe a night at home, not thinking about the assignment, would be a good thing. For now, all Emma really wanted was to get changed, relax, and have some dinner.

  Once they arrived at the condominium, Dante and Steele were already there hanging out.

  “We were wondering when you’d be getting home,” stated Dante.

  “On our way, we had a stop to make,” stated Greyson.

  “I’m going to go get changed,” Emma said, giving her husband a kiss before leaving.

  When she was out of the room, Dante spoke up, “She doesn’t look too good. What happened?”

  Croft considered how much to tell them. Then, he opted just to do it, simply because the more people aware that Emma was in danger, the better.

  She would need a circle of protection.

  He told them about the letter from Randall and the encounter with the stranger Dimitri Gideon.

  “Have you run him yet?” Dante asked.

  “No, not yet. I plan on it as soon as I get a few minutes free. I didn't want Emma to know what I was thinking.”

  Steele knew they weren’t his family, but he cared a great deal about Emma. “Dominic is dangerous. If you have a way to keep your wife safe, I say use it. I know you’re the badge, Greyson, but this is something that’s going to have to supersede that. He plays for keeps, and she’s what he wants. Well, her and your spilled blood.”

  Dante agreed. “We can’t follow her around all day. Maybe this Dimitri guy can.”

  Before they could discuss it more, Emma exited from the bedroom. “I’m hungry. Would you men like something for dinner?” she asked, heading to the kitchen.

  “We can order in,” Greyson offered.

  “No, I think I’d like to cook. It helps me think.” What Emma wanted to say was it distracted her from that unopened note, sitting in their bedroom. A part of her wanted to read it, but yet, another part didn't.<
br />
  “I can help,” Steele said, standing.

  Emma smiled. “I would like that very much.”

  While they were in the kitchen prepping food, Dante jerked his head toward the bedrooms, signaling that this was Greyson’s shot at doing a search.

  Emma was busy.

  He could get it done.

  Croft nodded, understanding what his brother was offering. He’d now have some privacy to take care of business. “Emma, honey. I’m going to get changed.”

  She smiled at him as she continued to cook. “Yes, babe.”

  He hated being so secretive, hiding behind his wife’s back, but Greyson Croft had a mission.

  Protecting his wife at all costs.

  Pulling out his tablet, he ran the man. While he wanted to be surprised when nothing popped up, he wasn’t. Somehow, he didn't believe that the man’s name was Dimitri Gideon.

  As far as the FBI was concerned, the man was a ghost.

  They didn't have a single thing.

  Taking the cell phone number out of his pocket, he began dialing the number. Immediately, the man answered.

  “I was expecting your call,” he stated.

  “This pains me to admit it, but I need your help. I’ll do anything to keep Emma safe.”

  “Randall told me that you were stubborn, difficult, and a pain in his ass, but you love you wife more than anything in the world, so he was convinced you’d call.”

  “Well, Dominic Marianna can come after me all he wants. I just need you to take care of Emma in case something happens to me.”

  “Expecting to be taken out, Croft?” he asked.

  “I was a soldier. I never expect to come home. When I do, it’s always a pleasant surprise.”

  “We have more in common than you think,” Dimitri stated. “It’s the soldier’s credo, isn't it?”

  “What’s your fee? I no longer have a mortgage, so I think I can pay it.”

  He laughed. “My friend, you have no idea. For the record, you need not worry about the financial obligation. Randall Mason handled that. You just worry about watching what’s coming, and I’ll handle what’s sneaking up on you.”

  “I need to know. Are you doing anything illegal?”

  Dimitri laughed. “That’s subjective and as a former soldier, you’re well aware of that. I don’t live by your laws, Director. We’re freelancers, so to speak. I’ll do what it takes to make sure your beautiful wife remains such.”

  Croft didn't like the idea that the man had been checking Emma out. It looked like he was out of the frying pan with Randall Mason, and into the fire.

  “I probably don’t want to know,” Greyson stated.

  “Probably not, but shit is coming, Croft. Already, Marianna is on the move. He’s lost one of his soldiers. It seems Levi Hammond has gone missing, and he’s getting ready to prepare himself to take over as the top man on the totem pole.”

  “Can he?”

  Obviously, the man he was talking to didn't know what had happened. Well, he was sure Randall would find a way to make that clear, even from the afterlife. “He has an obstacle in the way.”


  He laughed. “Time will reveal all. I’m just a shadow, Croft. If you want to know who the new power players are, just watch the game unfold. I think you’ll find it amusing. I know I did when I was told. Randall Mason had a sense of humor and enjoyed irony.”

  “I don’t think I like the sound of that.”

  “Money speaks in Vegas. The person who is taking over is going to change the game. This town won’t know what’s coming. If you need me, call again. Until then, I’ll be watching, so rest easy. Your wife is safe.”

  With that, the call ended.

  Sitting on the corner of the bed, Greyson didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

  He’d finally done it.

  His soul was just sold.

  Here, he’d always considered himself above the law. Now, he’d stepped into the shadowy lands where men didn't often return from.

  He’d just hired a mercenary who was likely a killer.


  If his bosses found out, he was gone. There was no turning back on this one. Greyson Croft was on the cusp of moral and financial ruin.

  Why not add a little more stress to his shoulders?

  One question remained.

  Why the fuck did he ever come to this Godforsaken town?

  * * *

  She’d been right.

  Cooking dinner had allowed her to slip back into the normalcy of their life. Her husband was out of his suit and now sporting a pair of jeans as he padded around barefoot. It was like the day had never happened.


  They’d all got comfortable, sitting at the dining room table. There was wine and really delicious food.

  It was comforting.

  Greyson enjoyed the fact that his wife was sitting by his side. She was so close that every now and again, she would put her head on his shoulder or hand on his lap.

  It was nice.

  It scared away the shadows.

  It offered reassurance.

  Greyson needed this night to decompress so he could remain calm. Now, they could really get to know their guest.

  “So, tell us about yourself, Steele. Other than the parts that we already know,” Croft inquired.

  Dante snorted in amusement. “You’re such an old man.”

  Croft glanced over at him. “I’m prepping him for mom. You realize that’s going to be a full-blown interrogation, right? You should be thanking me.”

  That sucked the wind from Dante’s sails.

  And the sarcasm from his brain.

  “I don’t mind,” Steele stated. “I was raised in a pretty wealthy family. Not Randall Mason rich, but we were up there. I went to all the good schools, had tutors, horseback riding, and all the other pretentious things I’ve come to hate. My father was a questionable human being. He and Dominic Marianna go way back. My sperm donor was his financial guy. He would ‘allocate’ buyers during their deals.”

  Croft was surprised the man was opening up, and at the animosity there for his flesh and blood--old wounds ran deep.

  Emma smiled at him. “Have you always known you were gay?”

  Dante stared at her. “Emma!”

  Steele touched his partner’s arm, offering reassurance. “It’s a valid question. I ask her how she got saddled up with a bossy, arrogant man all the time.”

  Croft laughed. “Sheer luck on her behalf.”

  Dante relaxed. He noticed that his family wasn’t judging, but just trying to let the man into their lives.

  “Okay,” he finally stated.

  “I’ve known since I realized that there was an opposite sex. I’ve never been attracted to women. No offense, Emma, you’re beautiful, but I think Greyson’s sexier.”

  She started laughing. “I happen to find him very sexy, so I’m not offended.”

  “Uh, I may be,” stated Dante. “I can’t believe my boyfriend is checking out my brother.”

  Croft grinned. “You can’t? Imagine how I feel.”

  “Anyway, I came out to my parents as a teenager, and then my father disappeared. I say that, but what I mean to say is that Dominic Marianna had him killed. No one can prove it, and it’s been such a long time, but in my heart I know the truth.”

  “What did your mother say?” Dante asked. He was well aware that his parents were going to grill Steele, but they would support his choice in partners.

  He was a lucky man.

  “My mother was, and still is, in denial. She kept trying to set me up with every woman on the face of the earth. Tall ones, short ones, smart ones, any other female she could talk into dating her son. It was awkward when I told them I liked men.”

  Croft laughed. “I bet.”

  “Yeah, well, then she gave up as word spread that she’d given birth to a homosexual. It was more awkward for her than me.”

  Emma offered reassurance. “I don’t blame
you. Men are sexier than women.”

  Dante choked on his beer. “Emma!”

  This was what he’d been missing all his life. Steele found that he’d been cheated of so much. These three were true siblings, sharing, laughing, and supporting each other. It was heartwarming. “Eventually, I left for medical school and fell in love.”

  Dante was curious. “What happened?”

  “Like most love stories, the ending wasn’t happy. He broke my heart. It seemed that he was just testing his sexuality, so he opted to go back to women. I got beat out by a pair of breasts.”

  Greyson sipped his wine. “I can’t imagine that the sex is interchangeable,” he stated. “For the record, breasts are pretty damn fantastic. Well, hers are.”

  Emma laughed. “You’re saying that aloud because you know two gay men haven’t even checked them out.”

  “Exactly. I’m in my comfort zone here.”

  “Give me a penis any day,” Steele stated, joining in the laughter.

  “Good to see just any old dick will do,” muttered Dante, getting irritated.

  Steele leaned over and gave him a kiss. “I was referring to yours.”

  This time, Greyson was the one who choked on his beer. “Way too much information there.”

  Emma shook her head. “Please continue, Steele. If you don’t, they’ll go on for hours.”

  He took her advice. “After medical school, I came home. I opted to work for the city, because I know that Vegas has quite a few people who get thrown away every year. We have a lot of transients, and I naïvely wanted to make a difference. Now, I’m fifteen bodies deep in the morgue and need a vacation. The rest is history,” he stated.

  “Do you want to get married?” Greyson asked.

  Dante stared at him. “Really?”

  “Again, mom is likely to lead in with that one.”

  Emma was finding the whole thing entertaining. For once, the tables were turned on Dante, and he wasn’t getting the final laugh.

  It was priceless.

  “Mom is going to sit him down, point at him, and ask when the wedding is. Then, she’s going to ask about kids. Since Emma and I aren’t having any, it all falls on you two. Welcome to the family, Steele. Get making them babies.”


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