Eternity's War (Books 1-3) (Eternity's War Boxsets)

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Eternity's War (Books 1-3) (Eternity's War Boxsets) Page 10

by Ruben Stelliswolfe

  Ren slammed her fist on the table, restraining herself at the last minute to not smash it to pieces. “What do you mean you're not going!” she roared.

  “I'll only go if Tahlia will be there,” was the simple response.

  Skye shook his head. Catering for everyone's conflicting demands was impossible, the stress almost too much to bear. Nevertheless, he took an impartial stance and tried to look at the situation logically before the meeting became any more tense than it already was. “Ren, what are the chances of Black Dawn being there?” he asked, trusting the judgement of the smartest and wisest person in the room, although already knowing the answer himself.

  “Not likely,” Ren replied through gritted teeth, glaring at Sierra and her eleventh-hour protest. “Sierra, you promised to help us when you joined White Shadow.”

  “I agreed to join you, but I never once promised to help,” Sierra corrected. “I'll only go tonight if Tahlia will be there. I'm not killing your president.”

  “And we will help you find Tahlia once the president is dead!”

  Stress and silence filled the room. Everyone stared at each other, uncertain how to proceed amicably. Each of them wanted to pursue their own endeavours.

  “Let's face it—White Shadow is dead,” Tango said flatly. “We're outnumbered by both Black Dawn and the Tianzu. Sitting here debating how to kill the president is not going to get us any closer to stopping either of them.”

  “Tango!” Ren screamed, forgetting that Roman was asleep in the dormitory. “I can't believe what I'm hearing! You saw what Archie did to this country!” Angry tears began to well in her eyes. “Have you forgotten everything that we stand for?”

  “Have you?” he retorted. “You're obsessed with finding this president. Stopping him will do nothing. We need to avenge Foxtrot's death!”

  “We're not avenging anything at the moment,” Skye uttered, trying to keep his own temper at bay.

  Tango scoffed. “We're not avenging anything, you say? What about all those who were killed in the riots? By killing the president, you're avenging their deaths.”

  “That's because their deaths are more important!” Skye finally snapped. “Foxtrot was my friend too, Tango, but we need to prioritise. Once the president is dead, we can start looking for the Tianzu.” Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Sierra opening her mouth. “And Tahlia,” he hissed, knowing exactly what she was going to complain about.

  Juliet gasped, interrupting the heated debate. Her eyes widened. She tilted her head upward and stared at the catwalk above.

  “What has become of my former team?” a deep voice asked. A tall figure stepped out of the shadows and began to descend the stairs.

  Everyone stared at Nikolai in disbelief. Sierra looked left and right, hoping that Tahlia had come with him.

  “Tango,” he said, “I do hope you're not causing any grief for Ren.”

  He walked over to White Shadow and sat at a vacant chair between Ren and Juliet. His unorthodox visits were rare, but also relatively harmless, usually only consisting of taunting or pointless topics for conversation. He was never a welcome visitor, but everyone in the room was aware that there was nothing that could be said, nor done, to coerce the powerful man to leave.

  “Skye, my friend,” he continued, “it's good to see you again. It's been far too long,” he said, despite seeing him only hours earlier. “I congratulate you on evading the afternoon news, what with that gruesome attempt on Night's life. And Ren,” he turned to his former partner, “you are always a sight for sore eyes.”

  Juliet let out a sickened groan at the very mention of what were once his eyes. He turned his attention to the young girl.

  “Jacinta, I see that you've developed your power significantly since our last encounter. This time only mere seconds had elapsed before you detected my presence.”

  She stared at the foreboding figure, not forgetting that he had ordered her execution a few months earlier. To this day, she often wondered whether it was luck or fate that White Shadow had rescued her just in time.

  “To what do we owe the pleasure?” Ren asked sarcastically, not impressed by his spontaneous arrival.

  “Odd times, my love, odd times. Archibald is on the verge of being sworn into office as president of Athenia, and we can't have that now, can we? So I came to check in with you all, to see where we stand. Now, what are we discussing?” Nikolai asked enthusiastically.

  Ren and Skye groaned at the same time. They were always very reluctant to share any information with him. While there were benefits in teaming up with Black Dawn to face a common enemy, Nikolai was far too sporadic and peculiar to be trusted. He could just as easily turn on them and vanquish the entire group. Black Dawn now had eight members, whereas White Shadow only had five, excluding Charlie and Delta, as well as Juliet and Roman.

  When no one spoke, Nikolai continued. “I assume you saw that man in the city earlier. He's one of the Tianzu, no doubt.”

  “We did,” Skye said. “Is he working with you?”

  Nikolai frowned. “No, not at all. Don't be daft. It's hard enough having three of them stay with me in my—” He stopped, realising how close he was to confessing that he lived in a villa. He'd gone to great lengths to keep it hidden from White Shadow.

  “Well who is he then?” Skye pressed. “Do you have any information on him?”

  “Regrettably, no. I haven't felt his presence since the day Foxtrot was killed.”

  Skye's face fell. “So it is him. He's the one that Delta felt before she left.”

  “Yes, the man was here that day, and the other Tianzu met up with him. Whether or not they work with him, or for him, I'm uncertain.” Nikolai glanced down at his comm. “Speaking of which, I haven't seen my Tianzu recruits all day. I'm assuming they're off meeting with him right now, no doubt to share what little information they have on me.”

  “This is bad, Nikolai,” Skye said, not appreciating the smug look on his adversary's face. “You should be taking this more seriously. If more of the Tianzu are here, they might be preparing for another attack.”

  Nikolai shrugged. “Probably.”

  “Where's Tahlia?” Sierra asked in an aggravated tone.

  “She's off sulking over that wound you gave her. She healed herself, but she's feeling a little dishevelled over how close you came to ending her life. Of course, if you ask me, an expert tracker such as herself had clearly let her guard down.” The sinister man smiled at the small warrior. “If I may give you a suggestion,” he stated politely, “your crossbow is not very effective from such a long range. Perhaps keep that in mind the next time she's in your sights.”

  Everyone else at the table stared at Nikolai, wishing he would leave.

  “Now, what are we fighting about?” he asked again. Before anyone could think of an answer to give him, the man had disappeared. Seconds later, his voice was heard from the other side of the room. “East Tower?” He was standing in front of Ren's computer. She cursed quietly when she realised that she had left a map of the building displayed on the large monitor. “What's happening at East Tower?” he asked curiously, reappearing at the table.

  “We think the president might be stationed there tonight,” Ren admitted. Nikolai had improved his ability to read digital displays, she thought to herself.

  “I see, I see. And you're all going, I assume? You'll put a stop to his campaign?” he asked excitedly.

  “That's right,” Skye answered, disappointed that Black Dawn was now privy to the secret.

  “No,” Tango said, “I'm not going. And neither is Sierra. So it's just Skye and Echo.”

  “I'm not going either,” Echo declared. He was quieter and often more friendly than Tango, but was also hurt deeply by the loss of his teammate and, while he agreed that Archibald was an enemy, his personal vendetta against him was not as extensive as his hatred for the Tianzu.

  Nikolai let out a loud laugh. “Dissension in your ranks, Ren? And what of yourself, young one?” He turned
back to Juliet. “Will you be an assassin tonight too?”

  “Absolutely not,” Ren dismissed on her behalf. “She's staying here. Especially if there are more Tianzu in the city.”

  Nikolai rose and began to pace around the table. “Well, that is most unfortunate. You see, I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to guarantee her safety if she were to stay here.”

  Both Skye's and Ren's hearts skipped a beat. They shot each other a horrified glance upon hearing the subtle warning.

  “What does that mean?” Ren asked, beginning to panic.

  “It means, my love,” Nikolai explained, “that it's time to change the rules of the game. Indeed, I've experienced my share of fun lately, but it has also been rather mundane in that you've kept her quarantined in this stronghold. It hardly gives me a chance!”

  “Nikolai ...” Skye began, attempting to reason with his nemesis.

  “From here on out,” Nikolai's voice thundered with a smile, “your subordinates are no longer safe here. Or anywhere, for that matter. I feel that we've somehow slipped into a ceasefire, and I don't care for that.”

  “Nikolai! Please don't do this,” Ren pleaded. Tango and Echo were equally as horrified after realising that the warning meant Black Dawn could launch an attack anywhere, and at any time.

  “Fear not, my friends,” Nikolai continued, “for I will grant you a rather large incentive to come out of hiding. I'll bring my men and women with me tonight to East Tower. In fact, we can make a game of it—whoever kills President Denning first wins! And yes, Tahlia will be there,” he said, turning to Sierra, then shifting his gaze across to Tango and Echo. “And I shall also bring my three Tianzu recruits. I'm sure you're curious to interrogate them for information on Foxtrot's killer.”

  The atmosphere in the room was anxious. Ren and Skye didn't know how to react to the sudden announcement. Tango and Echo were equally as confused, but Tango appeared to be pleased by the sudden revelation, having been given a chance to find out more information on the Tianzu and the boy who claimed his friend's life.

  “And you, my dear,” Nikolai said, looking down to Juliet, “I may just see you tonight too. In fact ... I highly recommend it.”

  Nikolai had to move quickly. Ren grabbed a small knife from the table and leapt at him, swinging it wildly. He grabbed her forearm carefully, not wanting to injure her, then spun her around, knocking her off balance.

  “Skye, help!” she screamed.

  For a moment Skye hesitated, wondering if attacking Nikolai was worthwhile in the slightest.

  Ren spun back around and removed a carbon pistol from her belt, raising it to Nikolai's face. Before she could pull the trigger he'd already disarmed her.

  Skye decided to step in. He grabbed his sword handle and threw it at Nikolai. Using his mind, he pressed the button on its side, forcing it to extend outward. Nikolai grabbed the blade effortlessly with his free hand.

  “And just what is the meaning of this?” he asked, somewhat impressed by the attack.

  Ren didn't give up, knowing that Nikolai would never harm her. She threw herself forward again, using her immunity to her advantage and swinging her fist at his face. His speed was far greater than hers. He stepped to the side and nudged her gently, sending her off balance once again.

  Nikolai turned and faced the defenceless Tango. “Game over,” he said in a dark voice. He shifted his grip on Skye's sword down to the handle, then swung the blade downwards with incredible force.

  Tango's eyes widened as he watched the steel fly toward him. He pushed himself away from the table and onto the ground, just as the sword tore through his chair, sending splinters flying into the air.

  Echo jumped up, not willing to allow Nikolai to attack his comrade. He leapt over the table and flew toward the towering enemy.

  Nikolai smiled. He dropped the sword to the ground and wrapped his hand around Echo's head. He raised his arm up, holding Echo high, and aimed the pistol at his heart at point-blank range. Everyone in the room froze. They held their ground and watched on with fear, not wanting to provoke Nikolai. While it was not in the great man's nature to pull the trigger, provoking him and his odd personality was an unwise strategy.

  “What an interesting weapon you've chosen for yourself, Ren,” he remarked as he saw the military insignia on its handle. “I didn't think you'd ever arm yourself with something so modern.”

  “Put him down,” Skye pleaded, caution in his voice. “You don't have to do this.”

  Ren glared at Nikolai with malice, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of showing him fear. She tried her best to suppress it, but knew Nikolai could surely already sense how nervous she was that he might indeed kill Echo. “We all know you won't kill him,” she said, attempting to call his bluff.

  Nikolai snapped his head right and looked into his former partner's eyes. “And why do you assume that? Is it because I've never killed anyone with my own hands? Assumptions like those could leave your group with one member less, my love.” His voice was cold, sending a shiver down her spine.

  Skye looked at Sierra, who stood idly by. She had not once stepped in, despite being the fastest and most lethal in the room. She saw his wandering gaze and stared blankly back at him.

  “The question you should ask yourselves,” Nikolai said, “is whether or not I was actually intending to kill Tango. Was Tango merely lucky in escaping being sliced in half? Or was it that I could sense he was going to move in time?”

  No one said a word. They watched on in horror, praying that Nikolai wouldn't commit his first murder in front of them.

  “What do you want from us?” Skye finally asked. He didn't wish to have to resort to negotiating, but Nikolai stood poised, not showing any sign of leaving them alone.

  “I still don't know why you bother attacking me. I've hardly done you any wrong. An unprovoked act, it is, and a needless one at that!”

  Skye ignored him. “What do you want?” he repeated.

  “Bring them all to the tower tonight, including Jacinta and Roman.”

  “Why? So you can kill them there?”

  “That's none of your concern,” Nikolai said with a sly grin. “Bring them to the tower tonight.”

  “They're not going!” Ren shouted. She looked into Echo's terrified eyes and tried to think of another strategy to end the standoff.

  “If I truly wanted them dead, I could have them killed right now,” Nikolai said reassuringly. “You've nothing to lose. Bring them tonight.”

  Skye turned to Juliet and saw tears well in her eyes. Only minutes earlier she was eager to accompany them on their impending mission, but now that Black Dawn were also attending, the prospect of death was far from alluring.

  Ren gritted her teeth and shook with rage. “Fine,” she whispered.

  Nikolai laughed and shoved Echo to the ground. “Good. Now you may all relax. Although you clearly don't know me at all; if I was ever going to take a life, it would not be with something so crude as this.” He held the gun up and admired its light weight. “An elite using a firearm is an absurd concept, don't you think, Ren?” He dropped the gun and kicked it away.

  Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, with the exception of Juliet, who started trembling with fear. Echo shot the man a furious glance, then slowly crept away from him.

  Roman appeared in the doorway and gasped when he saw Nikolai.

  “Good afternoon, young man,” Nikolai greeted in a happy voice. Without a second thought, Roman ran back into his bedroom and hid.

  Nikolai let out a soft chuckle. “It's amazing, isn't it? The power of fear.”

  “Get out of here,” Ren warned, tired of his endless games.

  Nikolai looked about his former group. “Well, I'm pleased to hear that you'll be joining me tonight on the quest to kill Archibald. Although, on the other hand, you're all fools too.”

  Skye punched the table, unable to control his rage any longer. “Why are we fools!” he screamed. “Because we decided to let Echo live?”

bsp; Nikolai shook his head. “You're fools because you found yourselves cornered. You were trapped between two choices. A wiser person would have created a third for themselves.”

  “Get out of here, now,” Ren threatened again, staring at the pleased grin on Nikolai's face.

  “Very well,” he laughed. “I shall leave you all be, for now. Bring Jacinta and Roman to the tower. I'm sure they'll find the experience enlightening.” His face fell momentarily, his mind retreating into the past. “I don't have fond memories of East Tower. It reminds me of that day.”

  Tango helped Echo up from the ground and continued glaring at Nikolai. “You weren't even in the tower that day.”

  Nikolai bit his lip in an attempt to hold back his anguish. “No, I was not. But I wish I was. I'd much rather have been in the tower than down on the streets.” He turned his attention back to Juliet. “Seeing the things I saw ... they change you. And how we've all changed since that day.”

  The group stared at one another, waiting for their enemy to take his leave.

  Nikolai snapped out of his trance and shrugged, smiling to his former friends. “Come to the tower.” He placed a hand on his forehead and gave a friendly salute to White Shadow. “Until then,” he said, vanishing from the room.


  “This is bad, Ren,” Skye muttered, alone with his leader and comrade by her computer. The warehouse had become silent and tense since Nikolai's sudden declaration. “We can't risk having Juliet and Roman come out with us tonight if Black Dawn are there. They'll be killed on sight.”

  Ren grunted in agreement, not pleased with the situation either. She was somewhat protective of Juliet, not necessarily because she cared for the young girl, but rather because her telepathic ability to locate others was a major asset to their faction. With Delta in Shizudera, Juliet was White Shadow's only remaining tracker, even if her ability was new. Ren had so far done an excellent job of keeping the girl safe in their base, but Juliet was now about to be thrust into the open where danger waited.

  “Are we still going to do this tonight?” Skye asked, uncertainty in his voice. “I want Archie gone, but I don't want to see our own murdered in front of us.”


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