Eternity's War (Books 1-3) (Eternity's War Boxsets)

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Eternity's War (Books 1-3) (Eternity's War Boxsets) Page 44

by Ruben Stelliswolfe

  “You were still part of White Shadow then,” Skye moaned. He looked up at his towering enemy. “You were one of us, and you didn't tell us you'd found Archie. You recruited him before you even formed Black Dawn.”

  Nikolai shrugged, offering no apology. “It was something I had to do, Skye. You and I have conversed on so many occasions about running the nation. This was my opportunity to do so. Archibald wasn't yet our enemy at the time. All I'm guilty of is having my own aspirations outside of White Shadow and this warehouse.”

  Skye stared blankly at the table, unable to believe what he was hearing. The group had wasted so much time in the last year looking for Archie, but Nikolai had known his whereabouts the entire time. Worse still, Nikolai had already begun conspiring with the new president before the riots had even taken place.

  “I've heard enough,” Ren hissed, not willing to listen to Nikolai's betrayal any longer. “We're not going to give up looking for him. I'll kill him myself.”

  “I figured as much,” Nikolai said. “But my advice is to quit while you're ahead—you'll never manage to kill him.”

  “We'll see about that,” she said confidently.

  Nikolai laughed. “Fine. I can certainly admire your resilience, my love. Well, then allow me to grant you a rather large concession: Archibald is presently confined to Government House, the same location he has spent most of the past year.”

  Ren rolled her eyes, too perceptive to fall for another of his lies. “I doubt that. You're not reckless enough to keep him in such an obvious location.”

  “Cried wolf, have I?” he asked. “Well, I can understand your reasoning for thinking as such, as I did purposely throw you off his trail several times. But this time I can assure you it's no farce; President Denning is being housed in his appropriate quarters. Although his staff did not take well to being informed of his relocation yet again.”

  Ren and Skye exchanged sceptical glances, neither of them believing the obvious admission.

  “I kid you not,” Nikolai laughed, holding his hands up innocently. “I need to keep him somewhere safe during my absence. And there is currently no place safer than in the stronghold that is Government House, especially since my villa and bunker are both now compromised. But with the fifty or so members of the Guard watching him, an attempt on his life would be a waste of time. You're much better off pooling your resources and coming to Shizudera with me. I could use your assistance in taking down the Tianzu.”

  Skye's eyes widened. “You're going to Shizudera to take them on?” he asked.

  “Not all of them. After cautiously listening to conversations between Daye, Kai, and Hana, I managed to ascertain that a small contingent of the Tianzu reside in Shizudera.”

  “I've thought the same thing myself,” Skye said. “Two branches of the same organisation.”

  Nikolai nodded. “I deemed it a wiser strategy to eliminate the smaller group before heading to the mainland for the rest.” He sat back down at the table. “But yes, I'll be leaving imminently. Make yourselves useful and meet me at the trainport soon. They killed two of my subordinates, so war has been declared, not that I needed any further justification to go there and vanquish them, of course.”

  A puzzled expression spread across Skye's face. “You're trying to convince us that you went to all of this effort to protect Archie, and now you're going to leave him here alone while you're off fighting the Tianzu?”

  “I assure you, he's safe. And don't think that I won't be commanding him from afar. I've already discussed Athenia's new policies with him in great detail. Besides, I can't involve myself with every pressing issue of running this country. It's too much to bear, and a rather fruitless endeavour if the Tianzu are still out there, plotting my supposed execution. President Denning has full creative control in making decisions that aren't of any concern to me during his five-year term. But to answer your original question, yes, my primary objective is to eliminate the Tianzu.”

  “Well we won't be joining you, so you can leave us alone now,” Ren ordered through gritted teeth.

  “Really?” he asked, surprised. “You don't want your revenge on the Tianzu? Even after they killed Tango?”

  “We won't be going,” Ren said, louder this time. She was already trying to think of a way to break into Government House and complete their failed mission.

  “And what of Charlie and Delta? Are you to just leave them alone while the Tianzu slaughter them?” he asked. “I don't think it's any secret they're outnumbered.”

  “Ren,” Skye began, turning to face her, “we need to stop the Tianzu.”

  Her jaw dropped. She stared back at him in shock. “You're siding with Nikolai?”

  “He's right. The Tianzu have declared war on all of us. We need to stop them now. If we stay here and take no action, what's to stop them from returning here with the entire clan and killing us all?” He turned back and faced Nikolai. “But we won't be teaming up with you,” he warned.

  “I can't believe what I'm hearing!” Ren growled. “Tango and Echo died trying to put a stop to the president, and now you want to forget about him and let them die in vain?”

  “You won't be joining me?” Nikolai mumbled to himself. “Well that is most unfortunate, especially considering that Black Dawn's members are dwindling.”

  “Tango and Foxtrot were killed by the Tianzu!” Skye barked back at Ren, ignoring Nikolai. “If we don't put a stop to them, they will have died in vain.”

  “I'm not joining Tahlia,” Sierra said, entering the room. She had been busy training outside by herself.

  Nikolai smiled. “Then allow me to sweeten the deal.” He looked across to the quiet Juliet and Romeo. “Join me, young ones, and I'll happily grant the two of you asylum.”

  “That's enough!” Ren shouted, storming across to the table. “Don't you dare try to corrupt them!” She swung her fist at Nikolai, only to stumble forward as he dodged the careless attack.

  “Do be careful,” he said, grabbing Ren and helping her regain balance. “I'm not trying to corrupt anyone here. I am, however, offering these two the opportunity to live.”

  “You already offered them a chance to join you once before,” Skye reminded. “They both failed your 'test'.”

  “They failed before the test even began. I enjoy asking them their views on freedom as it gives me deep insight into the way they think, but neither of them lack the hollow-mindedness that the others had. The fact that these two are in the infancy of their new lives is what made them a threat.”

  “We're not a threat to you,” Juliet said weakly, glaring across at the powerful man.

  “I know,” he said with a broad smile. “But you potentially could become a threat, young Jacinta. You see, my previous subordinates, Sabina and Aurelius, as well as Tahlia and Night, all had been in their current frame of mind for some time before I recruited them. They had lost the willpower to truly think for themselves, and their hollowness made them obedient soldiers.”

  He paced the room once again. “But yourself and Roman are new to the life of an elite, meaning your minds could be moulded either way, depending on whether you were to join myself or Ren. Much like the newborn animal who imprints on its mother, or the young human who patriotically declares his or her fervour to their country of birth, so too can your mindsets change and adapt.”

  “Enough,” Ren hissed, all too aware that he was trying to turn them against her.

  “I don't understand,” Romeo said.

  Nikolai extended a friendly hand outwards. “Join me,” he said simply, “and you'll be safe. Your biggest threat in this world, if you stay here with White Shadow, is me. Join me, however, and you'll eradicate that threat. I'll even train your abilities, and transform you into marvellous and formidable warriors.”

  “Don't listen to him!” Skye snarled from across the table.

  “If you stay here, I'll order Archibald to have you both executed for treason,” Nikolai continued, “and you're already enemies of both Black Daw
n and the Tianzu. If you join me, I give you my word you'll be safe, and your lives will have purpose. The Tianzu may still wish to pursue you, but White Shadow certainly will not.”

  Skye and Ren both looked across at Romeo, whose expression indicated he was considering the offer.

  Skye stood up furiously, knocking his chair over. “He tried to kill you both, and he wants to rule Athenia with an iron fist! Are you actually going to listen to him?”

  “Is that so bad?” Nikolai asked the innocent duo. “Yes, my methods are quite extreme, but wouldn't you feel more free if you lived in a state that has eliminated all crime? A person who is truly good and righteous would have nothing to fear in my version of a peaceful society.”

  Skye's jaw slowly fell open as he read the expression on Romeo's face. There was no denying that Nikolai had a way with words, and his speech had convinced him. The boy rose from his chair and stood beside the tall man. “Romeo, don't,” Skye tried to convince him a final time.

  “I want to live, Skye,” he said with a tear in his eye. “I can't even count the number of times I was almost killed in the last few days.”

  Nikolai's sly smile burned itself into Ren's memory. She glared at him with pure hatred as he placed a hand on Romeo's shoulder.

  “That's a wise choice you've made,” Nikolai congratulated Romeo. “I do apologise if I earlier ordered your demise, but I can assure you it was all for the sake of the greater good. Well, maybe for the sake of my survival, which will subsequently lead to peace. But we can put that behind us now.”

  “Romeo, stop,” Skye said, exhausted, but relentless. “He only wants you to join him because he lost three of his fighters today.”

  Nikolai raised a perplexed eyebrow. “Three?” he whispered to himself. He turned his attention to Juliet, who sat frozen at the table. “And what of yourself, Jacinta? Would you care to join your fellow Athenian compatriot?”

  The confused young woman looked back and forth between Nikolai, Skye, and Ren. “I don't know what to do,” she admitted in a weak voice.

  “You're safer with us, Juliet,” Ren declared loudly. “Do you really want to go to Shizudera and fight the Tianzu in their own territory?”

  Skye stared into Juliet's eyes and saw fear. He had done everything in his power to accommodate the young woman in easing into their dangerous lifestyle over the past three months, but it hadn't been enough. Skye let out a long sigh, knowing what had to be done.

  “Let them go,” he said in a defeated voice, barely audible. Ren turned and shot him a vicious glance. “They're safer with Nikolai,” he continued before she could erupt. “I can't protect them and fight the Tianzu at the same time. We've already lost Tango, Echo, and Foxtrot. If they stay with White Shadow, they're as good as dead.”

  Nikolai was impressed with the change of sentiment. “Wise beyond your years, Skye,” he complimented.

  “I don't want to do this,” Juliet said as she slowly rose from her chair, staring boldly into Nikolai's eye sockets. “If I have to go with you to stay alive, then I'll do it. But don't ever consider me a part of Black Dawn.” She gave him a final menacing look before taking her place alongside Romeo.

  “We all do what we can to survive,” Nikolai teased. “Perhaps in time you'll forgive me for what I've done. Or, more importantly, perhaps you'll understand what I've done.”

  Ren raised her fist high. With one swift movement, she slammed her fist down onto the table, this time without restraint. The wood cracked instantly, causing the table to collapse into two large pieces. She pointed an enraged finger at Juliet and Romeo. “I took you both in and offered you protection, and this is how you repay me!” she screamed. “If you want to side with Nikolai, that's fine, but don't ever set foot in here again!”

  Nikolai looked down at the duo. “I may have been mistaken—White Shadow may actually become your enemy yet,” he jested.

  “Ren,” Skye said cautiously, pre-empting her enraged reaction, “we need to meet up with Charlie and Delta and put a stop to the Tianzu.”

  “No, we don't,” she fought back, her voice dark. “We need to stay here and find the president.” Her betrayed eyes stared at Skye, burning with fury.

  “Nikolai, is Tahlia going to Shizudera?” Sierra asked.

  “Indeed she is.”

  “Then I'll join you, Skye,” she said.

  Nikolai clasped his hands together. “Marvellous! What fun there is to be had by all.” He stepped over to Ren and placed his arm around his former partner's shoulders. “Would you care to join them, my dear?”

  She shook his arm off and stared up at him, face-to-face. “I'm going to find Archibald and kill him myself, then I'm going to kill you,” she threatened, her tone serious. She looked back at Skye and Sierra. “You're both traitors to this cause.”

  A pleased grin formed across Nikolai's face. “Slaying Archibald will accomplish nothing. While great care was taken to ensure his survival, do you not think that I would have a contingency for that too?” He turned and walked to the front door. “Come along,” he beckoned. Romeo followed obediently without looking at any of his former teammates.

  Juliet glanced at Skye apologetically, then turned her attention to Ren. “You said you offered me protection, but I wasn't safe with you at all, Ren. I don't consider Nikolai to be an ally, and I never will, but if I stay here, you'll just continue using me for my ability.” She turned and walked after Romeo.

  Ren narrowed her eyes at the defiant girl. She opened her mouth to fight back, but chose to say nothing. A small part of her knew that Juliet was right. She had endangered the girl's life several times in the past forty-eight hours.

  But it had to be done, Ren thought. I had to put a stop to Archie, whatever the cost.

  “Thank you for playing the game with me,” Nikolai said sincerely, smiling at Ren and Skye. “Although you should have known I was always going to win. Oh, that reminds me ...” he paused, lost in his own obscure thoughts. “As I mentioned to you months ago, Skye, I made a deal with the Tianzu to borrow some of their fighters. One of the reasons in doing so was to learn more about them and their clandestine ways, although, regrettably, no useful information seemed to eventuate. Another reason I invited them was for reinforcing my protection of Archibald from yourselves, although you've obviously already reached that conclusion for yourself. Ultimately it was rather risky though, as I knew they'd never allow me to come into power, so I invested much time, money, and effort in keeping my two parties segregated. You weren't the only reason I installed that bunker.

  “But I wanted to share with you my third reason for recruiting the Tianzu,” he continued. “You see, I hoped they would cross paths with yourselves, and that you would inflict harm upon them in some way. I should mention that Foxtrot's death was an unforeseen event, and to this day I have no idea who those two Tianzu were. But regardless, I assumed the presence of the Tianzu in Athenia would lead to conflict between them and yourselves, which in turn would cause you to want to exact your own revenge of sorts. My ultimate plan has always been to vanquish the entire clan, and this seemed like a logical way for Black Dawn and White Shadow to amalgamate under one banner for future endeavours.”

  Nikolai looked at the horrified faces of Ren and Skye. His deceptive plan had worked all but perfectly, and the death of Tango had given them more than enough justification to shift their attention from Archibald to the Tianzu.

  “Skye,” Nikolai called, “I'll meet you in Nishihama.” He placed one arm around Juliet and the other around Romeo, and walked casually outside with his new recruits.

  “Nikolai,” Skye called back. The man stopped walking and turned to see his friend standing in the doorway, a large smirk on his face. “I'll come to Shizudera ... but only because I'm going to kill you.”

  Nikolai returned the smile. “Splendid.”


  Kitsune sat on the lush green grass beside the gently flowing Kita River. She wore a pale yellow shirt, and watched happily as families pl
ayed in the shallow water, dipping their nets in the hope of catching something. The sun was beginning to set in Kitadera, bringing another peaceful day to a close.

  Two familiar faces approached from the south, leisurely walking toward her; a teenage boy and a tall man, whose face was concealed beneath a black hooded mask.

  She looked up at them and smiled. “Hello, my brothers. How are you two?” she asked in Shizugo. “I haven't seen you in months.”

  “When do you think they'll come back?” Shin asked, ignoring her question and changing the subject.

  “Who? Kai and Hana?”

  The boy nodded. “And Raien.”

  “Soon,” Karatsu groaned, despite having the conversation only thirty minutes ago. “The inauguration was supposed to be today. I imagine that Raien, Kai, and Hana will be on their way back.”

  “Do you think the others will come too?”

  The tall man, Karatsu, held up his hand, dismissing the teenage boy's eagerness. “Patience, Shin. If they come, we'll be ready for them. For now we'll just need to wait for Raien's orders.”

  “But I'm ready to kill them now,” the boy said with a dark grin.

  Kitsune shook her head disapprovingly. “That's enough, Shin. You should listen to your master.”

  “And it's irrelevant whether you're ready to kill them or not,” Karatsu added. “All that matters is if they do in fact need to be killed. As warriors of peace, we must hope not.”

  Shin crossed his arms, exasperated by yet another lecture from his seniors. “But our job is to protect civilians,” he objected. “If we want to achieve peace, we need to be prepared to kill.”

  Kitsune and Karatsu exchanged tired glances. Shin was powerful, his ability unique, but he was troubling to deal with at times and often tested their patience. Despite his mind and body being evolved, his young age meant that he was forever trapped in a state of perpetual naivety.

  “How are you, sister?” Karatsu asked.


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