Eternity's War (Books 1-3) (Eternity's War Boxsets)

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Eternity's War (Books 1-3) (Eternity's War Boxsets) Page 57

by Ruben Stelliswolfe

  A tear fell down Charlie's cheek. He walked across to the table and slammed his fist into it loudly.

  Delta rose and walked across to her husband, wrapping her arms around him. Skye looked up and watched their sombre embrace. He felt the same pain they felt, thinking about the horrendous and undeserving end to their friend's life.

  “We need to kill him,” Charlie muttered. “That boy needs to be killed.”

  “Agreed,” Skye said. The ability to possess another's mind was a powerful and dangerous one, and especially if it was an ability in the hands of the enemy.

  Sierra stood perched on the balcony rail, watching as a police car drove past the building. “Tahlia's still out there somewhere,” she said to herself.

  Skye ignored her. He stood up and placed a hand on Charlie's shoulder. “We'll stop him. We'll stop the boy.”

  Delta shook her head, her mind still reeling from the battle. “Who is he?” she asked. “He's only a child. Who would have raised him to be so ...” Evil was the only word she could think of to describe the malicious fighter.

  “How are we going to kill him?” Charlie wondered aloud. “Four of us couldn't even stop two of them.”

  The group looked about themselves. None of them expected that taking the Tianzu on would be an easy task, but fighting with them a moment ago was another reminder of just how strong the clan were.

  “I don't know,” Skye said. He turned and joined Sierra on the sunny balcony. “We need to think of a strategy to take them out.”

  “One at a time,” Sierra suggested. “If they're as strong as you think they are, kill them individually.”

  Charlie nodded. “Divide and conquer. It might be the only way we'll ever kill him.”

  “That won't be easy though,” Delta said. “Whenever I've sensed the boy he's always been with the masked man. They seem to travel together.”

  “Just like Kai and Hana,” Skye added. “Safety in numbers.”

  It made sense for the Tianzu to remain in groups, he thought. While they were all exceedingly powerful, teaming up and utilising each other's abilities was a wise tactic for both offence and defence. Hana could absorb energy and transmit it to Kai, who then expelled it in a deadly projectile form. And the boy was able to manipulate one's mind while the masked man finished them off. The Tianzu's partners of choice were clearly no coincidence.

  Delta closed her eyes and pushed her mind back to where the battle took place. “I can't sense them. They're out of my range.”

  Skye looked out at the city. “We need to find them. If it's just the two of them in Nishihama, it'll work to our advantage. If the rest of the clan come here, we won't stand a chance.” He turned around and looked at the others for their opinion.

  “So what's the plan?” Sierra asked. “I'm ready to go back out and look for them.”

  Charlie frowned. “Well, we're not. I say we rest for now.”

  “Definitely,” Delta said. “We haven't been involved in combat for months. We need to be at full strength if we want to take them out.”

  Skye looked down and watched another police car drive past. “We need to lay low for the moment too. There are police everywhere. I don't want a repeat of what happened in Athenia a few days ago.” He thought back to how dangerous the situation became when he was alone in the city with just Juliet and a small battalion of soldiers. “If the military become involved, we'll never find the Tianzu.”

  Delta winced in pain. She raised her arm and saw a large bruise forming under her skin. “This is their territory too. We need to bear in mind that we're at a severe disadvantage while we look for them in their own city. We've spent three months searching and found nothing.”

  “And the difference now is that they're actively looking for us,” Charlie said. “We'll have to be on guard.”

  Sierra looked at the other three. “So we're staying here then?”

  Skye nodded slowly, although unsurprised by her desire to march out to battle so soon. He cringed as he rolled back his sleeve, revealing a bloody graze on his upper arm.

  “I'll keep monitoring our surroundings,” Delta offered. “If any of them get close enough I'll know straight away.”

  “And I'll try to think of our next move,” Charlie said. “Unless you have any suggestions, Skye?”

  Skye turned and looked at him awkwardly, not needing to admit they had no strategy. They were in a foreign land and were greatly outclassed by their enemy. While Skye didn't want to say it aloud, their chances of success weren't overly great.


  The sun shone brightly as Kai and Hana stood atop their residence. Countless plants and vegetables lined the side railing, and the flat roof was lined with concrete tiles. For them it was the perfect home, and yet another peaceful spot in such a tranquil city.

  Kai looked down as the people went about their everyday business. There were shopkeepers selling goods to both locals and tourists, and children playing in the streets. Kitadera was vastly quieter and more placid than the bustling capital where Raien and Kitsune chose to base themselves in.

  He traced his fingers along the branches of the tall sakura tree, which wasn't yet ready for bloom. The entire garden looked healthy and lush, indicating that Kitsune did an excellent job of maintaining their household in their absence. “It feels so good to be home. I've missed it here. Nikolai's villa was far from hospitable.”

  “I don't like this strategy,” Hana said, changing the subject. “I don't like the thought of Nikolai walking freely around Shizudera. It makes me worry for our people, and for the people of the Union.”

  Kai grunted in agreement. “I've never gone against any of Raien's orders, but I can't comprehend why he would split us up like this at such a dangerous time.” He closed his eyes and tilted his head up, basking in the warm glow from above. “We haven't faced an enemy like this since the Xing Clan.”

  “Two enemies,” Hana said. “There are two groups who want to destroy us.” She shook her head with sadness and turned to her husband. “What are we to do? Should we intervene?”

  Kai said nothing. He returned his gaze to the streets below, feeling afraid for the safety of the civilians. They were all innocent, and didn't deserve to be invaded by the two rogue groups that both claimed to be so just and righteous.

  “I don't know,” he finally admitted. “It's not in our way to go against our leader.”

  He sat on the warm concrete, closing his eyes again and beginning to relax his mind. Within minutes, he was in a deep state of meditation. Hana did the same, hoping the answer to their dilemma would come via vivid mindfulness.

  After a period of what felt like thirty or so minutes, Hana opened her eyes, her senses alerting her to a peaceful presence that had joined them. She turned around to see Daye in their rooftop garden, admiring the many statues.

  “Daye,” she said, somewhat surprised to see the man return. “What are you doing here?” She rose to her feet and embraced her fellow clan member.

  Kai smiled and rose too, offering the same. “Hello again, brother. I didn't expect to see you so soon.”

  Daye smiled politely back. “Kheree sent me for an update.”

  Hana frowned, confused by his reason for coming. It was odd, she thought, as Kheree was very much capable of projecting his own mind this far, and had visited them on several occasions over the decades. “What does he wish to be updated on? The situation with the other two clans?”

  Daye nodded. “He's concerned about the threat they pose to both the Tianzu and to the people of the Union,” he half lied.

  Kai's smile faded. “We have no update for you, brother. We have convened with Raien and the others, and at this stage we're to take no action.”

  The Kaipuran man listened carefully to their words, intrigued to hear the revelation. “Raien hasn't ordered you to eliminate the threat?”

  They shook their heads. “If we encounter them, we may eliminate them,” Hana explained. “But Raien has requested that we limit ou
r actions and hope the two groups will both destroy one another.”

  The orders confused Daye. “But just the other day in Athenia he was adamant about eliminating the other groups. Why would he give such an order and then take no further action?” Neither of the duo offered an explanation. “Where's Raien now?”

  “Back in Azuma-jo,” Kai said. “He's with Kitsune. Karatsu and Shin have returned to Nishihama.”

  This further confounded Daye. “You've all returned to your respective cities and are to take no action?”

  Kai nodded. “The orders make little sense to us. We're uncertain whether to obey them or to take action on our own.”

  “Stay,” Daye suggested quickly, not wasting an opportunity to keep the peace between the sects. “It's the way of the Tianzu to obey the hierarchy.”

  Kai and Hana exchanged a speculative glance, neither of them seeming to agree with his opinion. “Perhaps,” Hana said.

  “I'll inform Kheree of what you've just told me,” Daye said, feeling pleased that the Shizuno Tianzu weren't actively seeking out White Shadow or Black Dawn. “Thank you for your time.”

  “Of course.”

  Daye surveyed the peaceful retreat around him. It brought his smile back. “I've always enjoyed coming here.”

  “Will you be visiting Hiroaki?” Hana asked, eyeing him up and down.

  She knew Daye well. He turned and faced her, unable to lie. “I always visit him when I'm in Kitadera.”

  “Is that the real reason you've come here?” Kai pressed. “Did Kheree truly send you, or are you merely wanting information from us pertaining to Raien's orders?”

  Daye's smile faded; he was taken aback by their perceptiveness. “Will the reason for my visit make any difference to your involvement in this war with the others?”

  They continued staring at him, saying nothing.

  Daye's smile returned. “I'll take my leave now. I haven't seen Hiroaki for some time, so I'm looking forward to hearing from him.”

  “Take care, brother,” Kai said, offering a short bow.

  Daye's illusion vanished from the garden, leaving the Tianzu pair alone once again.

  “How typical that he wishes for us not to take any action,” Hana remarked.

  Kai smirked. “I respect his desire for peace, but he's deluded if he believes we can achieve peace without taking any action.” It didn't offend them that Daye was such a pacifist, but they would much rather he tell them the truth.

  The looked into each other's eyes, both still searching for the answer to their question.

  “We should leave,” Kai proposed. “Despite Raien's orders, I can't wait here and merely hope that our enemies would destroy each other. It's reckless.”

  “I agree.” Hana turned her head and watched the children playing down below. “I can't allow citizens to be caught up in this war. We've sworn an oath to protect them. I know disobeying Raien's command is dishonourable, but I believe the greater dishonour would be to take no action while the people of our world are killed.”


  Meili sat in her dull room and stared at the six monitors in front of her on the wall, ensuring each one was utilised. She studied all of them simultaneously, downloading electronic documents belonging to Nikolai's company, log reports for entering and exiting the villa, surveillance footage from Shangwu, and news reports from the past few days. In the handful of hours since her arrival, she had done exactly as the minister of defence had asked of her, uncovering valuable information for what actually took place in Athenia.

  Two arrest warrants in two days had been issued for Xia Qiuyu, who also went by the name 'Skye'. He was born in Daixuan in 1996. Meili studied his photo and profile, and saw that the warrants had been issued automatically by Athenia's surveillance system. Both were later retracted by Government House.

  It alarmed her to then see on a separate monitor that the military ordered for Skye to be neutralised by any means necessary. It stated that he was classed as a potential terrorist.

  Another name caught Meili's attention: Jacinta Yeoh, an eighteen-year-old who was classed as an enemy of the state three days earlier. This order, much like Skye's, was later retracted directly by the government.

  Interesting, Meili thought. Perhaps these two were working for Archibald, and were unintentionally discovered by the Ministry. If that were the case, Archibald could have easily dismissed any warrants for their arrest.

  Meili sifted through immigration documents of the multiple nationals that seemed involved. Although, unsurprisingly, there was no immigration data on Skye or Jacinta, as they were permitted free travel throughout the Union.

  Meili kept typing into her keyscreen, absorbing as much of the data as possible. The most intriguing character of all was Nicholas Sweeney, a former professor at Athenia National University. He was from Reddingham, Alexa, having moved to Athenia in 2020, and later obtaining permanent residency. She frowned when she saw his photo. It said he was born in 1982, but he didn't look a day older than forty.

  She turned her gaze to another screen and read about Gembira Gongsi, a corporation which was linked to Sweeney. She scanned reports of the company's revenue, which was a staggeringly high amount, and especially since it has only be incorporated for just over a year. It amazed her to think that the company had not yet been audited by the local tax authorities. After further digging, she managed to ascertain that the villa which Xu referred to was owned by Sweeney, although not directly.

  But one thing that certainly stood out was that this company had almost entirely funded the final year of Archibald's political campaign.

  She tilted her head up at another monitor, which had finally finished downloading all of the deleted footage which Guard One had wisely backed up before he was murdered. Without wasting another second, she began playing it on all six monitors.

  She started at the beginning of the video, which began last Thursday. Unsurprisingly, the footage showed dozens of presidential staff moving equipment into the villa. She sped the footage up, wondering at what point in time it was that so many innocent people were killed there.

  She paused the video when she noticed something odd. At the main entrance stood what looked like a corpse attempting to enter the villa. Seconds later, it was gunned down by the Presidential Guard. But Meili gasped when she watched a man emerge from inside and somehow bring the bizarre being back to life.

  Could it be?

  She played the footage again, over and over. There was no mistaking that the corpse was quickly destroyed by the Guard, only to be reanimated moments later. The strange display before her made her wonder if perhaps the assailants she was dealing with were shengxian.

  She watched the man with the top hat walk into the villa. She looked at him from several different angles, as Guard One had set up four different cameras in the foyer. Once she had a clear enough image of the man's face, she ran a facial recognition scan on it.

  Meili resumed playing the footage from inside the villa. Not all rooms had cameras installed, and one room she was curious to gain access to was the main suite. Minutes later, the computer found a match for the odd man's face. He was Timothy Basterfield, another man from Reddingham. He had only been in Athenia for a matter of months.

  She resumed the footage, stopping when she saw Sweeney proudly stroll into the villa. A short time later, two other beings arrived. It didn't take Meili long to discover the identities of both Sabina Freidrich and Aurelius Mancini, and also that they had been classified as deceased by the Athenian government.

  Meili suddenly gasped. Her eyes widened as she witnessed Kai, Hana, and Daye walk through the villa's front entrance.

  It took her a moment to react. She watched on as the trio made their way through the foyer and upstairs, eventually disappearing inside the suite.

  What are they doing here?

  She played the footage again and paused it, carefully examining the frame. There was no mistake that she was staring at the faces of three Tianzu o
n her screen.

  She stared at the monitor, confused by what was happening. What originally began as a hunt for suspected terrorists had quickly turned into a very dangerous situation.

  Or an opportunity, she thought.

  Meili turned around to ensure she was still alone in the room before pressing several buttons on her comm.

  “Hello?” a woman's voice asked in Xiayu.

  “Sister,” Meili said, “can you talk?”

  “Of course. What is it?”

  Meili turned around again, paranoid that someone would hear her conversation. “I've arrived in Athenia. Li Xu suspects there's a rogue group of people who might be working with President Denning, which is the reason why she asked me to come here so urgently.”

  The voice on the other end of the line paused briefly. “Okay,” Mingyue said, only half interested in hearing the matter, and wondering why her younger sister was telling her.

  “I've done some research and I've found those who look as though they may be involved, and I have a theory they may be shengxian.”

  Mingyue now understood the relevance. “I see. Are they familiar faces?”

  “No, I've never seen these people before. But there are three I recognise: Kai, Hana, and Daye.”

  There was a long pause as the information was processed. “You're certain?”

  “I'm looking at them right now, sister. The three of them were in Athenia four days ago. They might be involved in this conspiracy.” Meili decided to speed up the conversation in case Li Xu entered the room. “Mingyue, I'll need to report my findings to the Athenians. If the Tianzu are involved in a plot against the Union, they'll be charged with treason. This could be the opportunity we need.”

  The reason for Meili's call hit Mingyue hard. “I see,” she said, her voice suddenly having a newfound sense of enthusiasm. “I don't imagine Kheree or Raien would appreciate that.”

  “My thoughts exactly. I should return to work, but I'll keep you updated.”

  “Very well.” Mingyue paused again and laughed softly. “Meili ... if you're right about this ...”


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