Hiding Out

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Hiding Out Page 8

by Nicole Andrews Moore

  Sam gazed at her affectionately. “I took a guess. How’d I do?”

  Haley glanced around the room, worried they were attracting attention, but everyone was studying their schedules, just like she was. She perused it a moment. Tomorrow she would be taking a cooking lesson, receiving a manicure and pedicure, having a hot stone massage, catered lunch, time with a personal stylist, and a self-defense seminar. She sighed. “It’s perfect. Thank you,” she said emphatically.

  Employee Appreciation Day was amazing. Everywhere Haley turned people proudly wore their t-shirts and bubbled with enthusiasm. And more than that, they were now talking to her, being friendly. They all wanted to know how she had tamed Mr. Davenport. How had she tricked him into agreeing to fund this event? And he didn’t go cheap, either, numerous women commented. Why he must have spent a small fortune on the spa treatments alone. It surprised Haley how she filled with pride as they spoke about Sam. That’s my Sam, she thought happily. He’s generous, loving, attentive, and he cares for me like no one I’ve ever known.

  She sighed. “Feel good, Miss Iverson?” The warm stones had just been placed on her forehead and in between her toes. Her legs were getting massaged with larger heated stones.

  “I’m not sure I’ll be able to move afterwards,” Haley said wistfully.

  “Well, lay back and relax ma’am. You are the only one getting a ninety minute massage today,” she said offhandedly.

  And Haley was sure that was another question disguised as a statement. She knew instinctively the question was how did you merit a ninety-minute massage? Are you sleeping with the boss? “I’m Mr. Davenport’s personal assistant,” she said quietly. “He about works me to death. He probably thought he’d better treat me right or lose me.” It wasn’t entirely true. She did work hard, but she was after all, simply a temp. And once Ellen returned from maternity leave, she would have to reinvent herself again. She would merely have to enjoy these moments as they came. Like everything else in her life, they were temporary.

  At two, Haley walked tentatively into the self-defense seminar, determined to soak up everything she could during those two short hours that could carry her safely through the rest of her life. She quickly discovered this wasn’t a demonstration, but an interactive event. Everyone present was paired off with a partner. Since Haley, knew no one, and everyone else was taken, she was paired up with one of the instructors, Miss Kim.

  The seminar began with some stretches, which Haley excelled at since she stretched before and after her run daily. Next, they learned some punches, kicks, and blocks. While everyone tried to complete the moves as instructed, Haley caught the attention of the instructors with the enthusiasm she demonstrated for the lessons. She was so absorbed in the activity that she failed to notice Sam watching from the far side of the room.

  “What is the danger of jogging in loose clothing?” Master Tim asked in his drill sergeant voice.

  No one moved. No one answered. “Loose clothing is easy for an attacker to grab,” she mumbled.

  Miss Kim nudged her. “You’re right. Now speak up.”

  So now Sam knew why she worked out in spandex. Haley was a natural, or maybe she just tried harder than everyone else. Whereas she was clumsy in the office, here her movements were smooth, fluid. He could have watched her all day. He wanted to wait for her, walk to the meeting with her, but instead, one of the instructors pulled her aside. Sighing, he walked to the cafeteria alone.

  “Wait a minute,” Miss Kim said quietly.

  Dabbing her face with a towel, Haley paused. “Yes?”

  “I couldn’t help but notice the interest you exhibited in Tae Kwon Do,” she began in a low voice. “Have you ever studied before?” Haley shook her head slowly, her eyes wide. “Well, in my experience, there are only two reasons people are that passionate about martial arts. Either they are preparing to defend themselves, or they failed to defend themselves in the past.” She studied Haley’s face. “And I don’t need to ask which you are, do I?” Haley shook her head once more. “We offer adult classes twice a week. Are you interested?”

  Haley smiled shyly. “Yes, but is it very expensive?”

  Miss Kim thought for a moment. “Well, there’s the cost of a uniform and sparring gear, but I can help you purchase those second hand.” She watched as Haley began to look more relieved. “And, for those who can’t afford the classes, we waive the cost if they work at our Saturday morning kid’s classes.”

  Tilting her head to one side, Haley thought for a moment. “So, I would kind of trade two hours of class for two hours of work?”

  “Exactly,” Miss Kim said seriously.

  “I’d love to,” Haley gushed.

  She was beaming as she entered the cafeteria. It warmed Sam’s heart. She must have enjoyed everything he had planned for her today. Now if he could just get her to spend the night, it would be the perfect end to his week. He was aching to wake up next to her again, and have an excuse to spend a Saturday with her. He was out of work related reasons. He would have to pursue a new account for her to work with him on, and fast.

  “Today was great, wasn’t it?” Sam asked her.

  “Absolutely perfect,” she answered honestly.

  And because of that response he took a chance. “Have dinner with me tonight. Let’s celebrate a job well done. You put so much work into this event and I really want a chance to relax and thank you for all you’ve accomplished.” He smiled at her expectantly. She had never turned him down. Why would she start now?

  “It’s really tempting,” she said slowly. And instantly his heart began to sink. “I have something I have to do first thing in the morning, somewhere I have to go.”

  “What does that have to do with tonight?” He asked disappointedly.

  Haley touched his arm affectionately. “I think you know,” she said with a half-smile.

  “Hors d’oeuvres? Drinks? A light snack?” He realized he was starting to sound desperate.

  “Some other time,” she said gently. And then to soothe him added, “I promise.”

  The next four Fridays were identical. During the week she would attend all the parties and dinners and like events that he requested, turning him down only occasionally. He studied that pattern and realized that she had something going on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. And he was dying to find out what. Ellen had been on maternity leave ten weeks already and still she hadn’t given birth. How long could he possibly hold out before dating Haley? Damn, he missed that woman. He wanted to hold her in his arms, wake up to find her nestled against his side, and spend lazy weekends with her. Just thinking about it was driving him crazy.

  Knowing that he would be alone Wednesday night, he decided to get take out. He’d even buy extra and share the leftovers with Haley. She hated being wasteful. He smiled.

  Finishing her class, Haley began the long walk back to her apartment. She had learned so much in the short month since she had begun taking lessons. Miss Kim said she was the fastest learner she had ever seen. And she wasn’t ashamed to admit that she loved working with the kids on Saturday mornings. The instructors and the students were quickly becoming her friends. For the first time in a long time she felt like she was fitting in.

  As he walked out of the Italian restaurant, enormous bag of steaming food in hand, he happened to glance across the street and saw Haley walking towards her apartment. Excited, he called to her, but with all the traffic and people, she didn’t hear him. He hurried down the sidewalk, constantly looking to see where she was, working his way to the nearest crosswalk to intercept her. He wove in and out of people, until at last he reached her. He grabbed her arm and startled her, but she startled him, too. In seconds, she had used one of her self-defense techniques and pinned him against the nearest building. Instantly, she realized who it was.

  “Are you following me?” She asked exasperated.

  He shook his head and showed her the bag in explanation. “There’s enough for two in here,” he said seductively.
  “I suppose you’re trying to protect me,” she said with annoyance.

  Smiling he said, “Nope. After that demonstration, I expect you to protect me.”

  Giggling, she let him walk her home. Their conversation was easy on the way to her apartment. And as she looped her arm companionably through his, she realized how much she missed their alone time. Once they arrived at her place, Sam offered to let her change before dinner.

  “Are you kidding?” She asked. “I’m starving. I can’t afford to wait.”

  She meant it jokingly, but Sam had noticed that she seemed even thinner lately than she had before. He hoped it was because she worked so hard and hadn’t had enough high calorie meals with him. “I gather you’ve been taking lessons,” he commented as she took off her yellow belt.

  Haley looked down, ashamed of her deception. “I didn’t know how to tell you,” she said quietly.

  Sam wore a confused expression. “What’s so difficult? Sam, I can’t go to dinner with you because I have Tae Kwon Do.” She was still staring at her plate. He reached over and lifted her chin. “Did you think I would laugh at you? I don’t understand. Explain it to me, Haley. Please.”

  Something about the look in his eyes compelled her to break the silence. “I feel stupid,” Haley began quietly. “I’m twenty-six years old and I’m just now starting to take lessons. There are black belts half my age.” She sighed. “I just don’t want to fail in front of you.” She looked down again, but swallowed and completed her thoughts. “I care what you think of me. I care how you see me.”

  Sam put down his fork, left his seat, and knelt next to her. “Do you want to know what I see when I look at you, Haley?” He brushed her hair away from her face and waited for her to nod. “I see the most amazing woman I’ve ever known.” Her eyes began to fill with tears. “I see a woman who has suffered through one of the worst experiences that can happen to a person. Yet, instead of curling up and dying, or shunning the world, she has the courage to face her fears and conquer them. She rejoins the world, she does whatever is necessary to not just survive, but thrive. And I marvel every day at your intellect, your heart, and that you even give me the time of day.” Tears were threatening to spill over onto her cheeks. Sam lovingly cupped her face in his hands and leaned in to kiss her. Just as his lips grazed hers, the phone began to ring. He pulled back.

  “I should get that,” she said shyly. Slowly, she rose from her chair to answer the phone. Almost as soon as she answered, she began squealing. “Oh, tell her I’ll be right there! Big hugs!” Her eyes sparkling with excitement, Haley turned to Sam. “Um, I know we were in the middle of something,” she paused. Sam gave her a wry look. “But, Ellen is having the baby. I really need to get to the hospital.” She began rushing around. “I have to change first.”

  “Let me go with you,” Sam said unwilling to let her get away. “She was my personal assistant.”

  “Fine,” Haley shouted from the bedroom. “Hey,” she said poking a head out. “Where’s your car?”

  His ear turned pink and he cleared his throat. “I kind of left it at the restaurant. I’ll call a taxi to drop us off at it.” He immediately pulled out his cell phone.

  Haley closed the door and leaned against it for a moment. He left his car to walk home with her. He wanted to be with her. Smiling, she finished dressing.

  They arrived at the hospital within the hour. They were directed to Ellen’s room and told they could visit with her until it was time to deliver the baby, then they would have to pass the time in the waiting room. After only fifteen minutes, the nurse came in, checked Ellen’s dilation, and kicked them out.

  Ellen’s eyes went wide. “You can do this,” Haley whispered. “I’ll be waiting right out there until this little one comes into the world.” Smiling, Ellen relaxed a little. “Oh, but since I have to work in the morning, make it quick,” Haley joked.

  “Thanks,” Ellen said, “No pressure.” Then another contraction struck, she tensed up and reached for her husband’s hand.

  Haley’s eyes glistened. Sam came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. “She’ll be fine,” he whispered into her hair.

  “I know,” Haley said wistfully. “I just wonder if I’ll ever have that some day.” Then she broke free from his embrace and walked briskly from the room.

  Sam understood perfectly. He had been watching Ellen and her husband but seeing himself and Haley. “Let’s get some drinks and magazines,” he said as he followed her into the hall. “It could be a while.”

  Once they gathered the necessary supplies, they headed back to the waiting area. Around midnight, Haley somehow ended up asleep in Sam’s lap as they shared the loveseat. He had one arm around her waist and his head was leaning back against the wall. They stayed like that until Ellen’s husband woke them at three in the morning.

  He was bursting with excitement. “It’s a girl!” He tugged at Haley’s arm. “Come on, you have to stop by the nursery to see her. And Ellen wants to talk to you before you leave.” He looked at them. “Meet you at the nursery.”

  Haley stood slowly and stretched. “Come on, sleeping beauty. Let’s go meet the baby.” She stuck out a hand to help him off the loveseat.

  Sam took her hand and was instantly struck by how right it felt just holding her hand. Smiling, he rose. “Let’s go.”

  As they reached the nursery, the baby was being wheeled in to her mommy, so they followed her pram like a small parade to Ellen’s room. Her husband walked over and planted tender kisses on her lips. “Well done, honey,” he said softly. “You were amazing.” He glanced down at his new baby in the pram. “And baby Abigail is perfect!”

  Ellen glanced over at Haley, wistfully staring down at the infant sleeping soundly. “Pick her up and hold her if you want,” she said. Haley hesitated. “Go on,” her friend urged.

  Sam watched as Haley bent over and picked up the baby. He was amazed at how naturally she picked up the tiny, delicate creature. She didn’t even sit down with her, but held her snugly against her chest in the crook of her arm. She walked around talking softly to Ellen and her husband. After a few moments, she turned around and saw him leaning in the doorway, staring at her admiringly. He couldn’t help but imagine her one day caring for their baby. And Ellen’s child was the perfect prop for his imagination. The way Haley smiled at him, he wondered if she could see right through him, and the idea turned his ears pink.

  “Come here,” Haley said softly. “Want to hold her?” And when he didn’t move, she walked over to him. He tried to back away and began to protest quietly, but she simply took him by the hand, and gently sat him in the chair. In an instant he realized he was genuinely afraid of handling anything that tiny. “Arms like this,” she commanded as she demonstrated how she wanted his arms positioned. He hesitated. “Come on,” she urged. “You’ve held women before.” Her eyes sparkled as she teased him.

  He cleared his throat, embarrassed. “I like them bigger.” He smiled.

  “Women are suckers for men and babies,” she said quietly.

  Suddenly, his arms shot out to hold the infant. Behind Haley, Ellen’s eyes grew wide at the new side she was seeing of her boss. Sam smiled shyly at her then focused on the petite bundle Haley deposited in his arms. He looked at her with open adoration. “Careful, Haley,” he said, “I could fall in love.”

  “Oh, babies are easy to fall in love with when their sleeping,” she said, staring at the baby that he was holding so cautiously.

  He lifted one hand and caught her chin, forcing her to face him. “I meant you,” he whispered in a husky voice. Sam pulled her face close and brushed her lips with his, sending shivers down her spine.

  Ellen sat wide eyed at their behavior and wondered for a moment if this might not be a hallucination caused by all the drugs she was on. The Haley she saw with her boss was closer to the Haley she had been in the past. And though he had never struck her as warm, with Haley and her daughter, Mr. Davenport was a different man entirely
. Maybe this relationship was good for both of them.

  “Well,” Ellen mused. “Who knew? How long have you two been dating?”

  Both of them balked at the question as loudly as they dared with a sleeping baby in residence. “Ellen, you know I can’t date Haley,” Sam began in his business voice. “Remember the Interoffice Dating Policy?”

  Ellen nodded unconvinced.

  “And you know that I am not looking for another relationship right now. We all know how my last one turned out.” She shot Ellen an annoyed look.


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