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Tony, Her Billionaire Russian: A BWWM BBW 5 Stories In 1 Bundle

Page 23

by Cher Etan

  Kat didn’t give him the chance anyway, she leaned forward and pressed a kiss on his chest where his shirt was unbuttoned. Solomon forgot completely how to breathe. His hands rose of their own accord and settled in her hair. Before he knew it he was leaning forward and his mouth was canting forward to meet with hers, eyes glazed. She met him halfway crushing his lips with hers, breathe hitching like she was also finding it difficult to remember to breathe.

  His fingers grabbed handfuls of her hair and he pressed her as close as he could. One hand unfurled from her hair and traveled downward to settle gently on her breast. Their lips melded and Kat’s hands were everywhere; running up and down his back and then trailing over his stomach underneath his shirt.

  ‘deadpuppiesdiarrhoeavomitdentistappointment’ Solomon thought frantically trying to get himself under control. He wanted to slam Kat to the floor and impale her with his dick there and then. But Sam was somewhere in the house and this wasn’t some cheap floozy he could fuck and run from – not that he was the kind to do that he didn’t think- he wanted the first time to be special. But her hand was lifting up his shirt, circling around his nipple. Who knew that was the most erotic thing that had ever happened to him?

  “Kat” he groaned.

  She breathed on his neck and managed to get his shirt off. Solomon tried to think of something to either get her to stop or else…

  “Stop thinking so much,” she whispered in his ear making him shudder like someone had poured an ice bucket over him.

  “Sam?” he asked, struggling to get even that word out.

  “He’s out cold,” Kat said but then that seemed to wake her up a bit and she stood dragging him up with her and leading him to her room. She shut the door quite decisively and Solomon was lost.

  Kat pushed him onto the bed and then stood in front of him unbuttoning her dress down to the waist. She stepped out of it as well as her rubber soled shoes. All she had on were socks, a bra and panties.

  “You’re perfect,” Solomon whispered sitting with his hands in his lap feeling weak and unable to coordinate enough even to lift his hands and take his shirt off.

  Kat grinned at him and then took her socks off walking forward and straddling Sam as he sat on the bed. Solomon fell backward, completely unable to stay upright or think or move. Kat followed him, smile still on her face as she leaned in and licked his neck from shoulder to jaw. He shivered snaking his hands around her waist and holding on for dear life. Kat moved up tracing patterns on his face with her mouth as he scrunched his eyes shut and prayed that he wouldn’t disgrace himself by coming in his boxers. Kat’s hands traveled downwards unbuckling his belt.

  ‘faecesrottingbodiesgingivitis’ Solomon thought trying to calm things down in his groin area.

  Kat licked his chest down to the waist of his jeans and Solomon put his hand out not sure if he wanted to stop her or help her. Kat took it as an invitation and linked her hands with his lying flat on top of him and kissing his lips. His erection almost lifted her right off him.

  “Kat?” he whispered trying to convey his need without too much movement.

  Kat reached down and unzipped him pulling down his jeans with violence. She climbed back on top of him, lowering herself down on his dick. Solomon made a sound somewhere between a groan, a moan and a scream and then began to pray aloud. Kat raised and lowered herself on him going at her chosen pace.

  “Gawwwddd; this is not happening,” Solomon murmured as he arched back into Kat as she pressed down on him, “Kat please I can’t…”

  “Let go baby. Let go,” Kat whispered and given permission, Solomon couldn’t hold on for a moment longer he came in her so long and so hard he was sure he had emptied his entire body into her.

  “Kat,” he whispered and just like that she jerked and jerked again, arching backward, her inner muscles clamping down on him. It brought him upright with the force of it. Kat jerked and twisted herself to a climax and then fell off him sideways.

  “Baby? Are you okay?” Solomon asked.

  Kat laughed. “Oh. Baby am I?” she said.

  “My brain is kind of dead right now. Don’t expect me to remember your name,” Solomon murmured lazily.

  “Ah, so that’s why guys use all these names.”

  Solomon raised one finger into the air, “Bingo,” he said.

  Kat laughed again and lifted her leg off him sliding up the bed to snuggle under his arm.

  “So…that happened,” Solomon said.

  “Yes,” Kat agreed.

  “I’m still taking you to dinner,” Solomon said.

  Kat laughed.

  Chapter 7

  Sophie came down the stairs to grab some dinner before Benjy woke again and demanded to be fed. Solomon was arranging the table and Elijah was in the den having a pre-dinner cognac with Tony and Roman who had ended up being invited for dinner. Solomon had a huge goofy smile on his face and Sophie smiled just to see it, heading in his direction for some good old fashioned big sister teasing.

  “I see you got laid huh?” she began with no preamble at all.

  Solomon started and turned to glare at her. “Shut up,” he said.

  “Oooh, witty rejoinder. Brains still scrambled?” she asked grinning at him.

  Solomon shoved her but very lightly, enough so that she’d shut up, not that she did.

  “So did you ask for her hand already or are you saving that for the second date?” she asked.

  “Sophie I swear…” Solomon threatened impotently.

  “You swear what?” Sophie asked leaning into him and grinning, “You know if you need a baby sitter for when you take Kat to dinner don’t hesitate to ask. Not like we can go anywhere.”

  Solomon smiled at her, “You would do that?”

  “Hell yes. Besides I have a feeling he’s gonna be officially my nephew sometime soon so we might as well get used to each other.”

  “Let’s not jump the gun here okay?”

  “Okay, whatever you say,” Sophie said putting her hands up in surrender.

  Tony and Elijah came in as Kat brought in the lamb stew and baked potatoes. Solomon went to the kitchen to bring in the salads and the wine as well as the carafe of water. Finally Sophie went in to get the mushroom soup which was already served out in bowls.

  “Everything smells delicious Kat. You’ve outdone yourself today,” Sophie said.

  “Thank you,” Kat said heading out of the room.

  “Won’t you join us?” Sophie said quickly before she could leave. Kat stopped in surprise and turned around.

  “Um, I need to go feed Sam,” she said.

  Sophie nodded her head, “Well okay then, if you’d like to, you can both join us.”

  Kat smiled to take the sting out of her words, “Thank you but no.”

  Sophie backed down, recognizing that it was too soon. She smiled back at Kat and took her seat.

  “Let us pray,” Elijah said much to Roman’s obvious surprise. He put his head down obediently anyway. Elijah said Grace and then they tucked into the food, eating silently for a while.

  “So how was everybody’s day?” Sophie asked when the soup was done. She was smiling slyly as she looked at Solomon. He stuck his tongue out at her but couldn’t help grinning.


  The baby woke Tony up first with his mewling. He hadn’t reached full scale howl yet and Sophie was knocked out with exhaustion. He got up and went to pick Benjy up, talking softly to him as he tried to rock him back to sleep.

  “You’re a good boy aren’t you Benjy? You going to let your mama sleep a bit more?”

  “Fleh,” Benjy said sounding like he was making up his mind whether to cry or not.

  “Yes you’re my good boy,” Tony said pressing kisses on his fat cheek.

  Benjy decided to settle down and lay his head on Tony’s shoulder. He closed his eyes, sitting carefully in the rocking chair and going back and forth. Long after the child had gone back to sleep, he sat there loath to put him back in his crib.

/>   “You’re going to spoil him if you keep doing that,” Sophie said leaning on the door in her white see-through nightie.

  “I know but he’s like crack. I keep telling myself I’ll put him down in a minute and then the minute is over and I can’t do it.”

  Sophie laughed softly and then came to sit on the two-seater that was on the wall of the nursery.

  “I feel you,” she whispered as she watched her husband hold the baby. “We’re probably going to regret it one day.”

  “Mmmm,” Tony deferred. “I don’t think anyone ever regrets holding their baby too much.”

  Sophie was about to make a joke about WASPs but then remembered why Tony would say that and shut her mouth. Tony glanced at her as if he knew that she had stopped herself from saying something and then he smiled bending his head to bury himself in his son’s scent.

  Two days later Solomon came up to her to ask if she had been serious about the baby sitting.

  “Sure. When do you need us?” Sophie asked with a smile.

  “Well, if you guys are free tonight…” Solomon grinned sheepishly.

  “Sure. Bring it on. Stay out all night if you want.”

  “Okay then, let’s not get too excited. Just dinner and then we’ll be back okay?”

  “Okay then.”


  Kat inspected her image in the mirror, liking the way the burgundy lipstick emphasized the cupid’s bow of her lips. She’d tweezed her eyebrows so they looked like she was permanently making some sort of inquiry. The soft curls of her blonde hair fell around her face, framing it attractively. She smiled at her reflection and then went to the door, picking up her coat on the way.

  “Sam! Let’s go.” She called. He was sitting at the dining room table drawing something. He hardly looked up but when she opened the front door he got down from his seat and came to her. She ushered him out and then followed as they walked to the main house. She had asked Solomon to wait for her there since she needed to bring Sam there anyway.

  She was nervous about the date but not so much that she wished it wasn’t happening. Solomon hadn’t touched her since that fateful day they’d made love in the afternoon and she knew he was holding to his promise to ‘buy her dinner first’. Since she couldn’t wait to repeat their lovemaking again, she wanted this dinner over with as fast as possible. The good part definitely came after.

  Solomon was standing at the door waiting for them. He smiled as he saw them come up.

  “You look nice,” he said.

  “Thank you,” Kat replied pushing Sam into the house. He went straight to the dining table and began to draw again. Sophie came up to them smiling happily.

  “Don’t even worry about him. We’ll make sure he gets to bed by nine and you don’t even have to collect him when you get back. We’ll bring him by in the morning.”

  Solomon smiled at her obviousness.

  “Sure Sophie, thanks,” he said and Kat smiled.

  “Okay then, bye! Enjoy yourselves,” Sophie said practically pushing them out the door. Solomon couldn’t drive and did not have a license but Kat did and so they were going in her car.

  “Where to?” she asked as she got behind the wheel.

  “April shower,” Solomon promptly replied.

  Kat smirked, “Really?”

  “It’s where Tony and Sophie had their first date and looked how that turned out.”

  “Oh you romantic sap,” Kat said but she was smiling. “You know I used to work there right?”

  “Oh, do you mind eating there then? Does it have bad memories or something?”

  “Actually it was the first home I ever had.”

  Solomon hardly knew how to respond to that. They completed the rest of the journey in silence. As they entered the restaurant, the maitre d came forward smiling and kissed Kat’s hand.

  “We have been expecting you. We have the corner booth all ready.”

  “That’s very kind,” Kat murmured allowing herself to be led to the table while Solomon followed grinning behind her.

  A bottle of vodka was brought to the table as well as a bucket of ice, a carafe of water and several glasses. A waiter poured out for them and only then asked them what he could do for them.

  “We’ll have your beef stroganoff. Someone once told me it was worth writing home about,” Kat said smiling up at him.

  The waiter nodded and went off.

  “I love when you order for me. It makes me all tingly,” Solomon said.

  Kat smiled, “Well good then, let the tingling begin. Though having this pesky table between us might be a bit of a buzz kill.”

  “Oooh frisky,” Solomon said in a sing song voice, a huge smile on his face.

  Kat smiled mostly with her eyes as if to say ‘you don’t know the half of it’ but all she did was pick up her drink and sip.

  Solomon stopped smiling abruptly, “I have to tell you something,” he said.

  “Oh oh,” Kat said with a grimace. “What is it? I hope it’s not viral. Can Penicillin fix it?”

  “Ha ha,” Solomon said but he would not be sidetracked. “Seriously though…”

  “What?” Kat asked.

  “I wanted to tell you about Camille,” Solomon said quietly.

  “Why?” Kat asked.

  Solomon stared at her in shock, “Because…I want you to know about me.”

  “I do know about you,” Kat said.

  “Fine so now can you shut up and let me tell you about Camille?”

  “Okay,” Kat said and took a deep breath as if bracing herself.

  “So, Camille. We met when I was eleven and she was thirteen. I was tall for my age and she was lonely or whatever. Anyway, one thing led to another- my parents died, I wasn’t thinking – and she was my first sexual experience. When I was thirteen and she was fifteen we had a baby scare and I learned to use condoms all the time. Camille lived with her grandmother who wasn’t always the most attentive guardian. We got in some trouble together, mostly graffiti related. We thought we were Bonnie and Clyde…” Solomon trailed off.

  “Well, don’t stop now.” Kat said.

  Solomon smiled and took a deep breath. “ Well when I was fifteen and she was seventeen, she told me I was the one and she loved me and I said the same thing back to her. At the time, it was true. Camille was my world. She was my reason for living. I don’t know how I’d have survived those years without her…” Solomon stopped again but this time Kat didn’t say anything.

  “Well, we went to New Orleans this time and I didn’t remember her. She and her grandmother kidnapped me, things got messy and awkward. I got my memory back. Now I don’t know what I should do about her.”

  “I see,” Kat said slowly. “So you’re saying you owe her?”

  “I’m saying I don’t know what to do with the fact that she saved my life then, and she kidnapped me now. And I’m in love with you,” Solomon said.

  Something that had been tight in Kat’s face loosened at that. He wouldn’t have noticed if he wasn’t staring so intently at her.

  “I’m only telling you this so that you know what’s in my head; what’s going on with me.”

  “I see,” Kat replied, “Thank you? I guess?”

  “Not thank you…just…I want to share things with you. I want to share everything. Good and bad.”

  Kat was silent. “I feel like I’m too sober for this conversation,” she said taking another sip of vodka.

  “Kat,” Solomon said, appeal in his tone. Then he laughed wryly, “0-100 real quick huh?” he told her.

  “You could say that. But I’m…I get what you’re saying,” Kat said.


  “And…it scares me a little how…open you are. I’m just the opposite. My circuits are all closed.”

  “You could tell me why,” Solomon cajoled.

  “I could but then that might change your opinion of me, and who needs that?”

  “I won’t.”

  “You don’t know that”

>   Solomon opened his mouth to protest but then closed it again and sat back thoughtfully. “You’re right. I don’t. But I do know one thing though.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I know that I’m in love with you and I want to be with you and I really can’t think of anything that would change that right now.”

  “Maybe not right now, but sooner or later.”

  “Try me”.

  Kat stared at him and he stared back. The waiter chose that moment to bring their food and the tension between them was broken. They ate in silence for a while, glancing occasionally at each other but not speaking.

  “I was trafficked from Russia you know? I knew that somebody would demand sexual favors at some point but I let myself be taken anyway. I wanted to get away from there.”

  Solomon nodded his head, eyes on his plate.

  “And then when I got here, I was given as a bride to a man who beat me and left me on the street to die when they told him the child was not normal.” Kat continued relentlessly. Solomon just stared impassively at her.

  “After that I wandered around a bit, stealing or tricking for money before I met Tony’s uncle Mikhail and he gave me a new identity and a place to lay my head and my son’s head.”

  Solomon nodded his head to show he was listening.

  “So now you know how broken I am. Even more broken than you. Can you handle it?”

  “Do you see me running away screaming?” Solomon asked.

  “I see you actively not reacting. I see you trying not to show any emotion.” Kat said taking a gulp of vodka.

  “You want to know how I’m feeling Kat? I want to kill every single one of those people that hurt you. I want to cause them such a world of hurt that they think twice before laying so much as a finger on anyone else. I want the bad things not to have happened to you. I want to hold you in my arms and protect you from your memories. Is that reaction enough for you?”

  Kat stared at him then stood abruptly and went to the ladies.


  “Hey Sam, would you like some milk and cookies before bed?” Sophie asked putting a plate in front of him and a full glass of milk.

  Sam looked up and examined the food. He picked up the glass and drank and then took a bite of biscuit before returning to his drawing.


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