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Tony, Her Billionaire Russian: A BWWM BBW 5 Stories In 1 Bundle

Page 33

by Cher Etan

  “We have a lawyer on retainer,” Tony clarified.

  “Okay then. But for the record, I don’t mind if you want to move her elsewhere – not to your office of course; somewhere else.”

  Tony smirked, “Why Sophie dearest, don’t you trust me?”

  “Oh I trust you. I just know trouble when I see it,” Sophie said spooning some oatmeal and depositing it in Benjy’s mouth.

  Tony couldn’t help but agree. They would have to be careful with this one.


  Sophie stepped into her office and promptly removed her heels; stepping into the sandals she’d secreted behind her desk yesterday. If she had to be CFO and dress the part, fine; but she wasn’t going to be prancing around in heels all day as if back problems did not exist. Besides she had no plans of seeing anyone, today was pure acclimatization with her records and the finances of the Romanov Group. She needed to have a mental picture of what she was dealing with before she could assemble an efficiency team. She was already seriously thinking about poaching Curtis from her old firm especially since her current PA seemed to hate her guts. She wasn’t up for having such negative energy around her; there was enough of that in the world. As far as Sophie was concerned, it could stay out there. The trick was to convince Curtis that being PA to the CFO of the Romanov Group was a step up from being an associate at Rodham, Clarence and Haggerty; Certified Public Accountants. Curtis was good at his job, and more importantly, they were friends. She picked up the phone, thought about what she would say and put it down again. She stared thoughtfully at the door while tapping her hand on the phone before making a decision and heading out of her office with determination.

  Nancy was still at her desk Sophie could see. So the baby hadn’t come yet. She smiled shyly at her – Nancy was a tall svelte Slav with high cheekbones and white blonde hair worn in a pixie cut. She reminded Sophie of Cara Delevingne or some such supermodel; it was slightly intimidating – and Nancy smiled back, further emphasizing her sharp cheekbones and creamy complexion.

  “Your PA is intimidating,” Sophie whispered as she opened Tony’s door and entered without knocking. “Oops, was she supposed to announce me?” Sophie stopped looking back at the door.

  “Don’t be stupid,” Tony said putting aside whatever he was working on. “What’s up?”

  “I wanted to know, how do you poach someone?” she asked.

  “What do you mean ‘poach’?” he asked.

  “Well you said my PA doesn’t like me and I was thinking about poaching Curtis but in a way that doesn’t upset Rodham and them too much,” she told him sitting in his visitors’ chair and crossing her legs. She leaned back and gazed at him with raised eyebrows as if expecting a user’s manual right away on how to do this right.

  “Er, well perhaps you should talk to him first. Informally like, and make sure he wants to make the move,” Tony suggested.

  “Yes, that’s a good approach. I could do that. Can I use your phone?” she asked indicating the instrument on his desk.

  “mi teléfono es el teléfono,” he said.

  Sophie’s brows went up and she whistled, “Wow, I’m impressed. You speak Spanish?”

  Tony shrugged, “You don’t know everything about me,” he said with a suggestive smirk.

  “Clearly. Shh,” she said. She’d been dialing as they talked and now the phone was ringing on the other end. Tony leaned forward and pressed a button, putting her on speaker. She hung up and waited with him.

  “Hello,” Curtis deep voice said down the line.

  “Hey Curtis; guess where I’m calling you from,” she said with a grin.

  “Virgin Galactic space shuttle,” Curtis said at once making Sophie laugh.

  “Ha. I wish. Actually I’m at the offices of the Romanov Group, looking over my CFO docket,” she said. Tony smirked at her and she waved him to silence.

  Curtis whistled, “Finally huh? How is it?”

  “Have lunch with me and I’ll tell you?” she said.

  “Cool. You’re buying. Where do we meet?” he asked.

  “Er…well you know our offices are just above this cute little Russian place. It gets pretty busy but I know the owner and I’m pretty sure I can get us a corner table for lunch.”

  “Wonderful. What time?” Curtis asks.

  “One pm good enough for you?”

  “That’s perfect. Will our hubby be joining us?”

  Sophie looks up at Tony for confirmation and he nods his head.

  “That is affirmative,” she says into the phone.

  “Cool. I haven’t seen that handsome devil in a while.”

  Tony smiled but did not look up from his papers.

  “We’ll see you then,” Sophie says and presses the end call button at Curtis’ reply. She looks up at Tony and a small smile plays on her lips.

  “Well I’ll leave you to your work,” she says standing up and heading to the door.

  “Sophie,” he calls still studying the papers on his desk.

  “Yes dear?” she says turning around to face him.

  “You forgot something again,” he says.

  “Of course your highness,” she says and walks up to him. He leans back so she can bend down and plant a kiss on his lips.

  “I could get used to this,” he says. She gives him a conspiratorial smile and then straightens up.

  “Oh, did you decide what to do with the troublesome Natasha yet?” she asks.

  “Has she come in yet?”

  “I haven’t seen her.”

  “As soon as she gets in, send her to me,” Tony says in that no-nonsense voice that does things to Sophie’s nether regions.

  “Aye aye sir,” she says in a low voice and then stands to leave. She can feel his eyes on her as she walks and adds an extra little swing just for him. When she passes Nancy in his outer office suddenly she doesn’t feel so intimidated. She goes back to her own office and passes Natasha at her desk seemingly hard at work.

  “Oh hello,” she says suddenly uncomfortable with all the behind-the-scenes shenanigans that have been going on especially since it’s only her second day on the job, “Mr. Romanov would like to see you; you had requested a transfer right?”

  Natasha stared at her in surprise clearly not expecting her to bring it up. “I…er-yes,” she stammers.

  “Well okay then,” Sophie says and continues on to her office. Natasha stands immobilised at her desk and then takes off down the corridor headed for Tony’s office. Sophie pauses at the door to her office to watch her go and then shakes her head and goes in. She has a lot of ground to cover if she wants an accurate financial picture before she makes a proposal to Curtis. She needs to know what they can offer him to make him want to leave his job at Rodham and move to the Romanov Group. She forgets about Natasha as she gets absorbed in the facts and figures in front of her and the morning flies by.

  A knock at the door startled her out of her absorption and she looked up in time to see her husband peek into the room.

  “Ready to go?” he asked.

  “Where?” she asked in surprise.

  “For lunch silly. It’s almost one pm,” Tony grinned at her.

  “Oh,” Sophie said looking down at her phone to see that it was in fact 12:50pm. “Wow, I lost track of time.” She stood up and straightened her clothes wondering if she should change her shoes back into heels.

  “Bleah, its only Curtis,” she said with a shrug.

  “Huh?” Tony asked still waiting for her at the door.

  “Nothing. Just …nothing,” she said coming round the desk with her sandals to take his arm. He smiled at her and ushered her down the hall.

  “Oh, what happened with Natasha?” she remembered to ask as they were descending the stairs.

  “I sent her over to HR to be reassigned,” he said.

  “Okay,” Sophie said and then they were downstairs and in the restaurant proper. Curtis walked in just as they were crossing to their table and they all converged on it with happy sm

  “Hey babe,” Curtis said kissing her on the cheek.

  “Hey you,” she replied kissing him back. Tony stuck out his hand to be shaken.

  “We don’t know each other well enough to kiss,” he told Curtis who laughed out loud.

  Tony pulled out Sophie’s seat for her and then he and Curtis sat down too. The waitress was on hand with menus and they ordered their meals and some virgin cocktails since it was the middle of a work day.

  “So,” Curtis said when they were all settled, “What’s up?”

  “What makes you think anything’s up?” Sophie asked as her heartbeat sped up.

  “Well, let’s just say that not having been born yesterday and knowing you pretty well, Sophie, I can tell when you want something from me,” Curtis said with a smirk.

  “Okay okay, you got me. Come work with me Curtis,” Sophie said really fast.

  Curtis laughed, “I seriously thought you’d never ask.”

  Sophie froze, “What? Seriously? You’ll do it?”

  “Well you’re going to give me a hell of a benefits package just so you know.”

  “Goes without saying,” Sophie said with a smile. Tony stuck his hand out, “Welcome to the family.”

  “Thank you Tony,” Curtis replied. “Now can we eat?”

  “Absolutely,” Sophie agreed.

  The rest of the meal was spent catching up with lots of laughter and joking because it’d been a while since Sophie and Curtis had seen each other what with dealing with the gang that had tried to take over the Romanov Group’s New York operations spearheaded by Sophie’s former schoolmate and high school crush. That had created a bit more excitement in their lives than they were ready for and forced them to use the Bratva to take care of the problem. There had been a lot of fallout from that in terms of misconceptions in the business community as to what the Romanov Group was prepared to tolerate in terms of illegal activities. There were a lot of assumptions being made about the New York business that Tony was working hard to correct. Still there had been no going back to where they had been before the New York incident and they were just trying to deal with the implications of that.

  Tony’s father had wanted to be the one to deal with the issues on his own as he felt responsible for the presence of the Bratva in their lives but Tony wasn’t about to take a back seat in his own business. It had led to a stressful few months.


  Solomon slept in late because his classes were not until afternoon. He wasn’t too deeply asleep to hear the knock at his door but he ignored it. It was too late in the morning to be anyone but Katarina and he just was not in the mood for another ‘fight’ or whatever it was they were having. He heard her try the door and tried to remember if he had locked it or not. Who was he kidding? He never locked the door. He could feel her looking at him and relaxed his whole body so she would think he was asleep.

  “Sol?” she called softly.

  Solomon kept his eyes closed and his body still.

  “Starship?” she called her voice closer than before. Damn she moved quietly.

  Solomon let out a fake snore and Kat snorted.

  “That’s the fakest snore I’ve ever heard,” she said as the bed dipped. Solomon felt her warmth all down one side as she leaned over him. She placed one hand on top of his arm and caressed him. Solomon couldn’t help himself; he shivered.

  “Knew you were awake,” she said smugly.

  “So? What now?” Sol snapped.

  “May I lie with you a little bit?” she asked.

  “Don’t you have a succession of different things you need to do?” Solomon asked snarkily.

  “Yes of course I do; the most important of which is you,” she said leaning down to talk in his ear. Solomon lifted his head from the pillow and looked at her over his shoulder in disbelief.

  “What?” he asked.

  “You heard me,” she replied.

  “Are you manic depressive?” Solomon asked irritably but Kat just laughed.

  “I see why you would think that,” she said wryly.

  “You do?” he asked even more confused.

  “Of course I do. I’ve been a roller coaster these past few weeks. I wouldn’t blame you if you never wanted to see me again.”

  Kat sounded so miserable that Solomon turned around completely in the bed to face her. He folded his body around her and stared at her, hand under his pillow to prop his head up.

  “Could someone please explain to me what’s going on?” he asked the room in general making Katarina laugh.

  “I’m trying to apologize here; please don’t make fun of me,” she said.

  “I’m not. I just really seriously don’t know what’s happening right now,” he said eyebrows up.

  “Well I’ll tell you. I’m trying to get some action because it’s been a minute since you and I…you know. But apparently you’re going to make me spell it out for you,” Kat said pouting.

  “Where’s Benjy?” Solomon asked.

  “I just now put him down for his nap. He should be out for the count for about an hour. However you’re burning that hour away with all your questions.”

  Solomon laughed and then took the sheet and let it down so Kat could tuck herself in with him.

  “Aren’t you getting rid of all these clothes?” he asked.

  “I thought you might want to do that,” she said coyly. Solomon didn’t wait for any further encouragement but lunged and latched onto Kat’s neck making her giggle. He pushed up her skirt and rested his hand on her thigh, not moving either up or down, just holding her gently. Kat spread her legs so she could cradle him between them and she felt the heaviness of his erection even through the boxers he was wearing.

  “Do you want me?” she whispered into his ear. Solomon knew she was talking about more than sexually because for sure there was no way she could mistake his sexual interest in her; not with how closely they were intertwined.

  “Yes please,” he said lifting his head to look her in the eye. She looked back at him for a long moment before reaching up to cradle his head in her hands and pull him back down to her. Her mouth was a brand on his and Solomon lost any hesitation he might have had. He ground himself into her, encouraged by her groans and all of a sudden he just could not wait anymore. He reached between them and pulled her panties down in one fell swoop and then he was struggling out of his boxers almost in the same motion. Kat wriggled lower so she was right where he needed her to be as he whispered encouragement in her ear. He reached out to the drawer beside his bed and extracted a condom, passing it to Kat to put it on him. She obliged as fast as possible as he placed butterfly kisses upon her neck. Her hand was shaking slightly as she complained about his distracting her but he just grinned and nipped at her ear.

  As soon as it was on him he surged forward, pinning her to the bed and sheathing himself in her to the hilt. His face was already contorted with strain and his eyes were wide, veins popping at the sides of his eyes. Kat moaned softly willing him to move from his frozen state but he seemed incapable for the moment.

  “Oh God help me,” he moaned softly.

  Kat couldn’t help herself; she giggled, covering her mouth like a little girl.

  “Oh God don’t do that!” Solomon groaned as her laughter shook them and caused his frozen state to be compromised.

  ‘faecesdiarrhoeamentalhospitallosthurricane’ he thought frantically trying to make his impeding orgasm stand down. A few deep breaths later he felt able to open his eyes and look down at Kat. Her blue eyes were staring back at him with the strangest combination of tenderness, amusement and worry he’d ever seen.

  “Are you good?” she asked.

  “I am great,” he said and began to move, thrusting first slowly and then faster and faster into her.

  “Oh baby,” she moaned, eyes closed and face serene with pleasure. She pushed back as he thrust into her, arching upwards to meet him and he hurt with how much he was in love with her.

  “Kat,” he
whispered and everything that he felt was contained in that one word. Her eyes opened and she looked at him; giving him all the answer he’d ever need just from her expression.

  He smiled down at her and she smiled back and the orgasm took them both as they stared in each others’ eyes.

  “Baby,” Solomon whispered as he fell sideways off of Kat and lay with on his back breathing gently as he stared at the ceiling.

  “If I say I love you again will you freak out…again?” he asked the ceiling.

  Kat turned to fold herself into him on the bed slipping her hand into his arm, “I’m sorry about that. I’m just not used to…”

  “Well get used to it,” he replied, in a voice that was saved from irritability only because he was too sated to master that level of aggression.

  “I will,” Kat said leaning in to kiss his neck…and then suck it…and then bite it.

  “Ooh, leaving your mark on me are you?” he teased.

  “Damn straight. Let all those college girls know you’re taken,” she said possessively.

  Solomon smiled with his eyes closed, “They already know.”

  Kat looked at him, startled. “Well…” she said, “Good.”

  Chapter 3

  When Tony walked into his office a week later he found Natasha seated behind his desk, swinging around and around like she owned the place. He stopped short and stared at her in shock and then turned around in confusion wondering if he’d gotten the building wrong maybe.

  ”Er, excuse me but what do you think you are doing?” he asked inching backwards to get to the door. For all he knew Natasha was bat shit crazy.

  “Relax Tony, I’m not here to fight. I have a message for you…from my father,” she said.

  Tony’s eyebrows almost exited his face in his surprise. “Do I know your father?” he asked skepticism alive in every word.

  “You might not, but your father surely does. His name was Kos and he headed up the Bratva in Boston and the entire East Coast.”

  “Congratulations. What has that got to do with me again?”

  “We don’t run a charity Mr…Romanov. Helping you with your various challenges is not a free service. You owe us,” she said still swinging round and round in his chair.


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