Something MORE for Santa

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Something MORE for Santa Page 4

by AKM Miles

  “Aw, hon, give yourself a break.” Derek smoothed his hand over Max’s. “It’s done now, and Michael is safe. So, tell me about this job offer? I’m very interested. I’m not above doing secretarial work, especially for the owner of Martin’s. I wouldn’t mind spending more time with Michael. As you said last night, he could work as an elf with me downstairs on my shifts. He’s great with the other kids.”

  Max glanced down at Derek’s hand, and Derek wondered if he should have touched him just as he asked about the job. Did it look like he was offering more than to work for him? He jerked his hand back.

  “What’s the matter?” Max asked, looking quickly into Derek’s eyes.

  “I, uh, I just didn’t want you to think I was trying to…” Derek didn’t want to finish the sentence.

  “Didn’t want to look like you were coming on to me to get the job?” Max guessed accurately.

  Derek blushed. “Yeah.”

  “Relax. I didn’t think that. You were being kind.”

  “I’ve worked two to three jobs ever since my mom died. There were so many bills and her care was so expensive. I’m not complaining, don’t think that. I loved her so much, but it’s been hard to keep up. I’d love a job doing more of what I’m trained to do.”

  “I’m sorry you lost your mom and I admire your diligence in paying off her bills. I know she’d be proud of you. That’s not going to be a problem anymore, though. Here’s what I was thinking…” Max went on to name a salary that nearly made Derek gasp, but how professional would that be? When Max went on to explain the position, Derek knew he more than qualified for the job.

  “Come with me. I’ll get you the keys so you’ll be able to come and go as you please.” Max stood and went to the doorway Michael had disappeared through, and told him they’d be back in just a minute, and that lunch would arrive soon.

  They left Max’s office and headed for Tawna’s, down the hall. Max showed Derek where things were and then reached into the middle drawer where the keys were; except they weren’t.

  “Now that’s not right. She was told to leave her keys right there. As a matter of fact, I saw her put them there while she was clearing her things out.” Max scratched his head.

  “Did you watch her leave?” Derek asked, his mind working.

  “Yeah, she… wait, no, I guess I didn’t. My phone rang and I walked down the hall while I talked to someone from the cafe. She walked by me and huffed her way onto the elevator, shooting daggers from her eyes. So for a couple of minutes she was alone here. What the hell would she take the keys for?”

  “How mad was she?” Derek wondered aloud.

  “Pretty pissed, actually. But not nearly as much as I was, thank you very much. Let’s get back. I don’t want Michael alone for long. I’ll have the locks changed and new keys made.”

  Derek followed Max back to his office. The elevator “dinged” and a waiter stepped out, pushing a cart covered with silver domes. Lunch had arrived.

  Derek offered to take over for the waiter, and at Max’s nod, the man left. Derek rolled the cart into the room and set it up in front of the couch. Max called Michael and caught him in his arms as the boy barreled into the room. Derek smiled at the bond between the two. Max set Michael down on the couch and indicated that Derek should sit on the other side of the little boy.

  Lunch was delicious and fun, especially with all the zany questions Michael asked. Derek felt like he was at a show. It made for quite an enjoyable meal.

  “Do you think I’ll be as tall as my daddy?”

  “This boy in my class said the funniest thing last week. He said do chickens have lips. So, do chickens have lips?”

  “I have blond hair like my mom, so does your mom have brown hair?”

  “Can you swim? I can. Daddy can, too.”

  “Have you ever been to Bangladesh? I like that name. Bangladesh. Isn’t that a cool name?”

  “We went out to eat one time and this guy that was there for a meeting with my dad ordered this stuff. It was slimy looking. They said it had a funny name, but it was snails. Can you believe that? Snails! Daddy tried to get me to stop laughing, but I couldn’t.”

  Michael’s train of thought switched from one track to the other so quickly that Derek only managed to get a few answers in between the questions and comments. Derek decided that the mind of a six-year-old was an amazing thing.

  The child was thrilled to learn that Derek would be his new babysitter, and excited that he’d be allowed to wear his elf costume and sit with Derek during some of his shifts. He threw his arms around his dad and kissed his cheek, and then turned to Derek and did the same. Derek met Max’s eyes over Michael’s head and smiled.

  “Wait,” the boy said suddenly. “You’re going to be dad’s secretary? But isn’t that a girl’s job?”

  “Not anymore. Maybe it was a long time ago, but it’s an important job. What I need, though, is more in the nature of a personal assistant,” Max said. “I could use some help with appointments. Now that I think about it, I never had Tawna do any planning or scheduling for me and her aunt used to do that. You think I never trusted her and didn’t even realize it?”

  “Secretary, personal assistant, glorified gofer, any of it sounds fine to me. I’ll take on any extra chores you come up with. Maybe if you had some of the stress taken off you, you’d have fewer migraines. With the salary you’re offering, I might even quit my other job completely,” Derek said. “Michael told me you both lived in the penthouse.”

  Michael looked at Max as if asking permission. Max nodded, and Michael pointed up at the ceiling.

  “Cool,” Derek said. “Talk about a short commute.”

  Max told him, “It’s very big for just the two of us, but someday we hope to have someone join us.”

  “If I had a pet, it wouldn’t be so lonely up there,” Michael said, not at all subtly.

  Max grabbed Michael and rubbed his head, wrestling with him and laughing at the little boy’s persistence.

  “Guys, this has been fun, but I’ve got to get downstairs and suit up to work my shifts. There are only two today because it’s Sunday. Shall I start work tomorrow, Max?” It made Derek happy to think about working so closely with both Max and Michael.

  “I’ll walk you to the elevator. Michael, wait here for me, okay? I’ve got a small trip planned for us today.”

  “Okay, Daddy. See you, Derek.”

  When they got into the hall, Max touched Derek’s arm before he rang for the elevator. Seeing the look in Max’s eyes, Derek didn’t hesitate to step into his arms. Standing this close, Derek got a chance to look closely into Max’s eyes and saw that they were naturally gorgeous. No contacts, just a deep teal color that was truly mesmerizing.

  “Mmm.” Max held him close. “I wanted to do that all day. I can’t tell you how good you feel in my arms. I hope I’m not alone in this.”

  “Not at all. I’m right here with you, enjoying being in your arms. I hate that I have to go, but I don’t want to be late.” Despite the claim, he didn’t move a muscle to step out of Max’s arms.

  Max tightened his hold and rocked from foot to foot, back and forth, chuckling. “I know. I’ll be good and let you go. We need to work something out, though. I want to spend some alone time with you that has nothing to do with work. Oh, and one of the first things I want you to do is start looking for a kitten for Michael for Christmas. You’re not allergic, are you?”

  “Hmm-mmm. I’ll check around. He’ll be so happy. Listen, I have to go, Max. Quick kiss?” Derek felt bold for asking, but didn’t want to leave without a kiss.

  Max dropped his mouth down to Derek’s in a kiss that took Derek’s breath away. It was strong with open mouths, teeth, tongues, and passion flaring. Derek groaned and tried to pull Max tighter to him. Neither heard the door open behind them, but they heard the giggle before it closed quietly.

  “Uh-oh.” Derek knew Michael would be tickled. He was worried about how Max would handle it.

Little stinker. My fault. Go on, I’ll see you in the morning. I’m taking him to a movie and out for supper. Have a nice afternoon. I’m looking forward to tomorrow.” Max went to Michael and Derek went to work.

  § § §

  Derek had been working for Martin’s in his new capacity for a week now. He’d quit his job at Tango and was getting more sleep than he had in months. He found the work he did for Max interesting and stimulating. Max was one busy CEO, and Derek found juggling his meeting schedules, occasional charity appearances, and general daily business in the office, challenging.

  It had taken him a couple of days to realize that Tawna had focused on whatever kept her within Max’s radar; having gone to him often, according to Max, with questions and problems that Derek handled on his own. Twice, Max expressed surprise at how easily Derek had attended to matters that Derek considered basic. Where previously two or three people had pitched in to help with Tawna’s duties, now, thanks to Derek, the others were free to focus on their own jobs. No wonder Max had suffered from migraines.

  Max had the locks on the office doors changed that Monday morning, but the missing keys kept niggling at Derek’s mind. Why would Tawna take them? Derek kept a close eye on Michael when they were out of the offices and in the store. Sometimes the two of them went down to the cafe for lunch together. Michael enjoyed that, chattering away to Derek about this or that. A couple of times, Max had joined them. Most of the staff showed an appreciation for Derek’s abilities and his good nature, because he took the time to learn their names and build a good rapport with them, something his predecessor evidently hadn’t bothered to do.

  It was Monday, and Friday was Christmas. Derek had no plans this year since he was now alone in the world, his family all gone. He figured he’d stay home, order out, and watch the parade like he and his mother used to do, maybe think about her and just be lazy.

  He’d managed to locate a local animal shelter with kittens the right age for adopting and made arrangements to pick one up for Michael on Thursday. He’d already used the card Max had given him to procure all the things they would need to care for the new pet, including food and toys. He’d talked to the shelter owner and been assured the kitten would be ready, having had all the necessary inoculations. The lady told him that the kitten was one of two left from a litter, and she was hoping someone would take the last one before long. Derek had to bite his tongue to keep from saying he’d adopt the remaining kitten. Having a pet had never occurred to him before making all the arrangements for Michael’s.

  There hadn’t been as much time spent alone with Max as Derek had hoped, but there were longing looks passed between them as they worked together or passed each other during the day. Derek took on more and more duties. He made arrangements with the dry cleaners for Max’s suits and took over some of the household chores such as ordering food for the penthouse, like cereal and healthy snacks for Michael.

  “You busy?” Derek heard Max’s voice and experienced the shiver that it usually induced. Max had been out of the office all day at meetings with the managers of the other stores. Derek had arranged for refreshments in the conference room at four, and it was near that now. Michael was sitting by him, having just finished working on his own very important papers. Derek had installed a small desk next to his and Michael spent time with him daily, working alongside him on papers for Daddy.

  “Not right this minute. I’ve got to get down for my shift. Michael, hon, go on and change into your costume,” he said. Michael jumped up and ran to Max for a quick hug before going into the adjoining bathroom to change. “I’m getting ready to close here and go. Is there something you need?” Derek locked the desk drawers and stood.

  “You mean besides some alone time with you?” Max grinned ruefully and stepped closer. Oh, how Derek craved a kiss from him… or several.

  “Yeah, besides that. I need to schedule in some time for that, huh?” Derek said, not really teasing.

  “Now there’s an idea.” Max came even closer, and Derek thought he was going to lean down for a kiss. His heart pounded. Then he heard Michael coming out of the bathroom.

  “Derek, I’m ready. Daddy, are you going to kiss Derek again?” Michael looked up at them expectantly.

  “Thought about it, kiddo, but no time right now,” Max said, bending to pick Michael up again. “How’s my favorite elf today?”

  “I’m good, Daddy. Me and Derek have to go take pictures now. I’ll see you after my shift.” Derek and Max both laughed at those words coming from a six-year-old.

  Max set Michael back down and said, quietly to Derek, “I’ll see you after your last shift tonight.”

  Derek shivered again at the promise in the words. Before he could say anything, the elevator opened to reveal several of Max’s business associates, here for the meeting.

  Santa had an extra bit of extra sparkle that afternoon. The photos would probably be the best of the bunch just because Santa was so damn happy and excited about the evening.


  That night, Max was indeed waiting for him when he finished his shift. Michael had long since been picked up by his dad and was presumably in bed when Derek’s phone buzzed as he was changing.

  “Can you come to the penthouse? I want to see you. Are you hungry?” Max’s voice was husky and Derek started to ask if he was talking about food.

  “I can and I am, but don’t go out of your way. I’ll just be happy spending time with you.” Derek didn’t bother beating around the bush. He wanted Max to know he was interested in taking their… he didn’t know if it could be called a relationship… further. He just knew he wanted his hands on Max and vice versa. So much so that he had to remind himself that the elevator was not taking longer than usual to arrive, it just felt like it.

  And boy, did he get what he wanted.

  “Michael’s asleep. I have some snacks for you, for later. Right now, I need you.”

  Derek responded by walking right into Max’s arms, head tilted to offer his mouth.

  Max took Derek’s mouth with all the passion that had built up during the past week of wanting and not having. Derek knew this, because he felt the same way. He pushed against Max, wanting to be closer to the hard heat that drew him as a magnet drew iron shavings.

  Max pulled away, and Derek’s disappointment must have shown on his face, because Max chuckled. “Let’s go. I don’t want Michael to wake up and come looking for us. I want a closed door and I want you naked.” He hesitated. “Too much?”

  “Mmm, not yet. Lead the way.” Derek let Max take his hand and tug him down a hallway that had become familiar from all the time he’d spent in the penthouse with Michael. Now, his entire focus centered on the hand he held and the exciting body he followed.

  Derek stepped into the room and moved aside while Max locked the door. Then Max turned to him and whispered, “I still have a monitor so that I can hear if Michael wakes up. Otherwise, it’s just you and me. Finally.”

  Derek didn’t respond, at least not vocally. He reached for the buttons on Max’s shirt and began to open them, getting his first view of Max’s body. There was just enough hair on his chest to make it sexy without being a woolly carpet. Derek showed his appreciation by leaning in to lick first one nipple and then the other. He liked the sound of Max’s indrawn breath and the way Max clutched his head, holding him in place.

  “Mmm, Derek, that feels so good,” Max murmured as Derek’s lips trailed upward to his neck, settling under his ear. Derek felt Max’s body shudder as his lips moved and his tongue sought flesh and flavor to entice his senses. He nuzzled his nose against Max’s neck as he nibbled on a collarbone to tease. He needed more; he wanted to feel all of Max against him. Stepping back, he reached for Max’s belt.

  Before long Max stood naked before him while Derek’s reverent gaze took in his perfection. He didn’t even give Max time to reach for him, but shed his own clothes in less time than it took Max to form a request. Max rewarded him by drawing him close again a
nd dropping his mouth to cover Derek’s eager one. Figuring Max was as strong as he was big; Derek put his arms around Max’s neck and hopped, circling his legs around Max’s waist.

  Max was quick to catch Derek against him and hold him even closer. Derek’s arms tightened around Max, and he sighed at the thought that they couldn’t get any closer. But he was wrong. Max carried him to the bed and pressed him down onto it. For a few seconds his full weight pinned Derek to the mattress, and Derek loved it. When Max tried to move, Derek held him still.

  “Stay. I love the way you feel on top of me. I’m surrounded by you, Max. You smell good, feel good, and I want you so much. I want you to fuck me so badly I can hardly stand it.”

  Max chuckled softly, but he shifted to take some of his weight from Derek. The thick, soft navy comforter felt wonderful under him, and Max felt even better around him. Max was big enough to do that, be both beside and over him, and Derek ran his hands over as much of that gorgeous body as he could reach. He reveled in Max’s amazing shoulders that tapered to a trim waist and lean hips, and those muscular legs that went on forever.

  “Derek, this week has been crazy. I’ve thought about kissing you, making love to you, so many times. You’ve changed my life, both at home and at work. My migraines have even stopped. You’ve been so good for me. Now I want to be good for you, with you.”

  Derek brought his hands up to Max’s cheeks and held him for a long, passion-filled kiss. He put all his feelings into it and Max groaned as he reciprocated fully. Suddenly, Max tore his lips from Derek’s and turned away. Derek nearly gasped in dismay until he saw Max reach into his bedside table.

  Derek moved around, managing to kick the covers down to create a comfortable nest for them to play in. The sight of Max’s ass tempted him to reach over and slide his hand over the rounded globes. He caressed the smooth skin there then eased his fingers into the crease, teasing them lower and lower until he touched his fingertip to Max’s hole. Max jerked at first, but then pushed back, clearly wanting to feel more. Derek gave it to him, easing in just a little, not going too far without lube to make it easier. He certainly didn’t want to hurt Max. This was all about sharing and feeling good. Max turned to face him and Derek lay back against the pillows, waiting for him, opening his arms when Max was ready.


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