Lair of the Alphas (Steamy Werebear Shifter BBW Menage Romance)

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Lair of the Alphas (Steamy Werebear Shifter BBW Menage Romance) Page 1

by Willow Wilde

  Lair of the Alphas

  By Willow Wilde

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  © 2015 True Desires Publishing

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  Table of Contents


  Punished By The Alphas

  More From Willow Wilde

  Lair of the Alphas

  Wiping the tears from my face as I ran, I wondered how I could have been so stupid.

  Paul was my best friend, and I had known him for years. There were things about him that were cute — the way he would adjust his glasses slightly when he was feeling confident, how he’d push his hair behind his ears when he was concentrating, or how he pulled at his slight scruff of chin hair when he was lying. With a tall, slender build and a charming voice, Paul had always been there for me when I needed him. I found him clever, endearing and, above all, reliable.

  That’s why, when he mentioned wanting to go camping out here in the woods, I had been all for it. I knew how prepared he liked to be, and while I thought that roughing it wasn’t exactly his particular cup of tea, I couldn’t imagine a better partner for it. After all, he had been camping a few times in his youth, and his older brother loved to take his weekends to the forests, so I thought, you know, why not?

  Only…I hadn’t realized that he had intentions. It was so obvious now, looking back at how I’d catch him looking at me sometimes, or the fact that he hadn’t even tried to date for a few months. A friend of mine had expressed some interest in him, and needed a good lay, and I’d broached the subject to try to play a little hot ’n heavy matchmaker. Paul hadn’t jumped at the chance like I thought he might, and apparently the date was a bit of a disaster. They had sounded perfect together, and I was completely surprised with how she had described his almost complete lack of interest in the smallest things.

  It had occurred to me to bring that up while we were here, having established camp and already living off the land for a day. He had seemed kind of odd all of a sudden, but when he confessed his feelings for me, I was incredibly endeared. But Paul wasn’t my type. With my salacious curves and incredible confidence, I usually requested broader, thicker guys than him.

  Paul hadn’t taken my rejection well. In fact, he tried to rape me, and as we struggled on the floor of the forest I’d almost been unable to get him off of me. Surprisingly strong, he had me pinned and was clawing at my shorts when my hand fell upon a cast iron pan. Throwing everything I had into it, I slammed it across the side of my head and pulled myself free from him. Snatching up my phone, I’d drawn my shorts back up and darted into the trees as he clamored back up and started shouting my name.

  “Stupid, stupid, STUPID!” I quietly snarled at myself. Why did I let myself fall into that? How didn’t I see it coming? I’ve known him for so long…

  But at the same time, I was furious at him. I trusted him. How long he had wanted me, I didn’t know. Nor did I know how long he had been willing to take it from me if I wasn’t ready to open my legs to him.

  There was another wrinkle in my current crisis, as the fifth or sixth droplet hit my skin as I stumbled through the trees — just enough for it to not be a pattern anymore. I gazed up through the canopy and realized that the sky was darkening fast. Fuck, is it about to RAIN? That’s the LAST goddamn thing I need!

  I weighed my options — maybe he would have calmed down by now, and we could work something out at the camp. It was a less than appealing option, but when confronted with the droplets of water that were now starting to fall with some regularity, I wasn’t sure what else to do.

  Without much time to weight my options, I decided to figure things out on the way back. Meanwhile, I whipped out my phone, just to see if I could connect to even the slightest sliver of reception. As if on cue, the single bar that I had immediately disappeared upon unlocking my phone. Typical.

  I continued back, but after about ten minutes of walking, a reality suddenly dawned on me: I have no idea where I am. It was bad enough to be lost in the woods. But I wasn’t just lost in the woods, I was lost in the woods with zero call reception, a storm already starting to kick in around me, and my own respite being a camp that had been set up with a friend who had tried to rape me.

  No, this wasn’t going well at all.

  The sky was darkening quickly, and it looked like it was going to get bad fast. This meant that I needed to find shelter now, before I was trapped overnight and suffering from the triple whammy of thirst, hunger, and hypothermia by the end of the night. If I didn’t figure shit out now, being at death’s door by morning was a very likely scenario…and that overlooked whatever predatory wildlife there was in this place.

  As the rain started to quicken, I stumbled around through the underbrush. Moving quickly but carefully, my priorities were to find somewhere safe from the rain as fast as I could without the death sentence of a hard fall. If I sprained or broke something now, I was probably a goner.

  Lady Luck was on my side, as I burst into a clearing. Without having to navigate my way haphazardly between a bunch of trees and bushes, I could find my bearings a little easier. But it turned out that I didn’t really have to — after hiding under the partial safety of a tree and gazing through the increasing rain, a flicker of lightning flashed the sight of a nearby cave, just up a slope. As fortune had it, I had been looking right at the opening — if I had been focused anywhere else, I would probably have never seen the shelter.

  It was way quicker for me to dash across the clearing than try to follow the safety of the tree-line, so I threw caution to the increasing wind and madly raced towards the slope. I summoned every prayer I had to beg the lightning to strike elsewhere, instead of zapping me into a thick, curvy crisp on the spot. It took me several minutes of running to find my way to the rising ramp of the slope, curving up towards and beyond the cave entrance. The sky was black and the rain was rushing sideways now, and I had to wipe at my eyes or try to shield myself more frequently now.

  As I made it onto the slope, the lightning clashed in the distance again. For a brief moment, I wondered how Paul was fairing in this mess, but immediately banished the thought. He’s the whole reason I’m even DEALING with this shit, I reminded myself as I clamored up along the side of the rock face.

  “Oh god!” I screeched as I slipped, tumbling down onto the slope and sliding back down towards the ground. I threw everything I had into stopping my descent, and managed to catch a handhold in some soft earth while my other hand grasped onto a small boulder. Pulling myself up, I quickly took stock — nothing broken or sprained, apparently — and immediately clamored to regain my lost ground. The cave mouth was so close that I could see it, even without the lightning, and I was determined finally pull myself free of the storm.

  Finally, I
stumbled into the welcoming shelter of the cave. Tired and soaked to the bone, I wasn’t thinking clearly when I saw the smoldering fire in the back — all I knew was that I had the resources to dry off. In the debris scattered around the small cave, I found an ample amount of dry twigs and dead brush, and began to stack them back on top of the dying fire. As the flickering flames began to slowly creep back up, I grabbed the few chunks of wood that I could find and packed up a tall stack in the center.

  If I had been thinking clearly, I would have known that the residents of this cave were inevitably going to return. In my daze, all that I knew was that there was a nearly-dead fire in an abandoned cave, and it was my only chance of drying off and taking shelter from the storm. But without my better judgment, found a spot on the cave floor behind the fire, free from any uncomfortable debris, and began to strip off my soaked clothes and lay them out close to the rising flames. Shivering, I pressed my hands against the orange flickers as they licked along their new fuel, already starting to char the wood.

  Finally feeling warm, I was simply grateful for my good fortune.

  It didn’t take long for the flame to rise, and I knew a roaring fire was inevitable now. Nestling myself safely away from the heat, but close enough to dry off, the soothing warmth began to warm me to the point of fatigue. Within minutes, I was on my side, drifting off to my slumber and completely ignorant to the night that was ahead of me.

  * * * *

  I woke with a start. How long had I been asleep here? The fire was still warm, although it had burned through most of the fuel by now. The embers were still a bright orange, and the flame was still rushing, but the blaze as a whole had died down.

  Realizing I was still down to my underwear, I reached over for my clothes — still slightly damp, but manageable. But when I finally heard the rustling of the water and glanced towards the opening of the cave, I realized that the storm was still raging above.

  Great. Guess that means I’m not going anywhere.

  It was at this point that I became aware of my foolishness. What was I THINKING? An abandoned fire in a small cave, with scattered debris everywhere…I had actually found thick chunks of wood — not quite logs, but close — to restart the flames. There was no way that this cave hadn’t been recently occupied. It had to be a small group of hikers — after all, I didn’t think that animals would build a fire or drag a ton of tinder and woodland fuel inside a cave.

  But I didn’t have long to wonder, because several forms appeared in the moonlight up front. Large, shaggy animals, I realized to my horror that it was a pack of bears. I estimated three of them, although it was hard to tell, and I thought of trying to crawl backwards out of the way. Before the first movement, I remembered all the debris…there was no way I was going to get away without snapping a twig or pressing my hands down on something sharp and cursing. Stripped of options, I crouched down low to the ground behind the smoldering fire to try and hide.

  Instead of lumbering towards me, the bears loitered around the mouth of the cave. Without any warning, they all began to glow, the very light shimmering around them. As I clasped a hand over my mouth to stifle my gasp, the three bears started shrinking, their fur receding over their bodies as their limbs twisted and their forms contorted. It was horrible and beautiful to see, but it was all over in a matter of seconds.

  With disbelief clouding my sight, I stared at three handsome, rugged men. They were built with broad shoulders, incredible muscles, and thick cocks that dangled between their legs. Naked and built as the perfect specimens of man, they began to stroll my way, clearly still ignorant of my presence.

  “Craven…you left the fire going! I thought I told you to put it out when we left?”

  “I did! I smothered it before our hunt.”

  “Hogwash!” The first stranger answered, pointing towards it — and inadvertently towards me. “Does this look like a smothered fire? Why, this must have been roaring for hours! That’s the last time I leave a simple…”

  His eyes and mine focused at the same time, but it wasn’t on each other. We had both seen my clothes, laid out near the flames. In my hesitance I had completely forgotten about them, and I knew that I only had seconds before I would be discovered.

  “Either your incompetence in thwarting fires is bad enough to spawn clothes, or we have a guest…” he murmured aloud. “Come out, human! Show yourself!”

  The other two bear-people approached behind him, snarling as they glanced in alternate directions. Fearful of what might happen if I just let them fall upon me, I slowly crawled to a stand.

  All three focused on me in a heartbeat, although they didn’t move from the spot. I could see their piercing green eyes now, summing me up from head to toe. I became increasingly embarrassed not only of my thick curves, but of the fact that I was still only in my underwear. Pulling my attention free from their tall, broad, naked bodies, I tried to determine what it was exactly that I saw in their gazes…surely, that wasn’t lust…

  “Human,” the first bear-man spoke to me, his eyes still on my body, “you have trespassed in a place you had no right to enter. What say you to this?”

  “I’m sorry! It was…so cold and wet…I didn’t know, I just wanted to get dry and away from the storm…”

  “…In a cave that was likely inhabited, so recently in fact that a dying fire was still lit…” His words cut me down to size, and I found myself stripped of any meaningful retort or reply. All I could do was hang my head and nod.

  “It was stupid, I know. I wasn’t thinking clearly. I was just so tired…and so wet…”

  I realized the double-entendre as soon as I spoke it, but they didn’t comment on it. However, I could see that their cocks were starting to rise, gradually becoming full, hard erections…

  “You realize, of course, that you have now seen something that humans aren’t meant to see.” He addressed me again, scorn clearly in his eyes. It seemed that he was the leader of this little group, as the others had remained silent. “If you were to tell anybody what you’ve seen here, and anyone believed you, you would jeopardize our very kind.”

  “Don’t worry, I won’t say a word.”

  “That’s very good and all, but we are going to need something more than a promise.” He averted his gaze to address the other two bear-men. “Boys, build the fire back up.”

  They nodded, separating around me to swiftly gather up scraps of wood and brush. Within seconds, the fire was piled high with more fuel, and they were at their leader’s sides again. The speed at which they had performed their task had stunned me. They were only moving for under ten seconds! Yet, what had taken me several minutes to do earlier was already done.

  Taking a kneel before the fire, their leader heaved his lungs, pursed his lips, and breathed a steady stream of air onto the faint flickering of the fire. It immediately sprung back into a full blaze, almost sending me flailing onto my ass.

  “Whoa!” I cried out. “How the fuck did you do that?”

  “You see us change from bears to men, and yet birthing a fire is what makes you wonder,” he smirked as he rose up before me again. In the light of the thick, rejuvenated fire, all three of them looked way more impressive than even before. I found myself licking my lips involuntarily, my breathing conspicuous to me. They were the sexiest fucking men I had ever seen, and I became very aware that I wanted them.

  “I…you mentioned a promise…” I murmured, not able to take my eyes off of their hard, massive erections now. “What did you…have in mind…?”

  “Ah, yes,” he smiled devilishly. “We need more than your word that you won’t say anything about us…we need an oath of flesh.”

  “Of…what?” Were they going to kill me?

  “You see, your timing is somewhat fortuitous…we haven’t been with woman for some time. This little problem of yours, wandering into our home, can solve two concerns of ours…” He smiled, stepping even closer. “And it looks like the thought has already occurred to you.”

sp; It was true. I couldn’t hide my growing need to satisfy these beautiful, incredible men, bear or no bear. Their rugged, chiseled bodies called out to me, and I wanted so badly to fuck them with everything that I had.

  “Good,” he observed. “My name is Jeremiah, and I am the alpha of our werebear shifter pack. This is Hunter, and Craven,” he motioned to the others, who nodded hungrily. “And who are you?”

  “I’m Savannah,” I breathlessly answered.

  “Savannah,” he murmured, feeling out the syllables. “Such a pretty name for such a curvy, delicious woman.” His gaze fell over my generous curves again. “Yes, you look like you’ll be able to withstand the intensity of taking all of us at once…”

  “All of you…at once?”

  “That’s right…you see, as shifter brothers, we do everything together as a pack…and that includes taking our mate. It’s just our way…while your kind fights over the smallest things, we share…”

  * * * *


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