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Forest Page 8

by Sonia Belier

  “Who said I keep my promises? You were warned about me.”


  Slamming the door behind him, he left me standing in a plume of exhaustion on the sidewalk.

  “Why are you doing this to yourself Jamie?” There was a wispy light voice that came up from behind me. Why did that voice sound so familiar?

  “Who are you!”

  “I’m Jamie.”

  I turned around and fixed my eyes on the shadowy figure before me. She looked like me, but I couldn’t quite make it out. Even though we were standing outside were the sun was visible everywhere, her body was still covered in shadow.

  “You’re Jamie??” My heart began to race.

  “I’m you. And I’m here to warn you for the second time. Forest Lock is dangerous Jamie. He’s going to hurt himself, and you.”

  “What are you talking about?! You don’t know anything about Forest! He said he would never do anything to hurt me ever again.” I plummeted to the floor, leaning my hands on my knees. The figure bent down before me and laughed.

  “Do you really believe him? What makes you think you’re worth all of the effort of him giving up his old life? He’s damaged and he will damage you.”

  A steady stream of tears rolled down my face. I wiped my cheeks and they became stained with crystal-like sparkles. “What is going on?”

  “You’re having a lucid dream Jamie. A very important one. Listen to me. Get away from Forest now or you will regret it.”

  “Shut up! I’m tired of listening to you!” I lunged at the figure and it dissipated into a cloud of black smoke.

  The world shrunk in on me like a fish eye lens.

  “I can’t move!!”


  He jumped, startled, and turned over on the bed to face me.

  “Babe?! What’s wrong?! What’s the matter Jamie?!!” He grasped on to my shoulders, his bare skin leaning against mine.

  I clenched my chest trying to grasp for air.


  I felt so light headed…

  “Jamie?? Can you hear me?! Snap out of it!” He shook me repeatedly and I finally came to.

  “F-Forest? Oh my god.” I wiped the beads of sweat from my forehead and held on to him tight.

  “Was it a bad dream? Are you okay?”

  He was so concerned for me. My heart shuttered at the thought.

  “I’m alright, and it was just a bad dream…Gosh, I’m sorry for worrying you Forest.”

  “No, no, don’t apologize.” He held me close to his chest and rubbed my back. The warm faint scent of colon on his chest calmed me down.

  I don’t know why I had that dream and I don’t know what to make of it. I knew I could trust Forest.

  At least I believed him when he said he would never do anything to harm me ever again. Trust was more important than anything else.

  Putting that dreadful dream behind me, I got ready for work. When we were both dressed and fed, Forest drove us over to the shop. It was a slow day, and it gave me plenty of time to work on the wall paintings. But no matter how hard I tried to focus, I just kept thinking about that damned dream.

  Was it a warning?

  The front doorbell rung and a customer walked in.


  It was that kid that got Forest in trouble! Who the hell did he think he was walking in here like that after what he did?!

  “Excuse me, you’re not welcome in here. I’m going to need you to turn around and leave please.”

  He laughed at me and adjusted the collar of his suit. What an arrogant prick.

  “I’m here to see Forest. I’m not here to talk to you. Now get him, will you?”

  “No I will not. I said you need to leave. Now.” I was standing my ground. There was no way I was going to let him hurt Forest anymore.

  “You’re awfully fucking stubborn huh? He’s already expecting me. Why don’t you go out back and get him.”

  “I’m right here.” Forest emerged from the back garage, his body covered in scuffs and oil from work. He motioned me behind him and I held on to his arm. “What do you want Mauve. Setting me up the other night wasn’t enough entertainment for you?”

  “Look Forest, I wanted to apologize for that. I’m an impressionable kid you know. The cops threatened me! I promise!” Suddenly his voice quivered and his eyes welled up. He sniffled and wiped his nose. Under normal circumstances, his act would be believable, but this kid was definitely a liar through and through.

  “You really expect me to believe that shit kid? You worked with them willingly because you had a grudge. I’d respect you more if you were a bit more honest.”

  “Forest, I’m not gonna try to convince you because I know you tend not to believe anyone. I just wanted to say sorry…”

  This kid was really working the heartstrings. I felt relieved that Forest wasn’t buying it.

  “Apology accepted. Now get out.”

  “Alright, I will. Just make sure you check your phone later. I sent you a very important text. Please read it.” He continued wiping his eyes on his way out.

  That was strange.

  “What was that all about Forest? Do you believe a word coming out of his mouth?”

  “Not at all. Mauve set me up with the police. My Subaru’s tires are fucked and I’m down fifty grand. Why should anything that little half-wit says be believed?” He clenched his fists and tightened his muscles.

  “Forest, go back to the garage. I can handle it out here okay?”

  “Yeah. If you see that little asshole making his way back over here, lock the door. You understand me?”

  “I will.”

  Huffing forcefully, he walked back to the garage to finish working on the day's appointments.

  Chapter 8


  “So did you accept his offer, or what?!” Derrick nearly blew my cover with his loud mouth when I got back to the garage.

  “No, I didn’t. Not in front of Jamie.” I knew I shouldn’t be doing this, but I convinced myself it would be for her own good too.

  “What did he put on the table?"

  “Something I couldn’t refuse. He’s got heads all in the police department. He’ll shake them off my tail and pay back that fifty he set me up for. Also, he’ll put in word for Jamie’s artwork. The kid has people everywhere.” Derrick scratched his head. What part of what I was saying didn’t make any sense to this idiot?

  “Forest, that sounds too good to be true. What do you have to put up. You know Mauve never does one way prizes.”

  “The car shop.”

  “What the hell?! You can’t be serious Forest!! You’re gonna risk the car shop?!”

  “Keep it down, you fucking idiot! If I win this race, he’ll be out of my hair for good. I know I can trust his word on that. It’s the street code. He can’t break it or things will get dirty. And you know what I mean.”

  I know I was risking it all.

  I know Jamie would want nothing to do with me if I lost. But I wasn’t gonna lose. And the stakes were high. Just like I liked them.

  It wasn’t just for me. I if I won, I’d get to see her stunning face smiling every day. Living her dreams. Something I never got to do. I’d do fucking anything to see that girl smile.

  “Forest, I really hope you know what you’re doing…this could get really ugly.”

  “It’ll be fine. I just need you to shut up. If she catches wind of this, it’s over.”

  “Okay, but you owe me after this.”

  Derrick was a man of his word. I could trust him. The way I saw it, this was the final time I’d be burning rubber on the 99. Once this was over, my only concern would be Jamie. If this is what I had to do to get there, so be it.

  When we finished the appointments I met Jamie in the lobby.

  She was so beautiful. Couldn’t take my eyes off of her if I tried. I walked up to her and kissed those supple lips. I could feel her smile on my face.

  “You ready to go home

  “Yeah, let’s go.”

  They way back home was quiet. I was lost in thought. I kept fighting with myself on whether I was making the wrong decision. I would be able to bear it if she hated me. I would never be able to look into her eyes again.

  But I wouldn’t lose. There was no way in hell.

  Every time I put my feet to the pedal, it was for my parents. I burned the roads for them. For revenge. For anger. To make it pay for taking them away from me. And now I’d do it for Jamie.

  She opened the front door to the apartment and let her long hair out of a ponytail and it flowed down to her waist.

  “I forgot to tell you Forest, I’m supposed to be meeting with Delvin tomorrow. They actually want me to start commissioning some artwork!”

  “That’s great babe. Need me to drop you off?”

  “No, I think I can make it there okay.”

  I walked over to her and grabbed her waist. She was so perfect. Her slim, curvaceous body, her tight ass, her cute smile.

  Damn, I was lucky.

  “Did I ever tell you how fucking smoking you are.” Her face blushed cherry red and she wrapped her arms around my neck.

  “I think you did, but tell me again.”

  I pulled her closer to me and whispered in her ear. “You’re fucking smoking baby.” I was rewarded with a deep kiss when I let go of her.

  She did something to my senses. I was tired of controlling it. I wanted her and badly. And now I had her. Derrick said I was a fool for risking it, but what the hell did he know? I knew exactly what I was doing.

  “Why don’t you go to bed bug eyes. You probably gotta get up pretty early tomorrow hmm?” Needed to call Mauve. Needed to get her out of the room.

  “Yeah, you’re right. Okay, I’m off to shower. Then I’m cashing out. Later babe.”

  “See yah.” I gave her ass a slap before she walked away.

  I waited until I could hear the shower running to call Mauve. I walked out into the balcony where she wouldn’t see me and dialed Mauve’s number.

  “Forest! I knew you’d get back to me. Are you ready to accept my offer?” I was so glad this would be the last time I was at the short end of the stick with this over privileged rich boy. I’d send his ass packing back home to his momma.

  “Before I co-sign anything, you need to run down the stakes again. That’s the only way this is gonna proceed. Got it?”

  “Fair enough. If you win, I’ll keep the feds off of you, reimburse the fifty grand you had to put up, and I’ll put in a good word to every curator I know for your girlfriend. Everything you demanded.”

  Yeah, those were some damn high stakes.

  “And if I lose?” I could hear a muffled chuckle on the other side of the line. Kid has some balls.

  “If you lose, I take your car and your shop. I think that’s pretty fair.”

  The shop.

  My pride for the last six years. The only thing that brought any joy in my life. Well, until Jamie came along. I was putting it all on the line. My final goodbye to street-racing, hopefully to walk away with a big bank.

  “I agree to your terms. Same place, same time?”

  “As usual. Tonight.”

  “You’re on. Be prepared to lose.”

  I hung up the phone and walked back inside the apartment.

  Jamie was sprawled out on the bed, smelling like flowers after her shower.

  If tonight was gonna be the last time I saw her, I wanted to make it count.

  I laid down next to her and massaged her shoulders, kissing her soft neck hidden underneath her hair. She must’ve been awake because I could her a slight moan come out of her mouth.

  I moved my hands up her thighs and grabbed her skin. Closing my eyes, I wanted to commit her body to my memory.

  “Everything okay Forest?” Her voice was tired. Sultry.

  I didn’t respond to her question. Pulling her shoulders to the other side to face me, I kissed her instead. Our tongues pushed against each other and the breath from her nostrils puffed on to my face. I stopped kissing her to look into her eyes. Those damn things that were just too distracting. Took up a third of her face too. Like a doll or something. If I never saw them again, I at least wanted to be able to picture them whenever I could.

  “Forest, why are you staring at me like that? Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Perceptive are ya? I’m fine. Just thinking about how breathtaking you are. And you’re all mine too.” I ran my hands along her face. “To tell you the truth, I sat next to you in our homeroom class to look at you while you were distracted. Whenever you were scribbling on the table, I was looking at your face. I always thought you were beautiful.”

  She blushed and I laughed. It was cheesy but true. Been looking into her beautiful face since high school.

  “I guess we always admired each other from afar. It’s funny to think about.”

  “Sure is.”

  A few moments of silence passed and her breath became quieter.

  She fell asleep on me!

  As quietly as I could, I rolled over from the bed and grabbed my keys. Derrick finished tuning up my car and said he’d leave it in my garage so I headed there.

  I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t worried.

  I put everything on the line for this last race. Every damn thing.

  Walking through the garage I could see my shining piece of sexy metal parked in the corner.

  “Looks like the Subie is back in action.” I got inside and revved it up for what I knew wasn’t gonna be the last time.

  The roads were pitch black, faint light from the street lamps doing little to illuminate the way. It was foggy. Visibility was gonna be bad. But I wasn’t worried. I had skill on my side.

  I pulled up to the usual spot off highway 99 and saw Mauve there before me, for the first time ever. He was leaning on his car, that pretty sexy Mustang. Parking next to him I got out of my car. There was really no reason to say anything to him, but don’t we all just have that habit of wanting to look at shit we’ll never see again?

  I do.

  “You made it. Well Forest, it’s pretty foggy tonight. Hope your high beams are good.”

  “Same to you kid. Don’t cry too much when you lose.” He reached out his hand and I shook it. As usual, he showed me the suitcase with the money and we flashed our pink slips. This time, I had the deed to the shop with me. I had no intention of leaving without it.

  “Good luck Forest Lock.”

  “Mauve, you’ve got gall. I like that. Once this is all over, why don’t you do something better for yourself. This shit is dangerous.” He looked down to the floor and I felt a bit sorry for him.

  Only a bit.

  Don’t get ahead of yourself.

  Somehow, I could sense that the kid was just as damaged as I was at his age. Using the adrenaline of racing to make up for something lacking in his life.

  “You think there’s a way for me to get out of this?” He was avoiding eye contact with me. Probably didn’t want me to think he was weak. He was just a kid, I’d go easy on him.

  “Course I do. You gotta find something that makes you want to. It’s out there.” I walked back to my car and called out with my back turned to him. “Enough wasting time kid. Let’s get on with this already.” He threw a thumbs up at me and got into his car.

  Last time.

  My palms were sweating and my focus was concentrated ahead of me. This time, we’d get our starting signal from the green light of the highway entrance. The longest three seconds of my life.

  Don’t worry Jamie, I’m coming back to you.


  Zero to eighty in six seconds.

  Burnout. The smell of rubber seeping into my car through the windows that were already sealed tight. For once, Mauve was neck and neck with me. He was focused. The kid wanted to win. I was starting to think that all this time all he wanted was to prove something to me.

  Push harder. Pedal to the medal.

pushed my car as hard as it would go as we raced through the empty highway. Nothing five feet in front was visible, but I knew the lay of the land. There wasn’t an ounce of fear in me.

  I managed to get a bit of distance between Mauve, but he was still on my tail.

  There was one final trick I had left up my sleeve.

  NO2. Nitrous oxide.

  It was dangerous. It could either propel me forward giving me just the boost I need to when. Or, it could over exert and send me crashing into the side of the highway with all this fog.

  Who would I be if I didn’t take the chance?

  I furrowed my brows and shoved my hand down on the button as hard as I could.

  G-force probably felt a little something like this.

  I jerked forward in my car, almost slamming my chest against the steering wheel. That cough was definitely blood, though I couldn’t see anything thing. Mauve’s headlights became a small blip in my review mirror and I fought hard to keep my car from spinning out of control.

  It worked.

  I crossed our designated finish line and pulled the emergency brake as hard as I could.

  It took some time, but the car slowed to a stop and I pull over to an empty gas station off the highway. My chest was bruised. Jamie was definitely gonna ask about that no doubt.

  Feeling like I’d just run a mile, I jumped out of my car to wait for Mauve.

  “So you did it huh Forest?”

  That voice.

  It didn’t sound like Mauve at all. I strained my eyes to see who was coming out of the darkness underneath the street light.

  Fucking Jamie?!

  “Jamie?!! What the hell are you doing here?” She walked up to me, and I could see Derrick walking next to her. “Derrick?!! You too?!”

  “I had to tell her man, I couldn’t leave her in the dark.”

  If I could knock him out right then and there, I would’ve. Believe me. I half expected Jamie’s face to look a lot angrier than it did. But she just looked relieved. She ran over to me and nearly pounced on me, wrapping herself around me.


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