Something Forever

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Something Forever Page 5

by M. Clarke

  “Arrogant,” he said. “I can be very arrogant. And I am damn good at making Jenna feel pleasure.”

  Suddenly, Max dabbed a splat of sauce on my neck. “I think I’ll try some Jenna sauce.” Oh God! His tongue was working perfectly on that spot on my neck. My breath heaved and quickened when he dripped some more sauce between my breasts.

  “Delicious,” he mumbled on my flesh. Then he yanked my bra just enough to allow his mouth to suck from one nipple to the other.

  “Max.” I shuddered, unable to take anymore. Pulling his head back, I gave him the look and knew he understood.

  Anchoring my legs around his hips, he pressed me against the kitchen cabinet while his hands ran along my thighs. He slammed his lips into mine and sucked all of the breath out of me. While kissing me, he managed to take off his shorts, then let me down to remove his T-shirt and the rest of what I had on. He was fierce, hot, and ready...and so was I.

  Max lifted me up again and planted my back against another cabinet door. I didn’t know where he was getting his strength, but he was unstoppable. Heavy gasps left my lungs when Max entered me. Oh God! He felt so good. The room was spinning and I was intoxicated by the pleasure he was giving me. Max had no mercy as he pumped, sucking the nipple that was conveniently right in front of his mouth.

  “Jenna, you’re so wet. I love how you’re wet for me,” he panted. “Did you miss me the way I missed you?”

  “Yes,” I whimpered, nearly exploding from his words and his hips grinding his dick deeper inside of me.

  My head spun even more when Max swung me to the kitchen island. “Say it louder, Jenna.” His words seethed out of his mouth.

  With my back against his chest, he entered from behind; one hand teasing the hell out of my clit, the other hand kneaded my breast. Max stimulated every sensitive area on my body that would make me explode even harder.

  Max shifted my body and took me to the sofa. We were now face to face and I was laying on something soft. When he entered me, he cupped my face and gazed lovingly into my eyes. Every nerve in my body awakened, every muscle in my body quivered, and every inch of me felt his love and the pleasure he was giving me.

  “Welcome home, babe. Thank you for my surprise.” Then he gave me all of him. Little did he know he had another surprise coming.

  After dinner we got ready for bed. My stomach was in knots and my heart was pounding too fast for me to keep up. All I had to do was open my mouth and tell him, but at every opportunity I had lost the courage.

  When we got into bed, knowing it was my last chance for today, I told myself that everything would be fine. Though the lights were turned off, I could still dimly see his face from the night-light we had decided to use when I bumped my head finding my way to the bathroom.

  “Max.” I snuggled closer to him, and pressed my head against his chest.

  “Yes, babe.” With his eyes closed, he wrapped his arms around my waist.

  “I need to tell you something, but I’m scared.”

  Max shifted his body to turn on the lamplight and instantly sat up. “What is it? Is everything okay?”

  I squinted my eyes to adjust to the sudden brightness. “Everything is fine.” My old habit came back again as I fidgeted with my thumbs. It was so difficult to look at him. “I have something growing inside of me.” Max didn’t let me finish. He started to freak out.

  “Jenna, what’s growing and where? Do you have cancer? Did you go see a doctor? I know the best doctors. We’ll fix this. Nothing is going to happen to you. I won’t let it.” His words came out so fast I couldn’t stop him.

  Before Max lost it, I had to calm him down. His eyes went straight to his cell phone on the nightstand. He was about to spring out of the bed and call someone, perhaps a doctor, in the middle of the night. Resting my hands on his shoulders, I looked him squarely in the eyes. “Max, I’m pregnant.”

  He sunk back on the bed and stared at me as if I had spoken to him in Chinese. “Max...did you hear what I said?” I gulped, anticipating his words.

  Max leaned into me. We were sitting upright, facing each other. “Did you just tell me you’re pregnant?”

  “Yes.” I nodded to confirm.

  There was clearly one expression on his face: he had been given the shock of his life. “I don’t understand. How could this have happened? I mean...we were careful. I mean...I thought you were on the pill. I used a condom except that one time.”

  His answers were exactly what I had predicted, but hearing them was a whole different story. It hurt me more than I had imagined. It had sounded and felt differently in my mind when I played out the scenario. Max got out of bed. While he paced around the room, he looked at the ground, then at the ceiling. I could imagine what was going through his mind, possibly having the same questions I did.

  I answered before he could ask. “I think it happened when you tied me up on the stairs.”

  Max froze and focused his eyes on the floor again. I could tell he was thinking of that night. The one he thought I was going to leave him. The very same night I thought I had lost him.

  “I didn’t come inside of you,” he mumbled under his breath.

  Suddenly, anger flashed through me. “So now this is all my fault? You think I planned this? That I purposely got pregnant. You knew I hadn’t had sex in three years. Why would I be on the pill for no reason?” Tears started to blur my vision, but I would not let them fall. I didn’t want Max’s sympathy.

  Confused, Max glanced at me. “Jenna, I didn’t think that. I’m sorry. I’m trying to…” Max raked his hair back. “I’m trying to...understand. Are you sure? Did you take a pregnancy test?”

  I could understand what he was going through. After all, I’d had more than a week to take in the news and adjust since I first found out from the home pregnancy test. I had enough time to come to terms with it, but he’d just found out. Of course he would act shocked and confused. He must have millions of thoughts running through his mind right now, just as I had.

  “Yes. I saw a doctor to confirm,” I replied, recalling the appointment that I’d gone to several days ago.

  The door creaked opened. “Ms. Jenna Mefferd,” Anne, the petite nurse I saw once a year, greeted me.

  I headed to her with a smile. Even knowing what the test result would be, I needed to confirm with my doctor. I doubted the pregnancy test was false, but I needed to see the doctor to make sure everything was fine.

  Once inside, Anne became casual and talkative. “What brings you here today, Jenna? Just the annual pap smear?”

  I didn’t know why, but I was embarrassed to tell her. It was the fact that I wasn’t married. It was the fact that I was a straightforward type of girl. I had everything planned: the age I would get married, when I would have kids...preferably after marriage. However, this...this was never in my plan.

  Unable to look her in the eyes, I said, “I took a pregnancy test. It was positive. I’m here to double check and see what I need to do.” I purposely made sure to flash my engagement ring.

  Anne smiled at me. She was genuinely happy for me. “Congratulations. I see that you’re engaged.”

  That was not the response I had expected. I should be happy, too, just like her. I was supposed to glow, like how I read in an article. It said that pregnant women glowed, but I was sick...utterly wanting to throw up sick. There was nothing pleasant about this.

  “Dr. Howard will be here shortly.” After she jotted down stuff on my file, she closed the door behind her.

  When the door opened, I snapped out of my thoughts. “Hello, Dr. Howard.” He looked tired today.

  “Hello, Jenna.” He got right to the point. “Why don’t we take a test, just to make sure? Home pregnancy tests are pretty accurate, but we like to confirm.” He handed me a cup. “Urinate up to the line. Lift up the metal door, then stick this cup inside it.”

  “Thanks,” I said, and did as instructed.

  After about ten minutes, Dr. Howard came back. “Jenna, good news.
The test came out positive. Congratulations.”

  Dr. Howard and Anne were happy for me—and part of me was, too—but a part of me wished this was a dream.

  “How are you feeling?” Max asked, breaking me out of my thoughts. He didn’t let me finish as he continued to stand at a distance. I could tell his mind was still reeling. I knew this from the way his eyes were flickering, searching for words. “You’re weren’t feeling well before you left to Vegas because...I understand now. You should have told me, Jenna.” I didn’t like his scolding tone at all. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me until now.”

  “How could I when I needed to come to grips with this news, and I didn’t know how you would feel?”

  “How long did you know?”

  “Little more than a week.”

  “More than a week?” Max gripped his hair in frustration, then took my hands into his. “You should’ve told me right away. We are responsible adults. We created this child together. I have to be honest with you, I want to have lots of babies with you, but not right now.”

  Suddenly, my blood pressure shot up and my heart thumped erratically. “What do you mean? don’t want our baby?”

  “No, Jenna. That is not what I meant. You know what my plans were.” He paused, running his hand down his face. “I just need some time to adjust. This is a big, life-changing factor. I think...I think we should also get married as soon as possible, but only if you want to.”

  “I don’t want you to feel like you have to marry me right away because of this child.”

  Max caressed my cheek. “Babe, look at me.” When I did, he continued, “I’m the one who wanted to get married as soon as possible, remember? Everything will be fine. We are going to have many bumps along the road, but we’ll ride them together. I’m just glad you’re fine. For a minute there, I thought you had...cancer. At least we know now you can get pregnant.”

  Max took it better than I had imagined. Initially, I thought he was going to lose it and stay that way. However, I couldn’t help wonder if he was hiding how he truly felt. For my sake, I knew he would try. I only wished he had been more thrilled about this news. It would have made it more acceptable for me.

  Max knew how worried I was about not being able to get pregnant because of what my mom went through. He was right, though. At least we knew now that I could. I just wished Max was really happy for us. Turning away from him, I couldn’t help the tears as I snuggled against my pillow. It was the first time I’d slept with my back toward him.

  Chapter 7


  There was a soft knock at the front door about an hour after Jenna left, which was faster than I’d expected. I knew who it was and I couldn’t wait to see him. I had texted Matthew to let him know that Jenna was going to Max’s place. After looking through the peephole to confirm it was him, I twisted the door handle. Before I even had a chance to open it all the way, Matthew shoved the door open and almost knocked me down in the process.

  “Becca.” Matthew’s tone came out low and thick, and his eyes were set on me hungrily. Before I could even say a word, he conquered me in his arms and claimed me with his lips. “I…missed…you,” he said between kisses, slamming us against the wall.

  “I…missed…you…too.” I breathed the words when I could between returning his kisses and taking off his clothes. We were rough, bumping into each other while we tried to undress. It would have been easier if we both took a step back, but we couldn’t. We needed to touch each other, and even a second apart was too long.

  Matthew took me to my room and gently placed me on top of my dresser. Slowing things down, he kissed me tenderly while his hand ran down the length of my body—not a single spot was missed. Every place he touched, heat blistered each nerve in my body and I couldn’t get enough. Though I should have been enjoying his gentle caress, it was a torcher. I needed him inside of me and I couldn’t take it any longer. It had only been two days, but it felt like a week.

  “Matthew.” I took a fistful of his hair and pulled him up. His tongue teasing my clit was driving me insane. Taking his lips on mine, I kissed him with desperation. Suddenly I pulled away, practically bathing his neck with my tongue. “I need you inside of me,” I demanded, nibbling his ear. Hearing Matthew moan was an indication he wanted the same.

  “Not just yet.” With his wet tongue, he slithered down from the tip of nose, down my neck, to my collarbone, over my breast, and sucked the hell out of my nipple. Then he went down to my belly button, to my thigh, and to the tip of my toes. Holy fuck! He was sucking my toes. No one had ever done that before, so I never knew that it could be this stimulating. Hell...this was over. I had gone over the edge.

  “Matthew. Now.” I jumped off, taking him with me. He landed flat on his back on my bed. Matthew chuckled, thoroughly enjoying seeing me like a wild animal. Well, he was going to get exactly what he asked for. Straddling him, I pinned his arms over his head. He held a sexy smirk while he let me take over. Matthew and I both heaved in air and made the most pleasurable sound at the same time when I positioned his dick to slip inside of me.

  “My wild Becca.” His words were barely audible. I was grinding my hips into him so hard and fast that I was the one in control now. Matthew tilted his neck back with his eyes closed. Seeing him come apart made me feel powerful, knowing I was giving him just as much pleasure as he had given me.

  Suddenly, Matthew flipped me over with a growl. He was now hovering over me. With his elbow giving him support so he wouldn’t crush me, he caressed my hair back. His eyes pierced mine with affection; it was overwhelming to see that he could care for me as much as I did for him. I could tell from his expression he was searching for the right words to say to me.

  “Becca,” he called my name softly. “I really missed you. And I’m not just saying this casually like it’s no big deal. I don’t think I’ve ever missed anyone this much before.”

  Shocked by his words, I blinked in surprise. Not ever having a guy say that to me before, it was hard to grasp that one I cared about felt the same way about me. Always being the asshole magnet, a part of me was expecting that something would go wrong; that he would end up breaking up with me because I wasn’t good enough for him, or that he would turn out to be one of the assholes I’d been attracted to. Yet, he was turning out to be a true prince.

  “I missed you, too,” I said, giving him a coy smile.

  “How much?” His eyes got dark and greedy again. I could tell he was aroused by the sound of my tone, and hell...he already had me on fire. I wanted him to stop talking and give me all of him.

  “More than I thought I would,” I replied, and gasped when Matthew entered me again.

  “More than you thought you would?” He sounded disappointed. “Next time I’ll do a lot better to make you miss me even more.” With each word, he pumped me harder. Lifting my legs to anchor over his shoulder, he reached in deeper.

  “Oh God,” I yelped, grabbing his arms. My body moved to the rocking motion of his fine rock hard ass.

  “Becca,” he murmured my name when his will had been spent. Out of breath, he dropped next to me. No words were exchanged as heavy breaths exhaled from our mouths. Giving me the most adorable killer smile, he said, “Welcome home, Becca. I told you what happened in Vegas continued when we got home.”


  Jenna is pregnant! Those words played in my mind like a broken record all freakin’ night. Tossing and turning, I thought about the ‘what ifs’. Shit! It was my fault. I’d always used a condom even if my date was on the pill. It was a way for me to be extra cautious. How ironic! I had assumed Jenna was on the pill and I hadn’t used one with her a couple of times. She told me she hadn’t had sex for three years. I guess that should have been my sign to ask her about it. Too late!

  Leaving a note on my pillow for Jenna, I went to work early that morning. Having a difficult time sleeping, I decided it was best for me to clear my head without having her around. I hoped Jenna understood.


  I need to take care of things before the meeting.

  I’ll see you at work.



  Jenna being pregnant was ‘smack in your face’ shocking. I couldn’t help the questions I had asked. I knew they were idiotic, but being that surprised, it was all I could ask at that moment. Thank goodness I hadn’t asked her a stupid question like, “Is the baby mine?” Knowing Jenna, of course it was mine.

  I had to admit, knowing she didn’t have a tumor or cancer was great news, but I never expected this. Having a baby was life-altering. I wanted to show Jenna the world, get married, and then start a family. Fuck!

  Raking my hair back, I stopped pacing around in my office and sat down. I turned on the computer, replied to a couple of emails, and then swirled my chair to face the window.

  People were moving in and out of the building. All those people down there had to deal with shit that happened in life every day. I was one of the lucky ones that didn’t have to worry about how I was going to feed my family, pay the bills, take care of a loved one who was sick, or other issues. I should be grateful. So what did it matter that we had to delay our trips around the world? All that mattered was that we had each other and we were healthy. For Jenna’s sake, knowing how worried she was about having a difficult time getting pregnant, the news should be a blessing. What the hell was wrong with me?

  Time was what I needed. I had to process the news and figure out how to embrace it. I just prayed I hadn’t made Jenna feel like shit. I was hoping she’d understand I needed some space to get use to the idea. After all, she’d had more than a week. I could understand why, but at the same time she had waited so long. Because...she knew I would flip. Damn it! I did exactly what she thought I would do. It was no wonder she had waited.

  Picking up my phone, I called my secretary. No answer. What time was it? I had forgotten it was seven in the morning. I thought about calling Jenna, but she might be sleeping. I texted her instead.


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