27011 (Welcome to Whitlock, book 3)

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27011 (Welcome to Whitlock, book 3) Page 13

by A. A. Dark

  “Just a quick bite. I insist.”

  Chapter 20


  Sleep beckoned, but wouldn’t come. I was too avaricious to miss a moment of Everleigh’s presence, yet too exhausted to stay awake completely. Light traces of nails made a path over my chest and every inch of me tingled as traces of the drug made itself known in the deep recesses within. I went through periods of being back to normal, and moments where I felt like I weighed a million pounds. It took everything I had to turn and bury my face in my slave’s neck as she continued to caress my bicep.

  “Do you have to leave? Can’t you just stay and take care of everything from here?”

  The laugh was soft as her hand paused at the top of my shoulder.

  “It’s not time.”

  “Tell me what you want me to do.”

  Silence lasted for so long, sleep began to win over. A hum vibrated my body, and my heartbeat explode at surprise as her whispered tone jolted me awake.

  “I’m afraid we’re in trouble. Something isn’t right.”

  Light broke through as I forced my eyes open. “What do you mean?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve spent my days going over everything. And not just from when I left. Before then. Before West. Over the course of his reign and death, to you taking back over, I’ve tried to keep track of these Masters as best as I could without being here. And it helps seeing who they represent on the outside world, but…” She swallowed hard, lifting to a sitting position. The concern had me following her actions, regardless that I was more tired than ever.

  “Outside world. You have to tell me what you know. I can’t do anything if I don’t know. I’m blind out there. Dead to that world.”

  Blue eyes met mine, and she frowned, turning more to face me.

  “You can’t help me, Bram. The best thing you can do is help yourself. Here, at Whitlock. You can’t trust any of them. Not a single person.”

  “I don’t. You have to know that.”

  Her lips parted as she paused. “The amount you distrust them, double it. Trust them less than that.” She shifted uneasily. “I have men in your guard.”

  “Men? My men?”

  “Our men. They are not disloyal to you, but loyal to me as well as you. Do you understand? They hear things. They protect you more than you know.”

  My head shook as her words refused to make sense in my mind. “No one has said anything to me. If they know something, shouldn’t they be telling me?”

  “No,” she said, softly. “You’ve been too unstable. It wasn’t safe. They tell me.”

  “And what do they tell you?”

  Everleigh stood from the bed and headed for the dresser. All her clothes were still there. I never doubted she’d be back. As she pulled out new undergarments, she slowly faced me. The worry was real. So much so, my need to protect her drew me from the bed.

  “Before I say anything, let me ask you a question. Who at Whitlock do you trust the most?”

  “Easy. Derek, my high leader. He was with me throughout my recovery. He’s as loyal as I’m going to find.”

  The nod was slow. Without a word, she turned and headed to the adjoining bathroom. I followed, not understanding what she was getting at. When the shower started, only then did she meet my gaze.

  “Slave, speak. I don’t have the patience for riddles. Especially after being drugged. I can’t think.”

  Everleigh placed the undergarments on the counter and lifted herself to sit next to the sink as she beckoned me forward with her finger. The first kiss to my lips was light, increasing as her one good arm wrapped around my neck, pulling me in closer.

  “I’ve always protected you when I could, haven’t I?”


  “So, if I told you you have to replace your high leader, would you?”

  “I need him. Everleigh, be blunt. Tell me what you’ve heard.”

  “I saw his reaction, Bram. I saw you threaten him and his response. He doesn’t like this. Like me, or us together. I have a feeling I can’t shake about him. We watch these Masters. We try to beat them at this game, but perhaps we’re worrying about the wrong people.” Her lips tightened through some emotion I couldn’t place. It was a mix of anger, yet something darker. “There’s so much to all those involved. What I do know is you must distance him from leadership. Replace him immediately.”

  “I told you, I need him. I can’t do that.”

  “Then I fear for you. I fear for us.”

  Everleigh eased me back and lowered from the counter to head to the shower. I followed, hating how her fears brought out the beast in me. It left me on the cusp of murderous irrationality. I’d kill to extinguish her worries. To never let her feel another ounce of uncertainty again. And I would do it without question. The person or place didn’t matter.

  “Stay. Stay and I’ll change my plan. We can come up with one together.”

  Warm water splashed against me, and I shut the glass door as Everleigh stepped into the stream, protecting the bandage on her shoulder. She watched my every move, just as I watched hers. My legs were shaky, but my eyes were clear. Each expression she made, every scan from my eyes to my lips, brought back the desperate obsession. I didn’t have to tell her a word as she met me halfway, crushing her lips to mine.

  “I can’t. Replace him before it’s too late.”


  Our words were said between our hunger. Spinning her to the wall, I grabbed my cock, needing to be back inside her. Nothing felt more important than that, and the realization had me slowing. She’d be gone soon. I had to get control of this. What we were talking about couldn’t be delayed.

  “I’ll be a dead man if I let him go. You don’t understand. You have things you’re not telling me, and I have my way of dealing with what’s happening here. If you were at my side, you’d see that. Watching over a camera isn’t the same. I need you, Everleigh. Letting Derek go will have everything falling apart. I stand no chance if he—”

  “We have options. For one, there’s a guard. He’s loyal to both of us. He can keep you safe.”

  “A guard? You mean you’ve already picked out a new high leader? Without consulting me? We could have done that together. Together, slave.”

  For the first time since her return, anger exploded within me. I froze, glaring down as I tried to process her motives. Was it to truly keep us both safe, or was there more? I trusted Everleigh to an extent. I didn’t believe she’d try to kill me so she could have Whitlock, but I didn’t like her taking control over what was rightfully mine either.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  Putting distance between us, all I could do was show my bewilderment to her question. “Why? Do you hear what you’re saying?”

  “Yes. We’re both in danger, and I’m trying to keep us safe.”

  “And you didn’t think to maybe talk to me about everything first? You don’t think I can keep us safe?”

  The lack of response said it all. A shocked laugh left me as the heat intensified within.

  “I’m not saying you can’t keep us safe. I’m saying while you’ve been looking for me, I’ve spent every day—countless hours—digging into the people who are here. Whether they’re intentions toward us are good or not, I needed to know. Hell, I may know more about them than you do.”

  “You think so? Then tell me, slave. What have you learned that you think puts us at so much risk? What do you know that I don’t?”

  Everleigh grabbed the soap and lathered her body as if I hadn’t just asked her the five-hundred-million-dollar question.

  “Well? I’m waiting.”

  “I need to rinse.”

  “No, you need a good spanking. You have ten seconds to start talking.”

  I moved out of the way, letting her maneuver herself in the water. My arms were crossed over my chest and my brain was finally getting through the haze of the drug. A yawn left me, and I couldn’t stand it.

  “You’ve allowed tw
o women into Whitlock as Mistresses.”

  My jaw tightened as I stood taller. “I have. Their connections were impressive. They’re in need of an outlet. I have their outlet here. Besides, one of the Mistresses I happened to go to college with. I trust her. Enough so, all I had to do was mention your slave and she didn’t hesitate to help break him out.”

  “What do you know of them?”

  “What does this have to do with Derek or…anyone?”

  Everleigh lathered her hair, raising her eyebrow. “We’re all connected in one way or another. Did you know one was the former mistress to your second-in-charge, the CIA Director? He had an affair with Katia Marchase just after he got his position. Did you also know she’s blackmailing him? He would have had her killed, of course, if she weren’t so powerful. If you ask me, my money is on her. She may just kill him first, here, at Whitlock.”

  “You mean, my money?”

  Her smile fell as she pursed her lips.

  “Are you not listening?”

  “Of course I am. And fine, okay, no, I wasn’t aware they had an affair. I did know they were acquaintances. Continue.”

  “Thank you.” She stepped aside, switching places with me as she took a deep breath. “As I was saying, this Katia woman is very well protected. I could barely get anything on her. She and the other woman, Elaine, are connected, but I’m not quite sure how. Same college, but my sources say they weren’t necessarily friends. It’s very odd. Even odder, they both call themselves Jane. Why would they say their name is Jane to strangers?”

  “No idea. Should I be worried about them?”

  “No. I don’t think so. It’s the men you have to worry about. Your entire board has their own motives. Luckily, one of them is mine.”

  “Yours? As in he’s an informant for you?”

  “Precisely. He keeps me in the loop.”

  “And which member is this?”

  There was hesitancy as she handed me the body soap.


  “Master King. He tells me Barclane has a scout after me. Many are plotting to have me killed before I can return. Barclane thinks I donated money to have him exposed.”

  It was my turn to pause. “Word travels fast.”

  “So, you knew?”

  “I donated the money. I had to know where he stood concerning you. As for the scout, he’s one of mine. He’s the one who told me.”

  “What will you do to Barclane?”

  I finished rinsing and shut off the shower as I opened the door and got us towels. Everleigh didn’t take her stare from me as she dried herself off and put on her lace panties and bra. Going through our routine, it was a quiet staring match. I watched her in the mirror as I brushed my teeth, and she watched me as she did the same. When we were finished, I gestured to the room.

  “Barclane…I need him right now. When that changes, he’s yours. Now, tell me more about Derek and the others.”

  “There’s nothing other to say than he’s bad news. So is Mateo. He is dirty, and he’s with the ones who do not have you or Whitlock’s best interest in mind.”

  “I’m very aware of Mateo breaking the rules and making scouting deals behind my back.”

  “And you’re okay with that?”

  “Absolutely not.”

  Everleigh was hot on my trail as I came to a stop at the dresser. Her impatience for me to elaborate nearly had me smiling as I put on my briefs and headed to the closet. I didn’t say a word as I took out a suit and began putting it on.

  “What then? What will you do?”

  “About what?”

  She threw me an aghast look. “About Mateo. About Derek and your board members? King is fine, for now. The rest are not. You have to clean house. There’s no other way around it. We’re both as good as dead if you don’t.”

  “What do you propose I do, Everleigh? Kill them all and be done with it? I did that with the last board. Did it teach these new members not to cross me? No. It only made them try harder to hide things. There are other ways.”

  “Like what?”

  I slid on my shoes and forced a grin as I took her hands in mine and drew her close. “We’ll talk about it tonight. Right now, there’s someone I want you to meet. Formally. With me.”


  Everleigh was already smiling as I nodded. “He’s probably wondering where I am. I’m a little surprised I haven’t heard him banging around out there. Get dressed. We’ll be waiting for you.”

  Chapter 21


  I had made a lot of mistakes in my life, but somewhere within me, I knew this wasn’t going to be one of them. With Master Barclane only feet away, and Nineteen on his other side, Master or not, I knew I couldn’t let him separate us. Even if Nineteen was one of them, something told me I was better off with him than without. I couldn’t let my anger over his lies overshadow that. I needed him.

  “It’ll only be a few minutes. Master King will take good care of the slave.”

  My eyes darted to the doll-girl sitting like a statue in the chair. To know she had been a regular girl, someone’s daughter, and what she had become, I took a step closer to the door. Barclane glanced at me, and I shook my head. Not just to try to erase the horrors of what I had seen at this point, but to him.

  “I’m not staying in this place. Nineteen and I are together. We’re leaving here together. Nineteen…”

  He immediately took a step closer to me, only for Barclane’s arm to bar over his chest like a gate. Nineteen’s actions were so fast, I barely had time to take in his hand locking on the Master’s wrist. With a hard squeeze, the gun fell from the older man’s grip and Nineteen had it before it dropped a few inches.

  “We’re leaving. I told you what I could. Take it or leave it. Know what you want will be accomplished. How I get that done is up to me.”

  I grabbed the knob and threw open the door as Nineteen stormed past, pulling me with him. I didn’t bother to shut the barrier behind me. We were both moving at a swift pace and looking over our shoulders as Barclane lunged through the doorway, stopping in the hall to glare at us. The moment we rounded the turn, Nineteen pulled at my shirt so I could take off at a fast run with him. Random doors opened, but we didn’t slow until we were entering another passage.

  “Fuck. Fuck,” he growled, holstering the gun. “We have to find cover.”

  “Wrong. I’m leaving. We part ways once I figure how to escape this place.”

  Angry eyes cut over. “Don’t be stupid. You’re screwed without me.”

  I grabbed Nineteen’s shoulders and slammed him into the wall as my fury grew. “You’re on their side! You’re using me. What for? To catch the Mistress like you told Barclane?”

  My arm went numb, exploding in pain as Nineteen brought his elbow down on my lower bicep and stepped free.

  “I have no idea what the fuck I’m doing. All I know is I’m to protect you. That’s the truth. In the meantime—”

  Screams cut him off. Both our heads shot over as a door floor open and a blur hit and bounced off the white wall a few feet down. Red stained the stone surface, matching the drenched heap resting on the floor. Just as fast as the barrier opened, it closed, leaving me staring in a stunned silence.

  “We have to go. The guards will come collect her soon.”


  Somehow, I knew it was a person, but I couldn’t process what I was seeing. The small red ball in a fetal position didn’t look like a woman or girl. It looked like a...child.

  “Let’s go.”

  The tug had me jerking back. I took a few steps, only to come to a stop as a broken-up breath had the girl’s shoulders lifting with the gurgling intake. Dark hair splayed over her face and an array of different shades of red masked the surface. I lowered, ignoring Nineteen’s curse.

  “Eleven, we have to go. She’s dead.”

  “Don’t call me that. She’s not. She’s trying to breathe.”

  “That’s not a breath. Not like you

  Seconds went by before the gurgling shook her body once again.

  “She’s dead. Haven’t you ever seen a dead body before? This is what it does when you die. Look.”

  Nineteen crouched, grasping the girl’s shoulder and pushing her to her back. Limp limbs fell to her sides and blank eyes met mine as her head rolled. She took what appeared to be another breath. Teeth indents led to a chunk missing from her swollen cheek and a crater was evident on the far side of her forehead. The location was so close to where Layla had been injured, I immediately gagged. The girl couldn’t have been of legal age. She was tiny, and young.

  “Dead. Now, let’s go.”

  “Go? You’re not going anywhere without taking that bitch with you.”

  I never heard the door open. My brain couldn’t even take in the man’s appearance. All I knew was I was up and lunging right for him. Sound disappeared, and like the pop of a rubber band, stark features flooded in: bulging brown eyes, a large, wide nose, and thin lips parted in surprise. Crashing from the lamp echoed in the distance and more cursing came as I slammed my first into the man’s face. He stumbled back, keeping on his feet as he tried to steady himself from falling over the side of the sofa.

  An arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me back, but I put every ounce of my strength into planting myself so I could swing again. My impact was crushing, quickly followed by another blow. Somehow, I was lifted and spun in the opposite direction. Nineteen’s arms tightened around me while I went crazy trying to break his hold and get to the unconscious man on the floor.

  “Enough. Enough!”

  Action was all I knew. Revenge. These men didn’t deserve to live.

  “Get a grip, man. Eleven. Think of Layla. Do you want out of here or not?”

  Layla…yes. Layla could be in danger like this. She could be hurt or even on the verge of death. The thought did nothing to calm me. It left me worse, and hungry for increased violence.

  “Get off me!”

  A hard squeeze followed, but Nineteen let go. The door was shut, and a putrid smell had me blinking through the cloud of rage. I spun, scanning the dirty apartment while I tried to think. Blood was smeared over the tan sofa and dark splotches tinted the carpet. From the look, some appeared old, while others were clearly new. Blood stains. Blood. The girl. Layla.


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