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Hunter's Desire (Dragons Of Sin City Book 2)

Page 77

by Meg Ripley


  Banek cradled Jessica in his arms, smiling to himself as he watched her come back again. He had been forewarned that sometimes sex with a Khateen rendered human women incapacitated; but to see it in action was no less interesting. “Welcome back,” he said, brushing a lock of Jessica’s dark hair out of her face as she opened her eyes.

  “That was amazing,” Jessica said. She stretched against his body and Banek felt her tense momentarily against him; his latent empathy flickered, feeling the ripple of tenderness she reacted to.

  “Are you hurt?” Banek asked, concerned.

  Jessica shook her head. “Nothing I can’t handle,” she said with a little grin. “Just…maybe let’s wait a little while before we do that again.”

  “You want to?”

  “Oh, totally. You can’t take that away from me!”

  Banek kissed her lightly on the lips, trailing his hands over her body. “I’d like it a lot if you’d be the subject for my research.”

  Jessica looked at him intently for a moment. “Wouldn’t you prefer—after all that romance reading—if I’d be your lover?” She raised a dark eyebrow and Banek grinned.

  “You can be both, can’t you?”

  Jessica caught her bottom lip between her teeth and then giggled, curling up close to him. “How long are you going to be here? I’m not going to be your lover if you’re only here for like, a few weeks.”

  Banek laughed. “I’m here for the foreseeable future. And just think of what untold wealth you could give me for my colleagues. I’ll take care of you, Jessica.” Banek kissed her; he realized that he was beginning to really understand the intent behind the human concept of romance.

  “Then how can I say no?” Jessica pulled at him ineffectually and Banek read her intent; he laid down on the couch, cradling Jessica’s body against his. He would bring her to his place soon enough; for now, he was content with—as he privately joked to himself—fieldwork.


  Wanted By Two Aliens

  Eve’s meet and greet with a new couple in the area would end up changing her life–and her marriage–forever.

  She thought what she and Conner needed in their lives was a few friends to brighten up their mundane existence, but when she finds herself drawn to the mysteriously alluring couple sitting across from her in ways she’d never imagined, it becomes clear that friendship isn’t exactly what she’s been craving. Excitement, a sensual adventure or a naughty night of pleasure; Gage and Lyndi are awakening Eve’s deepest desires and bringing them to life.

  But Gage and Lyndi aren’t your typical couple. Before the night is through, Eve and Conner will find out exactly what “out of this world” talents this new couple has to share with them.

  “I love the guy, Alice, but I swear, if I have to listen to Conner yammer on about acquisitions, consolidations or dissolutions one more time, I'm going to have him committed,” Eve vented to her best friend.

  “It's insane, right? No man in his right mind thinks his wife wants to hear about hostile corporate takeovers on the one romantic evening together in nearly a month. A month, Alice!” Eve continued as the two women rappelled down the mountain they'd opted to climb today.

  Ever since Eve moved away from her hometown a year ago, she didn't get to see Alice often. But, they tried to get together at least once a month to catch up. This month, they'd opted for an afternoon of rock climbing—a passion they both shared and a great way for Eve to work off some of her marital frustrations. In truth, Eve hadn't had the chance to make many friends since settling in, so her time with Alice was even more valuable to her.

  “If Conner just isn't putting in the effort anymore, Eve, then maybe it's time to move onto greener pastures. You know, like that old climbing instructor of yours who looked like he was ready to devour you. What's his name? Michael? Now that's one hell of a pasture, if you know what I mean.” Alice winked at her friend to accentuate her meaning.

  Eve chuckled, feeling her mood lighten in response to her friend's teasing. “Don't get me wrong, hon. Michael has got to be one of the sexiest men to walk the earth, but I really do still love Conner. Or, at least, I think I do. It's just, he's never around anymore, and when he is home, he might as well be at the office. I've had more sex with my vibrator in the past month than I've had with Conner the entire year. God, help me, Alice; the cucumbers in my fridge are starting to look appealing!” Eve finished as a smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

  “Well, I hear vegetables are good for you,” Alice laughed, and Eve couldn't help but join in as their feet touched the ground and they began untethering their ropes.

  Their climb done for the day, the two women made their way to their respective cars in the nearby parking lot. Alice was silent for a moment before looking up at Eve with real concern in her eyes. “Remember Eve, you're young, gorgeous, and you're too good to resign yourself to the status of lonely housewife.”

  Eve hugged her friend. Guilt washed over her as she thought about how much of their time she'd used up venting, but she really was grateful to have someone to talk to these days. She slid behind the wheel of her Impala and mulled over Alice's words as she drove off.

  Eve knew she was gorgeous; tall and slim, with a generous rack that any guy would love to get his hands on. She had deep brown hair and big, jade green eyes—an unusual color that garnered attention everywhere she went. She'd had so many options when she chose to settle down with Conner, but he had seemed like the perfect fit for her at the time. Now, five years later and a wall of work and mundane responsibilities between them, she wasn't entirely sure she'd made the right call. “What good is 'the perfect fit' when your other half is never around?” she wondered aloud.


  Forty minutes later, Eve was pulling into her front drive. She froze momentarily. Conner had spent Saturdays at the office for the past several months, so seeing his car parked at the top of the drive, hours before she'd anticipated his return, struck her as odd. She parked her car, climbed the front steps and turned the front door handle. She dropped her belongings on the end table as she passed by the living room and wandered throughout the house in search of her husband. Some small, fanciful part of her hoped that he'd come home for her; a romantic afternoon, an exciting surprise, or even an impromptu quickie!

  But it didn't take long to find him. Conner was predictable. When she didn't see him grabbing something to eat from the fridge, she headed to his office at the end of the hall. Eve knocked on the door, still rather perplexed to find him home during the day.

  “Just a sec, Eve. I'll be right there,” he called to her.

  Taking a small step back, she waited and Conner opened the door a moment later. “Hey, Eve. Done with Alice already? I thought you'd be out most of the day. I just had a light workload today, so I thought I'd bring it home to finish off here,” he explained.

  “I was just going to get something to eat. Can I get you anything?” she asked, trying to tamp down her disappointment.

  “That'd be great. Have anything in mind?” He didn't miss a beat.

  “I was going to warm up the leftovers from last night's dinner,” she replied.

  “Sounds great. I'll be right there. I just have to finish up some contract stuff, and I'll give you a hand.”

  Eve turned and headed back down the hall and turned her attention to the spaghetti in the fridge, serving up two plates and warming them in the microwave. Conner walked into the room just as the beep sounded to let them know their makeshift meal was ready. Eve motioned to Conner to have a seat and set the spaghetti before them a moment later.

  “So, how did you manage to get away from work so early?”

  “Oh, like I said, it was a light enough workload that I could just finish it up on the computer at home. And how was your outing with Alice? Did you go climbing again?”

  Eve nodded.

  “You know, Eve, I'd love for you and I to go sometime. What would you say to that? Do you think you'd be up f
or a little adventure?” Conner looked intently at Eve as he spoke, seemingly trying to gauge her response to his proposition.

  “You know, I had completely forgotten that you used to go rock climbing when you were a teenager, Conner. I think it'd be great if you and I did something fun together,” she replied eagerly.

  There were definitely more exciting things Eve could think of that she'd love to do with—and to—Conner, but she'd settle for a vigorous rock climbing session if that was the only thing on the table.

  “Hmmm. You know, I think it's been quite some time since we've done anything really exciting together. Life's been so burdened down with work and stress these past few years, hasn't it?” he asked. Perhaps she'd been wrong, and Conner had come home to her because this conversation was definitely out of character for him.

  “Yes, I guess it has,” she replied, trying to keep the excitement she felt from creeping into her voice.

  “I know it hasn't been easy on you. I forget sometimes how much all of this affects you, too. I've been so busy with work and trying to climb the corporate ladder that I fear you've spent far too much time on your own, dealing with the mundane stuff here,” Conner continued.

  She wasn't sure where he was headed with this conversation. Maybe he was trying to have an open discussion here. Perhaps Conner had finally noticed the sad state of their marriage and wanted to figure out what to do about it. Eve was happy to dive into a potential opportunity to reconnect with Conner, even just a little.

  “Yes, Conner. In all honesty, I've really begun to feel like something is lacking in my life. We spend so little time together, we don't know anyone here, and I have...needs,” she finished, feeling a little awkward about being so blunt.

  His eyes met hers, and his suddenly heated gaze told Eve he knew exactly what she had meant. She leaned forward, never breaking eye contact.

  “Do you think there is anything we can do about that?” she asked.

  Eve nearly jumped just seconds later as Conner's cell phone rang from within his pocket. His eyes left hers and he redirected his attention to the call, effectively squelching the moment.

  “Damn!” Eve cursed quietly.

  She wasn't the type of person to swear often, but she felt so much frustration in that moment, she wished she had a larger repertoire of cusses. She pushed away from the table as Conner wandered into his office, bickering with the person on the other end of the line about something to do with paper filing.

  Eve climbed the stairs to the bedroom and sat down on the bed to fume. She shouldn't be so angry; she hadn't even expected Conner to be home this afternoon. But, he'd seemed interested in their relationship again. And, in the brief moment their eyes had met, and she saw the heat in Conner's eyes, she had hoped intensely that the moment would lead to an impromptu, erotic afternoon—sex that didn't involve lights out and snoring in ten minutes flat.

  She figured if she could just shake things up a little it might help to snap Conner out of his work-obsessed stupor. But, how was a girl supposed to get a guy's attention when he seemed to have blinders on? Eve grabbed her laptop from the bedside table and flipped it open.

  “How to spice things up,” she typed into the search engine on her browser. Less than three seconds later, the results to her search flooded the page with everything from new sex positions to try to a discussion on the latest sex toys. At the bottom of the page, there was even an advertisement for a casual affair site.

  Eve figured the sex positions and toys weren't going to help if she couldn't get Conner into the bedroom to begin with, and an affair wasn't exactly what she was looking for at the moment, though a thrill coursed through her at the idea of a little casual sex with a complete stranger.

  She closed off the browser and sat there staring at the blank screen as an idea came to mind. Perhaps she'd been going about this all wrong. It may just be that she and Conner needed a change from the everyday. A Friday night out with friends to relax and unwind, share new perspectives, do something different. But, they hadn't met any couples since moving, and she hadn't the slightest idea how to go about meeting new people. Walk up to them at the grocery store and ask them to be friends? An image of a schoolyard playground flashed through Eve's mind, and she dismissed the idea.

  She returned her attention to her computer and got to work, searching out a site that would help her find what she was looking for. Eve scrolled through page after page of individuals and couples ad nauseam, looking for a couple to befriend. Hours later, she hadn't gotten anywhere. She didn't have a problem with people who were looking for golden showers, spankings, bondage or swinging, but she didn't really see them filling her particular need at the moment. She was looking for friends—not friends with creepy fetishes.

  And that's when she happened upon a match-up site typically used by singles looking for casual encounters, long-term relationships and even new friendships; she didn't see it as an unreasonable way to go about seeking out another couple.

  Before Eve could change her mind, she filled out the online form, incorporating both her information and Conner's in the description. She hesitated briefly when it came to uploading a photo of the two of them, worrying that some neighbor might find her desperate search for friends.

  “I've already come this far. Let's do this,” she encouraged herself aloud.

  She'd settled on a photo that had been taken from a short distance back to maintain a modicum of anonymity. Eve reviewed her entry quickly and then moved to submit the form. Her finger lingered above the button, doubt over the absurdity of her silly search for friends flooded her mind and no matter how much she wanted to, she couldn't bring herself to hit submit.

  “Dammit!” she cursed, opting for a variation of her limited swear word vocabulary for dramatic effect.

  No matter how she tried, something didn't feel right. What if the couple she wound up finding turned out to be psychopaths? Sexual sadists? Serial killers?!? It suddenly seemed like a huge gamble.

  She closed the browser and shut the laptop, feeling rather deflated at the moment. It had seemed like the perfect solution just moments ago, but now she was back at square one.

  She looked around her room, noticing for the first time that darkness had shrouded the sky.

  “Wow. Hours have passed by and I've got nothing to show for the effort,” she observed wryly. She stood and returned the laptop to its usual place on the bedside table.

  “Might as well call it a night,” Eve continued.

  She grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head. Unclasping her bra next, her breasts sprang free. She slid her shorts and thong to the floor and walked over to the dresser, the moonlight streaming through the bedroom window and softly accentuating the soft curves of her naked form.

  She stopped for a moment, looking outside to admire the night's sky. The moon was full and a blanket of stars speckled the dark expanse. Two stars in particular caught her attention; flickering orbs, side by side, that appeared brighter than the rest of their celestial counterparts.

  She blinked hard, assuming her eyes—weary from so many hours staring at the computer screen—must have been playing tricks on her. But, as she watched, the stars became brighter, flickering at a steady pace and growing more luminous each time. Eventually, the orbs shone so bright that it was difficult to differentiate one from the other.

  “I wish I had the nerve to go through with it,” she spoke into the night's sky; wishing upon the glorious, bright stars, and immediately feeling silly for her whimsy. “Jeez, don't I feel like a child again,” she continued speaking to the stars.

  She shook her head to clear it, and crawled back onto her bed as a calmness began to spread through her veins. Suddenly, she no longer worried about the state of her marriage or the lack of excitement--or friends--in her life. But as those stresses dissipated from her mind, she recognized another tension within her. Her hand moved from its resting place on the mattress to slide along the inside of her thigh, while the other moved to gl
ide up along her ribs to her breasts. Her fingers teased her nipples as her other hand found her clit. She rubbed lightly, teasing herself there, too. But a moment later, her fingers left to slide into her pussy. They returned to her clit to make her slick with her own wetness and she rubbed faster, stifling a moan in response to the slippery sensation.

  Eve turned to reach for the vibrator in her bedside stand, but stopped; her conversation with Alice from earlier that day coming to mind. It seemed silly, but also somehow naughty. Enough that she was willing to stop in the middle of her solo play to tiptoe downstairs in search of a new toy for the evening. She stood and slipped on her dressing gown before making her way to the fridge in the kitchen. Finding what she was after, she slid it into her pocket and climbed the stairs as quietly as she could.

  She returned to her room and debated locking the door for a moment. But then, the idea of Conner walking in on her made the idea even more erotic. She grabbed her new toy from her pocket, slipped off the dressing gown and sprawled out on the bed, her head propped up on her mound of pillows so she could see her image reflected back to her from the full-length mirror on the wall.

  Her fingers returned to her pussy, stopping to rub her clit briefly before sliding her fingers inside to make sure she was still slick and wet. In the next moment, she had the massive cucumber poised to enter her. She watched in the mirror as the end disappeared, and then she slid every inch of it she could deep inside. She held it there, enjoying the feel of it filling her fully, and then slid the cucumber out until just the end remained. Eve repeated the motion, sliding the cucumber in and out of her, faster and faster, as she watched herself, legs spread wide open, her pussy filled with the foreign object. She stifled a moan, feeling the stirrings of her orgasm mounting within her. She moved faster, fucking herself harder with the cucumber until she couldn't hold back any longer, and she plummeted over the edge, cumming hard.


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