The Successor (The Holbrook Cousins Saga Book 1)

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The Successor (The Holbrook Cousins Saga Book 1) Page 24

by Alina Jacobs

  Kate smiled and turned to Jack and said, “Grant is doing so well.”

  “Yes, he’s really blossomed,” Jack conceded.

  “And in the next couple of days, he’s going to be adopted officially by Walter,” she reminded him.

  “He’s going to be a right and proper Holbrook,” Jack said and went to grab a plate of food.

  Kate thought back to the night of Ginny’s wedding. She hadn’t heard anything more from Alan. She also hadn’t had a chance to go for a drink or dinner with Grant yet since she’d been gone. Maybe they would meet up later in the week. She couldn’t wait.

  As she followed Walter and Jack out to the car after the party was over, she thought, Maybe I don’t have to wait.

  “You know what?” she said to Walter as he and Jack climbed in the car. “I’ll take a different car in a little bit. There’s something I have to do first.” She was going to go for it and ask Grant if he wanted to grab a drink with her.

  The automatic lights in the office had dimmed, but they flickered back on as she wandered around the floor, looking for Grant. She didn’t think he’d left. When she turned a corner and looked into the glass conference room, there he was. His suit jacket was strewn on the table, and Brandy had her top off with Grant’s hand pressed to her chest. Kate stifled a sob and ran back to the elevators.

  Kate was in a daze as she slumped against the elevator wall. She had watched Brandy and Grant kissing in the conference room.

  She ran outside and collapsed in the waiting car. As the driver pulled away, Kate received a message that Grant’s watch would be ready the day after next. He had the adoption ceremony that afternoon. He would want his watch for it, and Gus needed to go to the groomer’s again. Kate tried to keep her mind busy with thoughts about all the things she had to do and tried to completely forget that she had well and truly lost Grant to Brandy.

  She received several text messages from Grant during the car ride.

  What are you up to?

  What about dinner?

  Are you free tomorrow?

  She ignored them. Not happening. She wasn’t going to be played anymore. She was done with men, especially sneaky, terrible ones.

  Chapter 60


  Grant didn’t understand. What had happened with Kate? He thought he had finally gotten her to see that they should give a relationship a serious chance at Ginny’s wedding. He tried calling her and texting her after the party, but she hadn’t responded.

  Between Kate and his mother, he was having a rough week. Danielle had been emailing him nonstop. All of her emails could be summed up in three words: you owe me.

  He didn’t like what had happened in Ethiopia, and now that he had the contract, he didn’t need her anymore. She was dangerous to have around, he decided. He needed to end things with her, just as he’d done with Brandy.

  He was furious with Brandy for throwing herself at him. The night of the party, he had walked around the floor, trying to pick up the worst of the trash to help out the custodians. Brandy had followed him into the conference room and started undressing. She backed him into a corner and grabbed his hands, forcing him to kiss her. He was in shock about her forwardness, then he was angry she wouldn’t take no for an answer. He tried to give her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she had been drunk.

  Then she made another move on him that morning. It was eleven o’clock, so he knew she was stone-cold sober.

  “You’re fired,” he told her on the spot.

  “You can’t fire me!” she sputtered.

  “I just did. Get out.” He was so angry, but it motivated him. He was taking out the trash—for good.

  He texted his mother to meet him that night to talk. Then he pulled up the address for Kate’s old professor, Alan Von Breuer. He was up the street from Holbrook Enterprises, teaching at Columbia. Grant decided to pay him a little visit. Maybe once Kate had complete assurances she was safe, things would work out between them. Or he could always have Brandy. He gagged a little.

  After his last meeting of the day, Grant knocked on the door of Alan’s house. When the older man opened the door, he didn’t seem as terrified to see Grant as Grant would have liked.

  “I haven’t contacted Kate anymore,” he said, leveling his gaze at Grant.

  “See that you don’t.”

  “You don’t know what you’re playing at here,” Alan told him. “You better be careful.”

  “No, you need to be careful,” Grant shot back.

  Alan smirked at him as he closed the door.

  “One down, one to go,” Grant said to himself.

  He went to a bar across town and slipped into a booth.

  “I ordered you a drink,” Danielle said sweetly.

  Grant ignored the beer. He wasn’t eating or drinking anything from her; he did not trust her at all.

  “We can finally be together,” she said dreamily. “After all that I’ve done for you, my dear sweet baby, I think I’ve proved that I want to be the mother you deserve.” She took his hand and stroked it gently. And was a hint of a tear in her eye?

  Grant could see how someone more naïve could have been reeled in by Danielle. She seemed so sincere, but he was used to his toxic adoptive parents and the multitude of lying marines under his command, and he had built up immunity to bullshit and manipulation.

  “I want us to have a relationship,” Danielle continued, “a real one.”

  “Honestly, that’s never going to happen,” Grant said, keeping his face carefully devoid of any expression.

  Danielle’s façade started to crack. “I helped you. We had a deal.”

  “Yes, you did.”

  “Don’t you want to learn about your half-siblings?” she asked desperately.

  Grant smirked. “I have a feeling you’re lying about that. If there’s any information, Walter will tell me. I don’t need you.”

  “I’ll ruin your contract,” she snarled.

  “No, you won’t,” he said. “It’s ironclad, and the president of the mining company likes me. You didn’t think just because you were friends with his daughter that suddenly you controlled him, did you?” He laughed. “No. We’re done, Danielle. I got what I needed from you. Now leave me alone. I’m being adopted tomorrow officially by my father. You lost. Bow out gracefully.”

  “You’re going to be sorry!” Danielle screeched at him as she snatched up her purse and stormed out of the bar.

  He probably should have played it closer to the vest, but he was frustrated about the Kate situation. Why was she still fighting him?

  The next day was the big day. He would no longer be Grant Jones. He would officially be Grant Holbrook. He didn’t know how he felt. Maybe after this, Kate would want him.

  Who am I kidding? he told himself. You’re being stupid and pathetic. She doesn’t want anything to do with you.

  “Your watch has arrived,” Stefan said when Grant showed up at his father’s house. “I know you will want it for the adoption ceremony.”

  “Let me see,” Grant demanded.

  “It’s at the dealer. It will need to be picked up.”

  “Grant can’t,” Walter said, coming out of the study. “We need to go over some of the sales numbers.”

  “Why did they send the watch to the dealer?” Grant asked, frustrated.

  “That’s how they do it,” Walter said.

  “I won’t make it over there and back in time.”

  “Kate will pick it up for you on her way home. She also has to collect Gus from the groomer’s as well before the adoption ceremony.”

  After going over the numbers, they waited around for Kate.

  “I’ll text her and tell her to meet us at the courthouse,” Walter said finally.

  As Grant and Walter were ushered into the judge’s chambers, there was still no sign of Kate.

  “I thought Kate would be here.”

  “She must have gotten caught up with something,” Nancy assured him. “We can’t postpone th
is any longer. Mark and Carter aren’t here, either. When we’re all together again, we’ll have a big celebration.”

  Grant knew Kate had been trying to avoid him, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that something bad must have happened.

  You’re paranoid, he thought. You always think there’s a disaster waiting just around the corner.

  He waited patiently as the judge went through the ceremony. After the final papers were signed, the judge smiled at them.

  “You are now formally Walter Holbrook’s son.”

  Walter hugged him.

  “Grant Holbrook, everyone,” the judge said, grinning broadly. Everyone, even Jack, applauded. The judge handed Grant a teddy bear.

  “Picture time!” Nancy chirped.

  “I don’t need this,” Grant said, handing the stuffed animal back to the judge.

  “Everyone who is adopted gets a teddy bear,” the judge said.


  “Don’t ruin this for me, son. Smile for the camera!”

  When they arrived back at the estate, there was still no Kate.

  He was starting to become worried. What had happened?

  There was no word from her through dinner, and none of them had heard from her by that evening.

  “I’m worried now,” Nancy said. “No one’s gotten a text message or something?”

  “Her grandmother doesn’t know where she went,” Walter said, “and none of her friends do, either.” He grabbed Grant’s arm and demanded, “Did you do something to her? Did anything happen between you two?”

  “What? No!” Grant said, shocked his father would think he would hurt Kate.

  “Don’t think I don’t know that you’ve been carrying on an affair with her behind my back,” Walter told him. “I expected you to man up and make an honest woman out of her. She’s clearly infatuated with you. If you’ve run off my assistant, I don’t care how many billions of sales you make. I will bury you.”

  “I didn’t do anything,” Grant said. “Honest. I’ll find her. I promise.”

  He stayed out all night, driving around, looking for her. The next morning, he went to the office, hoping she would show, but Kate had seemingly disappeared.

  Chapter 61


  The morning of Grant’s adoption, Kate went to pick up his watch. She had also made an appointment for Gus to be groomed. Ginny was still on her honeymoon, and Brandy was in charge of the shop. She gave Kate a dirty look and didn’t say anything to her.

  Why is Brandy so upset? Kate wondered. She had clearly landed Grant.

  Kate silently handed the dog over, and one of the groomers took him to the back. She picked up the watch, and since Gus wasn’t finished with his appointment yet, she decided to stop at the French bistro to pick up her favorite quiche. She needed a pick-me-up after the stress in her life. After she had collected Gus and was on the way back to the car, she was holding the boxes with the quiche and the watch while fumbling in her purse for her keys.

  “Excuse me, miss,” said someone with a familiar voice.

  “Alan, what are you doing here?” she demanded. “Stay away from me, or I’m calling the police.”

  He stepped out of the car, and Gus barked furiously.

  “I couldn’t help but notice you have the famous watch,” he said. “I was wondering if I could have a look, then I’ll be on my way.”

  “Absolutely not,” Kate said, trying to maneuver around him to unlock her car. Before she could, a truck pulled up, and a large man jumped out and grabbed Kate.

  Are they trying to steal the watch? she thought, panicked.

  She tried to scream, but Alan forced his hand over her mouth, and she and Gus were thrown into the truck. Kate hoped someone had seen or heard her. Surely the Holbrooks would realize she was missing.

  They drove for hours. Kate didn’t know where they were going. They stopped, and someone dragged her out of the vehicle. Gus whimpered, and she was roughly tied up. She sat in the darkness for what felt like an eternity. She dozed off and was awoken by voices some time later.

  “You were supposed to take the dog, not the girl. Why did I even waste my time trying to help you, Professor Von Breuer?” Kate heard a woman’s voice. It was Danielle. “You stupid, worthless, weak worm. Men.”

  “I wanted the watch,” Alan hissed to her. “You promised. That watch belonged to my grandfather.”

  “You don’t want it for sentimental reasons,” Danielle scoffed. “You want to sell it to your Hong Kong buyer.”

  Kate heard Alan kick something.

  “It doesn’t matter,” Danielle stated. “Walter ruined my plans to be wealthy for the last time. He’ll pay a ransom for Grant once we capture him, and after the money clears the account, we shoot Grant, and that’s it. I don’t need billions. A few hundred million will be enough to disappear.”

  Kate tried not to scream. She wondered if Danielle knew she could hear them talking through the vent.

  Gus whimpered.

  “What was that?” another man said.

  The door opened, and Danielle came in. “I suppose you heard all of that.” She had a sour look on her face. “No matter. You won’t last much longer, just enough to bring Grant here. And look who finally checked his voicemail.”

  She motioned to the Italian-looking man who had followed her into the room. He tied a gag around Kate’s mouth, and Danielle gave Kate a wan smile.

  “Unfortunately, you are not going to make it out of this. We can’t have you blabbing my plans.” She tapped her phone and put it on speaker. “My darling son…”

  “Where is Kate?” She heard Grant’s voice through the phone speaker. He didn’t sound angry or enraged or frightened. Instead, he sounded detached and cold.

  “She’s here. Facetime me, and you can see.”

  Danielle held up the phone. The light shone in Kate’s tearstained face, and she blinked. She wanted to scream as she saw Grant’s face peering at her through the screen.

  “Huh” was all he said.

  Kate could tell by the expression on Danielle’s face that this was not the reaction she was expecting.

  “Why couldn’t you have sent a note?” he asked. “I’m busy right now.”

  “She’s the love of your life,” Danielle said.

  “I don’t particularly care for her,” Grant replied. “She was just an easy fuck. You know how that is, Mother.”

  “He’s lying!” shouted Alan. “I was there. He’s in love with her.”

  “No,” Grant drawled, “I just love punching Nazis. Marine Corps tradition, you know.”

  “You’re lying,” Danielle said.

  Grant laughed coldly. “Your plans are all too elaborate. Burn down the house, involve the shady Italian contractor. And now you’ve convinced Kate’s crazy professor to work for you in this moronic scheme.” He squinted through the screen. “Are you wearing my watch?”

  “This is my watch,” Alan said. “My grandfather’s watch.”

  “Whatever. I’m going to need that back, Mother.”

  “She promised me the watch for helping her!” Alan yelled.

  “Again,” Grant said, “Plans. Too. Elaborate. You know what we do in the Marines when there’s a problem? Kill it.”

  “Well then, I’ll just kill her!” Danielle shrieked and motioned to Luigi.

  Kate screamed through her gag. It was true. Grant was exactly like his mother—he had never loved her, and now she was going to die like this.

  “No,” Grant said, sounding more annoyed than scared. “She’s my father’s assistant. I need him in top form. We have a big meeting coming up, and I can’t have him distracted. Just keep her on ice. I’ll come pick her up.”

  “That is not the deal,” Danielle hissed into the phone. “I want one hundred million dollars, and I want you to bring it to me.”

  Kate could feel Grant look up at the ceiling and roll his eyes. The irritation in his voice wasn’t that well disguised.

  “No, Mother, that
is not going to happen. Do you have any idea how long it takes to assemble that much cash?”

  “Then wire me the money.”

  “The bank will freeze it. I’ll bring you Bitcoin instead in an encrypted wallet.”

  Danielle took a deep breath. “Come to the canal, alone, and don’t tell anyone.”

  “It will be a few hours,” Grant said. “I need to finish up some stuff here at the office. You weren’t on my calendar today.”

  Danielle hung up the phone on him. “Now we’re back in business. Everything is progressing as it should.” She chuckled quietly. “My son is exactly like me.”

  “He’s going to tell his father,” Alan said.

  Danielle smiled. “I’m counting on it.”

  Chapter 62


  It was all Grant could do to keep it together after he got off of the video call.

  The adrenaline churned through his system. Kate… his father was right all along. He never should have listened to his birth mother. He never should have gotten involved.

  “Think,” he muttered to himself. First thing, he called his father.

  “I’m about to fly back from Atlanta,” Walter said when he answered. “Is it an emergency?”

  “I found Kate,” Grant said. “Danielle has her.”

  “Oh no,” his father said. “I’m calling the FBI. Don’t do anything, Grant. Promise me!”

  Grant hung up the phone. He wasn’t going to wait around for the FBI. He pulled out an old, broken hard drive and all the guns he had at his desk.

  “I need my rifle,” he said and tried to focus. Danielle had said to meet them at the canal. He pulled on his canvas pants, his boots, and a bulletproof vest.

  He jogged down to the parking deck, where his father kept a motorcycle. Grant had thought it was yet another wasteful display, but now he was glad to have it.

  He slipped two razors into his mouth, put on the helmet, and raced out of the deck.


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