Escaping Ryan (Genoa Mafia Series Book 2)

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Escaping Ryan (Genoa Mafia Series Book 2) Page 5

by Ginger Ring

  “Why?” she challenged. If he said it was his job again, the man would be getting a punch in the nose.

  His mouth opened but nothing came out.

  “You don’t get it, do you?” Her finger poked his chest. “I’m the daughter of Don Caponelli and the sister of Roman Caponelli. I think I can take care of myself.” The cool evening air hit her skin as soon as she stepped outside, but she was fuming inside. Everyone always thought she was weak because she dressed like a lady. Well, just because she liked to look good didn’t mean she wasn’t packing a Glock in her Gucci bag.

  “That’s not what I’m talking about and you know it.” His long legs had no trouble keeping up.

  Her boots echoed on the blacktop as she stomped toward her truck.

  “I shouldn’t have held you,” he said under his breath.

  “What did you say?” That was all she needed. Now he was regretting comforting her! “Well, that’s just great. Afraid Roman will find out and have your head chopped off? I always thought you were more of a man than that.” His eyes got big. Now she’d pissed him off. How could the evening go from bad to worse to worst ever in just a matter of minutes?

  “Valentina, I could care less what your brother thinks.” Ryan took a deep breath and threw up his hands. “I just want to talk, okay? To get to know you better.”

  Her lips twitched and she leaned against a car, staring at the ground. “Go ahead. What do you want to know?”

  “I know we went to the same school and were in different grades, but that didn’t mean I never noticed you.” He used his fingers to lift her chin and her eyes met his. “I’ve always seen you. I’ve always wanted to reach out to you but you’ve been beyond my reach.”

  “Until I had a car accident?”

  “Yes, then I couldn’t resist taking you in my arms.”

  Could she hope that he was interested? He took her hand in his.

  “But it was a mistake on my part and I never should have let it happen. It’s not professional.”

  What the…? “What do you mean by that?” The guy was talking in circles.

  “It’s like you said. We’re from two different worlds. After Roman and I graduated, your family and I have never crossed paths unless we had to, and it was often for bad reasons. I can see now why you never wanted to even say hi to me in school and ran the other direction whenever you caught sight of me. I thought I was not up to your standards.”

  “What? I never did that and I don’t think that.”

  “Yes, you did, and you probably do. You couldn’t get out of my squad car fast enough the other night.”

  Well, that part was true, but it was because she was scared to death of talking to him. Heck, she took debate in school to try to help get over her shyness.

  “Wait, you thought I was being a snob?”

  “Yeah, but—”

  “How dare you call me a snob!” Valentina moved away from his grasp. How could there be any kind of future between them when they couldn’t even have a civil conversation?

  “Well, you sure acted like it.” He placed his hands on his hips, a pissed off expression on his face.

  “Well, I was just shy.”

  “You? Shit, you were in debate, drama, and everything else. I hear you’re a big-time lawyer now. You don’t do all those things and get that far by being timid.”

  “A big-time lawyer? I said I was shy, not timid.” She mirrored his stance and stared him in the eye. How dare he dismiss her accomplishments. “Why you…you small-town cop.” She took a step closer and gritted her teeth.

  “What did you call me?” Ryan narrowed their distance even more. “Now I’m just some small-town cop? What the heck is wrong with that? Does that make me beneath you or something?”

  She never thought of him that way. Well, him being beneath her in a bed wouldn’t be that bad.

  “No.” The man made her insane. She could now see why her father and brother always discouraged any kind of friendship between the two whenever there was any hint that she liked the man. He was an ass. “Look, this conversation has gotten way out of hand.”

  “It certainly has.”

  Valentina stomped off. If she’d had a second longer to think, she’d have planted a heeled boot on the foot of the second bastard she’d run into this night.

  “Wait,” Ryan ordered, but she kept going. Screw him, and her, for ever thinking he might be the right man for her.

  He grabbed her arm. “I said wait.” Ryan may have been an ass but he sure looked sexy with his temper up. She fought the urge to run her fingers along his scruffy jaw. He was smoking hot tonight.

  “What makes you think you can tell me what to do?”

  “Damn, you are the most infuriating woman I have ever met.”

  “And the snobbiest,” she added.

  “Wow.” He took a deep breath. “Look, we obviously got off on the wrong foot.”

  “Obviously. And if you don’t let go of my arm, I will put my heel through your foot just like I did ole Bud’s back in there.” He dropped his hand as if she burned him.

  “I was trying to apologize and…” He paused and she turned to leave. “And I’ve had too many beers to stop now.”

  Valentina kept walking. “Stop what? Making me feel even worse than I do?”

  “I never meant to do that at all.” His long stride easily caught up with hers. “I just wanted to say that no matter the situation, I’ve never taken anyone in my arms when I was working but you.” She stopped. “With you, I couldn’t help it.”

  Ryan stepped in front of her. “I always noticed you in school. I could see even then that you would become a great beauty, and you were always smart. Smart enough to not want anything to do with me. I couldn’t help myself. I wanted to make you feel better and, selfishly, I wanted to feel you in my arms just once even if it was for just a brief moment.”

  Her mouth opened and she could see her breath in the cold. The frigid air must have frozen her brain because she swore she just heard Ryan Donavan admit to liking her. Well, wanting to hold her, but what was the other stuff about? Insecurity? Mistrust of her family?

  “I just wanted to say I’m sorry.” He flashed a weak smile. “I’ll see you to your car.”

  “Wait, what?”

  “I’ll see you safely to your car.”

  “No, not that. You tell me you like me and then you just become Officer Ryan again?”

  “It’s obvious you don’t feel the same way.”

  “Maybe I do feel that way, but that doesn’t mean I’m just going to fall into your arms now that you said something.” It was what she had hoped for but things just spun out of control and became awkward. She lifted and dropped her shoulder. “A girl likes to be wooed and, you know, go on dates and—”

  Her next words were cut off when his mouth touched hers. It happened so fast and then it was over. The kiss was brief yet brilliant. She licked her lips. Her heart raced.

  “Let’s try that again.” Ryan tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and pressed her up against someone’s truck. Even through her clothes her backside chilled against the cold metal. Her mouth opened slightly as his lips touched her again. This time it was slow and sweet, long and luscious. His kiss was laced with the heady taste of brandy. Never a fan of brandy, it was now something she was eager to acquire a taste for.

  Never did she image her evening would end in a kiss from Ryan Donavan. Sure, she’d thought of it many times, but thinking and doing were totally different. The intoxicating assault on her mouth increased and then it was gone.

  Opening her eyes, she stared into dark blue ones.

  “Are you wooed yet?” He winked.

  The nerve of the man! “Are you so arrogant that you think one kiss will have me at your feet?” Valentina slipped out of his arms and the lack of warmth chilled her to the bone.

  “Having you at my feet isn’t exactly where I picture you.” He had a smirky smile on his face.

  “Oh yeah, and where is that?”
She rubbed her arms and shuffled from foot to foot.

  “Let’s just say I would have to do a helluva lot more wooing for that to happen.”

  A gasp escaped her lips. After waiting so long for the man she yearned for to notice her, he had her head spinning, but it wasn’t time yet to forgive him for calling her snobby. That hurt. She scowled and headed to her truck.

  “What the hell, Val? I tell you that I’ve always had a thing for you, kiss your socks off, and now you leave in a huff. Maybe you’re not just a snob but a tease as well.”

  She halted and turned slowly around. Her fists were tight and her jaw set. His face was unreadable. Was he joking? Was he seeing how she would respond? “How dare you say that, and as you can obviously see, my socks are still on.”

  Ryan laughed loudly. “I do dare.” He stepped closer and she breathed in the cool air mixed with his aftershave. It was a refreshing scent of soap and pine. “You aren’t going to make this easy on me, are you?”

  “You don’t look like a man who likes things easy,” she challenged.

  “It’s like I said, you are a very smart woman, Valentina. I do like a challenge and mysteries. That’s one of the reasons I became a cop. I like figuring out who the bad guys, and girls, are.”

  “And you think I’m a bad girl?”

  His face sobered. “Your family is.”

  “I am not my family.” It was so frustrating never to be judged for the person she was but who her father was.

  “The hell you aren’t.” The voice came from behind her. Valentina spun around and came face to face with her brother.

  Chapter Seven

  “What the hell is going on here?” Roman directed the question at Val before turning to Ryan. “Ry, are you fucking bothering my sister?” He held up a gloved fist.

  “Roman, please.” Val stepped between the two men.

  “No, we’re just working a few things out.” Ryan put his hands in his pockets.

  Roman ignored him and kissed his sister’s forehead. “Sorry we’re late.”

  “Roman refused to wear what I picked out,” Madison explained.

  “I don’t do cowboy attire,” he mumbled. The man was decked out in his usual designer suit.

  “Well, you’re here, that’s all that matters.” His wife wrapped her arm around his waist.

  Valentina rolled her eyes and glanced back at Ryan, who stood there studying her. He opened his mouth as if to speak but then his phone rang.

  “You’re still here?” Roman tossed out as he led Madison past him.

  “Fuck you, Caponelli,” Ryan replied.

  “As long as it’s not my sister.” Only the fact that the two had a long history allowed them to speak to one another that way. They’d probably said worse when they were on the football field together. It also hit home the fact that there was no use thinking about a future with the one she pined for such a long time. Their families and lives were too different and nothing would ever change that. It was time to stop any involvement before it started. Roman stopped and glanced at her. “Coming?”

  “Uh, yes.” She risked a quick look in Ryan’s direction but he had answered the call and was deep in conversation. Obviously, something important had come up. He spoke in a hushed and serious tone, not focused on anything else. The evening had not turned out anything like she expected but it was too late now. There were still some things she wanted to say to Ryan but Roman and Madison expected her to join them. Family came first.

  “Roman?” Ryan called out, and her brother turned.

  “Keep an eye on her. I had to get rid of one jerk bugging her tonight. I don’t want to worry about any others.”

  “Don’t worry.” Roman walked while he talked but stopped briefly to turn around and add, “Thanks.” They both nodded and went their separate ways. The relationship her brother had with Ryan was just as complicated as the one she had with him.

  Before going back in the bar, she noticed Ryan getting in a vehicle and driving off. The tires spun and dirt flew. Something must have happened. He was off duty, but was he ever off the job?

  “Val, are you are all right?” Madison ushered her through the door.

  “Yes, I’m fine.” Her eyes took a moment to adjust to the dim lighting but it was nice to be in where it was warm.

  “You don’t look fine. Let’s find a table and chat before Roman gets back.” Her sister-in-law, already very much the mobster’s wife, chose a spot in a dim corner and left the chair with the back to the wall for her husband. He’d be able to see everyone who came in and out.

  “It was just a misunderstanding. I went to thank Officer Ryan for helping me and then he ended up kissing me.” Val crossed her legs and swung her foot. “It was no big deal.”

  “The thanking part or the kiss?” Madison teased.

  “The man infuriates me.”

  “Oh no. You’ve got it bad, girl.”

  “I do not.” Valentina shook her head.

  Madison spied her husband headed their way with a waitress trailing behind with a tray of drinks. “Tomorrow, you and me, I want all the details.” They hushed up as soon as Roman came near.

  “What’d I miss? Did lover boy finally leave?” He took the empty chair and the server left their drinks.

  “Oh, Romeo.” Valentina called him by the nickname he hated and only she was allowed to use.

  “Don’t Romeo me. I just don’t want you to get hurt, and Caponellis and lawmen don’t mix.” He tapped his fingers on the table.

  “How can you say that when I’m a lawyer? I’m part of the legal system.”

  “The only reason father ever paid for school and allowed you to become an attorney was to protect us from the law.” He pointed a finger at her. “And don’t ever forget it.”

  Valentina pouted and folded her arms across her chest.

  “Okay, you two,” Madison interrupted. “I’ve been looking forward to this all day. Let’s change the subject and enjoy ourselves.” Her companions both grumbled.

  Valentina took a long sip of her drink. Paid and allowed. How dare he. When would she ever be able to live her own life? She sat up a little straighter. Her first step to independence was leaving Chicago. The second was opening her own office. The next would be to date who she wanted to date, not who she was allowed to, and tomorrow she would make that happen. There had to be someone who could take her mind off the drop dead sexy Ryan Donavan.


  The night turned even colder and Ryan grabbed a coat before rushing into the emergency room. Danny rose from a chair in the waiting room and was heading his way when he spied her. She’d phoned to say Tyler was in the hospital.

  “What happened?”

  “He’s pretty scraped up but the doctors say he’ll be fine.”

  “That’s good, but what happened?” People needed to get to the point and not beat around the bush.

  “Kid was riding home on his bike and got hit by a car. His room is down here.” She led the way. “A woman spotted him lying by the side of the road and called it in. He refuses to talk to anyone. Doc said he’ll probably be released in the morning. They’re keeping him overnight for observation since he took a bad hit to the head.”

  “Do you think it might be gang related or anything like that?” Ryan kept a close eye on that and refused to let anything even linked to a gang into his town. The one good thing about a branch of the Caponelli crime family living in Genoa was that they didn’t want gangs there either. Everyone knew Roman wouldn’t tolerate illegal drugs of any kind in this town. Never thought I would agree with the man on anything but I do on this. Even the local motorcycle clubs kept illegal activities outside the county line.

  “Could be.” She frowned. “What would a kid be doing riding a bike this late? It’s a school night. Where are his parents?”

  Ryan sighed. “His father died a few years ago and his mom’s working two jobs, maybe three.”

  She nodded. “Well, she sure doesn’t need this added stress or more bi
lls.” Danny stopped outside Tyler’s door.

  “Let me talk to him and see what I can find out.”

  “Will do. I better get back to the station and finish my report.” She didn’t wait for a reply before heading back down the hallway.

  He knocked lightly on the hospital room door.

  “Yeah.” The voice was weak but definitely Tyler’s.

  Ryan entered and pulled a chair close to the bed. The sight of Tyler battered and bruised hit him in the heart and the gut at the same time. It wasn’t the kid’s fault he grew up in the poor part of town without a father in the house. His mother did the best she could, but working long hours to keep a roof over their head left little time for proper supervision.

  “So tell me what happened.” Pain was written all over his black and blue face.

  Tyler eyed him from head to toe. “What are you, a Texas Ranger now or something?”

  “I got dragged away from a western party, and a very beautiful woman, I might add, so I’m in no mood for messing around.”

  “If you’re not working, then why are you here?” He pulled his blanket higher and crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Because I happen to care about the people in this town, and that includes you. I don’t have time for any bullshit so tell me what happened.”

  Tyler turned his head away, his mouth set.

  “Okay, I asked nicely, but now it’s going to get tougher. Do I need to get social services involved?”

  That caused the kid’s pale face to go even whiter. “I was just trying to help.” Tyler’s voice cracked.

  “Help do what?” Ryan inched his chair closer.

  “I know how hard my mom works so I got a job at the gas station on the edge of town after hours.” The young man fought back tears. “I was just trying to make some money to help out. I got run off the road, crashed my bike, and then didn’t show up for my first night. I know I’ve screwed up in the past but now no one will hire me.”

  “Did you see who hit you? Did you get a license plate number?” A hit and run was serious.

  “No.” He shook his head and then winced. “What am I going to do? Now we will have more bills.” The tough kid was near tears. “I was just trying to help. She needs money.”


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