Escaping Ryan (Genoa Mafia Series Book 2)

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Escaping Ryan (Genoa Mafia Series Book 2) Page 12

by Ginger Ring

  It was an easy conversation that they fell into as they pointed at different points of interest along the way. Soon, the boat docked on the other side of the lake.

  “Why are we stopping here?”

  “I couldn’t find a lighthouse, but this is the closest thing we have here.” He interlocked his fingers with hers and led her off the boat. “I hope you don’t mind stairs. There are only one hundred and twenty of them.”

  “Yikes. I might need mouth to mouth by the time I get to the top.”

  “You’re in luck. I’m an expert at that,” he teased.

  She glanced up to see a beautiful old estate with a tower for overlooking the lake. It was breathtaking. Staring at the many steps, she thought she just might have to test Ryan’s offer.

  Chapter Sixteen

  For the next hour and a half they took the guided tour of the Black Pointe Estate. It was a huge home built back in 1888. The tour of the first and second floors was fascinating considering everything had arrived there by boat and then had been carried up all those stairs.

  Its gardens were still blooming and even more exquisite now that the leaves of the surrounding trees were just as colorful as the flowers. There were shades of gold, rust, and orange shimmering everywhere. A bubbling fountain enticed her away from the other tourists.

  “It’s like our own private garden.” She twirled around and stopped to smell the mums. “It’s so beautiful.”

  Valentina rose and turned around. Ryan stood in front of her a look of wonder on his face. “Not as beautiful as what’s standing in front of me.”’

  “Oh yeah?” She was lightheaded. Whether it was from getting up so fast or the man in front of was yet to be decided.

  His hand cupped her cheek and his thumb caressed her lip. “Unless you speak up, I’m going to kiss you, Valentina Caponelli.” He paused and she said nothing.

  It felt like the world was spinning too fast when his lips touched hers. Ryan wrapped one hand around her waist while the other gently caressed her cheek. It was a sweet first kiss after the one they’d shared in the parking lot not too long ago, but it still knocked her socks off. The more he kissed her, the more her thoughts drifted from wholesome to sensual.

  He may not have believed in relationships, but the man definitely knew how to kiss. Valentina moaned and pressed closer. Ryan stopped. His eyelids were heavy and there was a grin on his face. “You do that again and I might drag you into the bushes.”

  “You keep kissing me like that and I’ll go willingly.” Her cheeks were flushed, and it wasn’t the sun that made her skin heat up.

  “Everyone ready? It’s time to get on board,” the tour guide hollered from the porch of the estate.

  “It’s time to go, I guess.” Val turned to leave but Ryan pulled her back.

  “One last kiss.” He gave her a quick peck on the lips. “I will always think of this place and remember this time.” It was a sweet and sentimental statement from an all business, loner kind of guy. Her mouth opened but nothing came out.

  “What’s this?” he joked as they walked hand in hand toward the rest of the travelers. “I’ve never seen an attorney with nothing to say.”

  “I guess I never expected to see this side of you.”

  “What side?”

  “Don’t take this the wrong way.”

  “This doesn’t sound good.” He placed a hand on his chest.

  “It is good. I know you’re a good man despite the tough guy, take no prisoners attitude. It’s the same with my brother. No one knows the people he helps because he knows how much he really cares will make him look weak. You’re the same way.”

  They stopped walking and Valentina continued. “What you do helping Tyler, you didn’t have to do that. I know you have been spending more hours than you are probably being paid for to help hunt down the Housewife Killer.” The local news channel started calling the murderer that after finding out about the towels at both crime scenes. “I’m glad you are letting your guard down and showing me the real you.”

  Ryan shifted from foot to foot. “We’d better go or we’ll miss the boat.”

  “I think we have time for one more.” She leaned in and kissed him. The grin he gave her when she was done took her breath away. His mouth to mouth training may have come in handy at some point the way things were going. Valentina felt joy like she hadn’t in a long time. She grabbed his hand and they hurried down the stairs. They were the last two aboard and the captain teased that they should get a room.

  On the return trip, they sat a lot closer than the first time and held hands. When they got off the boat it was time for lunch and they ate at one of the beachside restaurants. It featured some memorabilia from the Playboy club that use to be there. As they passed a display featuring an old red bunny costume, Ryan stopped and pointed. “You’d look good in that.”

  She swatted his arm. “One kiss and you’re telling me how to dress.” She studied the outfit. It was quite revealing, but she did look good in red.

  “I think we’ve had more than one so far, and I didn’t say you had to dress that way, just that it would look good on you.” He led her to a table just off the beach. “I wouldn’t mind seeing you in a bunny outfit.” Ryan winked and held out her chair for her to take a seat.

  They both dined on bacon cheese burgers made with local cheese, deep fried cheese curds, and french fries. “I love cheese.” Valentina bit into a gooey deep-fried curd. Steam rolled off the half still in her hand.

  “Welcome to Wisconsin.” Ryan dipped some fries in ranch dressing.

  “Do you ever think you’ll go back to Chicago?” she wondered.

  “To live?”

  “Yes.” Genoa was where she wanted to stay. It already felt like home.

  “No, this is home now.”

  “Roman loves it here. He can’t wait to start a family. I think I will like it here too.” She took a drink of the best lemonade she’d ever had.

  “You’ve got two businesses here now. That will keep you busy.”

  She wiped her mouth with a napkin and set it by her plate. “I really haven’t done much with Firenza. I feel bad about that. I begged Roman to buy it for me yet he’s been paying Madison and others to manage it while I finished school.”

  “I’m sure he’s turning a hefty profit. Roman doesn’t seem like the kind of man who loses money doing anything.”

  “Yeah, I guess.” She shrugged. “I just feel like I should be doing more.”

  “If he needed your help, I’m sure he’d ask. Didn’t you get Tyler’s mom a job there?”

  “Yes, she’s learning fast and doing great.”

  “Well, looks like you did a good thing for your business and someone else.”

  “Yeah, I guess so.” She picked up her burger again. “That’s why I became a lawyer. My father may have insisted I become one so I could help the family, but I really want to help everyone.”

  “Don’t worry about what others think. You do what you want to do.”

  “Did you always want to be a cop?” It interested her how people ended up in the careers they chose.

  “No. I was in a shit load of trouble after my parents died.” He stretched back in his chair and tossed the napkin on the table. “My uncle got me on the straight and narrow.”

  It was on the tip of her tongue to ask about his parents. She really hadn’t thought about it in years. Until she decided that she wanted to pursue a relationship with him, that is.

  “Can I get you any dessert?” The waitress had returned to clear their plates.

  Ryan leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees. “Want anything?”

  She was stuffed and shook her head.

  “Just the check, please.”

  “Here, let me get it.” Valentina reached for her purse. “You paid for the tour.”

  “Nope. Today is my treat.” He handed his card to the waitress.

  “Well, next time is mine.” Oh, how she wanted a next time. “I could cook us so
me dinner.”

  Ryan looked agreeable and then stilled.

  She placed a hand on his. “Don’t worry. It’s only coffee that I suck at.”

  “I’m sure I’ll love whatever you make, plus it gets me a second date.”

  “You think so, huh?”

  The waitress returned and he quickly signed and took care of the bill. “Yeah. Where to next?” He stood and pulled her chair out.

  They walked back toward the center of town and into some of the shops. Clearly, Ryan wasn’t as excited as she was about shopping but he was a good sport. The only store he refused to go in was the new antique shop called Bygones. When she pressed him for more, he finally said it involved a case so he didn’t want to scare away any suspects.

  She took him at his word and they skipped that one. They stopped at a gun store and it was the first one that he seemed really enthusiastic about. Valentina impressed him with her knowledge of handguns. Growing up in a mafia family, she had to be aware of the dangers all around her. Even now she had her gun with her. Roman had known that but wanted more protection for her.

  They had a late dinner but still didn’t want the evening to end. “How about going to a speakeasy?”

  “A what?” Valentina’s ears perked up. She loved everything 1920s.

  “There’s a place up a block that has a speakeasy in the basement.”

  “I’m game.”

  “Let’s go. I’ll find the password.” She followed his fingers on the phone as he found the Facebook page that listed the password for the night. “Found it.” He showed her the screen.

  The place was a beautiful 1850s mansion. The back carriage house that used to be the home for the horses had been redone into elaborate guest rooms. There were even a couple rooms in the house that came with butler service.

  They found the door to the speakeasy and knocked. A small panel at eye level slid open and a man in a fedora peered out. “Password.”

  “I love Valentina,” Ryan answered.

  Did she hear him right?

  “Wrong.” Fedora hat man frowned.

  Ryan shook his head. “I mean, I love Valentino.”

  The slider shut and the door opened. Jazz music flowed out and they eagerly stepped into the dimly lit area. There were people sitting around the 1920s themed bar. Some of them were in costumes, including the bartenders who sported suspenders and garters on their arms.

  “I love the flapper dresses,” Valentina squealed as she saw a girl dance by in one.

  “You’d look good in that,” Ryan whispered in her ear.

  “You thought I’d look good in a bunny outfit also.” She poked him in the side.

  “Valentina, you’re so beautiful. You could wear a garbage bag and look good.”

  “You’re so sweet. I thought you said you weren’t good at relationships.” She reached for his hand and held it. “You are making great waves with me.”

  “I guess I just never found someone I was willing to pursue until now.” His gaze dropped to her lips and then back to her eyes.

  “Evening, what can I get you two lovebirds?” a waitress interrupted.

  “Whatever the special is, we’ll have two.” He quickly sent the young woman on her way.

  “And you want to pursue me?” Could she hope?

  “Yes. Do you want to pursue me?” Ryan tapped his finger on her hand.

  “Here you go.” The waitress arrived at the wrong moment and placed their drinks on the table. They were pink and fruity.

  Valentina took a sip and pondered what to say next. Should she bare her soul to him?

  “Well?” He didn’t touch his drink, instead resting his elbows on the table.

  She didn’t want to come across as some kind of stalker who had always admired him from afar. Valentina hung out with several girls in her brother’s class and they all thought the new student was a hottie. Ryan had transferred as a sophomore and had kept to himself for the most part. He never attended any dances or after school activities except for sports. Racking her brain, there were no girlfriends of his that she could think of.

  She rolled her eyes before meeting his. “Well, if you must know, I have always thought of you as very handsome.”

  “That’s all?” He finally took a drink and then frowned at the girly drink.

  “Isn’t that enough?”

  He shifted in his seat. “Well, I just thought I remembered seeing you a few times at school games and I see you liked the department Facebook page some time ago.”

  “I’m supporting local law enforcement. Is that a crime? And my brother was on the same team,” she teased.

  “I guess I was just hoping you had noticed me.” He shook his head and rubbed his jaw. “Shit, I have an easier time talking to criminals.”

  It touched her heart that this brave man was showing her his vulnerable side. He was trying to gain her trust and be sincere.

  “I think you are doing just fine.”

  “I’m sorry for being a jerk. I’ve been fighting my attraction for you for so long.” He leaned back in his chair. “I didn’t want to wait anymore, especially now that you work in my field.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You see car accidents and such.” He stilled. It was obvious that the recent deaths were still affecting him. “Life is too short to never experience love.”

  “You’ve never been in love?” Valentina crossed and then uncrossed her ankles.

  “No, have you?” He motioned for the waitress and ordered a beer, pushing his drink toward her.

  “Well…” She resisted the urge to say she’d loved him from afar. “No, I guess not. I’ve rarely had time to date. Just knowing who my father is has been enough to scare off most guys.”

  “I don’t care who your family is and I don’t scare easy.” Ryan took her hand in his.

  “You really don’t care that I’m from a mafia family?”

  “Nope. Does it bother you that I’m a cop?”

  “No.” Her heart soared. The place was packed and noisy, yet all that mattered was that they were there together and he only had eyes for her.

  The rest of the evening flew by. The conversation stayed mostly to present day. Ryan was a diehard Packers fan while Valentina decided to stay loyal to the Bears. They tried a few of the jazz dances but both had two left feet. They were mostly just content to sit in silence and enjoy each other’s company. It was nice to escape the bad stuff happening, even if it was only for a few hours.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Ryan had to work on Sunday so Valentina stayed home to get things unpacked and put away. That didn’t take very long. Her life had been so busy with school that there hadn’t been time to accumulate much stuff. Her family home had everything anyway. Valentina never realized before how much she never lacked for anything in the way of home comforts. Roman’s house was full of everything a person could ever need, including a home gym, pool, and home theatre.

  If she was with Ryan, time together mattered more than material things. With him, she’d have a chance at something she never dreamed would happen. Having someone to love. Someone to start a life with. Maybe even start a family with. Valentina wanted a love like Roman and Madison’s. It was too early to think it could be but there was hope.

  It had only been the first date, but if Ryan would have wanted to the spend the night, it would have been hard to say no. Being a gentleman, he texted her brother to have her bodyguards waiting for them when they returned. Even with her security system Ryan still insisted on checking out the house to make sure there was no one hiding under the bed or in the closets. Then he’d given her another earth shattering kiss good night. A pool of heat hit her lower belly just thinking about it.

  Now that the house was in order, she enjoyed some coffee that Dom had dropped off after replacing the guys who had spent the night keeping watch on her place. They were both now in the living room watching the news. The deaths of the two women had been publicly declared murders and the police were l
ooking for any clues to link them. There was a special hotline set up for people to call in any tips they may have had. It was warm in her house but she shivered. Who would kill them and for what reason?

  The only information given by the police was that the deaths had involved some kind of head trauma. Used to being so busy, having nothing to do made her restless.

  “What do you think really happened?” Her heart ached thinking of the victims’ families.

  Never one for many words, Dominic just grunted.

  “Dom, I’m going out.” She grabbed a down vest from the closet. He got up and went to the door.

  “Where to?” His hand was on the doorknob.

  “I don’t know. I just can’t sit here anymore.” She trailed him out the door and down the sidewalk. “A walk. Anything.”

  They headed down the street to where the shops were. It wasn’t her intended stop but she didn’t feel like strolling around the lake. Not all the shops were open. The tourist season had ended so only a few businesses still had the open sign lit up out front.

  The one Ryan refused to take her to, Bygones, had its lights on. “Let’s stop at that one.”

  “Since when do you like old shit?” Dominic didn’t seem happy about accompanying her to the shops. He tended to scare the other customers when they went in places.

  “I don’t, but it’s open. You can stay out here if you like,” she suggested.

  “Your brother would have my nuts if I let you out of my sight.” He reached for the door.

  “Thanks for the disturbing visual.” A bell above the entrance jingled as they walked inside.

  It was at least a minute or two before a man came from the back. “Can I help you?”

  “Are you the owner?” Valentina asked after she shooed Dom over to look at some antique swords.

  “Yes. Is there something I can help you with?” He flashed her a big smile and placed both hands on the counter.

  “No, I just wanted to introduce myself.” She reached out her hand and he shook it. “I’m Valentina Caponelli. I’m an attorney and just opened my office about a block away. I saw you were also new so thought I would just stop in and say hi.”


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