All Wrapped Up: Price of Passage

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All Wrapped Up: Price of Passage Page 6

by Aubrey Ross

  Her heart ached with each thrust. She watched the dildo sink into Kade’s ass and imagined it being pushed into hers. She prepared Kade for the pleasure she craved and resented herself for her interference. If she’d just handed Traborn the toy, would he have fucked Kade? If not now, eventually. Traborn had told Kade as much. She had no right to feel possessive. Her claim to Traborn had died a long time ago.

  Kade adjusted quickly, rocking his hips and sighing as his body accepted the new stimulation. She moved faster, pushing the toy in with a slight twist and drawing it out slowly.

  “I can’t reach you.” Velvet temptation played through Traborn’s tone. “I want tight, hot flesh gripping my cock and he’s not yet ready. Don’t make me wait.”

  Lust punched the breath from her lungs and she trembled. He knew. Somehow Traborn knew how much she needed him. Ivy got her knees beneath her and spread her legs. Bracing herself with one hand, she continued the deep spiraling motion with the other.

  Traborn traced her ass crease, his fingers slick and cool. Yes! She fought down her urge to shout the word and thrust her hips at him. Her pussy fluttered and her clit throbbed, yet she held back her orgasm with steely determination.

  “You can’t come until Kade comes, so you better get busy.” She moved her knees farther apart so she could lift her hand from the floor. She started to reach between Kade’s legs and Traborn said, “No. He must learn to surrender to penetration. Use only the toy.”

  Without warning, Traborn drove his full length into her pussy. She gasped and tossed her head. Okay, that hadn’t been exactly what she’d expected, but she’d sure as hell take it. Tightening her inner muscles, she reveled in the fullness, and watched the smooth slide of the dildo. Traborn took his time, alternating fast, violent thrusts with long, smooth strokes. She matched his rhythm, fucking Kade as Traborn fucked her.

  Kade groaned and shuddered. “I can’t come like this.”

  “You will or you won’t come for the rest of the night!”

  Thrusting deep, Traborn reached past her and adjusted the angle of the dildo until Kade gasped with each thrust. “Keep it just like that.”

  She carefully maintained the angle and depth of the toy, watching for the subtle tremor in Kade’s lean body and listening for his breathless moan. Traborn held her ass cheeks wide and pushed his finger into her other hole. Her body’s response was so similar to Kade’s that it made her smile.

  Traborn pulled out of her cunt and pressed against her asshole, his expectation obvious. She pushed back against him, driving herself onto his thick cock. “Oh, gods yes!” No power in the universe could have kept her silent as her Master stretched and filled her. Pleasure escalated to pain, but she welcomed the intensity. It had been so long!

  “Don’t stop,” he warned as her world narrowed to just the overwhelming pressure of his cock inside her aching body. She nodded and resumed her thrusting. The Master reveled in giving pleasure, in controlling when and how his slave found release. She needed to surrender completely. Why had she insisted on fucking Kade? As if he sensed her desperation to abandon all thought and let the sensations sweep her along, he covered her hand with his. “Let go.”

  With a ragged sigh, she released the dildo and angled her body, so Traborn could reach Kade more easily. He fucked them side by side, nimble and skillful.

  “I need to touch my cock!” Kade let out an exasperated cry.

  “No, you don’t. Stop arguing and feel.” Traborn thrust the dildo with deliberate precision and Kade cried out again. “That’s your prostate and it will trigger an orgasm if you stop fighting the idea of being taken.”

  Ivy continued to fight back her release. Traborn had told her not to come until Kade came. Each firm thrust drove her right to the brink. Her pussy clenched and she whimpered, tears escaping the corner of her eyes.

  “Come, my love. Kade’s failing is not your fault.”

  Sweeter words had never been spoken. She brazenly pushed up her ass and took his full length, squeezing him tightly as pleasure built and built. His next slow withdrawal sent her off like a solar flare. She pressed her mouth against her forearm to muffle her helpless scream. Hard, scalding sensations drenched her body and freed her mind to soar.

  Traborn’s angry voice drew her back to reality. “I did not touch her nipples or her clit. Can a woman come without these stimulations?” He’d pulled the dildo out of Kade’s ass and the younger man sat facing them.

  “Your shaft rubs against her clit with each stroke.” Kade’s tone held only affront.

  Did he want to be punished by the Master? Or didn’t he realize he wasn’t dealing with the Chameleon any more?

  Traborn pulled out of her slowly, sending delightful aftershocks dancing along her spine. “As soon as I’ve finished, you will take Ivy into the bathroom and wash every inch of her body. You will use your fingers and your mouth to give her two orgasms, more if she wishes, then you will wash her again. You will not speak unless she asks you a direct question. Do you understand?” Kade offered a stiff, resentful nod. Traborn moved to the bed and triggered a compartment in the side. A drawer slid open, revealing the Master’s toys. “Ivy sleeps better if she’s restrained.” He tossed wrist cuffs and a thrall’s collar onto the bed. “If you are unfamiliar with their use, she can assist you. You are not yet welcome in my bed.”

  Ivy didn’t breathe easily until the privacy panel closed behind Traborn. It would only take him a few minutes to shower and dress.

  “Were none of your people ever trained for an employer who found pleasure through pain?” she asked carefully. For a pleasure giver, Kade seemed surprisingly naive.

  “Our training was determined by our temperament and… Yes, some Vontralirian are trained for that sort of pleasure. The potentate had a standing contract with the Guild. Every novice they declared a Kade was set aside until Chaya decided how they would be utilized. My training was focused entirely on the seduction and pleasure of noble females. I obviously know nothing about dealing with -- him!”

  Ivy quickly turned her face away, not wanting to insult him with her amusement. He’d just inferred no “noble” female would enjoy these sorts of pleasures. Kade’s arrogance had been sorely wounded by her Master. She knew Traborn well enough not to fear for Kade’s fate, but the cocky Vontralirian deserved to worry for an hour or two.

  Kade wandered to the bed, looking gorgeous, if a bit lost. “Do you really sleep better if you’re restrained?”

  “I find a lot of things more pleasurable when I’m restrained.” He looked into her eyes, his expression curious, so she elaborated. “I’m what’s known in my culture as a submissive.”

  “Which makes Traborn a Dominant?”

  She chuckled. “How could you tell?”

  “Perhaps I am a Dominant as well. That could account for my inability to --”

  “You didn’t come because of your pride.” Ivy moved closer, keeping her tone soft, yet candid. “I’ve used a dildo on Traborn and he reached climax just fine. I suspect you are a Dom, but you must learn surrender before you’re ready to learn control.”

  Traborn exited the bathroom accompanied by a blast of fresh smelling mist. “Fresh water is precious on a spaceship. Use the mister first, then fill the basin and get on your knees while you wash Ivy. She may choose whichever oil or lotion that pleases her from my collection. Be prepared for punishment when I return.”

  His inadvertent praise thrilled her. She wouldn’t humiliate Kade any more by gloating, but damn it felt good. Traborn left them alone without a backward glance.

  Kade started toward the bathroom, but she caught his upper arm. “You are out of favor with the Master. I should precede you.” His gaze narrowed as if he would argue. Instead he swept his arm toward the archway. The tiny bathroom felt cramped with both of them inside. Kade looked toward the semi-enclosed stall then waited for her to move ahead again. “You may go first. I need the other facilities.”

  His gaze widened when she moved toward the toil
et. For God’s sake, he’d had his tongue up her cunt! Why would he be embarrassed by her relieving her bladder? Didn’t the women on Palonti pee?

  He didn’t so much as glance her way until she approached the shower stall. Pale blue mist covered his body and hair, and his bewildered expression spoke volumes. “What’s the matter?” He had waited for her to speak. That was progress.

  “This will cleanse me?”

  “It will clean and condition your hair and skin. It also works as an antiperspirant. You’d never been on a spaceship before all this began?”

  “I had no reason to leave Palonti.” He switched settings and a finer, white mist dissolved the blue. “I seldom left the palace. This smells very nice.”

  “I agree. Now move. It’s my turn.” She motioned him out of the stall. “It evaporates in a matter of seconds so you don’t need a towel.”

  He had filled the basin with water by the time she finished with the mist. As much as she’d like to see Kade on his knees, she wanted sleep more. “How about we barter? Do you give a good massage?”

  His gaze lit and his features relaxed. “My instructors gave me the highest marks.”

  “And what about Kalleto? Did she praise your skill?”

  “A massage would have hindered my purpose. The last thing I needed her to do was relax.”

  “Well, let’s find out if I agree with your instructors.” She ran a comb through her hair before they exited the bathroom.

  The compartment in the side of Traborn’s bed was still open. She looked at his paddles and whips, wondering who he had used them on down through the years. He obviously brought his lovers with him… or did he find pleasure with the members of his crew? It shouldn’t matter. She couldn’t let it matter. He was only her Master for another few days.

  She picked up various tubes of lotion and bottles of oil, smelling each one before returning them to the drawer. Selecting a light, spicy ointment, she closed the compartment and handed the tube to Kade. “How do you want me?”

  A wicked smile parted his lips. “I’ll answer that question once you’re restrained.”

  “I meant for the massage and you know it.”

  “Sit on the edge of the bed for now. I’ll have you lie down later.” She sat and he crawled onto the bunk, moving behind her. “May I ask a question?”

  “You just did.”

  “Why did you become a smuggler? Your speech and mannerisms hint at a different upbringing.” Kade framed her hips with his thighs and slipped his hands under her hair, firmly rubbing the tension from her shoulders, neck, and arms. The exotic scent of the lotion surrounded her and soothing heat sank into her sore muscles.

  “After my stepbrother staged Traborn’s death I --”

  “Sorry to interrupt, but it sounds as if I started in the wrong place.” He moved her hair out of the way as he concentrated on one side of her neck. Both the scent and the heat grew stronger the harder he rubbed. “Who is your stepbrother?”

  “My mother married twice. Once for love and once for money. My father was the one she loved and Clayton’s father was the one with money.”

  “You speak of these people with disdain. I gather you’ve no fond feelings for your stepbrother.”

  The understatement nearly made her laugh. “He was a despicable excuse for a man who died as he had lived, cowering from the repercussions of his actions.”

  “Did you kill him?”

  “I thought about it often enough, but no. He pissed off the wrong group of thugs and they cut off his hands. He bled to death before he was discovered.” She rolled her shoulders. Thoughts of Clayton were counterproductive to relaxation. “His father was a prominent politician and everyone disapproved of my relationship with Traborn.”

  “How long were you lovers?”

  “Three years.” It was too painful to think of all they had meant to each other, so she focused on the facts. “Clayton found out about my affair with Traborn and told my mother. She threatened me with everything from banishment to having me declared insane if I didn’t end it. Clayton finally caught us in the act and made sure he had surveillance vids of some of our more adventurous moments.”

  “How adventurous?”

  “I was chained to a bed when they burst in on us and Traborn had used a whip on me.”

  “I see.”

  He sounded intrigued not disgusted, so she went on. “Clayton was going to doctor the vid so it looked like Traborn had raped and tortured me, but Traborn made a run for it and Clayton’s men killed him. At least that’s what I was told. Apparently, he was sent to a penal moon on the other side of the galaxy.”

  “Which brings us back to my original question. Why smuggling?”

  “I refused to have anything to do with my mother or her new family after the tragedy. I scraped together everything I could and bought the Chrysalis. I didn’t know what the hell I was doing, but Jazz and Bluz were happy to teach me.”

  “They are the colorful members of your crew?”

  “Yes. They were indentured to the previous owner and I bought out their contracts when I purchased the ship. They helped me hire men who were unscrupulous enough for our line of work yet honorable enough not to slit our throats while we slept.”

  “Will they come after you?”

  “They’ll probably try. The ship sustained a lot of damage during the battle. They’ll have to limp into port somewhere and make repairs before they can attempt to find me.” The image of their dear faces appeared within her mind and worry knotted her belly. If there was a price on her head, they would have to be especially careful. She knew her worry was misplaced. Bluz and Jazz could take care of themselves. They had taught her the ropes. Still, she cared for them and wouldn’t relax completely until she knew they were safe.

  Kade’s hands stilled on her shoulders and he fell silent for a long moment. “Will you and Traborn be able to work this out? It’s obvious you still care for each other.”

  “It might be obvious to you, but I’m not sure he sees it that way. I think he’s trying to work me out of his system.”

  After a silent pause, Kade cupped her breasts, coating them with the fragrant lotion. “I think it will take longer than three days to tire of you.”

  She leaned against Kade’s chest as he caressed her breasts, his touch gentle and comforting. Traborn had been happy to have her suck his cock, but he hadn’t kissed her and he’d only taken her from behind. He wanted to enjoy her body without… She didn’t know what the hell he wanted. She only knew he was breaking her heart.

  Pushing Traborn to the back of her mind, she focused on Kade. “Why are you really here? Your actions don’t make sense. You were one step away from freedom.”

  He turned her and guided her down to the bed. His crystal blue eyes stared into hers, glistening with secrets. “I… I had never known freedom until I touched you.” He took the thrall collar and fastened it around her neck. His words made the symbol all the more significant.

  “It’s a flattering sentiment, but that wasn’t what you were going to say.” He closed the cuffs around her wrists and found the cable at the top of the bed. There was enough slack to allow her to move from side to side or sit up. She had no desire to do either. Drawing her hands above her head, he fastened the cable to her cuffs, then trailed his fingers from neck to knees. She kept her thighs pressed together, refusing to be distracted by passion. “I’ve learned to live by my instincts. Why are you lying to me?”

  He knelt beside her, his smoldering gaze fixed on her mound. “It’s not a lie. I fucked Kalleto because I was contractually obligated to please her. I performed for Chaya because he could have ended my life with the snap of his fingers. I had never touched a woman because I wanted to, until I met you.” Pushing her thighs apart and bending her knees, he moved between her legs and traced her crease.

  Her well trained body immediately responded to his touch, melting and ripening for his pleasure. She sensed no deception in his words, yet doubt lingered on the fringes of
her mind. “You’ll enjoy that freedom with every person you take to your bed now.” She tried to close her legs, but he was lodged between them. “Why put yourself at the mercy of a pirate?”

  “He’s a privateer.”

  “And you’re evading the issue.” She drew back her leg and kicked him in the shoulder.

  The unexpected aggression drew his gaze to her face. “Everything I told you about my escape was true, except for the timing. I made arrangements to leave Palonti two days before Kalleto was executed. When I learned of Chaya’s intention to castrate me, my departure became more urgent.”

  “So you sneaked aboard my ship.” He nodded. This is what he’d told her before, so why was he acting so squirrelly? “How had you intended to leave Palonti?”

  He heaved a sigh of resignation and rocked back on his heels. “Aboard the Retribution.”

  Understanding slammed into her and she kicked him with both feet, toppling him off the end of the bed. “Traborn attacked my ship to retrieve you?”

  “I had no way to contact him and let him know I was unharmed.” He came to his feet as gracefully as he could, anger and regret mingling in his eyes. “I transmitted the name of the ship on which I intended to stowaway before I boarded. After that I couldn’t risk your detecting any form of transmission.”

  “This was never about me.” She drew her hands down in front of her and rolled to her side. “If you had chosen any other ship, I’d never have found out Traborn is alive.”

  Chapter Six

  A problem with the navigational system kept Traborn occupied well into the following night. He had food sent to his cabin and did his best to concentrate on his job. When he was finally able to return, he found Ivy curled up on the bed sound asleep. Kade sat in a chair across from her, a steaming cup of coffee cradled between his hands. He wore a royal blue bathrobe and his expression was troubled.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I told her I was responsible for the attack on her ship.”

  The simple statement brimmed with implications. The Chameleon’s agreement with Kade had necessitated the attack on the Chrysalis, but Kade had nothing to do with Traborn’s decision to bring Ivy on board. Why did you bring Ivy aboard? He needed to figure out the answer to that question before he could decide how angry he was with Kade.


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