Hot Toddy [Frostbite Falls Christmas 2]

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Hot Toddy [Frostbite Falls Christmas 2] Page 10

by Willa Edwards

  After torturing her clit for a minute, Kyle shoved two fingers into her pussy. She gasped at the sudden sensation, so full her whole body shook. She’d never felt anything like it. The joint sensation of not just multiple fingers inside her, fucking her in two different places, but from two different people, sent her spinning. The slight twists of their fingers, just different enough she could never forget they were two different men, had her gasping. Not that she could forget. Not with both their hard, male bodies pressed against her. Their twin pants filled her ears.

  Kyle leaned his forehead against her shoulder, groaning against her skin. “You’re so fucking wet, sweetheart. Your pussy is clenching on me so hard.”

  It wasn’t intentional. It just happened. Each thrust of their fingers pushed her higher. Past any rational thought until she could only react. React to them and the pleasure they gave her.

  “I know.” Chase’s voice sounded more moan than words. “It’s so fucking hot.”

  “Damn right.” Kyle pushed his fingers deeper inside her, at the same moment as Chase twisted his thumb, sending shudders of pleasure through her body.

  She fought for breath. Luckily Chase wrapped his other arm around her waist, holding her upright. Otherwise she might have collapsed into a pile of goo between them.

  “I can’t wait to fuck that tight ass of yours.” Kyle wrapped his hand around to rub her clit. All her muscles jerked beneath the slight brush. That answered one of her questions. They’d already figured out the order. “But first I want to watch you come. I want to see you scream with both our fingers inside you.”

  God, when he said that she almost came right then. His deep husky tone in her ear, his strong hands on her body. She was so close, she was surprised she hadn’t come already. Her whole body shook from wanting, the release just out of reach.

  Not waiting for a response—which was good, since she doubted she was capable of one—Kyle continued his maddening brush on her clit. Chase continued to thrust his thumb into her ass. The friction of his finger twisting inside shot her higher. Kyle pressed down on her clit at the same time as Chase slammed his fingers inside her, and she couldn’t hold back.

  Her whole body tensed. A hard ball of need tightened deep in her stomach before it exploded into a thousand shattered stars. She screamed out as her legs clenched around Chase, fighting for breath as the tidal wave threatened to take her away.

  And through it all they continued their maddening rhythm, lengthening her orgasm with each stroke of their fingers. Pleasure twirled through her until she almost begged them to stop. But it was impossible to speak as each new wave of bliss battered her down, pulling her under their spell.

  When the pleasure finally ebbed, Kyle removed his fingers. She collapsed onto Chase without Kyle’s strong steady presence to keep her upright.

  Chase’s hold kept her pinned to the moment, steadying her right down to her very soul. They had a way of doing that, keeping her together even as they flung her apart. Their presence beside her made her feel like everything was always going to be just fine. Better than fine. Amazing. It was hard to believe only a day ago she’d never felt this before. Their arms around her, their bodies cradling her, their soft breath in her hair.

  The rustle of the bag drew her attention, and she picked up her head to look over at Kyle.

  “I want you to know, sweetheart, we never expected you’d be ready for this so soon.” The heat in Kyle’s eyes threatened to scorch her right to the spot. “We were willing to wait as long as you needed. But we dreamed, and we hoped. And we prepared.”

  The honesty in his words touched her, and she had no trouble believing him. If she uttered one word of concern right now, she had no doubt he’d take that bag away and not retrieve it until she asked for it again. Until she showed him she was ready for both of them.

  But she was ready now. She wanted them now.

  “We were Boy Scouts, you know.” Chase smiled up at her from between her legs. His mouth still glistened with her arousal. “Best in our class. We believe in always being prepared.”

  Reaching into the bag, Kyle extracted a thick pink plug and a tube of lubricant. Just the sight had her whole body shaking.

  “I see that.” She’d never been more thankful for the Boy Scout motto in her life. If she had to guess, those weren’t the only treats in that bag. She looked forward to seeing what else they had bought for her. Tomorrow. She had her hands full today. One debauched activity at a time.

  Kyle opened the lube and spread it along the hot pink dildo. She had no question where he intended to place that silicone. Her body flamed but didn’t reject the idea. No, it didn’t sound bad at all. Especially if it moved her closer to where she most wanted to be. Between the two of them.

  Kyle placed a hand on her lower back, easing her forward. Her body automatically responded to his quiet commands. Bracing her hands on either side of Chase’s head, she pushed forward, offering Kyle all she had to give.

  “This won’t be as big as one of our cocks, but it will help get your body accustomed to the sensation.” Grabbing her ankle, Kyle spread her legs farther apart. She gripped the sheets harder, needing the stability more than ever, as her thigh muscles threatened to rebel from the pressure.

  “We had planned to do this over a much longer period of time. Getting your body used to anal play over multiple sessions. But you’re too impatient.” That was a word no one ever used to describe her before. Impatient, impulsive, demanding. Those were descriptions no one ever associated with Lydia.

  She didn’t make decisions quickly or without thought. Though if she were being honest, she hadn’t made many decisions, period. She let others decide everything for her. She just went along. She’d moved to Frostbite Falls because Jason had wanted to move here. She’d taken the job at the county clerk’s office because Victoria had encouraged her it would be the best way to integrate into the town. She couldn’t think of any decision she’d made in the last few years.

  Except this. She’d decided to take on both of them. To skip their plans and preparations because she wanted it. Because she wanted them. More than anything.

  A warm strength ran through her, a power she’d never experienced before. If this is what it felt like to take control, she’d be doing it a hell of a lot more. If this is what it meant to be impatient, she’d be the most impatient person in all Frostbite Falls.

  She moaned as a cool substance spread against her asshole, sending a shiver through her. The substance warmed quickly against her skin. Especially as Kyle continued to massage the tingling nerves until she shifted her hips back to meet his fingers. A groan echoed from her before he picked up the bright pink silicone dildo and pressed it to the same spot.

  “Hold on, sweetheart.” The dildo teased her anus, rocking back and forth across the delicate nerves several times before breaching the opening. She breathed deep as he slowly pushed the fake cock inside her, gasping with each new inch that invaded her.

  Just when she thought she couldn’t take it anymore, Chase licked her clit, sending a wash of bliss tingling through her body. Her pussy clenched, and her ass convulsed around the silicone inside her. It burned at first, but quickly morphed to pleasure, until she couldn’t tell the difference anymore. They were both erotic, foreign, and exciting. Chase flicking his tongue across her aching clit didn’t hurt either.

  Kyle pushed the dildo into her slowly, giving her time to adjust but never stopping. Each tiny shift of the dildo sent new spasms through her body. Desperation shook through her and settled in her stomach. Chase continued his magic with his mouth, suckling her clit as he thrust a finger inside her. The added pressure flared against all her sensitive places and stole her breath.

  “How does that feel, sweetheart?”

  She only whimpered in response. It was all she could do. Words were so far beyond her at this point she probably couldn’t pick them out of a lineup.

  “She’s also clenching on my finger so hard.” Chase withdrew his finger
and shoved it back in. Another moan leaked from her lips, her fingers gripping the sheets so hard they cramped, but she didn’t register the pain compared to the other sensations running through her. Pain was inconsequential compared to everything else she was feeling. “I think she’s ready for more.”

  “Is that true, sweetheart?” Kyle’s words were a husky roar in her ear, sending a shower of need rushing through her. “Are you ready for more?”

  “Yes,” she managed to whisper after three tries. The single word was all her dizzy brain could think of. But it did the job.

  Slowly Kyle pulled the dildo from her. The friction as it withdrawal shot through her like lightning. She’d thought him inserting the hot pink dick had been sensual, but the removal was just as erotic. In a different way. Brushing against a whole different set of nerves. Heat curled through her, clogging her throat and clouding her brain.

  Kyle placed three kisses on her shoulder before shuffling away. She shivered at the absence of his warmth against her back. She was suddenly cold without both of them around her.

  It didn’t make any sense to her. It probably never would. But she needed both of them. She wasn’t complete without both of them. She sent a silent prayer up to the heavens that they’d never make her choose between them. It would be like choosing one of her limbs to remove. She couldn’t do it.

  Chase rubbed his hands along her legs, replacing some of the heat she missed. He licked his lips, the movement so sensual her temperature spiked another degree. “Has anyone ever told you how amazing you taste?”

  She shook her head, the very idea coiling deep in her stomach.

  “Well, you do. Like sweet berries and desire. It’s fucking amazing. Just like the rest of you.”

  He winked at her as he grabbed a condom from the mysterious black bag. The sound of the foil ripping flashed electricity through her body. A small part of her wanted to help him, to smooth that latex over his cock and watch his eyes roll back in his head at the touch. But with how her arms shook, her body jittering, she didn’t trust herself to move. One shift and she might faceplant in the middle of the bed, or even worse knock him down with her. She couldn’t think of anything less romantic.

  Extracting the condom from the wrapper, he slipped the rubber over his cock in one quick movement, maintaining eye contact the whole time. Letting her know, in no uncertain terms, all he meant for her.

  His task complete, he grabbed her hips and shoved her down his body until her pussy rested above his cock. The dark determined look in his eye had her fighting back a gasp. And she just might have, if she’d had any oxygen left in her lungs.

  “I’m going to enter you first, and then Kyle will join us.”

  She nodded, needing the stability of his instructions more than she realized. She was in uncharted waters in every way she could think of. Kyle pulled his own condom from the bag and donned it quickly and applied more of the slick lubricant to his dick. His large hand spreading the shiny substance over his cock had her shaking even harder.

  Chase traced a finger over her cheek, redirecting her gaze back to him. “We’ll make this good for you, honey.” The honesty in his gaze had her throat constricting. “I promise.”

  “I know.” She believed him. One way or another they’d make sure she enjoyed this. If for no other reason than to be able to do it again. And she’d do her best to offer them the same.

  Placing her hands on his chest, she pushed up and slid back down on Chase’s cock. They both moaned at his entry. Chase held her steady as they both gasped and panted, his hands shaking on her sides. And she understood. Every inch of her trembled. But it also felt so damn good she almost couldn’t breathe.

  Restless quivers raced through her, and she couldn’t hold back. She needed to move. She needed to give pleasure, to feel connected to them, in every way possible. She shifted her hips back and forth across his lap, enjoying the glide of his cock in and out of her in tiny increments, the way her sensitive skin brushing against his.

  “You’re fucking killing me, honey.” He groaned, and god, she loved it. She wasn’t sure if the woman she’d been a few days ago would enjoy it. She probably would have felt bad for causing him even a tiny bit of pain. But she didn’t feel bad anymore. She understood now it didn’t always have to be about them. It was okay to take a little fun for herself. And from the big grin on his face, he wasn’t too upset.

  “Is our girl being naughty?” Kyle growled behind her, his breath puffing through her hair. His arm synched around her waist, giving her no room to escape.

  God, she loved the way he said that. Their girl. That’s all she wanted to be. Their girl. In every way possible.

  “She’s being very naughty.” Chase’s words sounded condemning, but the big smile on his face said otherwise. “Save me, brother.”

  Kyle laughed. “I’ll do my best.” The press of his fingers encouraged her to bend forward. And she followed his silent instructions. Her skin tingled where he touched her, sending shivers deep into her pelvis. The brush of Chase’s chest hair against her nipples as she leaned against him was an added bonus she’d hadn’t anticipated.

  But she barely had a second to enjoy the sensation, before Kyle’s hands spread her cheeks apart. Cool air brushed across the sensitive opening, and everything inside her shuddered. Naughty and foreign, her body didn’t quite know how to process the sensation.

  “I don’t know how much help I’ll be, but I have something in store for her.” The wicked chuckle in his voice rumbled through her, settling in all her sensitive places.

  She moaned as he pressed more lube into ass, spreading his fingers inside her to ease the way. His constant care tingled through her. But she didn’t want consideration anymore. She wanted heat. She wanted passion. She wanted them.

  “Ready, sweetheart?” The deep husky growl tickled her ear. His hands tightened on her hips, holding her steady as his cock bumped against the opening buried between her cheeks.

  She nodded. She’d come this far. She wasn’t backing out now. Come hell or high water, she wanted to be with them. In every way.

  She sucked in a deep breath as he started to push inside. Even with all the lube he’d used, his entry still burned. Her hands fisted in the sheets, as she tried to relax and let him through. She wanted this, she tried to tell herself. She wanted it so much, but her body wouldn’t agree.

  He only made it in an inch before her muscles seized, tightening around the invading cock and refusing to let him thrust any further. He paused, his hands holding her side. He rubbed her back, trying to ease her clenching muscles and give her the space to adjust. Chase pressed sweet little kisses along her cheeks and chin, doing his best to calm her ragged nerves.

  “I’m sorry,” she whimpered, fighting back the sheen of mostly angry tears from her eyes.

  She’d wanted this so much. She wanted them so much. As much as she wanted to show them, her body wouldn’t listen. Her every muscle was strung tight and tense, fighting back the foreign infiltration.

  “It’s okay, sweetheart.” Anxiety vibrated through Kyle’s voice, and she wanted nothing more than to comfort him. But at the moment she couldn’t do more than breathe through the sensation.

  “If it’s too much, we can stop.” Kyle’s knees slid along the bed as if to leave. The shift sent ice crashing down her spine.

  “No.” She pushed through her clenched teeth, using what little oxygen she had to form the words. She gripped his leg, keeping him close. “Just give me a minute. Please.”

  Kyle didn’t respond. Instead he stilled behind her. Not moving forward but not stepping away either. Just waiting. For her.

  She leaned her head against Chase’s shoulders, breathing through the burn. Kyle was so much thicker than the dildo, and definitely larger than Chase’s thumb. Her muscles weren’t prepared. But she could adapt to it. She would. She had to. Because one way or another this was happening.

  Chase traced his fingers across her nape, the soft brushes comforting and
sweet. Just like the sound of his heartbeat against her ear calmed her. Slowly the desperate clench of her muscles eased. It wasn’t exactly pleasure, but it wasn’t pain anymore. Just uncomfortable. Like being stuffed in a too-small seat.

  “Okay,” she managed to gasp, shuffling her hips back a little. Hoping to show Kyle she was ready in not just words but actions.

  “Are you sure, sweetheart?” His hands ran along either side of her body. Each time his fingers brushed the outer curve of her breasts, her nerves came to life again. Heat spiraled out from his touch, curling deep into her stomach.

  “I want this.” More than she could ever describe. “Please.” She never thought there would be a day where she’d beg a man to fuck her in the ass. But she’d never thought she’d meet anyone like Kyle or Chase either. And now that she had them both, nothing would stand in her way.

  With one more quick kiss to her shoulder, Kyle tightened his hands on her hips and started to thrust into her. This time he moved slower, pushing into her with such tender care tears pricked her eyes. It couldn’t be easy for him. She didn’t know a ton about male anatomy, but she knew slow and steady didn’t come without difficulty.

  A glance down at Chase showed he seemed to be having the same issue. His brow was furrowed, his jaw tense. But when his eyes met hers, his whole face broke into a happy smile. Her heart thudded, bleeding away some of the anxiety that came to life in her chest.

  When Kyle was finally seated inside her, he let out a long low groan. He stilled, his body vibrated against hers. The energy it required to hold back was evident in every tense muscle pressed against her back.

  Chase cupped her face in his big hands and pressed butterfly kisses across her cheeks before reaching her lips. The small gesture was so pure, her heart skipped a beat. She snaked a hand around her back, wrapping it around Kyle, needing to feel connected to both of them.

  Kyle groaned again. He gripped her hip harder as he slowly slid out of her. The sensuous glide of his cock through tender tissues had her breath shuddering. Every nerve in her ass trembled beneath the friction of his retreat. And just when she thought she’d lose her mind with the sensation, he thrust back in just as slow, sending a whole different set of jitters tearing through her body.


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