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Indulge Page 49

by Liv Morris

  She nodded. “Good. I don’t want some other fucking person raising our kids.” She winked. “I want to corrupt them ourselves.”

  I laughed. “I’ll drink to that.”

  “But seriously, thank you.”

  “Anything for you,” I said, pinching her chin and turning her head to meet mine. I placed a soft peck on her lips, her nose and then her forehead before cupping the back of her neck. “You’re my forever. I’ll do anything for you.”

  She looked away but not before I caught her wiping under her eye. Was she crying? If she was, it was due to happiness by the hint of a small smile splayed on her lips.

  “I love you.”

  She reached for my hand. “I love you.”

  Chapter 25

  In the Public Eye


  Everything about our dinner had been wonderful. The food was delicious, unlike anything I had ever tried before. Clearly, real Italian food in Italy was far better than that Olive Garden bullshit in the states. Not only would I never enjoy their fake Alfredo again, but I was pretty sure if anyone tried to drag me there, I would burn the place to the ground. Okay, so I am dramatic. I own that!

  My biggest shock came in the form of Mathis this evening. Not only had our conversation flowed so naturally when the subject turned to children, but the intimate act of him feeding me almost had me stripping my clothes off and begging him to bend me over the table right then and there. I was grateful at his restraint, because I was hungry as hell. For dinner and for him.

  “You look like you are in outer space, love.” His words snapped me out of my daydreaming. My mind lusting after him. Why think about it when he was really here with me. Ready and willing by all appearances. His hard dick was still clear as day pressed against the tight black designer pants I had found on one of my shopping trips earlier in the week.

  “I was just thinking about tonight, that’s all.” I couldn’t help but smile. Everything about him made me happy. He may drive me fucking bonkers sometimes, but I was sure I did the same to him. As insane as it sounded, I couldn’t imagine my life without him. It would just be empty. I mean, I was content with my life but I never knew what I was missing until now.

  “What about the night, Jenny?” He wasn’t going to let it go. Always pestering me. I wanted to throttle him and kiss him all at once. See! I am just bi-polar and bat shit crazy. Don’t mind me!

  “I really love how naturally this all comes to us. I didn’t think about it much until we started talking about having kids. Starting a family. It makes me smile knowing we are on the same page so much. Now I am rambling and I am going to shut up.” I laughed and he joins me but not before he pulls me out of my chair and into his lap.

  The hotel balcony is open, and spacious. We can view the beautiful lights surrounding the Venice canal. All the small homes and buildings lining the water lit up like small lightening bugs in the distance.

  “Jenny. When you told me you wanted a baby...” he paused, but only to steal a quick kiss before continuing his thought, “it was the best day of my life.”

  “I don’t know what was holding me back. I mean, I am scared. But with you by my side, I don’t really have a lot to be scared of. I am not that young anymore. It is part of life. But I am just warning you, Mathis. If I get as big as a house, you better keep your dick in your pants because I swear, with God as my witness, I will chop your dick off, and throw it from the penthouse balcony. Don’t try me.”

  His laughter boomed through the air and his hands push under my ass to protect his poor manhood from my threat.

  “Jenny, you could never be ugly to me. Just never shut me out.” His lips met mine. The kiss began as a sweet and sensual confession of our love for one another. But when I moved my legs to straddle his lap and all bets were off. The pent up sexual frustration of the day was too much. My mouth became hungry for possession. I pushed my limits as I started to unbutton his shirt. My fingers couldn’t work fast enough, and I grabbed both ends and pull. Buttons flew all over the balcony and I could feel his laugh vibrate through my mouth.

  “Shit, Jenny,” he growled as my hands reached down to work his belt.

  Before I made it to the button of his pants, he was lifting me from his lap. His strong hands grabbed for the hem of my dress and it pulled over my head before I realized what he was doing.

  “Mmmmm,” was all I could manage. I was completely naked on the balcony of our hotel room. Scratch that, I still had my sky high, black polka dot pumps on.

  “God, Jenny. Fuck, you are gorgeous.” His hand grabbed at my waist and the other pulled the tablecloth, dishes shatter in every direction. Glass broke and the pans clatter. If anyone was listening in the surrounding rooms, I was sure someone would be calling security.

  His pants dropped around his ankles and he bended me over the small bistro table.

  “Hold on to the edge of the table, love.”

  I wrapped my fingers firmly around the edge of the bare table and his hard dick slammed right into my wet pussy. I was more than ready for him.

  “Oh God!” I cried out and his hand gripped my hip tighter. The other hand slapped down coming in contact with my pale white ass. God, this man loved spanking me. Branding me. I shouldn’t be excited by it, but I was. The pain gives me so much damn pleasure.

  “Fuck, Mathis.” I couldn’t keep my words to myself. He felt so good seated so deep inside me.

  His pumps became more frantic as his hand grabbed onto my breast, rolling and pinching my puckered nipple as he completely pulled out and pushes back in. Deep.

  “God, you are so fucking tight,” he growled. “I love this hot cunt so much, Jenny. It is like your beautiful pussy was created for me. Only me. Tell me, Jenny. Tell me it is mine.”

  I loved it when he talked dirty. It brought me to another level entirely. “My tight cunt is only yours, Mathis. Only yours, baby.”

  My body was coiled so tight, I knew my orgasm was so fucking close. I let go of the table and ran my finger along my swollen clit, and that was all I needed. My body exploded in waves of pleasure as I moaned out his name into the night sky.

  “Mathis, God! Oh my God, Mathis!”

  “Mmmm say my name, I love it when you say my name when you come, Jenny.” His thrusts picked up and before I knew it, he was grunting his own pleasure into my ear. His own orgasm flooded into my cunt, and I could feel every drop empty deep into me.

  “Jenny,” he whispered into my ear as his arms wrapped tightly around my body.

  “Hmmm,” I replied as my body melted against his warm chest.

  “I pray we just made that baby we were talking about earlier.” His lips pressed to my temple, and I couldn’t help but hope the same.


  The next morning we slept in. After staying up most of the night making love, I needed it.

  Around noon, Mathis woke me up with a gentle shake. Looking at the clock, I couldn’t believe I slept so damn late.

  “Why didn’t you wake me?” I stretched out and kicked my feet off the side of the bed. I felt completely refreshed. The most well rested since we took on the whole tourist thing.

  “You looked so peaceful, you needed it.” His mouth met mine for a chaste kiss. “Why don’t you get ready, I have someplace I want to take you.” He was giddy like a child. Absolutely adorable when he got like this. So excited about something, even if he was keeping a secret.

  In no time flat, we were strolling out of the hotel, hand-in-hand, and down the busy cobblestone street. We talked about nothing as we made our way through the crowds and then we finally turned a corner.

  My eyes went wide when I saw one of the most beautiful churches imaginable. I gasped and Mathis’ grip on my hand tightened.


  “Isn’t it beautiful?” he asked me while pulling me toward the crowds. “This is St. Mark’s Basilica. Today, we pray.”

  My parents would be in complete shock if they could see this, see us. See my husband b
ringing me to one of the oldest churches in the world so we could pray together. While I may not be the most religious nut out there, he knew how important it was to me growing up. My parents made that clear when they were in our hair.

  “What do we pray for today, Mathis? Health, happiness, a long love for the ages?”

  He smiled and pressed a kiss to my hand. “All of the above. A family, happiness, a life where we annoy each other for eternity.”

  We both laughed, and he pulled me close.

  “I love you,” he whispered into my ear and we made our way through the masses and into the ancient church.

  As we knelt to pray, Mathis’ phone started ringing. Talk about embarrassing. He silenced the phone in his pocket, held my hand and we continued our silent prayers.


  “Nora, slow down. What happened?”

  Nora was frantic on the other end of the phone. Something about Lori being injured by a client. Screaming about how I needed to come back to Vegas immediately. My worst fears were coming to life, all while I was half a world away.

  “Lori was with a client. He was apparently drunk, and crashed the car.” She choked back a sob and tried to continue through her tears. “Jenny, it’s bad. It’s so bad. Did you know she had a baby? He is alone. There is no one to take care of him. God, Jenny! Please come back!”

  “A baby?” That was the only thing that stood out to me out of the entire conversation. Not the fact that my number one girl was in the hospital. Not the fact that she never thought it was necessary to actually tell me she was a mother. God, it wasn’t like I asked, but what the fuck?

  “Nora, we will be back as soon as we can. Please, get that little boy and bring him to our penthouse. Take care of him and when I get there, I will sort this all out.” I let out a sigh, and I felt like I am the one completely to blame. One of my clients did this to her. She put her trust in me and my client and this is what happened.

  “Nora, who was the client?” I had to know.

  She was silent for a long time. Just as I was about to speak again, I could hear her voice break through a small sob.

  “Jenny, it was Jude.”

  And my world crumbled into a million pieces as my legs gave out in the middle of a crowded square. The only thing I could feel was my husband catching me.

  Chapter 26

  Some People’s Nerve


  I never thought seeing my wife break before my eyes would be one of the hardest things I ever had to see but, it was. It was downright fucking painful. I may have grown up with a cold hearted dick for a father, but that hatred luckily never seeped into me. I wouldn’t let it.

  My arms wrapped around Jennifer as the cell phone dropped out of her hand and shattered on the cobblestone street. “Love, what’s wrong?” I knew there was an accident from what I could gather from her conversation. Was it bad?

  “Jude…” She shook her head. “I can’t fucking believe that asshole.” Her breaths came out in small gasps, her tiny body shaking against me.

  I grabbed her chin and tilted her head. “Breathe, baby.”

  Tears rolled down her cheeks. “We have to go home.”

  I nodded and placed a kiss on her mouth. “Of course. Want to tell me what happened?”

  She huffed and angrily wiped the tears away. “Lori was in an accident because…” She let out an aggravated sigh. “Jude was drinking. He was fucking drinking, Mathis. She has a baby boy! Oh God.” Sobs wracked her shoulders. “It’s my fault. All my fucking fault.”

  My stomach clenched. “Hey.” I cupped her cheeks. “It’s not your fault. You didn’t know that he would stoop low enough to drink and drive. Listen to me, Jennifer. It’s not your fault,” I said, my voice firm.

  Jennifer chewed her bottom lip. “Okay. I’m so sorry to cut our trip short.”

  “Don’t be. We can always come back anytime you want to.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered.


  What the hell was Jude thinking when he got in the car with Lori? Was he trying to kill himself and her? Fine if he was hell bent on hurting himself, but did he not care who he took down with him? Was he that fucking desperate to get Jennifer’s attention?

  All of these questions rang through my mind as we sat in the cold sterile waiting area of the Emergency Room, patiently waiting for the doctor to tell us what the hell was going on. Jennifer was frantically talking to Nora in the corner, as they held each other’s hands. No doubt pulling strength from one and other. They both desperately needed it.

  Nora’s usually perfectly styled blonde hair was wild and unkempt like she had been awake all night. I had no doubt that no one had slept. I know for a fact, Jennifer didn’t.

  “I’m so sorry.”

  My back stiffened at Nora’s quiet words.

  “I told Jude to drive Lori home. He only had a couple of drinks. I thought he was fine, but he must have had more than I thought. Oh God, Jenny. It’s my fault,” the woman sobbed.

  Jennifer shook her head and wrapped her arms around her best friend, whispering in her ear.

  “Hey boss.”

  I looked up and nodded as Dean sat beside me. My bodyguard, my best friend, was sporting blue jeans and a black leather jacket. The guy was dressed casual and it threw me for a second.


  I shook my head. “No. Just not used to seeing you out of a suit.”

  Dean chuckled and scrubbed a hand down his face. “It’s been a long night.”

  “I bet,” I said and clapped a hand on the guy’s shoulder.

  “It’s a fucking mess, Mathis.”

  My heart raced at the gruffness of his voice. Was Lori going to make it? Was Jude? God, it would destroy Jennifer if she lost either of them. I had to get over the fact that Jude was a big part of her life. As much as I hated the guy, I was man enough to know and respect that. It has just taken me time to get here.

  “Are you family?”

  We all turned to a large man standing at the entrance to the waiting room. Bags lined under his eyes and he pulled at the collar around his throat. He looked tired and miserable. The only way I knew he was a doctor was by the white lab coat he was wearing.

  Nora rose to her feet. “Yes.”

  The doctor frowned but nodded once. “They’re both stable and resting.”

  A unison sigh erupted around the room.

  “They’re fine?” Nora asked, bringing a shaky hand up to her mouth. Jennifer came up behind her and placed her hand on the woman’s shoulders.

  The doctor nodded. “Yes. Mr. Emerson had the most injuries but they’re both resting. You can see them once they regain consciousness ...”

  “Oh thank you, Doctor” the women said at the same time.

  Served Jude fucking right. I hated to say it or even think it, but it looked good on him. With all the shit I did in my life, drinking and driving was not one of them.

  Jennifer sat down beside me and grabbed onto my arm, pulling it onto her lap. She took a shaky breath. “I can’t believe Jude did this.”

  I bit back a scoff. At first, I couldn’t either but if he was that desperate, it didn’t really surprise me. I can’t even begin to think what kind of shit I would pull if Jennifer walked away from me, so in a way I couldn’t blame the guy, even if it bothered me.

  “I’m gonna fucking rip him a new one,” she mumbled.

  Dean and I chuckled.

  “Oh we know, love,” I said, kissing her hair.

  I watched as Nora sat on the other side of the room and stifled a sob. I frowned and elbowed Dean. Could he really be that oblivious to her pain?

  He grunted.

  “Trouble in paradise?” I whispered.

  He sighed. “Not talking about it.”


  “Nora,” Dean barked.

  She looked our way and glared at him.

  “Come here,” he demanded.

  She huffed and sat beside him.

  He wr
apped an arm around her shoulders, whispering in her ear.

  I didn’t know what had happened but I hoped for the best they could work it out or forget their issue for the time being. The girls needed us. And when Jude woke up, he better pray he had a good explanation for the shit he pulled.

  Chapter 27

  This is Motherhood?


  I sat at Lori’s bedside for hours. Doctors and nurses came in and out, running tests and checking on her condition, but I couldn’t move. I wouldn’t move until she woke up and knew I was there for her, no matter what. The elephant in the room remained, the poor baby boy which Nora was taking care of in my penthouse right this minute. I wanted to rush home and tend to him myself, but I had too much to do first.

  The door opened and Dean stood in the doorway with a pissed off look on his face.

  “Jude is awake. I’ll sit with Lori.” Before I could form a single thought, I jumped from the shitty wooden chair and stalked in the direction of his ICU room. The click of my heels echoed through the hallway, until I found myself outside of his door. The heavy wooden door was cracked open and I could hear the medical staff asking him a series of questions.

  As much as I didn’t want to calm down, I had to. If I didn’t pull my shit together, I was going to be removed from the hospital in handcuffs. Although, that could totally make for an awesome story someday. Jude wasn’t worth it.

  I slowly slid through the door and made my way to his bedside. He didn’t notice me at first, but I noticed how horrible he looked.

  His blue eyes were nearly swollen shut and there were cuts all over his face. A large bandage covered his forehead and one of his arms. His voice was weak, quiet, when he answered all of the questions thrown at him.

  As the staff slowly moved out of the room, his gaze fell on me.

  “Don’t, Jude. Just don’t.”

  A tear rolled down his battered cheek.

  It took everything in me not to wipe it with my finger. The feelings I once had for Jude were there, but they are no longer love. Everything I felt for him was deeply rooted in pity.


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