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Page 68

by Liv Morris

  “We can’t sit around here all day. We need to get you packed up, and go back to my place to pack, if you want to make that trip tonight.”

  She’s right, but I really wish we could just lay around naked all day. She pops up, taking the towel with her and wrapping it around her body. She picks up her clothes and walks to the bathroom. I get up to follow her, when she turns looking at me. “No, Garrett, stay there. A girl needs privacy sometimes.”

  I poke out my bottom lip, pouting. “I want to help you get dressed, baby.”

  She looks at me, smiling, “Another time. Go get ready, so I can go home and pack. It takes me forever to get our things together.”

  We leave my parents’ house with all my stuff. I didn’t really have a lot, but I’m taking it all with me in hopes of not returning to this house when we get home from Nashville.

  “Sweetheart, can Sierra miss a few days of school? I want to keep you guys in Nashville for a few days and show you around. I’m also hoping Courtney will spit out that kiddo while we’re there.”

  She shrugs. “I don’t see why not. I know that I don’t want to come back without you,” she says, and it makes me so happy that we’re on the same page about that. I know for sure I’d never be able to put the two of them on a plane to come home with me knowing I’ll be leaving for the tour in eleven days. I’m dreading that. But I’ll be spending the next eleven days giving them my undivided attention.

  We say good-bye to my parents. They make us promise to visit and bring Sierra when we get back from Nashville. They know that this girl has captured my heart and is a permanent fixture. They couldn’t be happier.

  On the car ride back to her house Alexis is checking her emails and trying to respond. “Ugh…why now? I’ve had enough.”

  I hear her talking to her phone under her breath. “Sweetheart, everything okay?”

  She looks at me, remaining silent for a minute, and then nods her head. “Yeah. It’s fine. I’ll deal with it,” she says, clearly frustrated.

  “Baby, I don’t want you to deal with anything on your own. I want you to talk to me. Tell me what’s upsetting you,” I implore, but she just shakes her head no. “Grrr…Lex. What the hell is it? I’m going to be worried sick until you tell me.” I’m not asking anymore. I want to know what the hell’s upsetting my girl. I don’t want or need anymore more crap getting in the way of her ‘Happy Ever After’.

  “It’s my mom. She emailed. She wants money. I’m not going to deal with it. Jason will, but she doesn’t usually contact me. It’s just frustrating because she always picks the times in my life when things are going well to walk in a screw everything up.”

  Shit. No way am I letting that woman, who mistreated Lex for so long, anywhere near her. I’ll handle it once and for all. “Send me her info, Lex. I’ll handle it,” I say, but she screams at me.

  “HELL NO GARRETT! You stay the hell out of this. This is between Jason and me. It’s not anything for you to handle. If you even think about it…EVER…It’ll be a deal breaker!”

  Well, to hell with that. I’m not promising anything if Lex isn’t safe. She can’t put those kinds of restraints on me. “Lex, I’ll let Jason handle it, as long as that woman poses no threat to you or Sierra. If that changes, deal breaker or not, I’m stepping in. Got it, lady?” She’s looking at me with that little pissed off, hot tempered face, but I’ve got one to match, so it doesn’t really affect me. “Call your brother, now,” I order.

  By the time we make it back to Lex’s house she’s called Jason, and he’s agreed to handle the mother situation. I’ll call his little ass tomorrow and verify it’s done. I can’t have crap like this upsetting Lex. She’s been through enough, but I’m sure he’ll agree.

  We head right upstairs to start packing. I know we’re running a bit behind because of our little after breakfast escapades and Lex’s temper tantrum in the car. She’s looking a little stressed and rushing.

  “Sweetheart, you’re looking stressed, still. What can I do?” I ask.

  “Garrett, I have to pick up Sierra in an hour and a half, and we need to be packed before then, because we’ll have to go straight to the airport from there.”

  “No, sweetheart. We have more than enough time. I’ll go get Sierra. Relax. The plane won’t leave without us. I promise. What can I help you with?”

  Still looking stressed, but trying to relax a little she says, “Can you get the luggage out of my closet? I’ll gather clothes for Sierra.”

  It does take a lot more time than I expected for Lex to pack, but it’s because there’s so much to gather for Sierra – a bag of things for the airplane to keep her busy (electronics, and stuff), a bag of clothes, her special blanket and favorite stuffed animal, a small bag of toys and things for Sierra to play with at my house. Then, Lex has a bag of clothes, a bag of toiletries, and her backpack with her laptop and stuff. I can’t believe how much is needed for these girls to travel for one week. Not that I really care. I’d move the whole damn house to keep her with me for this week if she wanted.

  I’ve called a limo service to drive us to dinner and the airport. I want to get my girls a nice dinner before the flight, because it’ll be after Sierra’s bedtime when we arrive. I know Lex likes to feed her early.

  We leave the luggage by the door when we finish packing, with time to spare for a few kisses, and then we rush off to get Sierra. I’m excited to pick her up from school. I love that she wants to show me off. I’ve never wanted to be paraded around more. I love my little princess.

  When we get to the school, Lex tells me to pull up in the line with the other parents, but I ignore her and go for a parking spot. “Garrett, we don’t need to meet her at the classroom. They’ll bring her out. Just go to the line.” Again, I ignore her. Parking and turning off the car, I climb out of the Jeep and walk around to the passenger side and help my girl out. She’s glaring at me. “You’re going to spoil her, and she’ll expect this sort of treatment all the time. Please, just stick with our usual routine. We both like it this way,” she says with a snarky attitude.

  “Shut up, Lex, you’re ruining my moment. I want to get my princess from her class. It’s only my first day on the job. I’ve missed her,” I say. Her glare dissipates and is replaced with a glassy eyed smile. “No tears, Lex. We’re all happy here, lady,” I say, before kissing her senseless. Then we walk hand in hand through the school to wait in front of Sierra’s class.

  I keep looking into the window, trying to steal a peek. What’s taking them so long? I see my little blond haired beauty gathering her things and marching to the door. When she looks up at the window and sees me, her face lights up. She’s waving, pointing, and jumping up and down all at the same time. I wave back and hold one finger up, willing her to be patient, before she speeds out the door and into my arms. She’s trying hard, blowing me kisses and mouthing something that I don’t understand.

  Lex is standing beside me watching the interaction, laughing. “You two are pathetic!”

  “Hey guys, what are you doing in the school?” Kate, Alexis’s sister in-law, asks as she walks toward us smiling.

  “We came to pick up Sierra, and Garrett insisted we come inside. I was going to call you and let you know, we’re going on a little trip today. I already told Jason earlier. Sierra and I’ll be gone till next week,” Lex tells a beaming Kate.

  “REALLY? Where are you off to?” Kate doesn’t even try to hide her ‘I told you so’ smile.

  “Nashville,” I say. “You guys want to come, too?”

  Kate laughs. “Thanks, Garrett, No we are all good. Traveling with three little people is hard, not to mention Jason & I both have to work. Thanks for the invite, though. We’ll take a rain check during summer.” She’s probably right. I can’t imagine how much time it’ll take to get stuff for three little people when it took almost two hours just for Sierra and Lex.

  “Anytime,” I say.

  Just then the door opens and my little princess runs straight for my arms, whi
le her aunt and mom stand aside watching us. Sierra launches right into a story about her day. Ms. Davis approaches us, saying goodbye to Sierra and telling her to have a nice weekend.

  “Oh, Ms. Davis, I wanted to let you know Sierra won’t be at school next week. We’re taking a little vacation. I’m sorry for the short notice, but it just came up,” Lex is telling the teacher.

  Ms. Davis surprisingly looks very pleased. “Very nice Alexis, I do hope you all have a wonderful trip,” she says, while patting Sierra’s back.

  I carry my princess out of school, while holding my girl’s hand, and I’ve never felt so complete. Kate is walking us out before she has to go back into the school to pick up her children from the aftercare room where the employee’s children go until dismissal is complete. She and Alexis are talking in somewhat of a code about her mother, but I get the gist of the conversation. Kate’s also very pleased that we’re going away together and that Lex is happily embracing our togetherness. I think she really is, finally. Yesterday sucked for my girl. It made her doubt how amazingly loveable she is. I don’t ever want to see my girl that sad again.

  Chapter 22

  Seeing Garrett and Sierra interact is precious. They almost speak their own language. It makes me so happy that he loves her. He told me he yesterday that he loves her instinctively, and it’s true. He’s finding his way with her, and although, it’s my nature to want to control this, I need to let go and let them form their own relationship without me taking over. Garrett wants this. Sierra needs this.

  He’s carefully buckling her into her seat. He double, then triple checks to make sure she’s in snuggly. He kisses her forehead and tickles her neck, before jumping into the driver’s seat to bring us home.

  When we pull in the driveway, there’s a hummer limo waiting in my driveway. Sierra is squealing with excitement! Trepidation starts to build again. “Uh Garrett, what is that doing here?” I ask.

  He just shrugs. “Taking us to the airport, I suppose,” is the nonchalant answer to my question.

  What the hell! A limo? Can’t we just drive like normal people? “You know, they do have parking at the airport these days. We can drive ourselves.”

  He shakes his head. “No…too much work and I don’t want to leave your car there unattended that long.”

  “Okay,” I concede, “but I do want to bring Sierra’s car seat.” I laugh at his confused expression. “She’s too old to have it on the plane, Garrett. She can be buckled in regular seats then. I don’t think she needs one in the limo either. We’ll just use a seat belt.”

  “Uh…no way lady, my princess will have her little pink throne,” he says, winking at Sierra, as he takes her out of her seat and spins her around.

  As soon as he places her on the ground, she’s running for the parked limo. “Can I get in, Garrett?” she begs with unrestrained excitement.

  “Yes, sweet girl, let me get your seat,” he says, before climbing into the back of the Jeep and unlatching her seat.

  Chapter 23

  The driver opens the trunk waiting for instructions. He’s a big, muscled, well dressed guy, a lot like the security team we have on tour. I look him over and inform him, “Bags are by the front door.” He follows Lex to the door. I pick up Sierra, putting her in the limo and leaving the door open, so I can watch her while she can bounces around on the seats. She can get some energy out before I snap her cute little butt into her pink throne.

  I walk toward the house to help Lex. My lady is trying to lug bags, while the damn driver walks behind her, eye fucking her. Oh hell no! I walk straight to Lex, “No sweetheart, I got this. Go get in the car with Sierra.” I’m glaring at the asshole standing behind my girl, studying her curves, and he hasn’t noticed me, yet. Grrrr!

  She smiles and kisses my cheek. “I’ll get the car seat settled,” she says cheerily, not seeing what’s happening behind her back, thankfully. She’d be a little embarrassed if she knew. I know my girl is sensitive about bringing too much attention to herself.

  She walks off toward the car. I step right in front of this asshole and speak very low, so as not to alarm my ladies. “Listen, fucker, those are my girls. You keep those eyes of yours on the road and on the fucking bags, not on my girls. Got it?”

  He’s startled. That’s good, because I’m pissed. “Sorry, Mr. McKenna. Didn’t realize I was looking so closely. I’ll get the bags, sir. I’m really sorry!” I feel a little better, now that I’ve put him back in his place. I’ve never had an issue with any of my drivers before, but then again, I’ve never had Lex and Sierra with me. I’ll guard them with my damn life. I didn’t think I was the possessive type, but I guess I am. She’s mine and I don’t want anyone looking at her that way.

  I pull the Jeep into the garage, lock up the house, and set the alarm. By the time I get back to the limo, the driver is standing by the open car door staring at anything other than my girls. I nod my head in approval toward him and tell him where to take us for dinner as I climb in the back. I know Sierra would like the rotating restaurant on top of the airport. I’ve heard the food is good, too. So we’ll have a nice dinner before our flight.

  By the time we finish dinner and reach the plane, Sierra is winding down and getting snuggly. We pull up in front of the jet and the driver opens the door. Whitney’s car arrives right behind ours. Perfect timing. Lex looks a little surprised….

  “Garrett, where are we?” She asks staring at the jet, not moving. Scared.

  “Sweetheart, we’re at the airport, getting on the plane. What’s wrong?” I ask, reaching to hold her hand, but she is incredibly rigid and tense, gripping her knees with white knuckled fingers. “Talk to me, baby. You’re making me nervous.” She’s got tears in her eyes.

  Whitney reaches our car and opens the back door, irreverently joking, “Hey, guys, traveling in style? Huh?” Then she notices the look on Lex’s face. “Hey, Sierra, come with me. Let’s go check out the plane.” She helps a clueless Sierra out of the car.

  “Babe, are you afraid to fly?” I ask her.

  She shakes her head. “No, I just don’t want to fly in those type planes,” she explains, pointing to the private plane. “I want to go in a regular plane, Garrett. Not a private jet,” she pleads as tears streak down her cheeks.

  Oh shit! Why didn’t I think of this? Of course, this would be traumatic for her. I’m an idiot. “Babe, I can’t take a commercial flight. It’ll be a disaster, and we don’t have security until we land in Nashville. Do you want me to book you on a commercial flight? Sweetheart, I’ll do whatever you want to make you feel better. But I’d rather you fly with me, where I can hold you.”

  She takes several deep breaths, looking out the side window, watching Sierra climb the stairs with Whitney. She turns to look at me. “Is the weather okay?” she asks in a whisper.

  “Yes, babe, I promise. We wouldn’t be going if it weren’t. I want to keep you safe. Always,” I say with my hands resting on hers.

  “But, are we safe, Garrett?” Her eyes plead for me to reassure her.

  “Yes, baby, you’re both always going to be safe with me.” She nods, just enough that I see her acceptance, and starts to slide out of the seat. I grab her by the waist and hoist her into my lap. I kiss her with all I have. I want her to feel how much I care right now. She relaxes in my arms and I feel the tension begin to dissipate. “I love you, Lex,” I whisper into her hair.

  “Yes, you do,” she says, and that’s all I need to hear. I need her to know it’s true. I slide us out of the car and carry my girl up the stairs of the plane.

  She’s putting on one of those fake-ish smiles, but I’m sure that’s all she has to offer right now. We’re settled in and doing the preflight stuff, as our bags are being stowed. Sierra is buckled into her seat. I’ve double checked both my girls’ seat belts. I sit in the seat next to Lex and across from Sierra and Whitney.

  Thankfully, even though the tension is high, Whitney’s keeping Sierra very cheerful and distracted. They chat away
about some television show and color in a book. The stewardess comes over to tell us to put the tray table away and I give her a clear ‘back off’ look, so she leaves and hasn’t asked again. I want my princess to remain distracted from the tension her Mama is feeling.

  Lex lays her head on my shoulder and closes her eyes. I hate to see her stressed. I should’ve thought of this beforehand. I’ll be damn sure to work out alternate arrangements for the trip home. I rub Lex’s knee as we start taxiing down the runway. When we start for take-off I turn my head into Alexis’s ear and whisper, “You, my beautiful girl, have made my life more complete than I ever thought possible. I love you more than my life. I’ll do anything to keep you happy, healthy, and safe. Anything.” She nods at my reassurance.

  “Look at me, sweetheart.” She complies quickly as we’re speeding down the runway and I feel the tires lift. “I love you…like crazy love you, sweetheart!”

  The corners of her lips lift. “Yes, Garrett, I know. And clearly you know how very much I love you, too. Right?”

  I give her a little smile back. “Yeah, babe. I know.”

  The little one pipes right in then. “Well I love all of you, too!” She breaks the remaining tension that’s still lingering as she points to the three off us and we laugh.

  I pat her little head, saying, “Back at ya, little chick.” She giggles adorably at that.

  Chapter 24

  I don’t really know why I thought we’d be traveling on a commercial airplane. Of course, we’d be traveling on a private plane. I feel kind of stupid for expecting anything different. Garrett is quite an amazing man. I can’t stop thinking about how incredibly fortunate I am to have him. He was strong for me when I was scared. Private planes scare me. I realize it’s a fear founded solely on my own tragedy and not the actual statistics, but still…it’s a big fear.

  Jed almost always flew commercial, but on his last flight it was a private plane, because they had to make it for a meeting about a project. The weather was bad, and they thought they could fly around the storm. They were wrong and he paid the price for that. But it was just an accident. I have to remember that.


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