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Indulge Page 87

by Liv Morris

  “You’re lucky I don’t report to you to the police,” she spat before slamming the door shut. I made a face. I sighed, kicking the leg of the coffee table in a bid to let out some anger. In the very least, I had gotten what I needed for the night—though it would’ve saved me a lot of drama had I just jacked off in the shower.

  Chapter Eleven

  It was Wednesday afternoon, exactly three days since I’d seen Belle.

  Not that I was counting, or maybe I was. I was at the office, alone, working on the plans for the casino deal and working on the presentation for Delenski that I was heading next month. I glanced at my watch. I still had so much to do, and Luke would be arriving soon to take me out.

  We were meeting the guys in town for a drinking session that I was sure would turn into an intervention at some point during the night. I’d filled Luke in on the disastrous end to my short-lived relationship. Obviously I hadn’t gone into details, but he’d made it his mission to heal my heart. I still wasn’t exactly sure what had possessed me to open up to him about it.

  Oh, that’s right: the five-hundred-pound bottle of scotch I’d drunk might have had something to do with it.

  I glanced over my list of things to do. Giving presentations didn’t faze me. Public speaking had always been a strong point for me, and it helped that I knew what I was talking about. I had no doubt in my mind that I could get them on board, but I still wanted to be sure that I was as prepared as I could be.

  After several extra-strong coffees, I was done. I packed up my briefcase, turned the lights out, and locked the office. Like most nights, I was the last to leave. The building was empty, apart from security and the cleaner that was busy vacuuming the lobby. I swiped my card and exited into the parking lot.


  I was actually really looking forward to the night out with the guys, but I was apprehensive about facing Luke. Of course he had no idea about Belle and me, but the thought of him knowing any of the sordid details made my stomach turn. And thanks to my big mouth, he knew plenty.

  I stepped out of the shower and reached for the towel that I’d hung on the hook next to the mirror. I caught sight of my reflection and smirked. The word modesty wasn’t part of my vocabulary, and I wasn’t about to stop pretending that I didn’t know what about me it was that caught women’s attention. My toned body was smooth and muscular in spite of my poor diet and lack of exercise. It must have been all the sex I had that kept me in such good shape.

  My eyes were the color of dark, melting chocolate and had this way of making me look so innocent and harmless—two things I definitely wasn’t. Paired with my smile and the little dimple that appeared on my left cheek, how could any girl resist?

  I reached for my electric razor and cleaned up some of my stubble. I slipped on some deodorant and ran my hand through my hair, watching as it fell into place. Perfect every time.

  I’d just stepped into my jeans as the doorbell rang. Luke was nearly half an hour early and I wasn’t ready. Sighing, I walked over to the door and yanked it open. Belle.

  “What you doing here?” I asked. I wasn’t sure if I was angry, annoyed, or happy at the site of her standing at my door. I was definitely aroused. She looked fucking gorgeous in a pair of jeans and a fitted low-cut emerald top that matched her eyes beautifully. Her dark hair was down hanging loosely over one shoulder. She looked nervous, like she was about to walk into a tiger’s cage. That was ironic because I wanted to tear her apart (in a good way).

  “Can I come in?” she asked softly. I shrugged and moved aside, waiting for her to enter.

  “You’d better make this quick because Luke will be here soon,” I warned. That would be all I needed. I could just imagine explaining that one. How many reasons could there be for his underage sister-in-law being in my flat? I couldn’t think of one that didn’t involve my cock.

  “He’s coming here?” she asked, panicked. Her eyes grew wide.

  “It’s okay. He will be here at eight, so you have a while,” I said, my voice soft. I didn’t like seeing her upset or afraid. She looked relieved, and her hand touched her hair. I was trying so hard not to think about her like that, but it was impossible. The way her eyes met mine, and that sexy little mouth…The things I wanted to do to her. God, she made me horny.

  “I would’ve called or texted or something but I was afraid you wouldn’t answer,” she said.

  “What do you want, Belle? Why are you here?” I sighed, walking into my bedroom to continue getting ready. Her eyes lingered on my naked chest. She followed me into the bedroom.

  “Because I can’t stop thinking about you, and because I wanted to explain,” she said, her eyes still focused on my chest. Did she want to touch it? Run her fingers over my smooth muscles?

  “Explain what, exactly? And anyway, what’s the point? There’s nowhere this can go, you know that as well as I do.” I fumbled through my closet for clean T-shirt. She reached out and touched my arm, her fingers gently gripping around my bicep. I froze. Having her so close that I could smell her was driving me insane. I turned so that I was facing her, as her fingers gently stroked my skin.

  “I don’t believe that, Jack. I think we have something here, and I think you feel it too. I’ve tried so hard to get you out of my head the last few days, and it’s useless. I can’t concentrate, I can’t do anything.” Her fingers moved up my arm, resting on the back of my neck. I closed my eyes, trying so hard to keep control as she stroked my hair, her touch electric.

  “Belle, I can’t…” My words trailed off as her hands ran down my chest. She breathed in suddenly, her fingers shaking as they moved over my hard stomach. I groaned as they trailed even lower, her nails running over the hardness in my jeans. I was weakening, and she knew it.

  “Kiss me,” she pleaded. She looked up at me, her eyes full of something that I couldn’t decipher.

  The urge to have her overwhelmed me. Throwing the shirt on the bed, I cradled her head in my hands and kissed her. Together, we fell back on the bed in a tangle of arms, unable to get enough of each other. I ripped her top over her head, taking her bra with it. Her breasts exposed, I buried my face between them, trailing kisses down her stomach. She wiggled out of her jeans, and I did the same.

  “Fuck, I missed you, Belle,” I panted as my mouth inhaled her nipple. I could feel it harden as my tongue circled around it.

  “I missed you too,” she gasped. Her back lifted off the bed, allowing my hands to sneak around behind her. I got to my feet, taking her with me. She clung to me, her ankles locked around my waist. My mouth met hers as her soft lips caressed mine. She tasted so sweet, every part of her left me wanting more. She was like a drug, an addiction. Slowly, she was consuming me. I pushed her back against the wall. My cock was so hard it throbbed. I drove it inside her tight opening. She moaned as her nails clawed into my back, scraping through my skin like a razor blade.

  “Oh God, yes,” she cried.

  Her toes flexed as her heels pushed into my buttocks. I pumped into her faster and harder as my mouth explored every inch of her neck, her breasts, and her mouth. She screamed as I bit down on her lip, not hard, but hard enough to draw blood. With one final push, all the emotions this girl made me feel came screeching out of me.

  Panting, she untangled herself from me. Unsteady on her feet, she fell towards the bed and I caught her in my arms.

  “Look at you, throwing yourself at me,” I chuckled, kissing her forehead. I ran my fingers through her hair, brushing it away from her sweat-drenched skin. She gazed up at me, her green eyes full emotions. “I’m glad you came,” I whispered.

  “I’m glad I did too,” she said, wiggling her eyebrows. I laughed. Dirty, dirty girl.

  “Over. I’m glad you came over, you dickhead,” I laughed.

  She lifted her lips to mine. Sighing, I pulled away from her, my fingers still entwined in hers. What was I doing? I should’ve sent her away, not dragged her inside and fucked her. As if she sensed my guilt, she stepped forward, wra
pping her hands around my waist.

  “You can’t feel guilty about this,” she said.

  “I’m not sure your parents, or Luke for that matter, would feel the same way,” I said dryly. She rolled her eyes and sat down on the edge of the bed with one leg crossed over the other.

  “What happened to the confident, no nonsense, ‘I don’t give a fuck’ guy I met last week? I’m not asking you to marry me—all I know is I have fun with you and I know you have fun with me.” I was about to reply when there was a knock at the front door. Shit. Luke was early, or maybe he was on time and I’d just gotten way too distracted.

  “Keep quiet, I’ll make sure he stays out there.” I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist. Shutting the bedroom door behind me, I walked to the front door.

  “Hey man, not ready yet? I’m shocked,” Luke rolled his eyes.

  “Yeah, sorry man. I got away late from work. Have a seat, I’ll be out in five.” As an afterthought, I switched on the TV, thinking background noise.

  Back in the bedroom I shut the door, clicking the lock behind me. It’s not that I thought he might accost me in the bedroom, but with Belle here, I wasn’t about to take that chance.

  She sat, naked, on the end of my bed, leaning back, her arms behind her. It took all my willpower not to throw her back on the bed and have my way with her again. Fuck, she was so damn hot. All I had to do was look at her and I got heatstroke.

  “We will be gone in a couple of minutes. Hang around for as long as you like. If you were here when I got back, I wouldn’t be complaining,” I said softly with a small smile as I pulled the T-shirt over my head. She licked her lips as I stepped into my jeans, and stood up, walking over to me. Her arms curled around my neck, pulling me downward her to her parted lips.

  “You mind if I touch myself in your bed?” she whispered in my ear. My eyes nearly fell out of my head.

  “By all means,” I chuckled, shaking my head. “Just don’t wear yourself out.” She made a face at me as I grabbed my keys and my phone and walked out of the room.

  “Okay, I’m all set,” I said to Luke, keen to get out of there as fast as possible. My heart was racing. Even though the chances of him seeing her were slim, the possibility was there. “So where are we going tonight anyway?”

  “The Shamrock,” replied Luke. “The boys will meet us there.”


  “Another one?” Luke asked, reaching for my empty glass. I shook my head.

  “Might just have a water,” I replied. Three heads whipped around to stare at me. Luke’s mouth fell open.

  “You got your period or something?” quipped Grant, guffawing at his own joke. Yes, my friends were very mature. The truth was I didn’t want to stumble home like some drunken idiot when I knew Belle would probably still be there. Of course, I couldn’t tell my friends that.

  “Very funny,” I said, giving Grant a look. “The next few weeks at work are going to be insane, so I need to be on my game. That means cutting down on the drink.”

  “Man, I didn’t think you’ll capable of drinking less. In fact, I can’t remember the last time I saw you without a drink after eight in the evening.”

  I gave Luke a shove. “Shut up, and just get me a damn water,” I growled. The guys continued to joke at my expense. Luke and Dylan disappeared over to the bar, while Grant went to the toilet. Relishing in having a moment to myself, I slipped out my phone to check my messages. To my surprise, there were two new messages—both were from Belle.

  Lick. Suck. Fondle…Just a few of the things I want to do to you when you get home. B xx.

  I breathed out quickly, glad there was a table covering me from the waist down. I clicked on the second message. If I thought things couldn’t get any hotter, I was wrong. The second message was a picture. A very, very suggestive picture involving Belle, my tie, and half a bottle of air-whipped cream I kept hidden in the back of my fridge. I chuckled, shutting off my phone as I saw Luke and Dillon heading back to the table.

  “Look guys, it’s been great but I’ve really got to get going.” I made a face to show how disappointed I was.

  Luke nodded. “Fair enough. Thanks for coming out. It was a good night yeah?”

  “Yes, thanks man, it was just what I needed. Tell Grant I had to go. I’ll catch you guys next week.”


  The last thing I expected to find when I arrived home was Belle, naked, asleep in my bed. I smiled at her as I took off my clothes. She was so sexy, even asleep she took my breath away. I pulled back the sheets and climbed in next to her, pulling her back up against me. Her warmth was a welcome surprise against the coolness of my skin. She stirred, turning to face me, her head nestling in the crest of my shoulder. I kissed her lips tenderly, which earned me a sleepy smile.

  “You’re home,” she mumbled, not opening her eyes. I chuckled, tucking her hair behind her ear.

  “Yes, I couldn’t get away from the guys without them getting suspicious. They gave me shit about not picking up a girl.”

  “Oh it’s that rare, is it?” she chided, half a smile on her lips. I laughed again.

  “Not anymore,” I whispered softly.

  Chapter Twelve

  The next few weeks were by far the happiest of my life.

  When I wasn’t working, I was at home with Belle. She had all but moved in. Apparently I was playing the part of an imaginary friend named Becca and we were working on a big end-of-year project together. I went out with the guys a few times, if only to avoid suspicion. Being a workaholic actually played in my advantage, because I could turn down hanging out with the guys by claiming I had to work. It wasn’t that unusual; it had happened plenty of times in the past.

  Things with Belle were going great. She really understood me—more than anyone had in the past. Most of the time we just lazed around the house, talking and getting to know one another. It was strange, because getting to know a woman on such an intimate level was not something I had a lot of experience with. I was actually surprised at how naturally it seemed to come to me. It was as though all those years of sleeping around and avoiding intimacy hadn’t damaged my ability to have a normal relationship as much as I’d thought it might.

  With Belle, I actually wanted more. No other woman had invoked such feelings inside me. She aroused me, she amazed me, and every day she surprised me with her strength and maturity. I lost count of the number of times I forgot she was only seventeen. Her eighteenth birthday was this week, but in my mind she already was eighteen. How much difference does a week or a month really make? She goes from being seventeen to eighteen overnight and boom, suddenly our relationship is less creepy? Because of one day?

  Our age difference did make me nervous. It was more how other people would react to our age difference and our relationship. We had kept things quiet to this point because we didn’t know where things were going, if anywhere. Though I tried not to think about it, I knew eventually people were going to find out, and that scared the shit out of me.

  The opinion I most cared about was Luke’s, and I knew it was not going to be good. He knew me too well to just sit back and accept that I was in a relationship with his wife’s younger sister, no matter how genuine I claimed my intentions to be. In twelve years, I’d given him nothing to believe that I was capable of a serious relationship. Hell, I’d given myself nothing to suggest I could handle it. The more I got to know this girl, the more it worried me that I might not be able to give her what she needed. But the longer this went on, the harder it would be to give her up.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Tonight, Saturday, was a special night. Belle had turned eighteen yesterday, and because I couldn’t spend it with her and her family, I was planning on making tonight the most memorable night of her life.

  Up until now our relationship had been kept behind closed doors. The risk of going out was too high, between the chances of running into someone we knew or the paparazzi plastering a picture of us all over the back pages, staying in had
been the safer, smarter option.

  I picked Belle up at work at four. She put the overnight bag I’d asked her to pack in the back and climbed into the car. Her eyes were wide with excitement. She had no idea where we were heading, but she knew me well enough to be expecting something special.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “Do you really think I’m going to answer that?” I chuckled, pulling back out onto the road. Belle rolled her eyes and slapped me on the leg.

  “How about a game then? Let me earn the chance to get clues,” she grinned. My hands gripped the wheel tightly. This sounded intriguing. I needed more information.

  “I’m listening,” I said slowly.

  “Okay, so here are the rules. I will give you a proposition, and if you accept, you give me a clue, okay?” she asked. It sounded simple enough.

  “Okay,” I said, raising my eyebrows. This weekend might turn out to be better than I thought. “Go on, what’s your first proposition?”

  “Give me a minute. Let me think,” she laughed. “Okay. Something that’s been on my to-do list for a while. Sex outdoors. Somewhere secluded, just you and me getting back to nature.” She grinned cheekily at me as my eyebrows shot up.

  I snorted. “You’ve been thinking about that for how long? You’re barely eighteen,” I teased.

  “Yes, I’m aware of that. What can I say? I have needs,” she shrugged. “So, is that a no?”

  I laughed. “Belle, that is one hell of a yes,” I smirked. Now for a clue. “Okay, open fire. Log cabin,” I said, smiling at her out of the corner of my eye.

  “That doesn’t tell me where we’re going,” she argued indignantly.

  “It gives you a hint of what to expect though.” I retorted.

  She nodded, as if she accepted that. “Okay. My next proposition is you, sitting in front of said open fire, naked, with me between your legs, giving you the best blow job you’ve ever had.” She said it with such ease, as though it were the most natural thing in the world. I flashed her a look as the blood rushed from my head down to…Well, my other head. She glanced at the obvious erection I was harboring in my pants and began to laugh.


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