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Indulge Page 90

by Liv Morris

  “You almost had me coming over dinner,” she whispered, nibbling on my ear as she lined herself up with the tip of my cock. She groaned, her arms wrapping around my neck as I frantically pushed myself inside her.

  “Shh,” I whispered, kissing her neck. She nodded, her eyes closed, concentrating on the intensely erotic feelings that were produced by having sex in the bathroom at her brother-in-law and sister’s house while they waited in the other room. I pushed harder, knowing my release was near and that Belle, too, was on the verge of climaxing.

  “Oh god!” The words escaped from her mouth before she could stop them, at the same time my load released inside her. I secured my hand over her mouth, not trusting her not to scream as she came. I chuckled softly as she bit down on my finger.

  “I’d be very surprised if they didn’t hear anything,” I said, kissing her neck as she caught her breath. I pulled out of her and flicked the condom off into the toilet and flushed.

  “Was I that loud?” she said, looking nervous.

  I chuckled. “You might want to say you stubbed your toe or something.” I peeked out from the bathroom door, making sure the coast was clear. “Bye,” I said, kissing her.

  Chapter Fifteen

  I looked at Belle lying on my bed, wearing nothing but my shirt. She was on her stomach, her long legs kicked up in the air as she watched me get dressed. She cocked her head and grinned at me.

  “You sure you don’t want to spend the day in bed with me?” she asked, her eyebrows raised as she flexed her toes in the air.

  I chuckled as I finished buttoning up my top. “I’d love to, but I really need to get some work done, which I can’t seem to do with you around.” She rolled over onto her back, the shirt spilling open. She was such a tease. Shaking my head, I walked out of the bedroom and toward the kitchen, flicking the coffee pot on. Belle followed me. She leaned up against the wall, her hands behind her back.

  Fuck, she was so hot. She looked disheveled and naughty, like she was begging me to play with her. I walked over and looped my hand around her waist. She screamed as I lifted her up, sitting her on the kitchen counter. Her legs wrapped around my waist as my hands roamed her naked body.

  “Stop! It tickles!” she laughed, swatting my arms away. I chuckled and continued my assault, ignoring her pleas. Suddenly she froze. She stared past me to the door, quickly wrapping the shirt around her body.

  “What is it?” I asked. I turned to the door, confused. My heart stopped beating as the blood rushed from my face. Luke stood in the doorway, his hand on the doorknob, anger and confusion flashing through his eyes. His eyes narrowed as they rested on mine.

  “What the fuck is this?” he gasped.

  “Luke, it’s not what it looks like,” I said, buckling up my pants.

  “Really?” Luke snapped sarcastically. “Because it looked like you were sticking your fucking cock inside my seventeen-year-old sister-in-law.” He slammed the door shut. “Annabelle, get dressed.” His voice was laced with disgust. He turned away as Belle slid off the counter and ran into my room.

  “Luke,” I began.

  “Don’t you fucking talk to me!” he shouted. He turned around and punched the wall, his fist smashing through the plaster. Blood trickled down his fingers and onto the cream carpet. That’s going to be an ass to get out.

  “Why the fuck did you just walk in? Why couldn’t you have knocked?” I asked. Yes, I was poking the beast, but if he wasn’t going to let me explain, then fuck him, I was going to poke away.

  “Don’t you dare try and turn this around on me,” Luke cautioned, stepping toward me threateningly. Belle walked out of the bedroom, dressed. I could tell she’d been crying. God knows how long it would be before I was going to see her again.

  “Go,” he ordered her. She glanced at me, her eyes full of regret. I nodded—she didn’t need to say anything to me. I got it. I knew she was feeling like crap because I felt the same way. She walked out, Luke right behind her. He turned back to me.

  “I’ll be back to sort you out later,” Luke muttered. He left before I could respond. This had gone about as badly as it could have. Luke was probably never going to talk to me again, except to rip my head off, and God knows what her parents would to do when they found out. I could imagine her father throwing a few punches. Fuck. Her parents and my dad knew each other. If they found out about this, they would definitely tell my father and he would kill me.

  I threw my phone on the kitchen counter. Reaching for a cup, I filled it with black coffee. On top of all this I still had a mountain of work to get through. At least I didn’t have to go to the office now, not that I could concentrate much anyway.


  Three hours later, I had my presentation sorted and everything set for my meeting with Delenski next week. I’d been surprised by how much I’d managed to get done, and even more surprised that Luke hadn’t returned yet to ‘sort me out’. I leaned forward and grabbed my laptop. The only thing I hadn’t done was research this guy’s daughter. Lisbeth Delenski. I typed her name into Google and clicked on image search.

  Holy .Fucking. Shit.

  She was stunning. I felt bad even thinking that so soon after what had happened with Belle, but this girl was supermodel stunning. I’m sure more than ninety percent of her was cosmetically enhanced, but fuck me. Her long blonde hair fell down to her waist, big boobs, tanned, and curvy.

  My cock was growing just looking at her picture. I slammed the laptop shut, feeling guilty that a picture of another woman had gotten me aroused.

  At least entertaining Lisbeth would keep my mind off Belle, though I’m not sure she would agree with that. I didn’t want to sleep with Lisbeth, but I was smart enough to realize that even if I did, the only way it would be happening was if Belle agreed on a threesome.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Falcon! Open up!” Luke banged on the front door, sounding as angry as he had a few hours ago. I stood up. It crossed my mind to pretend I wasn’t home, but if he was angry enough I didn’t doubt that he would kick the door in.

  He walked right in without waiting for an invitation. I followed him over to the sofa, sitting in the armchair opposite. I waited for him to speak. He was pissed, but more than that, he was hurt.

  This was everything I wanted to avoid.

  “Belle told me she’s in love with you,” he said calmly. My ears pricked up. This was news to me. She loved me? Wow. Luke scowled at me.

  “Get that fucking grin off your face, Falcon. What the hell are you playing at here? Of all the women you can have, why her?”

  “Because she’s the only woman—”

  “Girl,” Luke interrupted patronizingly.

  “Fuck Luke, she’s eighteen! She’s not a girl, she’s a woman.” I yelled. “She’s the only woman who has ever made me feel anything other than a hard-on. I know what you think, but it’s not like that. How long have you known me? Have you ever seen me with the same woman for longer than a day?”

  “How long have you been seeing each other? Since that dinner at our house last month?”

  “Before that. Honestly, I had no idea of her age, or that she was Sally’s sister in the beginning.” Luke looked semi-convinced, like I almost had him. I tried again. “What can I do to make you see this is not just me being me?”

  “Um, stay away from her?” he said sarcastically.

  I shook my head. “I don’t know if I can do that. She’s eighteen man, she’s an adult who can make her own decisions,” I said. Luke’s jaw clenched as I spoke. He knew I was right.

  “I didn’t tell her parents,” he said quietly.

  “You didn’t?” I said, surprised. “Why?”

  “Because Belle begged me not to.” He cursed, running his hand through his hair. “Fuck, Jack, I don’t know what to do here.” He turned to me. “Her father would kill you. You know that, right? No matter how old Belle is, he will rip your fucking head off.”

  “I know.”

  “Then why?” he ask
ed. “Why not just go back to the casual sleeping around? The Jack we all know and love.”

  I sighed. “Do you know why I did that, Luke? All the sleeping around? Because I hate my life. The drinking, the sex—it wasn’t because I liked it, it was because that’s all there was for me. Then I met Belle.” We sat there, neither of us saying anything for what felt like hours. In reality, it was about four minutes before I stood up, unable to take it any longer. I paced the length of the living room, my hands shoved in my pockets.

  “Look, my life growing up was a mess. That’s no excuse for how I’ve treated women in the past, but I promise you, Belle is different. She is amazing, funny, smart, and she gets me. She understands me like nobody I’ve ever met.” I shook my head, not sure of what else I could say.

  “You better not hurt her,” Luke muttered.

  “What?” I asked, positive I heard him wrong.

  “You said yourself you’re going to see her anyway. If you hurt her, I’ll fucking kill you myself. Right before Sally rips my balls off,” he said.

  “I’m not going to hurt her, Luke.” I said quietly.

  “I mean it, Jack. Belle’s been through some shit, but she’s a good kid.” I winced at the term. We didn’t see her the same way. I saw her as a mature, stunning young woman. To her family, all she would ever be is this struggling kid trying to get back on her feet.


  I didn’t call Belle right away. Even though we had Luke’s silence, I felt like I needed space. Luke’s words had hit a nerve, more than I wanted to admit. I wasn’t planning on hurting her, but what if I did? How much could I really have changed? Things were great now, but who knew where we’d be six months down the track, or even a year? I had twenty-five years of being me running against me.

  She was in love with me. And I was probably in love with her, but that didn’t matter. All that mattered to me was whether there was even the slightest risk that I would end up hurting her. If there was, then I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t turn this amazingly beautiful girl into the bitter, heartless person I had become.

  Turning my phone off, I grabbed the bottle of scotch and went out onto the balcony. I unscrewed the lid and lifted the bottle to my lips, tilting it until the harsh liquid began seeping down my throat. I leaned against the balcony wall and looked out over the city. The sun was beginning to settle, winding down yet another Sunday afternoon in London.

  As I took another mouthful, I laughed. Maybe I was looking at this all wrong. Maybe my brain was trying to stop me from making a big mistake. Maybe I just wasn’t wired to handle relationships. With each swig of scotch it became easier to convince myself that I couldn’t change who I was.

  I stumbled inside, unsteady on my feet, the empty bottle in my hand falling to the ground. I fell onto the sofa facedown. I didn’t even have the energy to roll over.



  My eyes flew open. It took me a moment to realize were I was, the view of the living room unfamiliar from my position on the couch. The rapping on the door continued until I heaved myself up and over to the door. Swinging it open, I saw Belle standing there, looking concerned.

  “I’ve been calling and texting,” she said, walking in. “I was worried. Did you not go to work today?”

  “Work?” I repeated, confused.

  “Did you drink all of that?” Belle demanded, pointing to the empty bottle beside the sofa. I shrugged. What business of it was hers?


  “Look, I’m sorry. Forgive me if I wasn’t feeling all that great tonight.” I muttered. My head was screaming at me. I wandered into the kitchen and poured myself a glass of water. Belle handed me two painkillers. “Thanks,” I mumbled.

  “Its six o’clock Monday evening.”

  My head shot up so quickly I think I caused whiplash. “What? No, I…” My voice trailed off as Belle nodded. I walked over to the sofa. Sitting down, I turned my phone on. Twenty-one missed calls, eight from Belle, ten from Carly, and three from my father.

  Shit. Shit fucking shit.

  “How long were you out?” she asked softly.

  I shrugged. “About twenty-four hours,” I muttered. I called Carly.

  “Where the hell have you been? Your father is ready to murder you,” Carly screeched when she answered.

  “Sorry, I was sick,” I lied, ignoring Belle’s eye roll. “I’ll call Dad now.” I hung up and dialed Dad’s number. I nearly cheered when it went to his answering service.

  “Hi, sorry I was sick today. Didn’t even wake up until half an hour ago. I’ll call you later.” I threw the phone over to the coffee table. Belle stood awkwardly in front of me.

  “Are you okay, Jack? I thought Luke spoke to you. He said he’s not going to say anything about us.” She sat down next to me, her hand creeping under mine.

  “He spoke to me,” I said quietly. “I just don’t know. I don’t want to end up hurting you, and I’m afraid that I’m going to,” I said, surprised by my own honesty.

  “Why would you think that?” She moved herself onto my lap and began gently stroking my hair. My hands moved up her thighs, gently resting on her ass. As she leaned down to kiss me, I didn’t protest. I let her take control.

  She lifted her top over her head, her porcelain skin looking even whiter against her black, lacy bra. I reached for the button on the front of her jeans, unfastening it and lowering the zip. She stood up and wiggled out of them and the black lacy underwear that matched her bra. No matter how many times I saw her, I couldn’t seem to get through my head how fucking gorgeous she was. Every time, her beauty stunned me.

  She repositioned herself on top of me, kissing me as my fingers traced the inside of her thigh. Her lips pressed against mine, her tongue slipping around mine. She groaned as I dipped my finger inside her moist pussy. My cock grew harder as I watched her ride my finger. I reached down and freed myself from the constraints of my boxer shorts. Her hands wrapped around the base of my dick as she guided it inside of herself.

  I gasped as I pushed myself inside her tight cocoon, my hips thrusting upward. She stretched backward, her hands gripping onto her calves as I ran my hand along the length of her body. She whimpered as I pushed in, then out of her repeatedly, each thrust bringing more force and urgency than the last.

  “Fuck me, Jack. There is no better feeling than your cock sliding inside of me,” she breathed. I closed my eyes, the pressure building in my dick. I was about to come, and—as always with Belle—it was going to be epic. I groaned as I came, pulling out and wrapping my arms around her. She laughed as I pulled her back onto the sofa so she was on top of me.

  “You always make me come so hard,” I muttered, my fingers tracing the outline of her nipple. It grew hard at my touch. I resisted the urge to suck it. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  She adjusted her arm so she was looking at me, her dark hair hung around her face. “I love being with you, Jack. When I’m not with you, you’re all that I think about.” She moved her lips onto mine. I kissed her back, trying desperately to ignore the anxiety that was pooling in my stomach. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t get the idea of hurting her out of my head. No matter how pure my intentions were, it would happen. I was falling hard for this girl, but I knew her being with me would break her.

  “You’re all I think about too, Belle,” I answered honestly. She shifted, as if she knew something was on my mind.

  “What is it?”

  “Nothing. I’m just tired,” I said, not sure what else there was to say. She eyed me as if she didn’t believe me, but didn’t pressure me to answer her.

  “Okay.” She nodded. “Listen, I have my final exams next week, so I need to stay away from you this week. With you around, I won’t study,” she giggled. I made a face at her, hoping the relief of what she’d just said didn’t show on my face. I needed this: a few days to sort out exactly what I wanted. I had a decision to make.

  Did I put myself first and risk hurting her?
br />   Chapter Seventeen

  Three days later, and it was clear that I just didn’t function without her. I couldn’t think and I didn’t eat. I was like a walking zombie. A zombie that consumed way too much alcohol. Carly was noticing my decline in work, and though she had tried tactfully to mention it, I had snapped her head off. And to top all that off, I knew in the back of my mind if Carly was noticing, it wouldn’t be long until Dad noticed too.

  I left work early. Well, technically it was after five, but that was early for me. Where I was going I didn’t know, but going home would only result in me drinking myself to sleep. As I drove past Levine’s, I saw her shitbox. I had no idea what I was doing, but the next thing I knew I was in the parking lot, getting out of my car.

  Belle grinned when she saw me, her green eyes sparkling like a diamond in the sunlight. She walked over to the booth I’d sat down in, and handed me a menu.

  “I didn’t expect to see you.” She smiled playfully.

  “I’ve gone three days without you and I’m already going insane,” I said dryly. I handed her back the menu. I didn’t need it. I wasn’t planning on eating, I’d just come for the view. She raised her eyebrow as she took the laminated sheet from me.

  “Not hungry?” she asked, tilting her head. Her hair was up today in a messy bun. It suited her, but then again, anything would look good on her.

  “Not for food,” I muttered, half under my breath but loud enough for her to hear. She laughed and glanced over her shoulder.

  “I’ll get you a coffee and some pie,” she said, winking at me. I nodded, and watched her walk away. Fuck. I couldn’t understand why I felt like shit. This girl got to me like nobody in the world ever had. I couldn’t walk away from that, but how could I not trust myself not to hurt her? Was I that fucked up that I’d sabotage the best thing in my life? Probably.


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