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Indulge Page 96

by Liv Morris

  Where in the hell is he?

  I roughly place my phone on the bar and run a hand through my ponytail.

  “Jax still not answering your texts?’’

  Holly always seems to know when I’m in a bad mood. I can’t hide much from her. I haven’t really made friends with anyone other than Holly here at Larry’s. I’m a part time bartender and waitress and I’ve only met the owner, Carlson, once. Holly pretty much runs this bar herself, including all the scheduling, so she always makes sure to schedule me on a day when she will be working. Holly and her boyfriend Micah have become my best friends in the last few weeks. They are actually my only friends in this town.

  When we moved here, Jax didn’t want me to work. He said I didn’t need to, and I didn’t think twice about it. I’m a bit of a loner and like to keep to myself. I’ve dealt with a lot of loss in my life. If you don’t get close to someone, then you won’t miss them when they’re gone. It was different with Holly, though, she is too sweet not to be friends with. And Micah has been helping me out since the moment I met him.

  I look down at the clock on my phone. Almost ten. Last time he texted me was a little after six, and I could barely read that text because he had already been drunk off his butt.

  I hope nothing has happened to him.

  “He’s either too drunk to feel his phone vibrate in his pocket, or he is ignoring me.” I’m thinking the latter.

  I look up from my phone and catch Holly’s sympathetic eyes staring at me. She is about my height, 5’4, and petite in size. She has thick, black hair which she wears in a short bob. Her hair frames her heart shaped face, accentuating her big, creamy brown eyes. Right now, those eyes are telling me that she thinks Jax is up to no good. I’ve thought the same thing in the last couple of weeks, but wouldn’t I know if he was out with another woman? I’m sure word would get back around to me, or someone at Larry’s.

  Someone would tell me...

  Don’t get me wrong. We’ve had a pretty good relationship, even if it has been only been eight months. We had never even really had an argument until we moved here. Just in the last couple of weeks, something has changed and I have a feeling that he is up to no good. He would rather go out and party with friends that I haven’t ever met than be with me. I tried going out with him a couple of times, but it didn’t go very well. We ended up getting into it, both times, so now I stay home if I’m not already scheduled to work.

  “Know what I mean?” Holly interrupts my thoughts.

  I shake my head no, not having a clue what she has been saying to me. “I’m sorry?”

  I take two Bud Light out of the cooler and scan the bar, checking on my customers. A few more regulars walk in and seat themselves.

  Holly lets out an exasperated sigh, telling me she has something to say, so I put down the beers and turn my body to face her. My friend is obviously going to tell me how she feels about my situation.

  “I don’t want to put bad thoughts into your head, but I don’t know how you can put up with all this shit. He goes out every night, comes home late, and ignores your phone calls and texts.” She crosses her arms over her chest, and I get the feeling it is so she does not start shaking me.

  Maybe I need to be shaken.

  “Not everyone has a perfect relationship like you do, Holls.” I grab the bottle opener out of my back pocket and pop the top on the beers. Holly and Micah have been together for three years. They have a wonderful relationship and are madly in love.

  “I’m not saying it needs to be perfect. Look, I don’t know how to explain what I’m trying to say. Let me try again.” She takes a deep breath. “You’re beautiful and could have any guy you want. When you first started working here, you guys were a little rocky, but you were still smiling and happy. This past week, you’ve seemed so…..down.” She frowns.

  “Geez, thanks.”

  I know she’s right, but I just can’t seem to get out of this funk that I’m in. It’s hard to be happy twenty-four seven when you’re always wondering what, or who, your boyfriend is out doing.

  “I’m sorry,” she says sadly. “It’s just that—” She uncrosses her arms and slumps her shoulders, clearly defeated.

  “No, don’t worry about it, Holly.” I put a hand up, interrupting her. “I promise to work on my happiness.” I give her one of my big fake smiles as I walk out from behind the bar to deliver the beers. I hear Holly laugh.

  “I’m going to hold you to that.”

  I deliver the two beers and check on a new table that was just seated. “Hey, Sam. What’s going on tonight?” Henry, one of my regular customers asks as I walk up to their table.

  “Not much, Henry. Just trying to stay busy working.”

  I give the three business men a smile. I waited on them the first night I worked and have seen them every night I’ve worked since. They always come in together and they are always dressed in suits. I don’t ask questions, but I’m guessing they tell their wives they are working late and hit up the bar instead. “The usual?”

  “You know it,” Henry nods, and I head back to the bar.


  She looks up from the cash register.

  “After I deliver these three beers, I’m going to run to the restroom real quick. Everyone should be ok, but can you just keep an eye out for my tables? I only have the two.” I pop open three Budweiser.

  “Sure, no problem.” She waves me off.

  I pick up the beers and place my tray on top of the bar. “Here you go, boys.” I place each beer in front of them.

  “I’m buying the first round, Sam.” Henry pulls out his wallet, handing me a ten. “Keep the change, darling,” he adds, giving me a smile.

  “Thanks, Henry. I’ll be back to check on you three in a few minutes.” I turn and walk off, heading for the restroom.

  For a bar restroom, it is very clean. Well, it is when Holly and I work. I walk over to the counter and take my phone out to check for messages.


  I’m really starting to get mad. You know when you’re so mad that you want to cry in frustration? I’m almost there.

  I put my phone in my back pocket and close my eyes, taking a few deep breaths. I need to calm down. I have a long night ahead of me, and it’s a little too early to freak out.

  I open my eyes and stare at myself in the mirror. My bright green eyes look like they are on fire, and my long dark hair is up in a messy ponytail. I should redo it, but I just really don’t care what my hair looks like right now. I sigh as I put my head down. I need to get out there and visit with the customers. It will help keep my mind off of Jax.

  The rest of the night goes by pretty slow, considering how busy it got. They say that before you die your life flashes before your eyes. Well, my relationship must be about to die because I start to think about the last eight months.

  I had just graduated from the University of Texas at Dallas with a degree in business. It was that night, after my graduation, when Jax told me about his new job offer. I could tell something was bothering him, he had been acting strange all night. Not necessarily different, per se, but quiet.

  We had just pulled up to my apartment so we could change for a graduation party with some of my classmates. As soon as we walked in, he turned me around and put his hands on my shoulders. I remember looking over his features thinking how handsome he was with his blonde hair, chocolate brown eyes and light complexion.


  I tensed. He never called me Sam unless he had to tell me something I wouldn’t like. I could see he was anxious, nervous.

  “I got a job offer today. No, wait. That’s wrong. More like a promotion,” he continued as he pushed a stray piece of hair out of my face.

  “That’s fantastic, honey.” I smiled at him brightly, still trying to figure out why his face has a sad look on it when he just told me he got a promotion. When did a promotion become a bad thing?

  “You know I love you more than anything, baby.”

nbsp; My smile falls off my face. My heart begins to race, and panic starts to set in.

  “I can’t pass this up. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. They picked me out of four other guys to do this job.” His sad brown eyes bore into mine as he ran his hand over his cropped blonde hair.

  “You’re scaring me, Jax.” My voice was shaky, and my palms were sweaty.

  He took a couple of breaths while looking into my eyes. “It’s in St. Louis. I have to be there by mid-June.”

  “You already accepted the job?” I couldn’t keep the hurt out of my voice. He hadn’t even bothered to talk with me about it first. Of course, I would have told him to take it. I would never hold him back when it comes to his career, but he should have spoken with me about it before agreeing. He had just moved in with me, for Pete’s sake. We were supposed to do things as a team, as a couple.

  “Yeah.” He released my shoulders and stood up straight, rubbing a hand over his chin. He looked nervous all of a sudden. “I want you to come with me, Sam. We won’t be there for more than a year. You can get a part time job if you want, or hell, you don’t have to work at all. You can just live off the money from your dad. Plus, you’ve worked so hard these past several years to get your degree. You can just take a year off and just enjoy it. I’ve thought about it all day. Please, baby. Say you’ll go with me. I can’t be without you. I love you so much.” He placed both hands on my shoulders and looked into my eyes, waiting for me to answer.

  I couldn’t keep the tears from building, burning my eyes. He didn’t want to go without me. “Yes, of course I will go with you.” He pulled me up into a big hug, his lips covering mine. “I love you.” He kissed me, then pulled me toward our bedroom. “I love you, too,” I breathed as we laid down on our bed, thinking it wouldn’t hurt to show up at the club a little late.

  I pull myself out of that memory, remembering how much love he once had for me. That was just over two months ago. Now I feel like I’m in an imaginary relationship; always texting and calling an imaginary boyfriend who never responds. He never makes time for me, or even pays attention to me when we happen to be in the same room together. The only time I ever see him is when we’re in bed, but he’s always asleep.

  I guess I was wrong when I thought that love could last. I don’t know why I ever thought it would anyway. I come from a broken home, child of divorced parents; I should know these things don’t work out.

  I catch sight of Micah walking into Larry’s. He’s tall, just over six feet, with hair so dark that it sometimes looks black. His eyes are dark blue, shockingly blue, against his olive skin, and he has the body of an athlete. Not only is he good looking, but he is a really nice guy which is kind of a rarity these days.

  “Hi, Micah.” I finish wiping down a table and turn around to walk behind the bar.

  “Hey, Sam.” He waves as he goes behind the bar to hug Holly.

  I pull out my phone once again. It’s now 2:15 AM and I have one text message.

  Jax: 12:09 AM Be home late. Going to Slade’s house party after the bar.

  The infamous Slade Long. Town playboy, and Micah’s brother. He goes through women like I drink water...quickly. A different girl every night. I’ve heard he’s hot, but a real jackass. I once asked a girl why she slept with him if he was such a jackass. She just laughed at me.

  Clearly I didn’t understand her reasoning.

  Slade’s best friend, Josh, was in here just last week. He seems like a pretty nice guy. I overheard him saying that Slade has been out of town for a few weeks, and Holly has mentioned that Slade goes out and parties all the time, but I’ve never seen him here at Larry’s.

  "Hey, Micah. Jax says he's at Slade's place, but I thought I heard he was out of town?" Slade is a hot shot attorney at the young age of twenty nine. Actually, Slade and Micah are both criminal defense attorneys. They work for their dad who owns the biggest law firm in St. Louis.

  “He just came in this morning. He has been out of town for a few weeks but came in for Dad’s birthday today. He has to head back to San Francisco tomorrow.” He tries to keep a hold on Holly as she pulls out of his embrace to continue her cleaning.

  “Then why aren’t you at his party right now?” I ask, tilting my head to one side. From what I understand, Micah and Slade are close.

  Micah looks over at Holly with a smile, then back at me. “His parties get a little too wild for me.”

  Well, that’s just great! I mean, really, what was I supposed to think Jax was out doing? Hanging out at a prayer meeting or something? Of course he’s up to no good at some crazy party. Probably hanging all over some chick. For all I know, it’s like a party Hef throws at the Playboy Mansion!

  With a sigh, I turn around and go back to cleaning. I start to gather all the empty beer bottles and wipe off a few other tables while Micah helps Holly clean behind the bar. Once I’m finished, I try calling Jax’s phone...again.

  Straight to voice mail.

  I stand there in the middle of the bar. Has he been ignoring me all this time tonight? What else could it be? Maybe his phone died.

  Maybe I’m an idiot.

  It’s now just past 4:00 AM and the bar is finally spotless. We’ve been sitting down at a table for a while, catching up, and I’ve tried calling Jax three more times. Still straight to voicemail. I’m starting to get really worried, and yes, really pissed.

  “Hey, Micah. I’m starting to worry about Jax. What if he decided to come home, but got in an accident?” He gives me an ‘Are you joking?’ look, but I choose to ignore it. “Will you please call Slade and see if he is still there?” I place my chin in my hands and give him my best puppy eyes. It takes me a second to realize he is rattling off a set of numbers.

  “Slade’s phone number.” He smiles before he turns his eyes back to Holly as she fills him in on our night at work.

  Great! I don’t want to call some guy I don’t know, looking for my boyfriend. But what if Jax is out there hurt somewhere? What if he got too drunk and passed out in his car? What if he was on his way home and ran off the road? I always seem to think the worst, but anything could have happened to him!

  I pick up my phone and ask him to repeat Slade’s phone number. Once he does, I get up from our table, grab my purse from behind the bar, and say my goodbyes.

  The entire way home I keep going through different scenarios. I find him home in bed safe and sound; I have to go identify his body because of a horrible accident. I finally turn up the radio to drown out my thoughts.

  As I pull up to the house, I let out a puff of air when I see our garage is empty. I pull out my cell and look down at the numbers I put in my phone. I don’t know Slade personally. I know his parents, Vivian and Mark. I’ve been to their house a few times with Micah and Holly. How did Jax even become friends with him?

  I lie down on the bed and push send.

  Chapter Two

  I stumble backwards as Jessica, I think, pushes me through my bedroom door. I close my door with my foot as I pull my shirt up and over my head while she unbuttons my jeans, pulling them down my legs. I kick off my shoes and reach up to pull her shirt over her head, revealing a nude satin bra that I can already tell makes her tits look bigger than they actually are. She reaches back and unfastens it, before throwing it into the pile of clothes on the floor.

  “These need to come off,” she says playfully as she reaches for my boxers and slides them down my legs.

  “As do yours.” I step up to her and start pulling her panties down her legs. I toss them on top of our pile that we have made before I turn back to face her.

  “Slade,” she squeals as I push her onto my bed.

  I stop to listen as I’m straddling her. Did I just hear a phone ring?

  “Slade,” she pants.

  “Shh,” I say, trying to listen.

  “Why are you shushing me?” she demands as she leans up and grabs my dick. Rational thought leaves my mind, and I lean down and kiss her as I place myself between her legs. “I�
��m not the quiet type,” she breathes as she pulls her lips from mine.

  I faintly hear that noise again. I stop moving and hover over her as I try to listen.

  “I want you Sla—”

  I place my hand over her mouth. “Shut up,” I whisper, leaning down to her. “I hear something.”

  She pushes my hand away. “What are you talking about?” she hisses.

  I climb off of her to find the source of the ringing noise. I’m pretty sure it’s my cell, and I would normally let it ring, but it may be my brother, Micah. He was really quiet and seemed worried about something at Dad’s birthday dinner. When I’d asked him if something was wrong, he’d told me he was just tired and wanted to go home and take a nap. He was planning on going up to Larry’s around the time that Holly was getting of work. Maybe he needs to talk about something. Who else would be calling me at this hour?

  “Slade!” Jessica barks. “What in the hell are you doing? Just let it ring,” she demands as I fumble through my dark room, trying to find our pile of clothes because my cell phone is in my jean pocket.

  “Shut the fuck up for two seconds!” I demand as I find my way to my bedroom door and reach our clothes.

  “Unbelievable,” she mutters to herself.

  Ignoring her, I finally dig it out of my jean pocket and look at the number on the screen. It’s a number that I don’t recognize, but that’s nothing uncommon.

  “Who is it?” Jessica asks, sitting up. “It better be important.”

  I turn to face her, using my phone as a light. “Shut up, or fucking leave.” I point to the bedroom door. It didn’t matter who the fuck it is, I am going to answer it.

  She huffs and plops down on the bed.

  “Hello?” I snap, pissed off at Jessica.

  “Hi. I’m, uh, looking for Slade.” The sweetest sounding voice that I have ever heard comes from the other end of the line. My body instantly reacts, making my already hard cock jerk.

  “That’s him…me. I mean, this is he.” Fuck, what’s wrong with me? I clear my throat since I can’t seem to speak properly, and continue to stand in the dark, waiting to hear what she has to say.


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