
Home > Romance > Indulge > Page 106
Indulge Page 106

by Liv Morris

  “No, babe. You girls go ahead.” The three of us sit down as the girls walk off to the dance floor.

  I sit down and watch Angel as she and Holly find their way to the back corner of the dance floor where they can dance alone. My eyes drink her in as her body moves to the music. Her hips move from side to side as her hands run over her body, then she slowly raises them above her head as she lets the music take over her movements. I have to scoot my chair closer to the table to hide my erection. I start to daydream as I continue watching her. Thinking how good that would feel; her pumping those hips up and down as she rides my cock. How soft her hair would be on my chest, calling out my name as her pussy tightens around me.

  “Here,” Josh says, getting my attention as he sets the beer down in front of me.

  I look over at Josh as he and Micah laugh at me. They must have been watching me watch Angel as she danced.

  “Fuckers,” I mutter at them then turn back to watch Angel dance and continue my fantasy. Angel and Holly are standing in front of our table with smiles on their faces.

  “Did you like what you saw?” Angel says, laughing.

  I guess everyone saw me staring like a fucking idiot. She wouldn’t be laughing if she knew what I had for her in my pants. I lean back in my chair and try to act like I wasn’t daydreaming about her in my bed for the thousandth time. I’m getting desperate, so this is going to be my newest tactic to try. I’ve shown remorse, I’ve shown interest; nothing has fucking worked. So what is left? To act like I don’t give a fuck!

  “You can dance.” I shrug. “But I wasn’t watching you, I was watching the blonde behind you.” I reach out grabbing my beer, and take a swallow of it. I stare into her eyes. She continues to smile, but her eyes narrow just a tad on me. She looks away first to pick up her shots that the waitress had brought for her and Holly before they turn and head back to the dance floor without saying another word.

  “There was no blonde behind them,” Micah says, laughing out loud.

  I shrug. “She doesn’t need to know that,” I say, picking the label on my beer bottle. Micah is right; there is no blonde.

  For the next hour, I sit at our table with Micah and Josh while the girls drink and dance together. Yes, I realize I do have it bad for Samantha. I have it so bad that I want to fucking hit my head against a wall. Maybe that will help clear all the confusion, or make me pass out. Either one sounds better than trying to figure out what I have to do to get her.

  What if she really believes me, now that I act like I’m unaffected? Is that the right move to make? Or should I continue to show my interest?

  She’s so fucking special to me. Now I just have to figure out what my next move is. I don’t want to just take her home and fuck her. I mean I do, but I don’t. What the fuck am I even thinking? As if she would even give me the opportunity. I want to get to know her, shit I barely know her at all. She had told me the first time I called her that she wanted to be friends. Maybe that is where I need to start. Lay off on all the staring and making gestures about her naked.

  I feel Micah’s elbow in my side, and I look up to see what he wants. He nods his head to the dance floor. Once I look where he is looking, I see red. Angel is dancing with some guy. Wait. No, not dancing, practically fucking him, on the dance floor. He has his hands all over her. Her back is to his front. She has her head back lying against his chest with her eyes closed. Every muscle in my body tenses up. I put my beer down and take off towards the dance floor.

  “Be cool, Slade!” Josh yells.

  Cool? I don’t think so. The guy looks up, and notices I’m coming right at him. He immediately lets go of Angel and stands back. Smart fucker.

  When I get to her, she is still dancing, now by herself and her eyes remain closed. I grab her left wrist and growl. “We’re leaving.”

  “What the hell, Slade?” She tries to pull her arm away as I continue to pull her to the back exit where my car is parked. She struggles, trying to get her arm out of my hold, but I’m not going to let go. I am beyond pissed off.

  “Let go! I’m not ready to leave!” She yells as we make it through the back door into the parking lot.

  “Oh yes you are.” I start to dig in my pocket for my keys.

  “No, I’m not! Let me go! I’m going back in there, and you can’t stop me!” She pulls her arm free, but I grab both her upper arms before she even had the chance to head back into the club.

  “Why? Why would you want to go back in there? So you can allow any man to grab all over you? Like you’re some fucking cheap whore? Is that how you want to be treated?” I instantly regret my words. I’m just so mad and jealous. Jealous. I’ve never been jealous before, and I don’t know what to do about this rage inside of me.

  She yanks her arms out of my hold and slaps me across the face so hard and fast I don’t see it coming.

  Fuck! For someone so small, she can hit!

  I take a step back, rubbing my cheek. “Guess I had that coming,” I mumble.

  She takes a step towards me, matching my step. “Don’t you dare talk to me like that, you son of a bitch! You know nothing about me. I’m a grown ass woman and can do whatever, or whoever, the fuck I want!” she yells.

  She is right. I was way out of line.

  “Who the fuck are you to judge me?” She points a finger at me. “Every time I’ve seen or talked to you, you’re practically fucking someone….and it’s someone different every time!” She throws her hands in the air. “Don’t talk to me about being a whore.” She takes in a few deep breaths as her hands clench down at her side.

  I raise my hands slowly, showing her I don’t want to fight. “Look, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. I apologize. Please get in my car and let me take you home. It’s late, and I think you’ve had enough to drink.” I take small steps towards her.

  She shakes her head no. “Go home, Slade. Just go home. I don’t need you to play the ‘daddy card’ and tell me when I’ve had enough to drink.” She stumbles backwards a bit, proving my point. I put an arm out to steady her, but she brushes it off.

  I am not letting her go back inside, even if I have to carry her kicking and screaming. “Please, let me take you home. It’s not safe for you to stay here. You can barely stand.” I’m trying to get her to realize how drunk she is without getting slapped again.

  “Oh, and you think I’m safe with you?” She lets out a hard laugh.

  Her words make me pause. “Yes.” I frown. “Why do you not think you would be safe with me?” I step up to her as my heart pounds in my chest. What if she pulls away? What if she lets me get close? How far will I allow this to go?

  She stares into my eyes as I continue toward her until our bodies are touching. Her body goes stiff against mine, but she doesn’t move away.

  “Tell me, Angel, why aren’t you safe with me?” I wrap my arms around her body, bringing her even closer to mine. She’s so small, and my arms feel so good wrapped around her. “Why not?” I repeat.

  She looks up at me and swallows. “It’s not you…” she whispers.

  “Tell me,” I say harshly, needing to know.

  My tone startles her, and she closes her eyes for a second. When she opens them, she takes a deep breath. “Because I don’t trust myself around you.” She lowers her head to look at our feet and rests her forehead on my chest.

  And there it is; the reason she has been pushing me away. I release the hold I have around her body, and wrap my hands lightly around her dainty wrists. I feel her body break out in goose bumps as I slowly start to make my way up the length of her arms to her shoulders. They travel over her neck, making her gasp. Her skin is soft and smooth, and I want to take my mouth along the same path my hands just took. I want to taste every inch of her skin, drink her in.

  My hands continue until they tangle in her soft hair, and I lightly pull to bring her face up to mine. I lower my lips down to meet hers. I have to kiss her. There is no way I am going to waste another second without feeling her lips
on mine. I need to know the feel of them, the warmth of them. I have already waited too long, and I can’t deny myself any longer. I have to taste her lips on mine.

  My lips brush hers softly, and she starts to pull her head away, but I hold her head still by her hair. “Don’t,” I whisper against her lips, making her body tremble.

  I continue to hold her lips close to mine as I let my eyes search her face. I can feel her breath on my face, and it is intoxicating. “I’m going to kiss you. Just this once, please. I need to kiss you, Angel.” At this point, I am not too good to beg.

  “Okay,” she says against my lips breathlessly. “Kiss me.”

  That is all the invitation I need.

  I press my lips to hers, and I feel my body come alive as her sensual soft lips make contact to mine. She lets me control the kiss, soft and slow. I pull back as her tongue gently licks my bottom lip. I open up a little more for her, and she takes my bottom lip into her mouth, lightly biting. I can’t help but moan in response.

  My dick is so hard for her that it aches. Her body moves closer to mine as she wraps her arms around my neck. I can’t hold back anymore. My tongue enters her mouth, and her tongue meets mine with the same passion.

  My hand tightens its hold on her hair and she moans with pleasure, moving closer to my body.

  She slows the kiss down and pulls away. I slide my hand down the rest of her soft curls as she opens those gorgeous emerald eyes, looking up at me.

  “Why do you call me that?” she whispers quietly. Call her what? I apologized for calling her a whore, didn’t I? “Angel.”

  Smiling, I place the back of my knuckles on her face and stroke her soft cheek. I lean down, looking into those beautiful green eyes. I can’t stop touching her. I run my thumb over her bottom lip, I already want to kiss them again.

  “You are an Angel to me. The first time I saw you in that white dress and that breathtaking smile you have, you just had a glow about you. You reminded me of an angel.” My angel.

  She gives me a warm smile that takes me breath away. “You’re so gorgeous, Angel,” I whisper. I don’t think I can tell her that enough. I reach down to take her hand in mine. “May I take you home? Please?” Begging and apologizing is easy when it involves her.

  She nods her head once.

  I lean down, softly kissing her forehead, then take her hand in mine as we walk to her car. I have to place my other hand on her back, helping to stabilize her because she is still drunk and stumbles a few times.

  I help her into the passenger seat first, then walk around the car to get behind the wheel. I start the ignition, then look over at her. Her eyes are closed, and her head laid back on the headrest. I pull out my phone to text Micah and let him know that I was taking Angel home. I look around to back us out of the parking spot and see her eyes are open, staring right into mine.

  “Slade,” she says in that sexy voice that makes my erection throb. “I’m sorry for slapping you. I don’t know what came over me.” She reaches out and cups her palm over my wounded cheek. I give her a smile and take her hand, turning it around to kiss the back of it.

  “It’s alright, Angel. No need to apologize. I deserved it. I’m truly sorry for what I said to you.” She nods her head. I really do feel horrible for calling her a whore. She is right, I know nothing about her and have no right.

  “I’m not ready to go home.”

  “Where would you like to go?” I look over at her, but she is already passed out. I turn my car in the direction of my house.

  My God, his hand felt good holding mine. And that kiss! It was mesmerizing. His hard muscular body felt so good against mine. Good God, did my body react to his every touch. I couldn’t hold back the moans and goose bumps that broke out over my body when he touched me. I know he had the same reaction to me. I felt his massive erection in his pants.

  “Angel?” I love it when he calls me Angel. “Angel?” I hear him saying it again, closer to my face this time.

  “Hmmm?” My eyes are still closed, and my body feels heavy from the alcohol, but my nerve endings are still tingling from that kiss.

  “Wrap your arms around my neck, baby.” His face feels so close to mine...if I can just lift up a bit, I’m sure I can kiss him again. I try opening my eyes, but they are just too heavy.

  I feel his hands on my arms as he wraps them around his neck. I lace my fingers together behind his neck as he lifts me out of his car. “Am I home?” I take in a deep breath, snuggling my face into his neck. Just the smell of him is making me moan with want. I relax my body, letting his strong arms carry me into the house.

  “I brought you back to my place. You told me you didn’t want to go home before you passed out,” he says cautiously.

  My heart rate picks up, knowing we are at his home alone. After that kiss, I want him. Hell, I’ve wanted him before that kiss. I want to feel that hard body on top of me...his lips on mine...his hands on my skin.

  I tighten my hands around his neck, lifting my head from the crook of his neck up to his ear. As he leans closer to my lips, I stick my tongue out to lick it and he brings us to a stop, gripping me tighter in his arms.

  “What are you doing?” His voice is husky, turning me on even more.

  “You know what I’m doing,” I whisper in his ear, and I feel his body shiver. I start to nibble on his ear, and he hisses, gripping me tighter as he starts to walk again.

  He walks us into a dark room as I continued to play with his ear, but as we come to a stop, I release it. Setting me down on the end of the bed, I open my eyes and look at him. It’s hard to see him in the dark room, but I don’t care. I don’t need light to feel how hard his body is for me.

  He bends down and removes my heels one at a time. When he sets the last heel on the floor, he stands and walks over to the side of the bed. I turn around, getting a burst of energy, and crawl over to him. He leans over in front of me and turns a lamp on that gives out just a little hint of light.

  I reach up and put my arms around his neck, kissing him before he can get away. His lips open for mine as soon as they touch. I let my tongue enter his mouth, exploring, and he kisses me back without hesitation, running his hands up and down my legs. His lips are magical. Tasting me and teasing me, kissing me like he’s been craving me, like he can’t get enough of my lips on his. He is such an amazing kisser. His hands are firm as they grip my thighs. I want to feel that same sensation all over my body.

  “Fuck, Angel,” he breathes heavily, pulling away to look at my face. He bends his head back down, crashing his lips to mine again and not giving me a chance to voice my opinion on this situation. Which is a good thing; I am incapable of speaking.

  I begin to pull him onto the bed, and he moves willingly, pushing my back down onto the soft comforter and straddling me. He places one hand on the bed next to my face, and massages my breast over my shirt with the other hand while we kiss.

  I undo the button on his jeans and move for his zipper. He stops kissing me and reaches down to grab my hands. He sits up a little as he lifts my hands above my head, holding them softly against the mattress. His aggressiveness makes liquid pour between my legs, and desire bloom in my stomach. I have never been with someone who wanted to control my actions, or lack thereof. I like it!

  He slowly leans down and gives me a soft kiss on my lips. “Just what do you think you are doing, Angel?” A slow sexy smile forms on his face.

  “You?” I breathe, wiggling my body beneath him. He starts to shake his head no.


  Begging? Am I going to beg him?

  Yes, I am. I can feel his long hard length above my stomach. It’s not going to take much begging on my part.

  He takes both of my wrists in one of his big hands and trails his free hand down my arm. My breath catches as his thumb moves over my collarbone.

  What is he doing to me? God he is so fucking sexy. I growl in protest as he lifts his hips off me and sits down beside me, still holding my hands above my head
with one hand. I can’t take my eyes off him as his hand continues its descent and cups my sex. I gasp and lift my hips, begging him to touch my sensitive spot.

  “God. Please, Slade.” He is torturing me. The need I have for him is overwhelming. I try to remove my hands, but he holds them down effortlessly. I try to lift my hips, but he places his leg over me and holds them down. I am completely immobile.

  “Slade.” Why is he making me wait?

  “I know, Angel.” He bends his head down to kiss my mouth as he starts undoing my shorts, but his hand stops and he pulls his mouth away from mine. “You sure you want this?” He asks calmly.

  I want to scream at him! How can he be this calm?

  “You have to tell me, Angel,” he says softly.

  I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I need to calm down. My head is spinning, from both Slade and the alcohol. When I open my eyes and look into his, I see it. They are clouding over, making them a darker shade of blue, and his jaw is twitching. His body might seem cool and relaxed, but inside he is holding something in; something that he wants to release.

  I want him to release it on me. I want to experience anything and everything he was willing to give me. I finally found my voice. “Yes. I want this. You. Please. Please, fuck me.” I have never talked dirty. I hope I don’t sound stupid.

  He rewards me with a slow, sexy smile that makes my insides turn with anticipation. “Oh, Angel, I’m not going to fuck you, but I do want to hear you scream my name as you come tonight.”

  Not have sex? What does that mean?

  I don’t get to ponder on that much longer. He pulls my shorts down, stopping them mid-thigh. He can’t remove them all the way because his other hand refuses to let my wrists go. He pulls my panties to the side, then slowly slides one finger up and down my fold.

  “Fuck, Angel. You’re so wet.” He continues to tease me, rubbing his finger up and down lightly.

  I should be embarrassed that my body is dripping for him, but I’m not. My need for him outweighs my embarrassment.


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