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Indulge Page 133

by Liv Morris

  I lean my face into hers and give her a kiss. I stop right as my lips brush hers. She won’t be able to resist, I know she will push her lips out to kiss me. That’s just how Angel is.

  I feel her lips smile against mine. “I’m sorry. Did that hurt?” she whispers.

  “Yes.” I smile.

  “What if I kiss it? Will that help?”

  I shake my head lightly. “It will help if you kiss my lips.”

  She pushes her lips to mine and gives me a tender kiss, opening her mouth just a bit for me. She pulls back and sits up in her seat as I lean back in mine, staring at her. God, she is so amazing and all mine. I love everything about this woman.

  “I’m not giving your plate back. You will have to get another one.” She smiles smugly as she shoves more pancakes in her mouth.

  I laugh and nod my head. “Sounds fair.”

  “Would you like my plate, or do you want me to get you something else?” Josh asks Courtney.

  “Do they have biscuits?”


  “I would like some biscuits and gravy, please.” She bats her eyelashes at him. She’s already got him wrapped around her finger.

  “Come on, Josh. Let’s get back in line.” We stand and start to walk away as Angel stops me.

  “Slade,” she says in that wonderful sweet voice.

  I stop walking and turn around, giving her a look that says I know exactly what she’s doing and she’s going to pay for it later. “Yes, Angel?”

  She lifts up my glass of orange juice. “You’ll want to get yourself a new drink as well.” She smiles as she takes a sip of what used to be my orange juice.

  I nod my head with a huge smile on my face. “Okay.”

  “Thanks, baby,” she winks, saying it like she gave me a choice to get myself a new drink.

  I turn my body away from the girls and see Josh standing in front of me with a bright red face. He’s trying hard not to laugh.

  “Just let it out.”

  He shakes his head laughing.

  We grab new plates and go back to join the girls.

  “What time is checkout?” Courtney asks Josh.

  “One. The game starts at three, so I figure we could go do some tailgating.”

  “I’m not drinking.” Angel gives me a serious look.

  I place my hand over hers on the table. “Okay. How do you feel? You look like you feel good.”

  She squeezes my hand. “I’m okay.”

  “Well, if you want to tailgate, we should leave the hotel before one.” I take my hand from Angel’s, “I know it’s less than a mile away, but we should still try to get there early so that we can park the truck as close as possible.” I lace my hands together on the table. “We can lay the tailgate down and just hang out. Plus, the closer we get, the easier it will be to get out after it’s over.”

  I look over and watch Angel as she picks through what was my plate. I smile as I put a hand on her face. “Have I told you you’re perfect?”

  She tilts he head in thought. “Nope.” She pops a piece of toast in her mouth.

  “Well you are.”

  She smiles as she stands.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I’m going to run to the restroom. I’ll be right back.” She turns and walks away from the table, giving me an image of her round ass in those low cut jeans.

  “I’ve never seen her this happy.” I look to Courtney. “Really.”

  She nods her head. “Even when she was pissed off at you this morning, I could tell she was happy.”

  “She seems to be mad at me often.” That can’t be a good thing.

  She shrugs. “That’s how relationships are. No one knows how to piss you of more than the one you love.”

  I’ve never thought of it like that. I do push her buttons. I like that she gets mad at me, though. It shows me that she doesn’t back down or bow down to me. She has a backbone and uses it.

  And I love that.

  Nothing is sexier than a woman who stands up for herself.

  “Are you guys drunk?”

  Slade has had at least six beers. Josh has had five. I counted. I’m actually really impressed with him. He didn’t drink much last night, either. I think he’d rather stay sober and talk to Courtney than get trashed and not remember what they talked about.

  “No,” Slade answers as he pulls me tighter to him.

  We are walking to the stadium from the parking lot. The last three hours we have done nothing but walk around and tailgate with the fans. It’s been a blast.

  “Well, then why are we walking crooked?” I laugh as I shove him to the left.

  “Because it’s hard to walk like this.” He pulls his arm out from under me and stops walking.

  “What are you doing?” I eye him as he stands on the sidewalk.

  “Come here.” He reaches his arm out as he bends down. I give him a look of confusion. He shakes his hand that he’s holding out to me. I walk up to him and he puts me behind him. “Jump on” He bends down even farther. I smile as I jump up on his back. “Hang on.” He wraps his arms under my legs as he gives me a piggy back ride. He starts running to catch up with Josh and Courtney who are a bit ahead of us. I giggle as my body bounces up and down.

  “Stop running.”

  We come up behind them and scare Courtney as Slade screams, “Boo!” to her back. “You two are crazy.” She turns her back to us and starts laughing. “Oh wait. I brought my camera.” She pulls her camera out of her purse. “Smile!”

  We smile as Slade still holds me on his back.

  We come up to a long line to get into the stadium. I could have some fun with this.

  I lean down so my mouth is near his ear. “Slade,” I sigh. I feel his body stiffen. I have to bite down on my lip to keep from laughing in his ear. I know what saying his name like that does. I still want him to pay for getting me so drunk last night.

  And I know just how to do it.

  He clears his throat. “Yes, Angel?” he rasps out.

  I start second guessing what I’m doing. I want him, but making him want me is probably not a good idea. We are about to sit through a football game. It’s not like we are heading home from lunch or something.

  I decide to go along with my plan. I stick my tongue out, licking along his ear as I nibble on the lobe, sucking it into my mouth. I feel a shiver run through his body and I smile. “Baby, I—”

  I squeal as he lets go of my legs and pulls me around to the front to cradle me to his body. I’m hanging on to his Rams t-shirt for dear life while trying to catch my breath.

  “Yes, Angel?” He smiles smugly down at me. “You what?” He cocks an eyebrow.

  I narrow my eyes at him and squirm until he puts me down. I turn around so my back is to him, and cross my arms over my chest as I huff. I just wanted to play with him, and he ended up playing with me.

  He wraps his arms around my chest and sets his chin on top of my head. “You know. I’m probably going to regret saying this...”

  Is he talking to me? Because I’m ignoring him!

  He removes his chin from my head and moves so he can whisper in my ear. “You drive me wild when you get mad, making me want to fuck you, hard. It’s like a challenge, Angel. It’s like you’re challenging me to wipe that pissed off look off your face. And you know I don’t back down from a challenge.”

  God, that sounds so sexy.

  My skin breaks out with goose bumps as my body heat rises. I feel him rub his erection against my back. “See, Angel.” He pushes into me. “See how much you make me want you? If I had my way, I would carry you back to the truck and fuck you in the back seat until you apologized for saying my name like that. You know it drives me crazy, Angel. So crazy that I want to bury my cock in you, fucking you hard and fast while you scream my name.”

  I feel my knees go weak. I am so wet for him right now. He won’t have to carry me to the truck. Hell, I’ll race him there.

  Yeah, that sounds like a great plan

  I turn around breathing heavy and so ready. I go to walk past him towards the truck, when he gets a hold of my belt loop and pulls me back, slamming me into his chest.

  “Well come on,” I say breathless.

  He smiles his victory smile that makes his baby blues sparkle. I stand there mesmerized. He pulls my chest to his as I look up to him. I’m confused. I thought we were going to the truck?

  He shakes his head. Did I say that out loud? He leans down and my breath catches as his hand tightens in my hair and his lips brush my ear.

  “It sucks being teased, doesn’t it?” I pull away from him as his arms fall to his side. He chuckles.

  I cross my arms over my chest. “I’m definitely not apologizing now.” I push out a hip, and push my sunglasses down over my eyes, giving him the best pissed off look I can muster, although all I want to do is smile. He is good at this game, but I’m taking notes.

  “We’ll see,” he chuckles.

  We start to move forward as we enter the stadium. We go to find our seats first then the guys leave us to go get us some beers and hot dogs. Courtney and I start talking about how much we are going to miss each other since she has to go back tomorrow.

  The guys come back with hands full of stuff as they hand us our hot dogs.

  “Here, baby.” I reach over, letting him take a bite of my hotdog. He doesn’t even take it from me. He has a beer in each hand. He just bends his head down and takes a big bite out of it, making me laugh.

  I think about how far we’ve come since that first phone call. I have fallen in love with someone who has changed my life for the better. I would never admit it, but I like fighting with him. It tells me that what I feel is real. That this love I have is never going to go away, even when he walks away. When I’m pissed off at him, I still love him. The thought of him walking away makes my breath catch and my chest tighten.

  As soon as I say the words ‘I love you’ he will leave. He will leave because I would be giving in. I know he loves me somewhat, but the only reason he’s still with me is because he wants to win. Maybe he finds this relationship as a challenge. He’s challenging me to give up first. Well, I have news for him. I can hold my tongue and not utter those three words that will destroy us. I will ride this train until it comes to a stop. And when he walks away, I will keep my head high and my broken heart to myself.

  “Slade, where’s my beer?”

  “Oh sorry, I forgot.” Slade leans over to hand Josh his beer.

  “You forgot you were holding two beers?” I ask as I smile at him. His eyes are on the field and I see his eyes slide to look over at me. When he looks back to the field, I continue staring at him. He turns his head to look back at me. “What?” he smirks.

  I shake my head. He leans down, placing his now free hand on my face. I jerk back. “What?” he asks with a serious look on his face.

  “Your hand is freezing,” I laugh.

  “Oh, sorry. Yeah, they feel kind of numb. Here...” He rubs it real fast on his pant leg, then places it back on my cheek. “That better?”

  I nod. Although it’s still freezing, I don’t mind. It was just that initial shock that made me react. He leans down and his eyes search mine as I lean into him and push my lips to his, closing my eyes. I feel his tongue meet mine. I love how sweet his kisses can be.

  Everyone starts screaming, but he doesn’t stop. He moves his hand to the back of my neck and holds on tighter, like he thinks I might pull away.

  Not a chance!

  “I could never get enough of that.” He pulls his face a few inches from mine.


  How does he make me breathless from only a kiss?

  “Your soft lips.” He runs his thumb over my bottom lip. “How you taste. How gorgeous you are.”

  I can’t take my eyes away from his. I feel my walls coming down with every word he speaks.

  This may be harder than I had ever imagined.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  “What the fuck was that? Are you blind?” Courtney yells to a ref.

  Angel was right when she said they were rowdy. They are extremely rowdy. Angel is just as loud and screams just as much as Courtney does. She just does it without all the curse words.

  We are all on our feet, cheering for the Rams. Its fourth quarter with a minute and a half left. We are up by twenty points. I’m trying to get into the game, but it’s been hard since I kissed Angel. I don’t know what was different about that kiss, but I’m still thinking about it. I swear when I pulled away I could see it in her eyes. She wanted to say it. She wanted to tell me she loves me.

  When I had looked at her the look on her face was a look I had never seen from her. Something so soft it made my heart swell. I want to be gentle and show her that it isn’t all about the fucking. I know I say things to her about how I want to fuck her, and I know she likes it. She likes that I talk dirty to her and demand what I want from her sexually.

  She can’t hide her feelings forever. She will slip up and the words will come out eventually.

  And I will be there to say them back.

  The girls jump up and down as the Rams beat the Seahawks. Josh and I walk back toward the truck as the girls skip along in front of us, acting like little kids. Josh and I just laugh.

  We aren’t even on the highway driving back to my house from the game when I look in the rear view mirror to see a passed out Courtney leaning on Josh’s shoulder as he looks out the window. Angel is leaning up against her window, passed out as well.

  “They are worn out,” I chuckle.

  “Yeah. It has been a long day. Especially after all they had to drink last night.” He runs a hand over Courtney’s hair.

  “You can stay at my house tonight. You don’t have to go home.” I have plenty of rooms, and Courtney leaves tomorrow afternoon. I know he wants to spend some time with her.

  He nods. “Yeah, I’ll stay.” He looks down to Courtney and I know he’s already regretting having to let her go back to Tulsa.

  I pull up to the house and park the truck in the garage. “I’m going to take her to bed, then I’m going to pass out.”

  “Okay. Thanks again for letting me stay.” He picks up Courtney as he gets out of the truck.

  “Anytime.” He knows he doesn’t even have to ask.

  I reach over and pull Angel away from her window so that she doesn’t fall out of the truck when I open her door. She moans as I move her and it makes my dick grow hard. I take a deep breath and get out of the truck.

  I walk over to her and open her door. I step up on the Nerf bars and pick her up in my arms. She doesn’t move as I cradle her to my body and shut the truck door.

  I walk her into the house and take her to our room, then lay her down on the bed. I pull off her shoes, then I unbutton her jeans and slowly pull them down her legs before I lift her up and discard her shirt.

  I want to wake her up and show her how gentle I can be. I want her to show me what it’s like to feel someone physically love you. I won’t, though. She is exhausted and I know she needs her sleep.

  I undo her bra and pull her panties off. I go to the bathroom, get ready for bed then climb in next to her. I pull her body against mine.

  “Good night, Angel,” I whisper to her face. I place a soft kiss on her forehead and close my eyes.

  “So…fill me in?” Courtney and I are in the truck on our way to the airport.

  “I didn’t sleep with him. If that’s what you’re asking,” she laughs.

  “What?” I ask, obviously surprised.

  “We slept in the same bed.” She lays her head back, sighing. “I really like him. We stayed up all night talking. Well, I talked. He just listened,” she laughs.

  “I bet he hated to say goodbye.” Slade had left for work this morning, but Josh went in late to spend some more time with Courtney.

  “Yeah. I gave him my email, cell and home number.”

  I laugh at her. “Well then, when you decide he’s boring you,
you won’t be able to ignore him.”

  “No, I really like him. He’s different. He wasn’t trying to get down my pants. We kissed. He’s such a good kisser, but other than that he was a perfect gentleman. He even told me this morning he wants to come down to see me in Tulsa.”

  I pull up to the airport where I have to drop her off. I turn to her. “I’m glad. I hope it turns into something. Josh is a good guy and deserves someone to treat him right and I know you would.”

  We give each other a hug and shed a few tears. I tell her goodbye and head back to Slade’s house. My phone rings as I walk into Slade’s house. I dig it out of my purse and stare at the caller ID.

  My heart stops.


  My mom is calling me. I’ve called her every month for five years and she has never answered a single call.

  Now she’s calling me.

  I let out a breath and answer. “Hello?” I whisper. I can’t manage much more than that.


  My eyes well up in tears, hearing her say my name like she just called to discuss the weather.

  “Yes, Mom.” My voice cracks.

  “Oh, Samantha. It’s so good to hear your voice.”

  I can’t speak. Tears fall down my cheeks, and there’s a silence that lingers between us before she speaks.

  “I’m so sorry,” she whispers.

  I can’t say anything.

  “Will you come home? Please?” she pleads.


  Can I come home? Of course I can. I’ve always thought about her. Always missed her.

  “Honey, I want to see you. Can you come home? I…I really want to see you. I want to apologize for everything and do it the right way.”

  “Yes,” I whisper, still not able to speak properly.

  “I want to see you as soon as possible. It’s been too long.” She starts to cry.

  I’m standing in the walkway of Slade’s house, crying on the phone while my mom cries on the other end. What is happening?

  “Okay. I’ll book a flight out for tomorrow.” I swallow hard.

  “Are you going to come alone, or is Slade going to come with you?”


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