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Indulge Page 152

by Liv Morris

  “I want it fast and hard tonight Jacob. You’ve been gone for too long.” I move up and down in a fast motion. Jacob moans my name.

  “Baby that’s it. Argh. You feel so good.”

  His hands go down to my ass and squeeze it, making me moan. “Yes, Jacob!”

  I keep grinding against him. “Argh Abigail!”

  Just a few more movements up and down and I feel the tension building inside. Waves of contentment rush out of my body and I lean forward and kiss him all over. “I love you Jacob.”

  “Always Abigail.” He takes my hand and puts it over his heart, “Forever.” We both say.

  Chapter 23


  The week goes by slowly. I’ve been stuck in the office with meetings and finalizing contracts and I haven’t seen much of Abigail and Lucas in a few days because of working late at night. Since I cleared the issue with Audrina, the connection we shared is stronger; better than before. We talk about our feelings and Abigail doesn’t hide anymore from me. If she’s upset, she lets me know and I love this about her. We don’t have time for childish games and her smart ass mouth is one of the things I admire about her.

  “Mr. Greene you have a visitor.” Heather announces.

  “Heather not now. I’m in the middle of finalizing these contracts. They needed to be done yesterday. I can’t have any distractions.” I look at my planner, “And what visitors? I don’t have any appointments written down.” I get up from my desk and dart my eyes at her. “Did you forget to remind me of a meeting?” I yell out, “Heather!”

  Heather bursts out laughing and sits down on the couch. I’m about to yell at her some more when I see Abigail and Lucas come in with a basket. “Surprise!”

  I instantly calm and sit back down on my chair. Feeling incredibly stupid I shake my head and rub my tired eyes.

  “Daddy!” Lucas says running to me. I pick him up and place him on my lap.

  “Hey buddy. What a nice surprise.” I kiss the side of his head and listen to him tell me what they brought for lunch.

  Heather leaves the office still laughing and I turn my attention to both of my loves. Abigail places the basket down on the table and starts setting everything out. She’s wearing a pink and red pattern wrap dress. Her hair is curly and lightly bounces with each movement. The way she moves so easily captivates my heart. She turns around to show me her angelic smile. God, this woman. She’s my reason why I can believe again. I pick up Lucas and walk over to her. I give her a kiss and hear Lucas laugh. We sit down and eat the lunch they brought for me, chicken pasta with garlic bread, fruit and chocolate cookies.


  Since the surprise lunch, the rest of the work week goes by fast without any problems. We were able to sign on three more authors, which brought my stress level and anxiety down. It had been a game of tag with the three authors but in the end it worked out well. Heather was embracing the romance section without any problems and had great promotional ideas. Her ideas brought in more profit and got Anthony off our backs for now.

  Saturday came without any notice. The morning started off perfectly with Abigail and Lucas by my side in bed. I wake up before the both of them and creep into the bathroom to get ready. When I get my phone and look at my messages, there’s one from Logan.

  Logan: Cook out today? Suppose to be ninety-five without any signs of rain.

  Me: Yeah come on over.

  Logan: Sounds good. See you around one.

  Me: Alright.

  I put my phone away and walk out of the bedroom and go to the kitchen to make my famous Saturday breakfast-chocolate chip pancakes, biscuits, eggs and sausage. It is going to be great once we fully move into the new house. To have Abigail and Lucas in the house with me would make everything perfect. Abigail is just about done packing up her things and both bedrooms. The realtor is coming by tomorrow to get everything set up for us.

  I get out the plates and set the table. All the food is out on the plates when the doorbell rings. I look at my watch and see it’s a little past eight. Logan wouldn’t be over now I thought. I wash my hands and dry them with a towel before answering the door. Right as the door opens, I see Ryan standing right before me.

  “What the fuck,” he says. His eyes narrow onto mine and without thinking his fist lands on my face. I stumble back and see him charging at me. I move away and punch him back. He looks back at me with rage and anger. “What the fuck are you doing here Greene?”

  “I can ask you the same thing Ryan.” I scream back, shaking my head I ask, “Why are you here?”

  “That’s none of your concern. How the fuck do you know her and why are you here?”

  “I’m her boyfriend and it is my concern when it comes to my girlfriend and son.” I stand up to him. There’s no way he’s going to come here and act as though he owns anything. “I think you need to leave.”

  Ryan lets out a rip roaring laugh, “You’re girlfriend and son?” The murderous tone reaches his eyes. “Greene I suggest you get the fuck out of my face and let me see my son!”

  Abigail comes running down the stairs, “Ryan get out now!”

  Ryan looks at her and crosses his arms, “Well well. Look what we have here. Abbie, aren’t you going to tell Jacob your dirty little secret?”

  I look at Abigail and the color from her face disappears. What secret is he talking about? “Ryan, get out now. You’re never allowed back in here. Get out!”

  Ryan steps closer but I stand in between the both of them so he doesn’t get any further, “Ryan leave.”

  “Lucas doesn’t need to see or hear this Ryan so leave,” Abigail cries.

  “This isn’t over Abbie! I hope your new boy toy here knows your fucking dirty secret.” Ryan looks at Jacob and a menacing expression forms on his face. “Did you know she hid my son from me? Or how about she fucked my dad and accepted money from him just like a typical whore! I’ll have my son back!” Ryan shouts before leaving and slamming the door closed.

  I slowly turn around and look at the woman I love. “What is he talking about? Abigail, what secret?” Abigail walks to the couch and sits down. Her head hanging low and her body trembling with sobs. I walk over to her and bend down to face her. “Talk to me please.”

  “You’re going to hate me,” she whispers.

  “No baby I can never hate you.” Afraid with what she’s going to tell me but I need to know what the hell Ryan was talking about.

  She lets out a breath, “Ryan and Katherine’s dad, George, came on to me and told me to abort the pregnancy. Since I wasn’t from a rich family like them, I wasn’t accepted and they looked at me like I was trash. When I told him I wouldn’t have the abortion, he offered me money to get out but I was crying and shaking. He told me that if I didn’t leave and if I had the baby, he was going to do everything he could to prove I was an unfit mother and take my baby from me.” Abigail pauses and takes in a breath. “I couldn’t let him do that so I agreed to leave and took the check. He told Ryan and Katherine that I slept with him and tried to get him to leave his family. That’s why Katherine and I got into an argument the night I left.” She looks at me with tears in her eyes, “I swear to you, all of these are lies! I never did anything with him!”

  I can’t believe what I’m hearing. I didn’t know what to say. Anger fills me as Abigail cries into me. She didn’t have anyone to watch over her and take care of her. I stoke her back and listen to her cry. “It’ll be okay sweetheart. I’m here for you now. No one will ever hurt you.”

  We spend the day together with Lucas and Abigail starts to smile again. We head over to Logan and Hayden’s for dinner. Abigail helps Hayden prepare and cook while I talk to Logan outside.

  “Are you fucking serious?”

  I take a sip of my beer and set it down on the table outside on the deck. “Yeah. How fucked up is this? Does Ryan have any legal standing for Lucas?”

  Logan shakes his head and drinks his beer. “I don’t think so but you know the Striders have the best
lawyers and money to get what they want and if they want Lucas, they’ll get him one way or another.”

  “Damn. That’s what I thought.”

  Mila and Lucas come running over to us and Lucas jumps on me. “Time for dinner!”

  “Ah alright sounds good!”

  We take the kids inside and meet Abigail and Hayden inside. I walk over to Abigail with Lucas and give her a kiss. “Feeling better?”

  She shakes her head. “Yeah, thank you.”

  “Alright, let’s get some dinner and stop talking about this.”

  I give her another kiss. “Deal.”

  Chapter 24


  Jacob and Lucas are out together at a baseball game. I finish packing the house and look around. “Wow, I’m going to miss this house.” I smile thinking about the next step. I take out my phone and send a text message to Jacob.

  Me: I’m going to pick up some pizza and wings for dinner. How’s the game?

  Jacob: Great! Lucas is having fun.

  My phone vibrates again and a picture message form Jacob pops up. It’s of Jacob and Lucas at the game. They’re both smiling and happy. It warms my heart that Lucas is having fun and Jacob loves him.

  Me: Looks great! Love you both! See you in a few.

  I get into my car, start it up and put it in drive. The roads are quiet tonight. There’s not much going on. I turn on the radio and “A Woman Like You,” by Lee Brice comes on. I blast up the song and smile listening to the words. We’re both better people now and I don’t want it any other way.

  I’m at a stop light when I see a car driving towards me. Their high beam lights are shining right into my eyes. “What the hell?”

  I turn around and try to see who’s behind me but can’t see through the blinding lights. The light turns green and I step on the gas pedal. I need to get away from this maniac. I get an uneasy feeling. I try to get my phone from my pocket but the car bumps mine. I jolt forward. “Oh my God. No!” I speed faster. The roads are slick from the rain. I panic and my body starts to shake. I’ve never been in this situation and am not sure what to do. I quickly turn right but the car continues to follow me.

  “Leave me alone!”

  I grab my phone to call the police but when I look back up I come to a curve, “No!!!”

  Chapter 25


  “That was so cool! Thanks Dad!”

  “You’re welcome.” I smile as we make it back home. I haven’t heard from Abigail and wonder what she’s doing. We pull into the driveway and I don’t see her car. “Weird.”

  “Where’s mama?” Lucas looks out the window looking for her car.

  “I don’t know Lucas. Hold on.”

  I pull out my phone and call Hayden. Her phone rings three times before she answers.

  “Hey, what’s up?”

  “Hey is Abigail with you?”

  There’s a pause. “Um no, I haven’t heard from her all day today. What’s going on?”

  I unbuckle my seatbelt and turn off the car. “We just got back home and she’s not here. She hasn’t been answering my text messages either.”

  “Huh, odd. If I hear from her I’ll tell her to call you.”

  I open the door and get out of the car. “Thanks Hayden.” I hang up the phone and go over to Lucas’ side to get him out.


  I shake my head. “I don’t know little man. Let’s go inside and see what’s going on.” Lucas takes my hand and we head inside. I’m not sure what’s going on but we go inside and everything seems normal. I take out my phone and call her again but her phone goes straight to voicemail. Something’s wrong, I know it.

  All of a sudden, there’s a knock on the door. “Lucas, stay there okay?”

  He nods. I walk over to the door and open the door. There are two police officers standing before me and I’m not sure what’s going on. “Can I help you?” I ask.

  “Hi sir, I’m Officer Fredrick and this is my partner Officer Banks. Is Heather Anderson available?”

  “No, she moved out. I’m her sister’s boyfriend. Is everything okay?” I feel my body slightly shaking. I’m not sure what to think, but their expressions make me nervous.

  “Sir, Ms. Anderson’s been in an accident.”

  My body stiffens as I process the words I just heard. I shake my head in disbelief. She has to be okay. My Abigail. No. I crumble. Everything in me breaks. My world goes dark again.

  Before I know what to do, I text Gary and have him drive over to the house. I look at the officers and then back at Lucas. I’m not sure what to say. The officers are talking but I don’t hear anything they’re saying. Lucas comes over to me and takes my hand. I stand there, frozen. Gary makes it to the house within minutes and the officers give him instructions of where to go. Lucas is crying and I can’t answer any of his questions.

  “Mr. Greene, let’s go sir.” Gary leads me out of the house and helps me walk to the car. I can’t say anything and I can’t think clearly. All I can think about is Abigail and pray that she’s okay. Gary calls Heather and let’s her know what’s going on. Lucas is on my lap and he can’t stop crying.

  “Dad, is mama okay?” He asks holding onto me.

  “I-I don’t know,” my voice is low as I hold Lucas to my body.

  Gary drops us off in front of the emergency room entrance. I open the door before the car stops and jump out. I race inside to the front desk with Lucas in my arms. Before I can say anything, Logan comes to my side and brings me in for a hug. I feel my brother’s arms around me and fall apart. I don’t know what to ask or what to say.

  Logan puts me at arm’s length. “You need to be strong.”

  Hayden comes over and takes Lucas from me. She holds him while I talk to the nurse and the officers.

  “She’s in surgery right now,” Officer Banks explains. “Her car spun out of control and flipped. Her injuries are severe and she’s lost a lot of blood.”

  I quickly look over his shoulder and see Lucas. He’s sitting on the ground. Mila is holding his hand as Hayden strokes his hair. I thank Logan and run back over to Lucas. He sees me coming and raises his arms to me. Swiftly I pick him up and cradle him in my arms. He lets out his sobs as I try to let him know everything’s going to be okay. I sit back down with Lucas on my lap. Heather sits down with us and cries on Hayden’s shoulder. No one knows anything yet.

  A female doctor with brown hair comes out and walks to where we’re all sitting, “Jacob Greene?”

  I stand up, “Yes,” I quietly respond.

  “Hi I’m Doctor Cooper. Abigail is going to be okay. She sustained a broken arm, two broken ribs, a concussion and some cuts.” She pauses for a minute placing her hand on mine. “Her right lung collapsed and we did lose her during surgery but were able to revive her. She’ll need to be admitted for a few days, but I don’t foresee any complications.”

  Lost her? I could have lost her? My heart nearly stops. The walls come crashing towards me. I feel lightheaded and dizzy. The words ring through my head and it takes me a moment to regain strength to talk. “Can I see her now?”

  “Yes but just one visitor at a time. She’s sedated and in and out of sleep.”

  “Can I bring our son with me?”

  “Sure, follow me.” I thank everyone and let them know I’ll be back. I follow Doctor Cooper down the long winding hallway. We make it to her room. Room 3612. Lucas has his head on my shoulder. I take in a deep breath and walk in the room. I feel my world stop and no one’s moving. Everything becomes blurry. This is a dream; I’m dreaming right now.

  There are machines all over. I see the IVs in her arm and the heart monitor on the right side of her bed. My angel’s face has multiple cuts and some of the bruises are starting to show. Her arm is rested in a sling and she’s facing the window with her eyes closed. I walk over to her side and sit down. My fingers trace her face. I take her hand with Lucas’. “Baby we’re right here whenever you’re ready open those beautiful eyes.” I strok
e her hand, begging her to wake up just so I can look into her eyes again. I need her to wake up.

  I sit back still holding her hand. Not sure when she’s going to wake up but I won’t leave her side until she knows I’m here for here. “Daddy when’s mama waking up?” Lucas asks. His worried tone shakes my very core. I don’t know how to answer him. Before I can answer, Abigail’s hand touches my knee. Our eyes shoot to her and smile. “Mama! You’re awake! You’re awake!”

  “Hi baby boy.” Her tone is dry and raspy. “Jacob.”

  “I’m here sweetheart.” I bring myself closer to her. I vow I’ll never leave her side and I’ll spend the rest of my life loving her. “I’m so sorry about this. I wish I could’ve been there to protect you.” I put Lucas on the bed with Abigail and rest my head in her hand.

  “It’s okay. Everything’s going to be okay. I promise.”

  We sit by Abigail’s side for the rest of the day. Hayden and Logan come in to visit with Mila. Abigail’s parents come in and take Lucas back to their hotel with them so he can sleep. Everyone keeps telling me everything will be okay. They keep saying this isn’t my fault but I know it is. I know that if I didn’t leave her side she wouldn’t be here right now.

  Nurses come in and out taking her vitals and making notes. Everything is looking good they keep telling me but she’s going to be here for a few days. Her head doesn’t show any signs of blockage or clots. There aren’t any signs of internal bleeding but they want to keep her in the hospital for just a few more days to make sure she’ll be okay.

  Due to the medicine to keep her comfortable, she’s been in and out of sleep. There have been many people in to see her. Her room is filled with balloons and flowers. I make a call to Gary and tell him to pick up some gifts for Abigail.


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