Adaptation of the Chameleon

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Adaptation of the Chameleon Page 4

by Douglas A. Schmitt

  Feeling bitter and embarrassed, the so called “King of Beer Pong” decided to leave, taking his partner with him. They stormed out of the front door. Luke followed behind him, stopping him before he had a chance to get into his vehicle. He placed his right hand on the left shoulder of the sore loser, turning him around to face Luke. Luke looked at him and said, “That was a good game man. Thank you for the competition.”

  The gentleman smiled at him. “Sorry about being a sore loser in there man, I mean no offense… I’m just not good at… not winning.”

  “Well, look,’ Luke said, ‘why don’t you come back inside and we’ll play something different. We will just forget all about the whole bet and just have fun. What do you say?”

  The gentleman looked at Luke and nodded his head. He shook Luke’s right hand and instructs his partner to follow him back inside the house.

  The group decided as a whole to play a drinking game better known as “quarters.” They each sat in a chair around a small wooden table. Each was handed a quarter with a shot glass placed in the middle of the table. They were then handed an additional shot glass that was placed in front of them. The objective was to “pop” their quarter in another person’s glass so that they had to drink whatever type of alcohol was put in the glass. Lucky for everybody in the room, the only booze in the house was a case of light beer. They began playing.

  Over an hour of shooting quarters in each other’s glass, the game finally ended. With the time being just past three in the morning, they decided to call it a night.

  Luke and Anna headed for their room and prepared for bed. They each brushed their teeth and changed into their night clothes. Since they never really laid down any rules on what they could and could not do that night, anything was really possible. They got under the sheets and thick warm blanket and began kissing goodnight. Their hands began to explore as they felt the chemistry come alive.

  Then Anna did what Luke never thought she would do. While Luke’s left hand was gently stroking Anna’s back and his other hand was placed to the rear of his right side, Anna reached for his hand as it made its way down her spine and placed it to his side. She then placed her right leg over his lower body until he was positioned right in the middle of her. She began slowly kissing his lips, making her way to his neck and finally began nibbling on his ear lobe. Her hands caressed his chest and passionately grabbed at his side. She used his center to push herself into a position where she could see Luke eye to eye.

  She thrust Luke’s body up against the faded, green colored wall, took his hands, and placed them up her shirt. While staring into his eyes, she bit her bottom lip and said, “You have been very patient with me, and I realize more and more everyday just how crazy I am about you.”

  Luke responded, while in the midst of total bliss, “You rock my world.”

  They continued kissing even more passionately, Luke’s hands never leaving Anna’s chest. It was a moment that meant more to him than just having his palms filled with the large breasts of an attractive woman. He squeezed and lightly pinched, studying her body language with every move he made.

  Time seemed to pass very quickly as they continued exploring each other’s toned bodies, rediscovering boundaries and fulfilling desires. It wasn’t until Anna’s lips became chapped and her eye lids heavy before they cuddled into a spoon position and fell asleep from absolute exhaustion.

  The next morning, Luke woke to see that Anna wasn’t next to him. He began looking around the room and realized she was on the porch right outside the bedroom window. She was talking to Eva about the night before. He could hear as they conversed. The majority of the conversation was Eva thanking Anna for coming all this way to see her. She then began asking about how things were going with Luke. Anna responded with, “Wonderful!”

  “Good,’ Eva continued, ‘he seems like a great guy. He is very well mannered and polite. Are you sure he isn’t from Oxford? He just seems like a southern gentleman.”

  Luke got out of the bed and began running the shower. He got cleaned up and started packing his clothing. After brushing his teeth and parting his hair, Anna walked back into the room. She wrapped her arms around the newly cleaned man and kissed the back of his neck. She whispered in his ear, “I do believe you have her approval, my dear.”

  Luke looked back, mouthful of toothpaste and saliva and smiles.

  After breakfast with Eva and Louis, Luke and Anna started driving back to Hattiesburg. With much more to discuss, Luke told Anna that the night before was the best time he has ever had with a lover, only because it meant something more to him. She assured Luke that she cared very much for him and that taking it one day at a time was the best thing to continue doing. She then smiled at Luke and played another song.

  The two finally arrived at Anna’s house in Oak Grove. He escorted her to her vehicle and loaded her bags. She got in and rolled down her driver side window. He poked his head in to give her a goodbye kiss. She began to drive away. Halfway down the driveway, Luke sprinted over to her car and motioned to roll down that same window. He gave her one more passionate goodbye kiss. He gently rubbed her cheek and reminded her to call him once she gets home. She agreed and kissed him on the nose.

  She then placed the car back into gear and made her way to the coast. Luke got into his vehicle and drvoe back to Wiggins. On his way, he received a text message from Anna.

  “I had such a great time with you. Thank you so much for taking me to see my friend.”

  Luke responded with,

  “It was my pleasure. Hopefully it’s the first of many trips to come.”

  Luke got to the cabin. An hour later, he got the call from Anna telling him that she was home and that she was going to hang out with her family. Relieved and satisfied, Luke begins dozing off on the couch, thinking of Anna as he closed his eyes for an afternoon nap.

  The next week, while Luke was visiting with friends at Enzo’s apartment, he was steadily texting Anna. The two had grown virtually inseparable, considering she was on the coast while Luke was spending time between his parent’s house and the family cabin. Still, the two were constantly text messaging. Their day would start with Luke sending his signature text and end with her wishing him goodnight.

  But on this particular night, Luke was laying on the floor at Enzo’s apartment, watching a random comedy special and drinking beer with his friends, when he received a text message from Anna.

  “Why don’t we make 'US' official? I have grown very attached to you :) Plus… I am so ready to change the relationship status online.”

  Luke drank a sip of his beer and stared at his phone for less than a moment before responding,

  “I thought you would never ask.”

  Luke turned towards his friends and began bragging that he has the hottest girlfriend in the world. His friends just looked at him, confused. Brooke said, “So, you guys weren’t dating this whole time? Weird.”

  “Well, we wanted to go slow and feel things out.' Luke continued, 'I mean, if there is one thing that I have learned from you guys’ advice it's that rushing is the last thing I need to be doing. So really, I should be thanking y’all for helping me to get the girl I have been wanting.”

  “Yes…’ Enzo said, ‘is there anything you want to say to us then?”

  Luke looked at his cousin and said in a sarcastic tone, “Um, yeah… thank you.”

  Enzo and the rest of Luke’s friends just smiled and continued watching the stand-up special on television.

  Over an hour had passed since Luke announced the great news. Brooke, while a bit intoxicated, began a discussion about one of her favorite musical bands.

  “Babe,’ she said to Eric, ‘isn’t BDP coming to ‘The Empty Bottle’ this weekend?”

  “Yes, Brooke… we discussed this earlier, do you really not remember?”

  “Well,’ she continued with a slight slur, ‘are we going?”

  “Yes babe, we are going. Me and Enzo are picking up the tickets on Friday.”

  Curious, Luke looked over at the couple and inquired about information about the band, like a small child, showing extreme interest in a cautious way. Eric looked over at Luke and while raising both his eyebrows, he responded, “Dude, it’s the Benjy Davis Project. It’s the band that we play, like, every time we drink.”

  Luke thinks for a moment and realizes the definition of the acronym. He then looks towards his friends and says,

  “Oh, well yeah… why didn’t you just say that? I’ll go with you guys. I’ll even invite my girlfriend.”

  The night had arrived and Luke was very excited, because Anna had never heard of the band before. For the past couple of days, Luke would play several of their most popular songs. Anna admitted even from the moment that Luke invited her that she wasn’t into southern rock. She was more of an oldies listener, but promised that she would give them a chance.

  At the beginning of the night, Luke went to pick Anna up. She had just arrived from work on the Coast and was getting ready at her house in Oak Grove. Luke arrived, with a large bouquet of Anna’s favorite flowers. He exited his vehicle and walked up to her solid white, rusted door, and knocked. Anna came out wearing an all-black, figure hugging dress. Luke gave her a look and said, “That dress… wow.”

  She began to blush, slid her hand into Luke’s prepared arm, allowed him to escort her to the passenger’s side door.

  Luke got in the driver’s side. The two had decided to make it an official date night and drive to a very popular local establishment, “Golden Sky.” Luke had called hours before to make a reservation since they only had an hour and a half till the concert started. The two walked in and were escorted to a table. They requested to sit next to one of the large rectangular windows overlooking the town of Hattiesburg.

  They began ordering, starting out with a glass of sweet pinot noir and small appetizers. They spent an enormous amount of time discussing the options on the menu before finally placing their order. Anna requested the shrimp salad while Luke ordered the rib eye, requesting that it not be cooked longer than medium rare.

  They continued to sit and discuss the band that they were going to see that night. Luke finished the small amount of wine he had left in his glass, wiped his face and placed the glass back into its spot next to the half-eaten steak. He moved his tongue around the front of his teeth to check for any loose beef and said,

  “This band is the very voice of college students. Their songs are about more than just getting high on alcohol and pot. They speak from the heart. They know what college kids go through and are proud to be able to communicate with them on a musical level.”

  Anna sat for a moment, tooka sip of her glass of water, looked back at Luke, and responds, “Well, I wasn’t too impressed with ‘Do it with the lights on.' Is that what you are into? Because, honestly, I want a little more romance when it comes to making love.”

  “Oh,’ Luke continues, ‘you will most certainly get that.”

  They finished their meals and opted to skip dessert. Instead, they decided to save time and drive to the establishment that was hosting the band. They each picked up their coats and walked out the solid oak doors.

  On their way they decided to stop at Enzo’s apartment. Enzo and his roommate were still getting dressed, while Brooke, Seth and Heather waited in the living room. Looking excited and intoxicated, they were taking group photos of themselves doing the most ridiculous things they could think of. Luke and Anna stood in the doorway and watched in fascination. They were approached for every other snap shot to hold the camera while the group performed even more childish stunts.

  After eleven minutes of playing playmate to the group of drunken college students, Eric and Enzo descended the stairs. They both simultaneously jumped the last step and said, “What’s up, bitches? You ready to party!”

  Luke could see the uncomfortable look as it shadowed Anna’s face. He suddenly had the grave feeling that the girl he desired so much wasn’t crazy about his friends. In an emergency effort to distract her from the childish behavior, Luke took her hand and caressed it in his.

  The group finally exited the apartment and entered their vehicles. Luke and Anna took Luke’s vehicle, while Enzo and the rest of the friends pile into Heather’s new luxurious SUV.

  “Must be nice to have parents that buy you anything you want,” Anna said while buckling herself into the passenger seat and gazing at the pearl white SUV.

  “Well, it’s only going to hurt her in the end.’ Luke continues, ‘Nobody that has ever had anything just handed to them has ever come out normal.”

  Luke then smiled at Anna as she turned her attention to her boyfriend in the driver’s seat. She kissed him on the cheek and laughed along with him, declaring his theory as being correct.

  While driving to the bar, Anna opens up to Luke about a trip that she and her family were planning,

  “So... my dad's friend, Maurice, from Oxford has a house in Ocean Springs... It's in a secluded area. I think dad called it “Belle Fountain?” Have you ever heard of it?

  “Actually,' Luke continues, 'I have. One of my uncles lived there before Hurricane Katrina. It's a gorgeous area.”

  Anna turned her body towards Luke and smiled. While smoothing out potential wrinkles in the slender dress, she said, “Well, Mr. Maurice usually uses the house for him and his family for Christmas and New Year’s. Well, he called my dad and asked him if we wanted to use it this year. They had decided to go to Memphis for the holidays and didn't want the house to be unused. My mom wanted to see if you were interested in going with us this year. We are leaving the day after Christmas and coming back like a day or two after New Year's.”

  Very nervous in answering the request, considering he had never met her parents, Luke was reluctant to accept at that time. But Anna’s very confidant and persuasive pitch and convincing argument demanded that Luke attend the trip. When Luke agreed, Anna said in response, “Thank you so much, honey! You will get to meet my parents on Christmas night! They already know so much about you! My mom is dying to meet you!”

  The two finally arrive at “The Empty Bottle” for the concert. They made their way in and met up with Luke’s friends. Anna, who knew other people there, decided to walk around a bit and greet them. Before departing, Luke requested of her, “As long as you are back when they play ‘Crimson Glow!” Anna smiled at him and promised that she would return for that and many other songs. She gave Luke a kiss and headed up the stairs where a group of girls screamed as they greeted their Anna.

  It was about forty-seven minutes into the concert when Luke began hearing the opening for “Crimson Glow.” It was his favorite song and caused him to immediately think of Anna every time he heard the lyrics. He wanted the opportunity to dance with her and share a special moment at their first Benjy Davis concert.

  Luke began scanning the room for her but didn’t see her. He turned to his friends with a confused and disappointed look on his face. He thought for a moment that she had left him and taken off with her friends. As the dreaded feeling of once again being rejected swarmed his body and dropped chills down his spine, Brooke grabbed his attention and pointed to the other side of the room. With a very loud and projected tone, she yells, “Oh my God! I see her! She is over there! She made it to the song, just like she promised!”

  Luke directed his attention towards the massive crowd of people, only to witness his new girlfriend dancing with another guy. He was tall, with dark hair and a very muscular build. He held Anna in his arms as they strolled side to side. Luke immediately turned away, feeling the urge to break down. He walked up to Enzo and signaled him to the bar. Enzo followed and the two meet just south of the stage.

  “Did you see that?” Luke said while holding back his emotions. Enzo began looking in the same direction Luke was directing him to and saw Anna dancing with the strange man.

  He turned back to Luke and says, “Wow, I’m sorry, man. Maybe he is just a friend of hers. I’m sure it doesn’t mean anything.” />
  “But it means something to me!’ Luke declared while steadily raising his voice. “This was the only song that I asked that we be together for. I mean, what if it's that Jason guy she used to date? Fuck, man, this is all happening again... just like with Marion!”

  Enzo began rubbing Luke’s back. He assured his cousin of his belief that Luke may be overreacting and encouraged him not to let it get to him. “You have a good girl, cuz. Don’t let something this simple change your mind.”

  Luke looked up and affirmatively nodded his head at Enzo. The two made their way back to their group, bent on enjoying the rest of the concert.

  At the end of the night, Luke still felt bitter. It was time for the bar to close. He meets his friends outside just as Eric declared, “Dude, I can’t believe they actually played ‘Sweet Southern Moon!’ So glad we came tonight.”

  Just as they begin heading to the vehicles, Anna walked out. She strolled happily towards Luke. She walked past the last remaining bar patrons and made her way to her boyfriend as he stood in his driver’s side doorway. She smiled at him and said, “Hey, honey, sorry about being gone so long. I was upstairs and one of my friends was having a meltdown! I didn’t even get to hear the concert. Are we heading back to Enzo’s apartment?”

  Luke stood and looked at her with a confused glare evident on his face. He couldn’t believe that Anna actually had no idea that he could see her on the dance floor. He changed the look on his face and said in a very stern tone, “I saw you, Anna… You were dancing with some other guy. I mean, the only thing I asked was that we spend just one song together. I don’t think that was asking too much?”

  Anna looked at Luke, very confused. She denied the allegations and insisted on sticking to her story. Luke, getting very angry, reiterated his accusations and kept pushing Anna to confess. Anna continued denying any story other than her own and stood in silence with a solid look on her face.


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