Targeting the Telomeres, A Thriller

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Targeting the Telomeres, A Thriller Page 31

by R. N. Shapiro

  “Give these to Britt Hayes. She'll know what to do with them.” He then reviews some other details that Britt is to impart to the new guests ensconced in the Singapore Embassy.

  Chapter 104


  The United States Embassy attaché drives through the gates at the Singapore Embassy and parks under the portico. The attaché walks inside, past the security guards, and meets Britt Hayes in the conference room where she waits.

  "This is the laptop and satellite phone with facial recognition tech from Solarez. He said you’d know what to do with it."

  Britt opens the lid and powers it up to confirm the encrypted internet capability.

  "Thank you, I'll take care of it." She says.

  Britt watches the man leave before she strides back down the hall toward Ryan’s room.

  "Here's the scoop. Solarez provided this computer, which will encrypt your location when you use the internet connection. And this satellite phone, has our proprietary software on it. Amanda let me show you this.” Britt says, holding it over in front of Amanda. “Once powered on, its programmed so when you snap a photo of the baby’s face, click here to upload it, and it will return either a green confirm checkmark, or red ‘X’ within seconds, it’s programmed to be used for Justin’s image only.” She hands the mobile device to Amanda.

  Britt hands Ryan the laptop, and a piece of paper, on which he sees the email address and the word “Birdie.”

  "What’s Birdie?"

  "The name of the Chinese official you'll be dealing with. We aren’t sure who he is, but we believe he's ranked pretty high in Chinese intelligence. Solarez has been dealing with him for some time and assures me he is authorized to make a deal, but he may be a double agent.”

  “Sound’s dicey, but we shall see. What about transportation? If this works, I’m going to need some way to get us out of here, preferably something I can inspect before we leave to try to swap babies. And what about our exfiltration?"

  "That depends.”

  “Depends on what?” Liza chimes in, now concerned.

  “If we can transfer you to a diplomatic limo without you being tailed. If you’re followed, we’ll need to abort the mission. Solarez said we can't risk impairing our relationship with China.”

  “I still think our original plan will work,” Ryan assures Liza and Amanda.

  "I'll work on getting a vehicle and having it here when you’re ready. Remember, under no circumstances can the personnel here find out you’re holding the president's grandson. All bets are off if that somehow becomes known."

  Britt gets up to leave, then looks back at Amanda. “Solarez said to remind you to take your meds. Says you could have a nasty seizure if you don’t.” Amanda doesn’t answer.

  “Are you taking them?”

  “So, he’s worried enough to nag me about taking some pills, but he can’t talk to me?”

  “You’re radioactive Amanda, at least for right now.” Britt answers, then looks at Ryan and Liza.

  “Do you need any weapons? That's the other thing we might be able to help with."

  Liza, standing against the wall closest to the window, turns to face her. "We could use a couple Glocks, two or three stun grenades. An invisibility cloak would be great too."

  "I'll see what I can do. Don’t hold your breath on the cloak.” Britt turns and walks out of the room.

  Chapter 105

  Bargaining Chips

  Solarez looks at his watch and realizes the 12‑hour time difference means it’s the middle of the night in D.C. No matter, he's contacted Brett Stein at the Department of Justice at all kinds of odd hours. Stein is the DOJ's point man on sensitive intelligence matters. Virtually no one outside the intelligence community has ever heard of him, or if they have, they don't know what he really does.

  The phone rings several times before Stein picks it up. Seeing the four-digit number, he realizes it’s a secure call.

  "Stein here."

  "It’s Steve Solarez, I’m calling from the Beijing Embassy. We have a situation involving the Chinese president's grandson."

  "I can't tell you I knew he had a grandson. What about him?"

  "He's been kidnapped, but the worst of it is our intelligence indicates the kidnappers are likely Americans. We're concerned the Chinese will believe it's been orchestrated by the CIA. It wasn't, in case you’re wondering."

  "I'd say that's definitely what I classify as a diplomatic problem. But what can I do at this hour?"

  "The Chinese ambassador already contacted the director of the FBI and I don't know who else. They want to meet to discuss how we’re going to help, today, like during business hours.”

  "Well, can't it wait 'til first thing in the morning here? I can put all the pieces together, but not in the middle of the night."

  "It's, uh, messy. I believe the kidnappers are going to demand the return of Justin Michaels. You remember he was kidnapped, right?"

  "Oh yeah, Ron Michaels' son. Now he’s disappeared too. So these kidnappers are trying to exchange the grandson for the Michaels kid?"

  "That’s what it looks like. And I can't say for sure, but I think Amanda Michaels and Ty Ryan may be involved."

  “What?? How could the two of them be working to pull something like this?”

  "I can fill in those details later, but right now I think we need some bargaining chips. Their chances of getting out of China unharmed are slim. I’m not talking kidnapping, just temporary detainment—”

  "Are you proposing we detain high-level Chinese diplomats or the Chinese ambassador as collateral?"

  "Well, um, sort of.”

  Stein is incredulous. "This conversation just keeps getting better. Did you run this by the FBI director?"

  "Yeah, he said if you agree, he agrees. So, I really need you on this.”

  "I don't agree. Can I go to sleep now?"

  “Wrong answer. Just hold them, maybe an hour, just enough time for Amanda Michaels, the kid, and whoever else is with them, to survive the swap. If we don't help, they're going to live the rest of their days in a Chinese prison or be killed. Do you want Americans facing that?”

  As the silence extends past a few seconds, Solarez gets nervous. "You still there?”

  "Yeah, I'm thinking about it." The line goes silent again. "In the meantime, I'm get this meeting organized in the morning. I'll keep you in the loop."

  “I’m in the Beijing embassy, get with me first thing in the morning your time.”

  Stein then hangs up before Solarez can plead any further.

  Chapter 106


  Ryan looks in the crib and sees the child is still sleeping.

  "Liza, why don't you stay here with the kid, I'm gonna go next door and try to initiate contact with this Birdie person. Amanda, you can come with me."

  Amanda nods. They close the door softly behind them and walk to the next suite, which, other than the lack of a crib, looks like the room they just left—a bed against the wall, a window with the blinds closed, a round table with a couple of chairs, and a small desk in the corner. Ryan sits down at the circular table, and Amanda follows suit.

  Opening the laptop and establishing the secure connection, Ryan mutters, "Here goes nothing." He assumes Brit and other unknown CIA agents are probably monitoring his activity, but he's not worried about it. His main issue is completing the mission by making the toddler trade and collecting the full amount of money promised him. Accomplishing what the feds couldn’t—bringing Amanda’s brother back—would also be a coup. He turns his attention to the screen in front of him and notices there's nothing on the computer except an email program, which Ryan opens, and he types up a quick message.


  A different birdie told me you are the person I need to negotiate with. We have the president's grandson. We're not interested in money, just the return of Justin Michaels, and our safe departure thereafter with no retribution from your government. You've got 30 minutes to respond affirm
atively. If you don't, dire things will happen.

  Ryan pushes the computer around for Amanda to see. "What do you think?"

  "It looks fine. What are the dire things you're talking about?"

  "Don't worry, that's only if they don't cooperate."

  Fifteen long minutes go by with no response. Ryan asks Amanda if she could watch the child so Liza can come see him for a few minutes. Amanda obliges, and she and Liza switch rooms.

  "I'm assuming you haven’t heard anything yet?"

  Right at that moment, the laptop chimes.

  "Your timing is impeccable, Liza," Ryan replies and smiles. He looks down and reads the email:

  We know who you are. I cannot act for the Chinese Government. Please understand, the Chinese Government did not kidnap any one. You need to release Bin Lai within the next 60 minutes or you will face very serious retaliation. I am sorry I cannot provide more information to assist you.

  - - Birdie

  "This isn’t going well,” Ryan responds rhetorically before he taps in a response.

  We don't care who took Justin Michaels. You either find him and make the arrangements, or little parts of the president's grandson are getting detached from his body. You have 15 minutes left. Don’t test me.

  Looking over Ryan’s shoulder, Liza reads the message. "Are you intending to carry out that threat?"

  "I don't make idle threats, you know that. Go join Amanda and the kid. I’m going to grab a few things and be over in a minute, then you and Amanda will come back here. I need to take care of phase two of this operation alone."

  Liza returns his gaze with a concerned look, but complies. After closing the laptop and gathering some of his gear, Ryan also heads into the next room and tells Amanda, "Go to the other room with Liza, I need to be alone with the grandson to make my point clear."

  Liza and Amanda warily walk out and Ryan closes and locks the door behind them.

  The awaited response appears:


  I told you that Chinese Government did not play any part in Justin Michaels kidnapping. I believe it was a Chinese pharmaceutical company, LuLiXi. We do not control them. You must release the child or the government will locate you within the hour.

  - - Birdie

  Ryan stares at the message. He knows he can’t be tracked because of the encryption on his messages. Time to call their bluff.

  Chapter 107

  Urgent Meeting

  Ambassador Fong has held his post at the Chinese Embassy for eleven years and is a familiar fixture in Washington. Striding across the room in his black custom-tailored suit, he shakes Brett Stein’s hand.

  "It’s been a long time, Mr. Ambassador. I understand there is an emergency you need to discuss with us today."

  "Yes. Let's sit down and we can begin," Fong replies.

  The other representatives from the FBI and CIA join them on one side of the table across from the two assistants Ambassador Fong brought to the meeting. As a server rolls a small cart toward the table to begin the tea service Stein ordered, Ambassador Fong starts to explain the situation.

  "Mr. Stein, I don't know what you learned through your own sources, but the grandson of our president was kidnapped by terrorists in Beijing. The timing of the kidnapping raises the concern that someone is attempting to disrupt the summit between the North Korean leader and our president. Our credible information is that the terrorists may be Americans."

  Fong watches Stein's reaction carefully as he speaks the last sentence, then remains silent, hoping Stein will offer some intel.

  "We haven’t been able to confirm if Americans are involved, however, our Beijing office is aware of the situation. We can assure you our government was not involved."

  Stein’s words are hardly out of his mouth before the ambassador fires back. "If you have any idea who they are, you must turn their names and whereabouts over to the Chinese government immediately so we can take action and retrieve the president's grandson."

  Stein glares across the table at the ambassador. "We only have unsubstantiated evidence about who may have done it. Again, our agencies are in no way involved in this outrageous plot, but we will do everything we can to determine the location of the kidnappers and we’ll turn over any pertinent information we obtain to your government."

  One of the ambassador’s aides who has been looking at his phone during the discussion looks directly at Fong to get his attention.

  "Excuse me, Mr. Stein," the ambassador says, leaning to his right to listen to the message from his aide. "I have an urgent message from our embassy staff. Is there a place where I can take the call privately?”

  Stein asks one of his aides to show the ambassador into an adjacent room with a pocket door, and the two men, along with one of Fong’s aides, walk out. Once inside the room, the aide hands the phone to the ambassador, gives him brief instructions on obtaining an outside line, and leaves the room, closing the door behind him.

  Ambassador Fong places the call. “Who am I speaking to?”

  "Sir, this is Jang, from the embassy. We opened direct communication with those identifying themselves as the kidnappers of Bin Lai. The communications are in English. It is not confirmed they are Americans, but we are fairly certain they are."

  "How did you establish this communication?"

  "One of our American sources said he could place me in contact. We were not able to track any of the email communications, but we think the kidnappers are still in Beijing.”

  "What is their purpose? Are they trying to disrupt the summit? Have they demanded money? Remember, we don't negotiate with terrorists."

  "Sir, they're not asking for money and I have no proof they are trying to interrupt the summit. They want Justin Michaels, the kidnapped son of Ron Michaels, the American researcher. They say they will turn over Bin Lai in exchange for the boy."

  "I don't remember being told about this kidnapping of Justin Michaels."

  "We were informed right after it occurred, about a year ago. We assured the United States that the Chinese government did not kidnap him."

  "How can we return Justin Michaels if we aren’t holding him?"

  “We have intelligence that associates of LuLiXi pharmaceuticals may be involved."

  "We gave that company too much power. The president needs to rein them in," Fong fumes.

  "We must advise the president. Mr. Ambassador, would you like to be the one to do that? He may give us instructions on how to handle this, including our interaction with LuLiXi.”

  The ambassador places his hand over the phone for a moment and whispers to his aide, "Go tell the Americans we made contact with the kidnappers and apologize for the delay, we are trying to determine the details."

  The aide heads back to the main room to deliver the news, and Fong returns to the call. "I will discuss this with the president and also try to find out what the Americans know. Please find out anything else you can and call me back as soon as possible."

  "Give me a few minutes Mr. Ambassador, and I will call you back,” Jang promises.

  Chapter 108

  Holding Pattern

  While Brett Stein waits for the Chinese ambassador to return, his cell phone vibrates on the table. He looks down and recognizes Steve Solarez’ number. Striding off toward another adjacent room, he answers the call, pulling the door shut behind him.

  "I hope this is good news, Solarez. I'm in a conference with Ambassador Fong, but something’s up. He's in the other room taking a call, and I have a feeling he's learning something about the kidnappers."

  "Interesting. Maybe you’ll find out they have the Michaels kid. Or if they don’t, maybe they can exercise control over whoever has him.”

  "Hopefully it’s one or the other, because we need to get this thing resolved. But that's not why you called me, is it?"

  "Have you thought any more about our conversation last night?"

  "About detaining the ambassador and his aides?”

  “Yes, for only 30 minutes
to an hour. By the time they lodge all of their complaints and make their threats, you'll be able to let them go.”

  "That would violate every tenet of international diplomacy."

  “I don't need to remind you how vital the Michaels family is, do I? We're also hoping to possibly find out where Ron Michaels is, assuming the Chinese are behind his disappearance too."

  Stein sighs. "I didn't think to connect this with Ron Michaels. You're right, they could be holding both of them."

  "Just don't let the ambassador or his aides leave until I give you the word."

  “I can only imagine the fallout over this—”

  "Worse things have happened, believe me."

  Chapter 109

  Single Digits

  Ryan reaches into the duffel bag and pulls out some of the supplies. He opens a small tripod on the desk and screws on a video camera no bigger than a cellphone. A razor-sharp knife sits next to rolls of white gauze and medical tape.

  They’re not taking me seriously, Ryan thinks, looking at the baby, but that will end very soon.

  When he finishes and the video is recorded, the baby's left hand is wrapped with white gauze and tape, through which blood has seeped. In the center of a bloodied white hand towel laying on the table is a tiny pinky finger. He uploads the recording to the laptop through a USB cable attached to the camera and reviews his work, making sure it doesn’t reveal the location by showing any identifying information in the room. He then strips all metadata from the file and after saving it, carefully inspects the metadata a second time.


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