Czech gold at, 112
establishment of, 5
Germany’s account at, 101
gold storage in U.S. and, 164–165
holding of gold reserves and, 84
movement of gold and, 285–286, 296–297
under Norman, Montagu, 77, 80–81, 82, 84, 163
sale of gold by, 100
sequestering of Baltic gold reserves and, 154
Bank of Finland, 155, 157
Bank of France
Belgian gold at, 231
gold transfer from, 307–310
Moret, Clément, as governor of, 240
sale of gold bullion to, 148–149
Bank of Iceland, gold traffic and, 167
Bank of Italy, 363–364
gold in, 202–203, 374
shipment of gold to BIS, 366
Bank of Latvia, gold traffic and, 167
Bank of Poland, German demand for gold from, 138
Bank of Romania, gold traffic and, 167
Banque Bulgare de Commerce, 385
Banque d’Athenes (Greece), 385
Banque de l’Indochine, 281
Banque Nationale de Belgique, 228
Bao-Dai, 281
Baraski, Leon, 138
Barbarossa, 334
Barclays Bank, 154
Bard, 190
Basel, as site for Bank of International Settlements, 78, 80
Basler Handelsbank, sales of Nazi gold and, 442
Basque separatists, 8
Batianelli, 267
Batory, 297
Battet, Robert, 146–147, 246, 254, 255
Battle of Britain, 322, 323. See also Britain
Baudouin, Paul, 253
Bavaria, 133
efforts to move gold to, 419–420
Bavarian Criminal Investigation Department, 426
Bayonne, Bank of France in, 307
Bayreuth, 11
Béarn, 246–247, 248–249, 251, 257
Beatrix, Princess of Holland, 212, 219
Beck, Ludwig, 94, 107
aborted coup of, 119
resignation of, 108
Belarus, 345
Belgier Report, 378–379
bullion standard of, 83
demands for restitution, 430
DSK confiscation of gold in, 70
early history of, 227
German attack on, 173, 206, 227, 233–235, 236, 242
gold assets of, 228–229, 230–231, 232, 233, 234, 312, 440
gold at New York Federal Reserve, 230, 231
Hitler’s nonrespect for neutrality of, 377–378
monetary unit with Luxembourg, 228
movement of gold and, 272–273, 289
move of base of operations to Ostend, 232
protection of assets of, 229–230
refuges from, 235
sale of gold and, 315–316
sending of bullion to U.S., 164
smelting of gold and, 378–379
stolen gold of, 440
surrender of, 236
war strategy of, 233
Belgrade, carpet-bombing of, 327
Bell, Dan, 169
Belzec death camp, 356
Benghazi, 367
Beograd, 319
Berchtesgaden, 65
Bergen, British and French invasion of, 177
Bergier Report, 379, 441
Bergius, Friedrich, 67
Beria, Lavrentiy, 343, 344, 345, 394
Allied bombing of, 360, 394, 395
Belgian and Luxembourg bullion in, 317–318
Municipal Pawn Shop in, 70, 358, 359
Soviet capture of, 411–412
State Library in, 396
Berliner Börsenzeitung, 75
Berlin Philharmonic, last performance of, 413
Bérne, 242
Bernhard, Prince, of Holland, 212–213, 217, 218–219
Bernhuber, Maximilian, 372
Bernkastel, 243
Bernstein, Bernard, ix, 361, 388, 401–409, 425
lobby for tough approach toward Germany, 391
“Report on Recovery of Reichsbank Precious Metals,” 411
Bernstein, Peter L., 1
Beyen, Johan Willem, as president of Bank for International Settlements, ix, 81, 82, 112–113, 114, 115
Bigelow, Emerson, 416
Bigelow report, 416
Bingen, Allied seizure of, xiii
BIS. See Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
Bismarck, Otto von, 87, 385–386
Black Eagle, 164
Black Falcon, 164
Black Gull, 164
Black Hawk, 164
Black Heron, 164
Black Osprey, 164
Black Sea, 20
Blackstone, 19–20
Black Tern, 164
Blessing, Karl, 81–82, 83, 100, 123
Blitzkrieg, 89, 134
Blomberg, Werner von
on importance of gold in military buildup, 44–45
release from duty, 90
replacement of, 119
Schacht and, 71–72
as War Minister, 63, 65–66
Blücher, 181, 182
Blum, Léon, 11, 12
Bock, Fedor von, 210, 350–351
Boer War, 80
Bohemian Discount Bank (Prague), 385
Boisanger, Yves Bréart de, 311–312, 315, 378
Bojarski, Władysław, 147
Bolzano, 369
Bomma, 193–194, 195, 196
Bordeaux, 231
gold storage at, 272–273, 278
Bore War, 205
Bosch, Carl, 34, 67
Bosphorus, 145
Botting, Douglas, 427
Bourke-White, Margaret, 348
Bouthillier, Yves, 237–238
Bouyer, Albert, 246
Bradley, Omar, tour of Room #8, 404–405
Bramsne, Carl Valdemar, 179
Brauchitsch, Walter von, 90, 107
Braudel, Fernand, 2
Bräuer, Curt, 180
Braun, Eva, 122
Brauneis, Victor, 101
Bremen, storage of records in Merkers, 396
Brenner Pass, 324, 368–369
German air attack on, 270
gold transfer from, 270, 307, 308
military fortress in, 137
Polish gold in, 141
port of, 241, 248
regional bank office in, 136
Brest-Litovsk Treaty, 335
Bretagne, 242
Brett, Robert E., ix, 144, 146
Bretton Woods conference (1944), 168, 381, 388, 435–436
Bridges, E. E., 289
Britain, 284–305
air campaign against, 322, 323
arms purchases of, 161, 162, 171
Cash and Carry program and, 166
declaration of war against Germany, 135
dispute with Albania over Nazi gold, 430–431, 449
dropping of gold standard, 83
efforts to stop Spanish Civil War and, 12–13
fall of, 334
German and Vichy concerns about, 313
gold as basis for value of currency of, 3–4
gold sales of, 167
gold transfers from, 170–171, 285–286
Home Guard in, 323
Lend-Lease for, 352
obligations of, under treaty with Poland, 134–135
Order in Council rule in, 290
policy toward post-war Germany, 388–389
on reparations from Germany, 30
return of money to Lithuania, 155
Royal Air Force in, 322, 323
as storage place for bullion, 159
U.S. receipt of gold from, 170
use of poison gas and, 322
value of pound and, 163
war spending by, 302
watch of Polish gold saga by, 143–144
write off of Czechoslovakia
and, 89
British Financial News, 114
British Purchasing Commission, 162
Brittany, 270
Brno Munitions, 117
Brohan, Philip, 270, 271
Bronstein, 320
Broome, Jack Egerton, 20, 289, 298
Brown, Gordon, 437
Brown’s Bottom, 437
Brüning, Heinrich, 33
Brussels Protocol (1936), 115
Bryka, Władysław, 138
Bucharest, Belgian gold in, 316
Bulganin, 346
Bulgaria, Soviet control of, 429
Bulge, Battle of the, xiii, 392
Bullitt, William C., ix, 116, 160, 235, 243–244, 279–280, 336–337
Caballero, Francisco Largo, 15, 16–17, 18
Cadiz, Spain, 279
Cadogan, Sir Alexander, 290–291
diary of, 208
Caisse d’ Épargme de l’État du Grand Duché de Luxembourg, 228
California, discovery of gold in, 4
Campeche (Spanish tanker), 19
British gold in, 291–292
buying of naval supplies, 162
dropping of gold standard, 83
evacuation of children to, 295
movement of gold to, 170, 286–287, 290, 295
set up of dummy corporation in, for arms sales, 163
Canadian Industries, 162
Canaris, Wilhelm, 119–120, 209
Canary Islands, 10
Cap de la Nau, 277
Cape Verde Islands, 319
Carinhall, 62, 70, 93
Carpentier, M.F.L.F. de, 147
German aircraft attack on, 21
gold storage at, 17, 21
Carter, Stuart Bonham, 253–255
Casablanca, 247, 269–283
gold in, 307, 310
Case Green, 103, 106, 107
Case Yellow, 173, 206
Cash and Carry, 165
Cashier of Deposits and Consignments, 328
Catalan separatists, 8
Catterns, Basil, ix, 291–292, 293–294
Center Party, 35
Central banks
control of world financial system by, 77–85
gold held by, 437–438
stolen gold of, 440
Central Pacific Railroad, 4
Cetinje, 332
Chadwick, Owen, 261
Chamberlain, Neville, ix, 218, 285
on Albania, 198, 201
declaration of war against Germany, 135
desire to get along with Hitler, 94–95
Norman and, 120
Parliament’s loss of confidence in, 114, 210
realization that Britain was in mortal danger, 111
resistance to forming anti-German coalition, 132
solidification of ties with U.S. and Canada, 287–288
standing up to Nazis and, 200
takeover of Czechoslovakia and, 107, 108–110
Chardenot, 148
Charles-Roux, François, 261, 262
Chase Manhattan Bank, Zog’s account in, 202
Chase Manhattan Bank and Guarantee Trust, 338
Château de Laeken Palace, 236
Château de Wynendael, 233
Château d’Oex, 380
Cheka, 14
Chelyabinsk, 342, 343
Chemical warfare, 322–323
China, gold in, 435, 437
Christian X, 175, 178
Chromium, 40
Churchill, Winston, ix, 162, 218
Battle of Britain and, 322
concerns over French fleet, 308
correspondence with Roosevelt, Franklin D., 300, 301–302
correspondence with Smuts, Jan, and, 313
Czechoslovakian takeover and, 110, 114–115
de Gaulle and, 314
desire to go on offensive, 363
Dunkirk and, 285
German attack on Holland, 210, 212
German attack on Russia and, 339
gold standard and, 3–4
meeting with Roosevelt in Quebec, 389–390
memoirs of, 302–303
need for help from U.S., 303–304, 390
on need to move gold bullion to U.S., 288–289
opposition to Morgenthau’s plan for postwar Germany, 389, 390
at Potsdam, 429
request for day of prayer, 294
Reynaud, Paul, and, 177, 244–245
Scandinavia and, 177
speeches of, 322, 323
Twilight War and, 205
war strategy of, 294
on Wilhelmina, 222
Ciano, Count Galeazzo, ix, 87, 199–200, 201, 202, 324
Clairvoyant, 307
Clay, Lucius, 361, 401–402, 408, 409
Clermont-Ferrand, 307, 319
French National Bank in, 310–311
Cline, Anthony, discovery of German gold and paintings and, 400
Clinton Administration’s Gold Team, 383, 432, 433
Coal, manufacture of synthetic oil from, 384
Coburg, gold in, 409
Cochran, Merle, 74
Colbjørnsen, Ole, 188–189, 194, 195, 196
Cold War, 432
start of, 429
Colijn, Hendrik, 210
Colomb-Bèhear, 316
Columbus, Christopher, objectives of, 2–3
Colville, John, 287
diary of, 285
Combi, Etorre, 367
Comintern, formation of Popular Front coalitions, 9
Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies, 301
Communists, Republicans as, 8
Compiège armistice agreement, 311
Concentration camps
gold from, 405, 406, 411
valuables from, 358–359, 360, 361
Confessional Church, 356
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), 260
Constanta, 142, 143
Convoy QP 10, 354
Copenhagen. See also Denmark
German attack on, 178
Copper, German need for, 165
Cot, Pierre, 12
Cotton, German need for, 165
Council of the People’s Commissar of the U.S.S.R., 153
Craig, Alexander, 295, 296, 297
Creasy, G. E., 218, 219
Creditanstalt-Bankverein, 385
Crete, British presence on, 327
Crichton, Robert, 367
Croatia, 415
Croatian Landerbank, 385
Croatian State Bank, gold of, 415–416
Croesus of Lydia, 2
Currency banks, 70
Czech National Bank, turnover of gold reserve to Reichsbank, 111
Czechoslovakia, 103, 104–117
alliance with France, 89, 105–106
alliance with Soviet Union, 106
Case Green plan for military takeover of, 106, 107
Chamberlain and takeover of, 107, 108–110
conquest of, 118–119
demands for restitution, 430
DSK operations in, 70
ethnic groups of, 105
German takeover of, 89, 104–117, 130, 163, 200, 319
gold of, 105, 111–112, 159, 160
minorities in, 106
Munich agreement and, 161
proposal to split Sudetenland off from, 108
sending gold to Reichsbank, 115–117
Škoda industrial complex in, 105–106
Soviet control of, 429
stolen gold of, 440
takeover of iron and steel facilities in, 68
language of, 105
as pygmy race, 108
Dakar, 283, 307–320
British attack on ships in, 308
reinforcement of, 314
Daladier, Édouard, 110, 243–244, 245
Danat Bank, 27, 33
Danish central bank, gold sales and, 167
Danzig, stolen gold of, 440
Danzig Corridor, 134
Dardanelles, 316
Darlan, Jean-François, 147–148, 238, 253, 308
Dartmouth, 234
Dauchau concentration camp, 356
de Bletterie, 251, 252, 253
Dee, Walter R., 426
de Gaulle, Charles, 205, 307
Free French Army and, 253, 307, 312, 313, 314
as leader of anti-Bretton Woods offensive, 436
talk with Churchill, 314
Degussa, 359, 360, 373, 427
Nazi gold program and, 385–386
De Jong, A. M., 214
De Jong, Klaas, 215–216
Delfdijk, 208
Denis, henri, 233
Denmark, 151
German occupation of, 174, 175, 177–178
golden inheritance and, 176
sending of bullion to U.S., 164
D’Entrecasteaux, 247
Deutsche Bank, role in laundering of stolen Nazi gold, 385
Deutsche Orient-Bank (Turkey), 385
Deutsch Handels- und Kreditbank (Bratislava), 385
Devisenschutzkommando (Foreign Exchange Protection Commando), 69–70, 224, 252
Devonshire, 192, 193
D’Iberville, 247
Dildy, Douglas, 177–178
Dilectissima Nobis (On Oppression of the Church of Spain), 9
Dill, John, 245
Dinant, 242–243
Directive No. 1, 95, 134
Directive No. 2, 98
Directive No. 6, 173
Directive No. 17, 323
Directive No. 21, 334
Directive No. 25, 327
Dnieper, 349
Dodd, William, 46, 74
Doggerel verse about warfare, xiii
Dohle (freight train), 420, 421, 422
Dollfuss, Engelbert, murder of, 91, 94
Dönitz, Karl, 294–295
Dormer, Sir Cecil, 192–193
Douglas, Lewis W., 53
Doyçe Bank, 385
Dragonovi, Krunoslav, 416
Draper, Alfred, 217
Dresden, fire bombing of, 413
Dresdner Bank, role in laundering of stolen Nazi gold, 385
Driva, 189, 190
Drøbak, 181
Dubno, 141
Dulles, Allen, 380
Dunkirk, 271
besiege of, 234
evacuation of, 248, 279, 285, 294
Dunning, Charles, 287
Dürer, Albrecht, engravings of, 397, 404
Durres, 202
Dutch. See Netherlands
Dutch Army Aviation Brigade, 218
Dutch Central Bank
gold of, 207
Rotterdam branch of, 212
Dutch National Bank, Rotterdam branch of, 220–221
Dvina, 349
Dzerzhinsky, Feliks, 14
Easter holiday, 398–399, 401
Eastern Maginot Line, 89
East Prussia, 134
Eccles, Marriner, 160, 264
The Economic Consequences of the Peace (Keynes), 30
Eddy, Manton S., discovery of German gold and paintings and, xvi
Eden, Anthony, 12, 26, 390
Edison, Thomas, on gold, 1
Ehrenberg, Ilya, 13
Ehrenbreitstein Fortress, 402
Eidgenössische Bank, sales of Nazi gold and, 442
Chasing Gold: The Incredible Story of How the Nazis Stole Europe's Bullion Page 56