Mistresses: Blackmailed With Diamonds / Shackled With Rubies

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Mistresses: Blackmailed With Diamonds / Shackled With Rubies Page 27

by Lucy Gordon;Sarah Morgan;Robyn Donald;Lucy Monroe;Lee Wilkinson;Kate Walker

  Wondering why he could have this effect on her when she couldn’t stand him, hating herself for not being able to control the reaction of her body, she stumbled into the dressing room and stared at the racks of clothes.

  She felt woefully inadequate and out of her depth and she turned to him. ‘Please—’ her voice was hoarse ‘—tell me what I should wear.’

  His eyes met hers and for a moment she braced herself for a sarcastic comment. Braced herself to be left to her own devices.

  But then he muttered something in Greek under his breath and strode towards the rail, reaching for a dress. ‘Wear this. It will suit you. Choosing shoes is beyond me but anything with a high heel will do.’

  She was so pathetically grateful for his help that she almost hugged him. Then she reminded herself that he was cold and heartless and was probably only helping her because he didn’t want her to embarrass him by wearing something unsuitable.

  She wriggled into the green silk dress, pulling a face as she saw the plunging neckline.

  ‘This is too low—’ She made a movement to tug it upwards but he reached out to stop her.

  ‘Wear it. You have an amazing body. It’s a crime to hide it under shapeless navy trousers and an ill-fitting jacket.’

  An amazing body?

  Flushed with embarrassment and hating him for teasing her, she dragged the dress away from him, feeling the hot sting of tears behind her eyes. ‘It’s really cruel of you to tease me about my body. You have no respect for my feelings.’

  He gave her a curious look. ‘You really do have a low opinion of yourself, don’t you?’

  She flushed, thoroughly confused. Could his comment have been genuine? No, of course it couldn’t. She knew she didn’t have an amazing body.

  An hour later she sat in a state of self-conscious misery, staring at the elaborate confection on her plate, aware that everyone was glancing at her and talking. Speculating.

  She sat in silence at the dinner table, picking at her food and wondering why, if sex was a stress reliever, Nikos always seemed even more irritable after he’d made love to her.

  Not ‘made love’, she corrected herself hastily. There was nothing loving or romantic about what they shared. It was everything desperate and dirty.

  She blushed slightly and put down her fork, incredibly uncomfortable with the sudden image of herself that flared in her mind—bent over the bed with him thrusting hard inside her in an almost animal-like possession.

  By her side, Nikos was conversing about foreign investments in rapid Greek and she suddenly felt desperately sorry for the man seated on her left. He’d probably anticipated an evening with a society beauty and instead he’d been placed next to her. A silent companion with nothing to offer. Her confidence at rock-bottom, she struggled for something bland and uncontroversial to say.

  Perhaps reading her mind, he turned towards her, his expression stiff. ‘You are English? I’m afraid my English is not good.’

  ‘I’m sure your English is excellent but I’m very happy to speak Greek,’ she assured him hastily in that language, hugely grateful that he’d made the effort to speak to her at all. Seeing the flash of surprise and pleasure in his eyes she relaxed slightly, relieved to have at least something to recommend her. ‘Do you work for Nikos?’

  The man gave a wry smile. ‘Although most of western civilisation seems to work for your husband, Mrs Kyriacou, I am not one of them.’ He reached for his wineglass. ‘I’m Dimitri Vassaras and I work for the government in the Department of Culture and Science. I am responsible for maintaining our heritage. One of our major projects at the moment is exploring ways of protecting archaeological sites from looters. All very boring for a pretty lady like you.’

  ‘On the contrary.’ Forgetting her worries about not fitting in, Angie leaned forward, her face animated as she responded in fluent Greek. ‘It’s a subject that interests me greatly. The threat of looting often means that artefacts are removed quickly without recording their proper context and that means that precious information is lost—’ Aware that he was staring at her in stunned amazement, she coloured and stopped speaking.

  He cleared his throat. ‘You are interested in archaeology?’

  Remembering too late that Nikos had advised her to stay quiet and not talk, Angie was about to respond in a suitably vague way when Nikos spoke.

  ‘My wife has sufficient qualifications to meet even your exacting standards, Dimitri,’ he drawled, his eyes fixed on Angie’s face. ‘And her knowledge of our language is an added bonus.’

  Realising that she had now revealed that she spoke his language, she tried to read his expression and failed. Was he angry? Irritated? As usual, those thick, dark lashes half shielded his eyes, giving nothing away.

  He was so difficult to read.

  ‘I am truly honoured,’ Dimitri said, taking her hand and lifting it to his lips, ‘to have the opportunity to speak to someone who has a real understanding of our treasures.’

  ‘The preservation of archaeological finds is a really important issue,’ Angie said quietly, flushing slightly under Dimitri’s approving gaze. ‘We go to great lengths to carefully record information as we excavate a site layer by layer. Anything that disturbs that process jeopardises the quality of the information.’

  ‘You must really approve of your husband’s approach, then,’ Dimitri said warmly as he reached for his wine. ‘I know of few other men of his standing who would acknowledge the potential archaeological significance of a site and willingly sacrifice commercial opportunity in favour of the preservation of our natural heritage.’

  ‘Not willingly, Dimitri,’ Nikos said dryly, lifting his glass to his lips. ‘I complained a great deal, if you remember. You just didn’t listen to me.’

  ‘You complained only until we pointed out the enormous relevance of the site,’ Dimitri responded, turning to Angie with enthusiasm. ‘We are about to start a major archaeological survey and excavation project which we think will reveal evidence of early Bronze Age civilization—’

  ‘Dimitri,’ Nikos interrupted him, ‘if you’re about to deliver a lecture then you need to remember that tonight is all about funding and I’m never at my most generous when I’m bored.’

  ‘I no longer have any concerns about the funding of this project,’ Dimitri said happily and Nikos raised an eyebrow, his voice a sardonic drawl.

  ‘You don’t?’

  ‘Why would I need to convince you of the benefits of investing money in this project when your beautiful, talented wife can do that for me?’ Dimitri beamed. ‘With your permission I shall outline the details of the project and Mrs Kyriacou can use her special relationship with you to influence your donation.’

  ‘Is that right?’ Nikos turned to Angie, his eyes resting on her face in brooding contemplation. ‘Are you going to use your special relationship with me, agape mou?’

  Confused by his soft tone and by the mockery she saw in his gaze, she coloured slightly and turned to Dimitri, determined not to allow Nikos to undermine her confidence. She was going to use whatever means at her disposal to get through the evening and the fact that she possessed certain knowledge was merely to her advantage. ‘I’d love to hear more about the project.’

  Others on the table were drawn into the discussion and she soon realised that she was actually seated with some of the top people in the Greek government. Soon they were all conversing in Greek, discussing the problems of obtaining research grants and the search for additional sponsorship.

  ‘That’s where I come in,’ Nikos drawled, shifting slightly so that a waiter could remove his plate. ‘I’m the sponsorship.’

  ‘Sponsorship is integral to archaeology,’ Angie observed quietly and Dimitri smiled.

  ‘Your husband would have us believe that he does nothing more than throw money in our direction while remaining in ignorance and yet we all know that his knowledge surpasses that of many respected archaeologists.’

  Angie hid her surprise. Did she know tha
t? No, she didn’t. The man she knew was only interested in sex and money. Wondering if they were talking about the same person, Angie looked at Dimitri in disbelief and then turned her gaze to Nikos, who was subjecting her to a cool appraisal.

  ‘Believe it or not, my wife and I haven’t yet spent much time talking about early Minoan artefacts,’ he said softly and Dimitri gave an indulgent smile.

  ‘Well, of course you haven’t. You’re newly married. But what a partnership!’ His face glowed with excitement as he glanced round the table at the others. ‘Dr Kyriacou will be able to bring a great deal to our latest project. Nikos, now we don’t just want your money, we want your wife!’

  ‘I had no idea she would prove so popular.’

  Dimitri smiled, either ignoring or failing to notice the slightly dangerous edge to his tone.

  ‘Tell me, Dr Kyriacou, have you had a proper tour of Knossos yet? It is Crete’s most famous ancient site.’

  ‘I visited it a few years ago,’ Angie replied, her eyes on Nikos’s profile. There was something about the stillness of his body that troubled her. ‘Not recently. I’m looking forward to another visit.’

  ‘Then I would be honoured to be your guide,’ Dimitri said immediately and Nikos rose to his feet, his hand round Angie’s wrist.

  ‘Unfortunately I’ve already arranged to take Angelina there myself,’ he said smoothly, the pressure of his hand on her arm forcing her to rise as well. ‘Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to dance with my wife.’

  Her cheeks flushed, aware of the indulgent smiles of those watching, Angie almost stumbled as she tried to keep up with him in the unfamiliar high heels. ‘I can’t even walk in these things, let alone dance,’ she muttered and his fingers tightened on her wrist and he swung her into his arms as they reached the centre of the dance floor.

  Aware of the strong athletic length of his body against hers, Angie felt her body start to quiver and melt in anticipation and when he slid a leisurely hand down her back and anchored her hard against him she gave a soft gasp.

  ‘Flirt with Dimitri again,’ he warned in a deadly tone, ‘and he’ll be lying dead at the bottom of one of his excavations along with bones and bits of pottery.’

  ‘Flirt?’ Wishing she wasn’t so conscious of every throbbing masculine inch of him, she placed a hand on his chest in an attempt to push him away slightly. ‘I didn’t flirt.’

  ‘He couldn’t take his eyes off you. I’ve known Dimitri for almost ten years and I’ve never seen him so animated. Clearly he’s very turned on by all those letters after your name.’

  She couldn’t think straight while he was this close. ‘I don’t understand why you would even care. It’s ridiculous to be so possessive when you have no interest in me yourself.’ She tried to pull away but he held her fast, moving her round the dance floor with a smooth confidence that was the only thing that prevented her from stumbling in the unfamiliar high heels.

  ‘What I think of you is irrelevant. You’re my wife. Just don’t think about accepting any invitations he might offer.’

  Confused and infuriated by the feelings that were scorching her body, she was suddenly determined to challenge his slightly predatory treatment of her. ‘I’ll accept any invitation I like if they’re interesting. The terms of our pre-nuptial agreement don’t prevent me being seen with another man.’

  ‘But I would prevent it,’ Nikos informed her with lethal emphasis, slipping a hand under her chin and forcing her to look at him. His eyes glittered dark and dangerous. ‘If you’re fantasising about Dimitri, then I should warn you that he has a young wife and child waiting for him back in Athens. Or perhaps that wouldn’t stop you.’

  His slightly contemptuous tone made her frown slightly. Why would he think, or even care if she was fantasising about Dimitri? And why would he believe that the fact that Dimitri was married wouldn’t stop her?

  ‘You make me sound like some sort of sexual tease and yet we both know I’m nothing like that.’

  He stared down at her for a long moment and she had the distinct feeling that he wanted to say something more but he didn’t so she spoke again, suddenly needing to bridge the ominous silence.

  ‘He’s an interesting, w-well-educated man,’ she stammered quietly, wondering why such a bland, innocuous observation could make his expression darken still further. ‘Any interest I have in him would be purely academic. If I spent time with him it would just be to exchange views and learn from each other.’

  ‘The only learning you’re going to do is from me,’ he growled, tightening his grip on her waist and propelling her from the dance floor towards the exit.

  ‘We can’t leave without saying goodbye—’

  ‘I’m the guest of honour. I can do anything I like. No one is interested in my manners, only my wallet.’ He deposited her in the passenger seat of his low, deadly-looking Ferrari and slid into the seat next to her, his strong hands confident on the wheel as he drove out of town back towards the villa.

  ‘This is so embarrassing!’ Angie glanced back over her shoulder towards the museum. ‘I should have said goodbye. They’ll be offended.’

  ‘The only thing that will offend them is if I refuse the funding they’re begging for.’

  ‘Holding the purse-strings doesn’t give you the right to be rude,’ she said stiffly, turning her head to look out of the window. The sight of his arrogant, handsome profile made her entire body weak with longing and she hated herself for feeling that way about a man as basic and primitive as Nikos. He was different from every man she’d ever met before. His forceful, controlling personality should have been completely repellent to her. ‘I thought Dimitri was charming and had lovely manners.’

  Her rash, impulsive remark was greeted by ominous silence and when she risked a glance towards Nikos she clashed with night-black eyes and her stomach performed a series of alarming acrobatics. A powerful awareness flared between them. They shouldn’t have been right together and yet there was an electrifying connection. A connection that defied logic and scorned convention.

  He dragged his gaze back to the road and she closed her eyes briefly, reminding herself to breathe.

  Was it just her?

  Was it just her who felt like this? And then she saw that his hands were tight on the wheel as he coaxed the car round the tight bends of the road and knew that he was feeling it too.

  Without warning, he swung the car to the left down a rough track and she gave a soft gasp of shock and clutched at the seat. ‘Shouldn’t you slow down a bit?’

  ‘I don’t feel like slowing down.’ He stopped the car and suddenly she was aware of the warm night air and the soft murmur of the sea.

  ‘This isn’t your villa. Where are we?’

  ‘Somewhere we won’t be disturbed.’ He yanked open her door and closed his hand around her wrist so that she was given no choice but to climb out of the car.

  ‘You’re behaving very oddly, if you don’t mind me saying,’ she muttered and then stumbled as she discovered the impossibility of walking on the sand in high heels.

  Without speaking, he scooped her into his arms and carried her to the water’s edge and then slipped both shoes from her feet before lowering her to the ground.

  She felt the damp sand beneath her bare feet and then nothing but the hot, demanding press of his mouth against hers, the erotic lick of his tongue and the tempting throb of his male body. ‘Nikos—’ Stunned by the sudden assault on her senses, she sank against him and felt his hands, sure and confident, sliding the dress down her trembling, compliant body. ‘You can’t do that; it will be ruined,’ she groaned against his mouth but it was too late because the dress had slipped to the sand and she felt the warm night air glide over her bare skin.

  ‘I’ll buy you another one.’ Still kissing her, he stripped off his jacket, hooked a leg behind hers, gently knocked her off balance and lay her down, his body hard on hers. ‘I want you and I want you right now,’ he muttered in Greek and she made a sound somewhere be
tween laughter and desperation. He wanted her. Why did those words send a tremor of exultation running through her?

  ‘I want you too.’ Her softly spoken Greek ended in a gasp as he closed his mouth round the vulnerable peak of her breast, drawing her inside and teasing her nipple with his tongue. The sudden explosion of excitement was so intense that she shifted her hips in an attempt to ease the frantic ache in her pelvis but his superior weight held her still, allowing her no relief from the delicious torture.

  ‘I know you want me. You just can’t help yourself and it’s the most incredible turn-on.’

  Dizzy with excitement, she felt his fingers slide between her thighs and gave a whimper of desperation. He knew exactly where to touch her, exactly how to touch her, and his skilled assault had her shaking and squirming against his hand. ‘Please, Nikos—’

  He lifted his head from her breast, his breathing unsteady. In the moonlight it was just possible to make out his features but somehow the semi-darkness just made the encounter all the more erotic. Without speaking, he moved away from her just enough to deal with his trousers and then he lifted her hips and sank inside her with an almost desperate urgency that brought a cry of surprise and relief to her lips.

  She felt the velvety thickness of his arousal, the demanding pressure of masculine thrust and wrapped her legs around him, taking him deeper still into her quivering, willing flesh. She was no more capable of resisting the demands of his body than she was her own. And her demands were great. Driven by a primitive urge that she didn’t even recognise, she lifted her hips and moved her body to match the rhythm of his. Her nails dug into the hard muscle of his back, her teeth sank into the sleek skin of his shoulder and he acknowledged her need with an increase in his own demands. Drowning in a torrent of sensation, the sudden explosion of her orgasm came without warning and she heard him mutter something in Greek as her body pulsed around his, dragging him from a point of control to sexual oblivion in one single heartbeat.


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