The Supermarket Ghost

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by Gordon Snell

  Davy turned to Maria and gave the thumbs-up sign. Maria punched the air and grinned.


  Later that day, Maria took her bike and rode out to Lily’s cottage. She knocked several times, but there was no one there.

  When she got back home, she was amazed to see that Lily Marsh was in the sitting room with Maria’s parents.

  They were both smiling happily. So was Mrs Marsh.

  ‘We’ve got the most amazing news, Maria!’ said her mother. ‘Mrs Marsh is the new owner of Paddy Breen’s supermarket!’

  ‘And Mrs Marsh wants us to run it for her!’ exclaimed her father.

  ‘I can hardly believe it all,’ said Mrs Marsh. ‘I know you’ll do a great job.


  Maria couldn’t wait to see Davy, who had stayed at the shop to keep an eye on things.

  ‘Paddy’s in the office with a lawyer,’ he said, ‘drawing up the papers for the handover.’

  Maria told him about the meeting at her house.

  ‘That’s marvellous,’ said Davy. ‘Lily deserves it all.’

  ‘The Duffs are back in town!’ said Maria.

  ‘Here to stay!’ said Davy.

  ‘That’s what I was wondering,’ Maria said. ‘Can you stay, now that things are all sorted out, and you’ve got your revenge?’

  ‘I hope so,’ said Davy.

  But Maria noticed that something strange was happening. Davy seemed to be fading.

  ‘Don’t go,’ said Maria. ‘We’re friends now. We can’t say goodbye.’

  ‘Then we won’t,’ said Davy. His voice was getting faint. ‘I’ll make sure to come and see you some time. I just hope that you’ll be able to see me.’

  ‘I will – I’m sure of it!’ said Maria, as Davy slowly faded and eventually disappeared.

  ‘I must be able to,’ she said, to convince herself. Then she went towards the door, saying firmly:

  ‘After all, the DUFFS ARE BACK IN TOWN!’

  She was sure she heard Davy’s echoing voice somewhere in the distance, saying:

  ‘Thank you, Maria, thank you!’

  About the Author

  Gordon Snell has written many books for children, as well as stage and radio comedy for children and adults, and books of verse including the popular Rhyming Irish Cookbook. He lives in Dublin with his wife, the best-selling author Maeve Binchy.


  This eBook edition first published 2012 by The O’Brien Press Ltd,

  12 Terenure Road East, Rathgar, Dublin 6, Ireland

  Tel: +353 1 4923333; Fax: +353 1 4922777

  E-mail: [email protected]


  First published 2007

  eBook ISBN: 978–1–84717–427–7

  Text © copyright Gordon Snell 2007

  Copyright for typesetting, layout, editing, design

  © The O’Brien Press Ltd


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  Carrying out any unauthorised act in relation to a copyright work may result in both a civil claim for damages and criminal prosecution. For permission to copy any part of this publication contact The O’Brien Press Ltd at [email protected].

  British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

  A catalogue reference for this title is available from the British Library

  The O’Brien Press receives assistance from

  Illustrations: Bob Byrne

  Layout and design: The O’Brien Press Ltd




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