Owned by the Vampire King

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Owned by the Vampire King Page 11

by T. S. Ryder

  He turned, but not fast enough. The man reached them and she heard the sick sucking sound of the knife being pulled out of Parker’s gut. He stumbled back, holding his stomach, then fell to the ground. Before he could land on his knees, his clothing exploded around him and he was on all fours in bear form.

  Destiny was in such shock that he’d been stabbed, she didn’t even see that the man was running at her. Parker jumped up and pushed him out of the way, knocking the man to the hard cement.

  Parker whacked the man with his paw and he grunted like he’d been punched. Parker kicked him, then swiped at him, tearing the front of his shirt and sending trickles of blood to the ground.

  The man pushed himself to his feet, clutching his chest, and took off at a loping run. He vanished out of sight and Destiny ran to Parker.

  “Are you okay? We need to get you to the hospital!”

  She picked up her purse from where it’d fallen beside her. Parker shifted back, and leaned against her, naked and human.

  Her mind was super focused on the next thing she needed to do. Get him in the car. He has to be in the car to get to the hospital.

  She helped him slide in the back seat, then pressed hard on the gas. Turn left at this light, then it’s a quick right. She kept her eyes on the road, watching for cars and people and anything that might get in her way. She ignored the sounds of agony coming from the backseat. If she let her mind go there for even a second, the panic welled in her chest and fogged her brain.

  She pulled up to the doors of the ER and left the car running as she ran inside to get a nurse and a wheelchair. They got him into the wheelchair and she parked the car in the first spot she saw, then ran at full speed back to the ER waiting room. Parker was sitting in the chair, talking to someone behind a desk in grunts and stilted words.

  “What’s going on? Why aren’t you helping him?” Destiny said, looking around frantically at the stares they were receiving.

  “I don’t know that we can do much,” the nurse behind the desk said. “We don’t usually treat shifters here.”

  “What?” Her words came out like a shocking accusation. Here, at the hospital, where they were supposed to get the help they needed, even here, they were facing discrimination.

  “Shifters’ bodies are different than humans,” the nurse said. “They require special care.”

  “It’s just a stab wound! He needs stitches!”

  Destiny couldn’t sit there watching any longer. She took off running. She passed the nurse’s desk, despite the voices calling to her, telling her she couldn’t go down the hall she was now charging down. She saw a woman in scrubs and ran to her.

  “Do you have a problem with shifters?” Destiny demanded.

  “With what?”


  The woman looked around, horrified. “Is there one loose?”

  Destiny pushed her out of the way and continued. She saw a doctor and nurse wearing pink scrubs up ahead and ran at them.

  “Whoa, slow down,” the doctor said.

  “Do you have a problem with shifters?” Destiny asked.

  “They require special care,” the doctor said.

  Destiny looked at the other nurse. The nurse said, “My brother is a shifter. He’s adopted, obviously, but I certainly have no problem with him.”

  Destiny grabbed the woman’s hand and pulled her back, ignoring her protests and questions, to where Parker waited. “He’s been stabbed and they won’t help him.”

  The nurse looked at the other nurse behind the desk, then at Parker. “He’s got a deep penetrating trauma. You need to get him to a trauma room now!”

  The nurse behind the desk didn’t move. “We don’t have anyone to treat him.”

  The nurse in pink shook her head. She pushed the wheelchair through a set of double doors and glanced in a room. “Here. Help me.”

  They got Parker onto the table and the nurse pulled off his shirt. She started rifling through the supplies in the cabinets.

  “Don’t you know where things are?” Destiny asked, panicking fully now that Parker looked so pale and this nurse seemed clueless.

  “I’m a maternity nurse, not an ER nurse! This isn’t my department.” She pulled out a bottle of some brown liquid and squirted it on Parker’s stomach.

  She worked hard, taking his vital signs, injecting him with things, putting pressure on the wound. The bleeding slowed, and she got his wound wrapped. Some of his color started to come back.

  The nurse wiped the sweat from her forehead. “He’ll heal fast. We got it cleaned and that’s the most important thing so that infection doesn’t set in.” She handed Destiny a bottle of pills. “These are antibiotics so he doesn’t get an infection. Have him take one a day until they’re gone. I would take him home now.”

  “Now? He doesn’t need to stay?”

  “What I’ve just done might cost me my job. It’ll be better if you’re not here, and trust me, he’ll be fine tomorrow.”

  Destiny threw her arms around her in a tight hug. “Thank you.”

  “Don’t take him out through the ER.”

  Destiny nodded and slid herself under Parker’s arm as the nurse left the room. She helped him along, but already he did seem a little better. They got many strange and nasty looks, but once she got him outside of the hospital, she went to get the car and then helped him in.

  Chapter Eleven

  She drove him to her house, then got him into her bed. She pulled the bloody clothes from him and used a washrag to clean him up.

  “Do you need anything?” she asked.

  He shook his head and closed his eyes, lying his head back on her pillow.

  She checked on him through the night, sometimes just standing over him to make sure he was still breathing. She finally fell asleep sometime in the middle of the night, curled up on her couch with her phone in her hand, ready to call 911 if he showed any signs of going downhill.

  She awoke to the feeling of someone stroking and kissing her forehead. Her eyes fluttered open. “Parker?”

  He grinned at her. “You sleep okay?”

  She sat up and looked him over. “Are you okay? You’re up! You need to take these. Are you in pain? Are you still bleeding?”

  “Shhh.” He brushed back her hair and kissed her again. “I’m okay. Look.”

  He peeled away the bandage to show her his wound. It looked days old instead of hours, already scabbed over and pink around the area.

  “But…” She reached out and ran a finger gently over the scab.

  “We heal about four times faster than humans.”

  “So you’re really okay? You’re going to live?”

  He chuckled. “It wasn’t that bad.”

  “I was so worried.” She put her hand to his cheek and for a moment imagined Jaxon in his place. How would she be feeling right now if he’d been the one to be stabbed and had come close to dying instead of Parker? When she did, she knew she finally had her answer. “Parker. I can’t live without you. I want to be with you and only you.”

  He raised an eyebrow at her. “You do?”

  “After all that happened, I know it would be painful to lose Jaxon, but to lose you would be unbearable.”

  He kissed her fingertips one at a time. “Maybe you should wait a few days. It might just be your reaction to seeing me injured.”

  “Parker.” She pressed her lips to his once, twice. “I love you. Only you. You’re the only one for me.”

  She called Jaxon later that day. She had been in contact with him and the rest of the Tates once she’d gotten Parker home, but now she was calling for a different sort of update.

  “How’s he doing?” Jaxon asked.

  “Great. He’s healing nicely.”

  “Good. Want me to come get him?”

  “No. He’s going to stay here for a little while with me. Jaxon…” She took a deep breath. “I’ve fallen in love with him. I’m sorry.”

  “Oh. Okay.” There was a long pause. “I k
new it could go either way. I’m glad he has you, I really am. I would rather see you with him than anyone else.”

  “Thanks, Jaxon.”

  “And hey, if you guys ever want to do a threesome again, you know where my room is.”

  She laughed. “Okay. Thanks.”

  She hung up with mixed emotions. It’d been so easy for him to say goodbye to her. It stung a little, but at the same time, reassured her that she had chosen correctly.

  When she went back to work after taking a few days off to care for Parker, even if most of that time was spent in bed taking care of him in non-medical ways, she put a photo of the two of them on her desk. She wasn’t sure if her bosses or coworkers would say anything about it or not.

  When Joshua came out to the reception area, he nodded at the photo. “How is he?”

  “He’s good. Healing really well. Will be back to fighting soon.”

  “Look, I uh, wanted to apologize for my behavior. And for Caleb’s. Turns out that the man who attacked Parker was Michelle’s husband.”

  “He was?”

  Joshua nodded. “She’s been fired and while you were out, we had a sensitivity training for the staff. Specist remarks won’t be any more tolerated than racist or sexist remarks.”

  She blinked in surprise. Maybe her threats of a lawsuit had affected them more than she knew. “Thank you.”

  “We also wanted to offer our legal services to Parker, free of charge. I can’t say that Caleb and I don’t feel at least a little responsible, even if our part was doing nothing to stop the comments going on around the office.”

  “I’ll let him know.” She didn’t know what else to say. It was more than she ever could have asked for.

  Later that night when she got home and told him the good news, Parker pulled her into a fervent hug and kissed her. “You’re so amazing. I think you and I could really change the world.”

  “We already have.”



  Her Two Bears


  A BBW in danger PLUS two hot werebears ready to share a mate PLUS a deadly opponent with dark intentions!

  Danita Valdez is about to live her dream. She’s inherited a small farm from her uncle, and wants to make it her little paradise. But then loan shark McGrath turns up and transfers her uncle's debt to her. If she doesn’t pay, he’ll auction off her virginity to the highest bidder.

  And as if things can't get worse, two of McGrath's thugs show up to “protect” her.

  Bear shifters Killian and Ryan are supposed to keep an eye on Danita for McGrath. But they know what they want as soon as they see her. This woman with her soft curves is their mate. They’ll protect her with their own lives if they have to. But will she ever trust them?

  Forced to live in the same house as the two Bears, Danita soon has only one thing on her mind. She can’t help it. These gorgeous men, all strength and muscle, would have any virgin dropping their panties.

  But as the tension builds and their feelings deepen, McGrath's true desires come to light, and the Bears realize there is only one way to save Danita. And that path just might end up getting them all killed.

  Chapter One – Danita

  Danita Valdez beamed as she pushed on the door to her brand-new barn. At least, it was new to her; the door fell off as it swung open, the rusty hinges pulling clear of the frame. She jumped slightly but shrugged as she stepped through, glancing back at her former foster sister Amelia with a sheepish smile.

  "I'll fix that up. New hinges and screws, no big deal. Might need to rebuild the frame, but that's easy enough to do. The place needs a little work, but all I'm missing is funds. Once I have my mortgage, I'll roll up my sleeves and with a little elbow grease, everything will be perfect."

  "If you say so," Amelia replied, shaking her head as she inched through the barn door. "If you need some help, I'm sure my two Alphas will be able to find some Wolves in the pack to give you a hand. We could also give you a loan if the mortgage doesn't cover all your expenses."

  Danita shook her head. "This is my place, and I'm going to get it up and running myself. When have you ever known me to shy away from hard work? Besides, the loan offer is sweet but I'll do just fine. There are only a few major repairs that need to be done before I can get my herd."

  "Are you sure?"

  "Of course I am. So I'm going to fix up the barn to store my equipment and hay, and outside I'm going to have the alpaca pasture right beside it. Three acres. I've already got Maria, but I'll need more to be successful. And I heard from some of the other farmers around here that there can be trouble with bears and cougars at night, which is to be expected with this great forest around, but I'll make sure my animals are trained to come in at night."

  "Didn't you say alpacas could be aggressive towards predators?"

  "Canids, mostly. Better safe than sorry. I'll start off with a small herd, but put males and females together and you know that they do!" Danita gave Amelia a saucy smile and winked at her.

  Amelia smirked. "It's even better then you've got two males dedicated to pleasing you. Speaking of which…"

  "No, I don't have any boyfriends. And I'm not looking for any, either. I have plenty to keep me occupied. Over there," Danita gestured towards the tree line, eager to get off the topic, "I am going to build a second barn. That's where I'll set up everything I need to clean, card and spin the wool."

  Amelia smirked. "You really have your work cut out for you. A good, brawny male around—"

  "I've already got half a dozen places lined up to take a look at my stuff once I’m producing." Danita folded her arms. "And—"

  Amelia grabbed Danita's arm and let out a short scream. Her eyes were wide as saucers. Danita spun on her heel in time to see two huge bears emerge from the trees. Each one was about twice as tall as any regular grizzly, with paws the size of hubcaps and heads as big as a small car. One was gray, the other honey-brown.

  "Oh, those two again."

  Danita scowled to cover up how her heart skipped a beat on seeing them. The two strolled along the trees, grunting to each other, occasionally bumping shoulders and making chuffing noises that sounded like laughter. Which it probably was.

  If Amelia hadn’t been here, Danita would be internally begging them to shift into their human forms. Maybe even indulge in her fantasy of them strolling up to the farmhouse and tossing her into a pile of hay while they took turns with her. She may be a virgin, but a prude she was not.

  "Those two again?" Amelia rose a brow at her.

  "They're just a couple of Bear shifters that live around here or something. They've been hanging around since I moved in. At least they're in their Bear forms this time. Sometimes they walk around naked." Danita felt heat rising in her cheeks. "Not that they aren't nice to look at, of course, but I want this to be a family-friendly farm, you know."

  Amelia smirked at her. "You should see why they're hanging around. Because if they just started once you moved in, it could be that they're looking for a romp in the hay–literally!"

  "Just because you got lucky and landed yourself two Wolves who are more than happy to share you doesn't mean the rest of us will be so lucky."

  Danita sighed with disappointment as the Bears disappeared again. Even if she hadn't had fantasies about a threesome before, Amelia's stories about how mind-blowing sex with two men at once was would have her reconsidering her attitude.

  "You might be luckier than you realize. There aren't any Bear shifter communities out here. Those two might be lonely."

  Danita smiled at her foster-sister. "Maybe, but I don't have time for one boyfriend right now, let alone two."

  "Just make sure you have time to come to my wedding," Amelia replied. "I'd ask you to be a bridesmaid, but Timothy, Xavier and I all decided we want something more intimate. So the wedding party is just the three of us, and only family is being invited to attend."

  "Of course I'll come." Danita smiled at her foster-sister. "I can see h
ow happy they make you. I don't think I've ever seen you beam like you do when you talk about them. I wouldn't miss your wedding for anything."

  "Good. I have to go, but call me, okay?" Amelia glanced between the ramshackle barn and dilapidated house and shook her head. "You have a lot of work ahead, Dani. If the Alphas and I can help you in any way—"

  "I'll let you know."

  They kissed cheeks, and Amelia left. Danita glanced at the tree line, but the Bears were good and gone. Without changing and giving her a good look at their tightly-muscled asses. How rude. If they were going to invade her property the least they could do was give her something to look at!

  She headed to the house to take a look at a burnt-out light fixture, but before she got to the porch, another car pulled into her driveway. A blue Mercedes.

  Danita's jaw dropped. What a beautiful car! She struggled to put her eyes back in her head as a man dressed in a sharp navy blue suit–and for some reason, black leather gloves–stepped out of the car. He clearly wasn't from around here. He had all the polish of a Harvard lawyer, unlike the rough farmers she had come to know as her neighbors.

  "Danita Valdez?"

  "Yes. May I help you?"

  The man smiled. His skin had that perfect sun-tanned glow that came with people who spent their time in tanning beds rather than actually in the sun. His hair was salt-and-pepper gray. There was something graceful about the way he walked that reminded her of a cat stalking its prey. She shivered as he drew closer.

  "Dean McGrath." He held out his hand, and Danita shook it. "I was sorry to hear about your uncle's passing. Tragic, that a man would take his own life like that."

  Danita made herself smile, though the man’s voice made her skin crawl. "Thank you. I didn't really know him very well. Still, he gave me what I always wanted. My own land to establish myself as a farmer."

  "Yes…" His gaze swept over her freshly inherited farm. "The thing is, your uncle owed me quite a bit of money. In the general vicinity of five hundred thousand dollars. And since he owed me that money, this land technically belongs to me."


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