Princess to Pleasure Slave Adventure: The Dungeon of the Monster Breeder

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Princess to Pleasure Slave Adventure: The Dungeon of the Monster Breeder Page 57

by Amanda Clover

  Your heartbeat quickens as she gently kisses your neck.

  "What am I?" she asks.

  How do you answer?

  "A Pregnancy"

  "Bread Dough"

  "A Penis"



  Encounter One - The Orc

  Encounter Two - The Scarabs

  Encounter Three - The Roper

  Encounter Four - The Ogre

  Encounter Five - The Slime

  Special Encounter - The Locked Door

  Encounter Six - The Silver Sphere

  Encounter Seven - The Pitcher Nymph

  Encounter Eight - The Goblins

  Encounter Nine - The Lamia

  Special Encounter - The Bone Collector

  Encounter Ten - The Manticore

  Special Encounter - The Darkened Library

  Encounter Eleven - The Mindsucker

  Encounter Twelve - The Necromancer

  Encounter Thirteen - The Succubus

  Encounter Fourteen - The Iron Giant

  Encounter Fifteen - The Werewolves

  Special Encounter - Above the Pit

  Encounter Sixteen - Madreg

  *Please note that while almost the entire story can be accessed by the index, certain branching events and endings are only accessible by playing through the story in order. These include the full succubus endings and the Yalak companion events.

  Encounter Nine - "A Pregnancy"

  "A pregnancy," you answer Mido.

  "Ooh, good answer," she coos. She slides her hands over your breasts and strokes your belly. "I can guess what you have on your mind.'re wrong."

  Before you can react, Mido clamps her lips against your neck and drives the daggers of her fangs into your flesh. The shock of her bite causes you to fumble with the grip of your sword. By the time you have your hand around it, the venom is coursing through your blood, hot fire burning in your veins, and you are too weak to lift your blade.

  "Not...not fair..."

  They are your last words as your face goes numb and darkness begins to close in around you. Mido's fangs leave your neck as she lifts her head. Her tongue flicks at the blood trickling down your shoulder.

  " was a good attempt," she hisses. "But now it's time to go to sleep. And dream of something nice. Perhaps I'll bake you into a tart."

  Darkness swallows you up and you slump forward, your head banging loudly against the table.

  "On second thought," says Mido, stroking your back, "I think I prefer my meals fresh."

  There is an audible pop as she unhinges her jaw and begins to open her mouth to an impossible width. Fortunately, you are not aware of what is happening as she begins to force you down her gullet. The venom will soon finish you off, bringing an end to your life and your adventure.


  Encounter twelve - Make an all out attack

  Your decision has not changed. In the face of a foe who cannot be killed, your resolve only hardens. You will not kneel before this abomination. Your grip tightens on your sword and you manage a smile.

  "I will never serve you."

  You launch yourself at the necromancer with a final growl of fury. Your opening attack is a feint, meant to force Telemas to bring up his guard. He raises his hands to shield his head. You follow through with a downward stroke and deftly slice off his cock. The black appendage flops to the floor and it lets out a squeal of pain.

  "Bitch!" cries the necromancer, grabbing at his writhing stump.

  Your second swing removes his head and sends it rolling across the floor, still cursing you. He brings up a black-smeared hand to cast a spell and you sever it at the wrist. You hack and slash and remove his hands, arm, and chop him down to a torso covered in foul black liquid. He is rocking about and struggling to reassemble himself.

  Vardak starts towards the screaming head of the necromancer and you kick it away and level your blade at the old man.

  "Stay out of this or I'll strike you down," you warn.

  "Strike me down!" he wails, tears streaming down his face. "I do not want to li--"

  You thump him in the head with the flat of your blade. He spins completely around and drops to the floor unconscious. While you were briefly occupied with Vardak, the severed appendages of Telemas have begun to crawl towards one another and attempt to reconstitute the necromancer. The flopping pieces leave trails on the floor like the slime of slugs.

  "Let me put your powers to the test, Telemas!"

  You begin screaming as you wildly chop and scatter his body parts. You save your last for his head. You smash it apart, surprised at how it breaks open like a melon and spreads its black slime across the floor. No piece of the necromancer is larger than a finger and yet those many pieces are still rolling and twitching and trying to reassemble.

  You are drenched in sweat and exhausted from the effort of chopping him up, but you refuse to let him piece himself back together. You seize a torch from the wall and thrust it into the liquid. The black burns like pitch, spreading quickly across his corpse and bursting into flames. The fire is so intense you have to drag Vardak away from a pile of body parts so he is not set alight as well.

  As the room fills with foul-smelling smoke, you decide you have done as much as you are able to destroy Telemas. If he survives the flames, you will at least be gone from his world of the dead.

  You take your torch and exit the room, passing through a mortuary where the necromancer was conducting his foul experiments and reassembling skeletons from the bones Vardak recovered from the pile. You continue into a vast chamber filled with skeletons and corpses that must have once been an army. Now they lean against the stone walls or form heaps on the floor, all of their undead energy dissipated with the destruction of their creator.

  You pick your way among the bodies. There are a few weapons among them, but they are rusty and inferior to your own sword. You find a large door of black iron. As you approach it, you hear mechanisms within it clicking and unlocking. You bring up your sword as the door begins to swing open.

  Candles light the way up a stone staircase that you take cautiously, climbing several floors until you arrive at a long hallway. It is well-lit and well-kept. There is a carpet composed of a various subtle shades of red. As you look at the pattern in the carpet you realize that it is not simply patterns, but incredibly elaborate images rendered in a hundred shades of red threads. The images seem to depict men and women locked in passionate sex.

  At the far end of the hall, cloaked in a faint cloud of perfumed mist, you see a curtained entrance to another chamber. Through that mist you can hear soft music and sighs that seem to be whispered into your ear. The hairs on your neck stand on end and you shudder. Warmth blooms in your belly and you feel a powerful urge to pass through the mist and enter the chamber beyond.

  Well, you certainly can't go back down the stairs...


  Encounter Fourteen - You Would Rather Have the Orcs

  You sneer at the gnome as he stands over you.

  "A tiny little gnome cock probably couldn't even make a baby inside me," you snarl. "I am not going to become your slave, you sadistic bastard. Give me to the orcs. At least I know they'll be able to satisfy me."

  "Kirsten," murmurs the gnome sadly. "Are you certain? Your fate will not--"

  "Shut your mouth!" You scream, straining at the shackles. "I would kill you with my bare hands if I could! You horrid dwarf! Torture me for hours and then expect my gratitude."

  You look away from him, the fight draining from you as you resign yourself to the alternative.

  "Give me to the damned orcs," you mutter.

  Olaf leaves you shackled to the table. He returns some hours later in his iron giant and frees you from the chains. He carries you to another cell and places you inside, offering you bitter porridge and mushy vegetables as a meal. At least in this cell you have a tiny cot and a proper chamber pot. There are even some books written in a la
nguage you cannot decipher, you pore over the detailed illustrations of gnomish devices and imagine how you might use a steam hammer or a rivet cannon to murder Olaf.

  Your hope is gone of rescuing your sisters or finding anything approaching freedom. Your nightmares are haunted by the depravity the orcs and their twisted master Madreg will surely visit upon you. These restless sleeps are punctuated by visits from Olaf. He begs you to reconsider his offer. You scream at him and throw his food back through the slot in the door.

  It is almost relief when the orcs finally arrive.


  Encounter eleven - No, this must be a trap

  "N-no," you say, resisting the urge to lean your lips down and kiss the beautiful young Lyrica. You take a step back from her, raising your hands to ward her off.

  "Plllllease," she begs, pouting her lower lip and advancing towards you. "Just a little kiss."

  You feel another wave of pressure against your mind, an external urge to kiss Lyrica, but this time you recognize it for what it is: Xinophus attempting to control your mind. Your hand moves to the hilt of your sword. You draw the blade as if struggling with its weight and bring it up defensively.

  Lyrica stops short and another wave of force assails your mind. It is so sharp and directed, this time you cannot help but comply, dropping the sword from your hand as if it has been heated on a forge. You reach for the sword to pick it up and Lyrica steps on the blade to pin it to the floor.

  "You won't need that with me," she says.

  "It's not you I'm worried about."

  "Seize her!" hisses Xinophus.

  Lyrica lunges at you and you try to sidestep her charge. She catches your left arm and wrenches it painfully behind your back. You drop to a knee and in an instant Xinophus is behind you, leaning his tentacles down and dropping them over the back of your head. Your neck is bent back, your head mostly covered by the slimy wig of his tendrils gripping down to your jaw. The darkness of his enveloping tentacles covers your eyes.

  "It's over now, sweet one. I will taste your fear." You feel his hard beak against your scalp. You know enough about his kind to know that you may have only moments to live. But your right hand is free. Fighting through the pain, you force yourself to stand and splay your fingers in a casting position. You feel the sharp bite of his beak on your scalp. It is too late for him. The word are already past your lips.

  Oriodamus never even taught this spell to you. It was in one of the books you were forbidden from reading. The spell was simply called "wither." You draw the magic from your aura, feeling the negative energy slipping and coalescing from your fingers in an instant.

  Xinophus stiffens. He makes a surprised clicking sound and his tentacles begin to curl back from your face. Light shows and you shove him away with your free hand. The hideous creature staggers. His golden eyes dim and sink into his skull. His tentacles are like dried herbs. Black liquid oozes from every pore on his body and forms in a puddle beneath him.

  It takes only a few seconds. The completely dehydrated husk of Xinophus, like some salt-cured fish, drops to the floor. The impact breaks off a desiccated limb.

  Lyrica releases your arm. She takes a step back, staring at you wide-eyed and looking from you to the strange corpse at your feet.

  "Wh-what? Where am I? Who are you? What is that?" She points at the shriveled corpse.

  "You were under some sort of mind control spell," you say. "My name is Kirsten Sungbaard. You are free now, Lyrica. Do you remember how you came to be here?"

  "No," she says, her face still pained with shock. "Y-yes. Some of it, I mean. There was a fight and Madreg's orcs killed a lot of men and women. They took me and brought me to Madreg's castle. I was thrown down into a pit and... after that..."

  "It's alright. It's probably best if you forget most of what happened."

  You step over Xinophus' corpse and advance into a chamber lit by gaslight, your recovered sword at the ready.

  More alchemical equipment and reagents cover various work tables. Several large cylinders of glass stand like columns in the center of the room. Most of them seem empty, but one contains the shape of a nude woman distorted by amber liquid.

  "W-what is this?" asks Lyrica, following behind you.

  "Xinophus said something about preserving women in jars. He uses them as..."

  Your words trail off as you stride closer to the woman and get a better look at the girl being held in the cylinder. Blond hair drifts past her face like a golden scarf. She is beautiful and nude. She is also very familiar.

  "Camilla!" you cry as you recognize your sister.

  You hurry to the cylinder. Its base is etched with gibberish, but you find a valve mechanism. You turn it open and the fluid drains. The cylinder retracts slowly and Camilla slumps into your arms. You stroke her back as she begins to cough and vomit forth the liquid in her lungs.

  "Sister!" you cry. "You're alive! Oh, thank the gods! You are alive!"

  "K-Kirsten?" she croaks, looking up at you. "How are you... we thought you had escaped. We were thrown down into this terrible place. Oh... gods... are we still...?"

  She tries to lift her arms but she is too weak. You clean the foul-smelling liquid from her face.

  "We are," you say. "But I will find the way out and you will come with me."

  "No," she moans. "I cannot go on, my sister. Leave me here."

  "I'm not leaving you!"

  "I am too weak to continue. I feel as if I have drowned."

  "I can care for her," says Lyrica. The small, dark-haired girl comes closer and crouches down beside Camilla. "I somehow know this place. I know there is food and water. And a bed in the other room. I can care for your sister."

  You stand, lest your resolve crumble. You have to find a way out or rescuing any of your sisters will be pointless.

  "Is there a way out of here?" you ask Lyrica.

  She is already helping Camilla to sit up and giving her a concoction of pink liquid.

  "Yes, just through there. I remember... it is a ladder... and somehow I know there is a cave and a workshop. A machine. Someone told me that."

  "Your memory may return to you," you say to Lyrica. "Be on your guard. Both of you. I will be back."

  Your sister smiles weakly. You embrace her one last time and set off for the ladder. You do not even dare look back over your shoulder or your will might crumble. You would stay here and live out your life in this awful pit if it meant being with Camilla. But you must have freedom. You must have revenge.

  The ladder is concealed inside a hatch. You look up and there is only a narrow shaft filled with darkness. You climb into that lightless tunnel, higher and higher, until your arms and legs ache with exhaustion. Each step you take, your sword swings on your hip and clangs loudly against the iron rungs. You can feel the emptiness beneath you and know that if you fell from this height down the shaft it would be fatal. With a twinge of fear, you overcome your weariness and continue.

  At last, the ladder opens into a very wide tunnel cut through the rock. The sides of the tunnel are rippled and almost perfectly rounded, as if a great drill had passed into the stone to create this path. Ahead, the tunnel curves slowly and light spills out of an unseen chamber. You hear a faint clanking sound, and something moves and casts a shadow on the tunnel wall.

  Fear tightens in your belly, but there is no other way to go but forward.


  Bad Ending - Splattered

  Dangling upside down, half-swallowed by the creature, you know you have only moments before its pulling tendril overcomes the strength in your arms. Desperately searching your memory for a spell, you come up with Oriodamus using a spell he called Rupturus to explode a cask of sour wine. You vividly recall the heavy wood splitting apart and showering its fermented contents all over you.

  The strength in your arms suddenly gives out and the creature yanks you up and into its fleshy chamber. The grotesque rim of its feeding orifice closes as it slurps the last of your blond hair
inside its walls. You hear a hiss and feel liquid beginning to gush out and fill the chamber. You realize you are about to be submerged and, recalling the words of Rupturus, you scream the spell out defiantly.

  The magic proves powerful, exploding the creature that has swallowed you whole and showering its digestive liquid all over the pit below. Unfortunately, when the creature bursts apart, you are no longer being held to the ceiling of the cavern.

  You scream as you plummet to your doom, at least aware in your final seconds that you denied the foul beast a last meal. You land with a sickening crunch on the stone floor of the pit and all is instantly dark.

  You have perished and your adventure is at an end.


  Encounter Eight - Wait

  The goblin hasn't seen you, so there is no point revealing yourself just yet. You remain crouched behind the jungle trees, silently observing as the goblin goes about the routine of gutting and skinning his catch. Once he has separated its parts and prepared them for travel, he sets off through the jungle. You wait as long as you dare and then follow after him.

  You shadow him as best you can. He is small and quick, although seemingly still unaware that he is being followed. He stops at one point and carefully avoids a spot in the undergrowth. You follow in his footsteps and spot a heavy snare, obviously meant to trap something larger than the rabbit. Something like you.

  The goblin hunter arrives at a clearing and steps out into the moonlight. From the jungle at the clearing's edge you can see several huts, a fire pit with a bonfire and several smaller cook fires lighting up the huts. There are dozens of goblins. Some appears to be warriors or hunters.


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