Needing Him

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Needing Him Page 17

by Kennedy Fox

  “You ready?” Kiera asks once the papers are signed, and Emily is free to leave. Emily agrees to stay at Kiera’s house for the night and is told to take tomorrow off. She wasn’t happy about the last request, but I don’t give her the option to argue.

  “Evan.” Emily grabs my attention once Kiera is out of hearing distance.

  I raise my brows, waiting to hear what she has to say.

  “Don’t think because you saved my life tonight that I’m not going to get back at you for stealing my underwear,” she states, a smirk playing on her lips.

  The corners of my mouth tilt up, enjoying this side of her even when she drives me crazy more times than not. “Don’t worry, Dr. Bell. This changes nothing.” I wink, knowing the bachelor auction is this weekend, and if I’ve learned anything from Emily thus far, it’s not to underestimate her abilities.

  It’s been a few days since Emily’s injury, and thankfully, she’s feeling just fine but still a bit on edge. She took a couple of days off, and I was glad when she came back and looked a hell of a lot better. We worked side by side as we normally do, but I could tell some of her light had dimmed, though she reassured me she was still planning to come to the bachelor auction today to taunt me.

  Mama insists we wear slacks and a tie to this thing as if we’re not capable of dressing ourselves. Then I remember Jackson, and well damn, he can’t be trusted, so I somewhat understand. I choose navy slacks, a white button-up dress shirt rolled to the elbow because it’s hot as fuck outside, then a navy tie for good measure. I run my fingers through my hair, then head to the venue. The sun is barely setting over the horizon, and I hope the night goes by quickly because, while I love supporting the event, I’d almost rather write a check in lieu of being up for auction. I wonder if bidding on myself is against the rules. I laugh at the thought and know Mama would kick my ass if I even attempted it.

  As soon as I walk in, I’m amazed at what Mama was able to do with the old bank building. Lanterns and soft lights are strung around the high ceilings of the brick building, creating the perfect ambience. A stage with black velvet curtains and colored lights is the main attraction. Music lightly plays in the background, setting the mood that this party is fancy as fuck. Round tables with chairs line the outer edges of the room, and waitresses walk around with cocktails. Mama knows if you want people to spend money, the best thing to do is serve booze to loosen the hold on their wallets.

  As I look for Mama to get the rundown of the itinerary for tonight, I feel a hand on my shoulder.

  “Almost didn’t recognize you without a scowl on your face,” Jackson says, trying to make a joke but failing miserably.

  “Shut the hell up,” I tell him, grabbing a shot from the waitress.

  He adjusts himself. “I hate these clothes. I feel like an idiot.”

  “You look like one too,” I say just as John walks up.

  He’s pissed, and when I look over at Jackson, I realize it’s because they’re wearing the same thing, to a T.

  “How’re the ladies going to tell you two apart?” I joke, trying to contain my laughter.

  “Considering Jackson doesn’t know how to keep his damn mouth shut, I doubt it’ll be too hard.” John says with a smile.

  Alex and River walk through the entrance. River is smiling wide at the whole display, but Alex doesn’t look pleased to be here. Not even being married could get us out of this “bachelor” auction.

  “I hate this shit,” Alex says, walking up to us. “Ridiculous I even have to participate.”

  “It’s for a good cause,” River reminds him. “Be a good sport; I am.”

  Alex rolls his eyes, then pulls her into his arms. “You better bid high. All the ladies want this,” he says semi-seriously, but all she does is laugh.

  “I think you going on a date with one of the older ladies from church would be cute. And Mama already told me Jackson brings in the most money out of all of you, so stop exaggerating.” River looks at Jackson who is obviously proud of his big accomplishment.

  “Reigning champion, five years in a row. We’re gonna make it six tonight.” He’s already trying to make it a competition, but none of us are taking the bait. We’re not that stupid.

  “It’s only because you have no standards and sleep with whoever wins,” I remind him. “They all know it. And the divorced cougars are desperate.”

  “And they’re sixty and up,” John adds, and we all laugh at Jackson’s expense as he flips us off with both hands.

  “They’ll be here soon,” Jackson leans in and whispers. I furrow my brows and look over at him. He shoots me a wink as if I’m supposed to know what that even means.

  The place is filling up quickly, and Mama is busying herself with greeting everyone and giving orders to the other volunteers. I find myself glancing at the door more times than I’d like to admit, and just as we’re about to head to our table, Kiera and Emily enter the building.

  My eyes widen as I take her in. Jackson slaps me on the shoulder, grinning. “Told ya. Looking fine as fuck too. Have fun.” He snickers before walking away.

  I clear my throat to throw a comment back at him, but my mouth goes dry. Emily’s wearing a long, glittery dark blue dress. The straps wrap around her neck, showing off way too much cleavage—not that I’d typically mind, but I hate the idea of anyone else looking. Her hair is half pinned up with curls at the ends, and she’s wearing long, dangly earrings. She’s fucking stunning. Seeing her all dressed up brings back memories of meeting her at the wedding and everything we did that night. The taste of her lips, the smell of her hair, the smoothness of her skin pressed against me. Shit. I’m so fucked.

  Her eyes finally meet me, and a red-stained smile appears on her face. Kiera walks toward the table where Mama is standing with the boys and River while Emily comes right for me.

  My breath hitches the closer she gets. Something hits me right in the gut, and it’s a feeling I’ve never had before, but seeing her brings all kinds of new ones to the surface.

  “You look gorgeous,” I tell her, unable to take my eyes off her. “Way too gorgeous.”

  She smiles, brushing a piece of hair off her face, and I’m almost certain I see a faint blush on her cheeks. “You clean up nice,” she replies. “Blue is definitely your color.”

  “Yeah, it’s why I made the hospital switch to navy blue scrubs. I had to make sure I looked good at all times.”

  She chuckles, and the sound goes straight to my dick. Goddammit. “I’m sure you made a very convincing case.”

  “Oh I did. I’m pretty sure I was a lawyer in another life. I’m good at arguing to get my way.” I flash her a wink, and she responds with an eye roll.

  “Now that I don’t doubt for a second.”

  “So you ready to spend some of your hard-earned money?” I taunt as we walk to the table.

  “Oh definitely. From all the rumors, Jackson’s a sure thing, so I plan to bid as high as it takes to get a piece of the action.”

  Jackson overhears her comment and whistles. “Well, don’t you look stunning?” He stands up and takes her hand, pressing a kiss to her knuckles. I’m two seconds away from ripping his hands off her when Kiera interrupts.

  “Jackson is always a sure thing so don’t bother wasting your money. Just wear a cowbell around your neck, and he’ll come running.”

  “That’s a mildly disturbing image.” Emily snorts, pulling her hand back.

  As Mama taps on the microphone from the stage, we take our seats. Dad finds his chair and sits next to River who’s holding Alex as if he’s her lifeline. Poor River. I know she’ll claw any woman’s eyes out who tries to outbid her.

  “Welcome everyone! Thank y’all for coming to the sixth annual food drive fundraiser! We’re so glad y’all are here, and tonight we expect to beat our goal from last year, so we hope you brought your wallets with you.” Mama continues talking about the charity, and everyone applauds. The servers bring the food out, and we chat casually as we eat. There’s a silen
t auction where you can bid on basket items until the end of the event.

  “Where’s Trent?” I hear Emily asking Kiera.

  “He’s sitting with his folks since we haven’t exactly made it official, but after tonight, I plan to make it known to everyone in town that Trent Laken is mine.” She smirks while Emily giggles. Looking over at Jackson, I see his jaw is about to snap in half.

  Stupid bastard.

  I shake my head, grinning at his expense.

  “So how are you liking the hospital?” River asks Emily. “Too bad I don’t get to see you guys more. We’ve been jam-packed for weeks.”

  “Yeah the ER is basically nonstop, but I’m really enjoying it.” Then she turns her head toward me. “Mostly.”

  “So you guys are working well together then?” Alex chuckles.

  “Why wouldn’t they?” Dad asks, and I almost forgot he was sitting here with us because he’s so quiet.

  “It’s fine,” Emily blurts out. “He’s just an egotistical bastard most days.”

  That gets a smirk out of Dad, which surprises me. “Sounds like my son.”

  “Sounds like all of your sons,” Kiera adds.

  “Hey, I’m a married family man, thank you,” Alex protests.

  “Yeah, but what about your first twenty-five years?” Kiera teases.

  Alex looks into River’s eyes and grins. “Was just waiting for the right one to come along; that’s all.” He wraps his arm around her shoulders and kisses her cheek.

  “Oh for fuck’s sake, some of us are trying to eat here.” Jackson grunts.

  “I think it’s sweet,” Emily says, smiling at Alex and River.

  “It is sweet,” River confirms. “Plus, how hot is he as a dad? I mean, seriously.”

  Everyone groans at their sickly-sweet moment, and I thank the stars when Mama comes back to the mic. She announces the bachelor auction will be starting in ten minutes and then tells the women to get all their money out.

  “Evan Bishop!” I hear my name being screamed, and the voice makes all the hair on the back of my neck stand. It’s one I recognize, and unfortunately for me, not one you really want to hear screaming your name in the first place. “Evan, oh my God! I was hoping I’d see ya here!” April comes barreling through, and when I turn to see how far away she is and whether I have time to run away, she stumbles when someone suddenly pulls their chair out and falls right into my lap.

  “Well, that’s one way to say hello.” She giggles, and it’s the most annoying sound I’ve ever heard.

  “You okay?” I ask before pushing her off my lap.

  “I plan to bid on you tonight. You’re not getting away from me this year.” She bops me on the nose as if I’m a child. She giggles again, though no one else is laughing.

  Emily sees how uncomfortable I am and fortunately takes mercy on me by interrupting.

  “Hi, I’m Emily.” She puts her hand out, and April reluctantly shakes it, giving her a look as if she’s the competition.

  “I’m April. Evan and I go way back.” Way back to misery.

  “Oh how nice. What a great friend for bidding on him, too.” I hear the condescending tone in Emily’s voice and fight back a smile, but April misses it completely.

  “Well he got away from me last time, but I’ve been saving for a year and plan to finally get a date with Mr. Undateable over here.”

  Oh God. Kill me now.

  “Mr. Undateable?” Emily inquires with a mischievous smirk. “Hadn’t realized he penned a nickname.”

  “Uh yeah. He doesn’t date, and anytime I’ve asked, he always tells me how busy he is with work, which yeah, I get, but you’d think he’d get one day off eventually, right?” April’s rambling on and on, and I pray my ears burn off because I can’t take another minute of this.

  “I think it suits him,” Emily agrees. “Well, I hope you win and get your date.” She winks, causing an overly excited squeal from April to erupt.

  “C’mon, it’s time to head back,” Alex says, breaking this whole awkward situation.

  “Alright, April. Well, I better get going.”

  “See you soon!” she calls as she skips off.

  I inhale a deep breath, wondering if I can fake a stroke or something to get out of this, but then Mama walks over and tells us we need to get lined up.

  I stand while Dad and the ladies stay at the table. The guys are all pouting, rightfully so, but before I walk off, I stop behind Emily’s chair.

  “Emily…” I whisper in her ear. “I will do anything if you bid on me. And I do mean anything.”

  I see her cheeks heat as she contemplates my words.

  “Hmm, I don’t know. I kinda enjoy watching you sweat.”

  “C’mon, you can’t hate me that much. Plus you kind of owe me for saving your life and all.” It’s a low blow, I know, but I’m desperate at this point. I can’t go on a date with April Devin. She’ll attach to me like a guppy fish as she claws her nails into me.

  She turns her head slightly and clenches her jaw. “I worked half my shift with no panties on,” she reminds me. “Hate is an understatement.”

  I groan, getting ready to beg before Jackson grabs my arm and pulls me away.

  “Good luck,” Emily shouts with a cocky smile, flashing me a one-finger salute.

  Fuck my life.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Watching Evan sweat was worth the three hours it took to get ready tonight. Between curling my hair, doing my nails, makeup, and getting dressed—it nearly took a village. Most days when I go to work, I throw my hair into a ponytail or low bun with minimal face coverage. I’ll put on some lipstick and mascara, then call it a day. Maybe if I can’t find my contacts, I’ll put my glasses on and rush out the door. Getting dressed up is fun every once in a while, though Kiera was more than happy to “sex me up” for tonight—her words, not mine.

  “Trent looks good in a suit,” I tell Kiera as I watch him walk on stage.

  “He looks fucking fuckable,” she blurts out with a wide grin.

  “Tonight’s first eligible bachelor is Trent Laken. He’s a thirty-six-year-old veterinarian who enjoys grilling and watching football in his downtime. Six-foot-one with brown hair and brown eyes—the epitome of tall, dark, and handsome,” the young MC reads from her notecards.

  “Who’s the MC?” I ask Kiera because she looks oddly familiar for some reason. “I think I saw her at the wedding.”

  “Yeah, that’s Jessica. Dylan’s lady.”

  I vaguely remember meeting him at the wedding, and she must’ve been the girl Dylan was there with that night.

  “So ladies, what do we think?” Jessica gets the crowd of women excited. “Starting the opening bid at fifty dollars.”

  Kiera immediately speaks up. “One hundred dollars!”

  Trent looks in our direction and flashes her a secret wink.

  “Do we have one-fifty?” Jessica asks.

  “Two hundred!” someone across the room shouts, making Kiera glare.

  “Three hundred!” Kiera shouts before Jessica can say anything.

  “Three hundred, ladies! Do I hear three-fifty?”

  Kiera stands up, glaring at anyone who dares to outbid her. I chuckle at her death stare and wonder if Trent already has something planned for their special date.

  “Going once, twice, sold to Kiera Young for three-hundred dollars!”

  Kiera does a little happy dance and walks toward the stage to greet Trent. He jumps down and immediately wraps his arms around her before giving her a kiss.

  “Well damn, if I’d realized kissing was involved, I would’ve put my own bid in,” Jessica teases. “Just kidding, honey!” she calls out to Dylan who’s backstage with the rest of the guys. Trent sits at our table with Kiera sitting on his lap.

  “Next up, we have a Bishop. Y’all know about these Bishop boys, don’t ya?” Jessica gets the crowd to laugh. “Come on out.”

  John appears uncomfortable as he walks down the stage. />
  “Next up, we have John Bishop. He might be the quiet and reserved twin, but ya know what they say about the quiet ones. Amiright, ladies?” Jessica taunts, getting the attention of everyone in the room. “He’s six-foot-three with light green eyes, and rumor has it abs of steel and a few tattoos in some very personal areas.”

  Laughter echoes in the room as Jessica starts the bidding. John goes for five-hundred to a girl who Kiera tells me is a woman who teaches at the high school. I cringe, but then shake off the image.

  “Alex Bishop,” Jessica announces as he struts down the stage in a suit, cowboy boots, and a hat. “He’s a hunk of a cowboy with his signature grin and icy-blue eyes. Just his flirty grin will melt your panties right off, so if you want a night of platonic romance—unless you’re his wife—let’s start the bidding, shall we?”

  River immediately bids at two hundred dollars, and no one else dares to compete with her, which makes them both happy. Alex jumps off the stage and immediately engulfs her in a hug and kiss.

  The anticipation of Evan’s turn is making my insides flutter. I want to play hard to get, in a way, and wait until the very last second to bid on him. He doesn’t know that I planned to bid on him the whole time, but it’s his turn to suffer for a bit.

  “Dr. Evan Bishop. Ladies…you ready for this one?” Jessica calls him out, and he reluctantly walks down the stage, looking fucking edible in his dress shirt and slacks. The way his sleeves are rolled up to his elbows gives me really bad thoughts. “Evan Bishop is six-foot-three, sky-blue eyes, and messy blond hair that’s perfect for roaming your fingers through.” Evan looks back at her, and Jessica flashes him a taunting wink. He shakes his head and continues walking up the stage.


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