Needing Him

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Needing Him Page 24

by Kennedy Fox

  “I’m going to wash my hands real quick,” I whisper to Emily.

  “Okay.” She gives me a smile, then pops a pickle into her mouth.

  As I’m walking to the house, I look around at all the people who showed up for the birthday party and feel so damn blessed that this is my family. We give each other a hard time, but that’s what I love most about them. All the different personalities mingle together to make for a damn good time.

  I walk up the back steps of the porch, then walk inside. Once I’m in the kitchen, I turn on the water and pour soap into my hand. Benita comes around the corner and scares the shit out of me.

  “Shit,” I mutter.

  She leans against the counter and lifts an eyebrow. “Don’t be so damn jumpy.” She chuckles. “So…” She lingers for way too long, and I can already guess what she’s going to say.

  She’s just as bad as Mama when it comes to gossip, but I trust her. Basically, if I want to know anything about what’s going on in the family, I know she’s the cousin to call.

  “Yes?” I ask with a smile.

  “I can’t believe you’re actually dating someone. I’m really happy for you, Evan,” she says.

  “Thanks, B. It’s been a while.” I turn off the water and dry my hands and look at her. “I just had to find the right woman. That’s all.”

  Benita smiles, and we head toward the door. “I think you did. You two seem perfect together.”

  I nod my head with a grin. “She makes me happier than I’ve been in a real long time.”

  We walk back to the party and sit down at the table. I watch Emily laugh and smile when she talks to River, and I wonder how I got so lucky. Maybe taking a page from the “Bishop brothers dating book” wasn’t such a bad idea after all.

  “He’s fussy,” Alex says when Riley refuses to eat. He keeps pointing at the bounce house and mumbling something.

  “He wants to go back in.” I laugh. “I’ll take him.”

  “Are you sure?” River asks.

  “Yeah.” I stand and lift Riley into my arms, and he gives me a smile, showing his one tooth. Emily watches me, and I shoot her a wink.

  “Come on, buddy.” I slip my shoes off and step inside. He instantly starts yelling and laughing with excitement as I barely bounce around.

  “Y’all okay in there?” Alex peeks inside the door with a smile. He lowers his voice. “So when’s the wedding?”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” I ask.

  “Between you and Emily,” he jokes.

  I narrow my eyes at him. “Don’t you dare let Mama hear you say that, or I’ll be kicking your ass.”

  Alex laughs, and so does Riley. Like father, like son.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I watch as Evan carries Riley to the bounce house, and my ovaries nearly explode. The way he’s so gentle and speaks softly to him makes my heart flutter. I wonder if this is what he wants someday—kids, a family, and the whole white picket fence. We’re both addicted and passionate about our jobs, and I know what kind of responsibility having kids will be. Right now, my job is my life, but as I look around, I realize how I could easily accept this as a part of it too. People can have the best of both worlds, right? A career and a family?

  As I’m lost in thought, Kiera gets a phone call and lets out a squeal. She’s way too giddy, and I can hear the smile in her voice as she walks to a more private area, so I know it’s Trent who called. John and Alex walk off next, leaving only River and me sitting at the table.

  “I’m so happy you guys worked out.” River smiles. “After I heard you stole his clothes, I really didn’t know if he’d ever forgive you.” She laughs.

  I feel heat go straight to my cheeks. “That was a total mistake.”

  “It was good for him. Evan needs a little adventure in his life. Fair warning, though, these Bishop boys are relentless. When they know what they want, they won’t ever let you go.” She chuckles. “Well, at least that’s how Alex was, and I have a feeling it runs in the family when the right one comes along.” She glances over at him, and I can tell she loves him so damn much.

  Her talking about this makes me want to know more about her and Alex’s history. I’ve heard things in passing, but I haven’t gotten the full story from the lion’s mouth.

  Just as I’m about to ask her, Courtney slides in next to me and places her arm around me and squeezes.

  “I’m so freaking glad to see that Evan’s finally found someone,” she says with sincerity. Her words send butterflies to my stomach knowing that his family approves of me and our relationship.

  “Thanks, Courtney. That means a lot coming from you.”

  After she lets go of me, she and River chat about the kids, and I can tell they’re really close. A darker-haired girl walks up, and Courtney stands and gives her a big hug and introduces us.

  “This is our cousin, Benita,” Courtney says. “She’s the other one with a set of multiples.”

  “Ah, yes.” I grin. “Awesome to meet you.”

  “Nice to finally meet you,” she says, smiling brightly. River tells her to join us.

  “I’ve got to go help Aaron. The twins are going to drive him to drink.” She points and her boys are trying to steal icing off the cakes. I can’t help but laugh, and she waves bye to me.

  All of Evan’s family is close-knit, and this party is proof of that. I’m not sure he knows how lucky he really is to have them. I can’t even remember the last time we had a family get-together. At that thought, I look over at the bounce house and watch Alex chat with Evan through the door. I catch peeks of him barely moving, holding Riley tight in his arms.

  Courtney looks over at them too. Her voice drops low. “I haven’t seen Evan smile like this in years. I didn’t think he’d move on after Alicia. I wasn’t sure he’d ever get over it.”

  I suck in a deep breath and force a smile, but considering this has been brought up more than once recently, I know I’m going to have to speak with Evan about it—sooner than later too. Thankfully, when Kiera returns, the subject is changed, and I’m so damn relieved about that.

  “He wants to go on a date tonight.” She’s smiling so damn big that it’s contagious.

  “You and Jackson?” Courtney asks, not knowing any difference. It’s obvious to everyone around them that they’ve had a crush on each other since the beginning of time, so it makes sense.

  Kiera tenses then smiles. “Um, no. I’m actually dating Trent Laken.”

  Courtney gives her a big grin. “Trent Laken? The horse vet?”

  Kiera nods. “He’s been our equine vet for a while now. Your parents, too.”

  “Yeah, I remember him. He was a few grades above Evan, right?” Courtney isn’t judging in her tone, but I think Kiera takes it that way.

  Kiera nods again. “Yep.”

  “They’re more mature when they’re older.” Courtney winks, and I suspect Drew must be older than her too. “Good for you, K.”

  After a moment, Kiera’s shoulders relax. “Thanks, Court. I really like him.”

  I hear someone whistle, and I see it’s Mrs. Bishop standing by the cake table waving everyone over. “Y’all come over. It’s cake time.”

  “She really means ‘mess time.’” Courtney stands and rounds up the babies from the different people who are holding them.

  Evan carefully gets out of the bounce house still holding Riley, and when Alex tries to take him, Evan shifts his body and doesn’t allow it. Alex grins and shrugs his shoulders, and by the look on his face, I can tell he doesn’t mind giving Evan some nephew time.

  I wait for him with a smile on my face before we walk over and join everyone near the cake table.

  “That’s a good look on you,” I tell him when he’s close enough to hear me. He lifts an eyebrow and smirks before he leans over and whispers in my ear.

  “We can practice making one of these tonight.”

  I bite my lower lip and shake my head at him. “Somehow
, I didn’t expect you to say anything else.”

  Courtney and Drew place birthday hats on the triplets’ heads while Mrs. Bishop sets a large number one candle in the middle of each cake but doesn’t light them just yet. Kayla and Viola pass around pointy birthday hats for everyone, ordering us all to wear them.

  It’s such a sweet moment to see so many people here to celebrate the triplets’ special day. I know Courtney and Drew struggled to get pregnant, so I can only imagine what a blessed day this is for them.

  River takes Riley from Evan’s arms, and he doesn’t argue with her about it like he did with Alex. I glance over at him and smile.

  “I’m surprised you let her take him from you.”

  “I think he needed a diaper change,” he admits. “Or he has gas.”

  I shake my head. “You’re terrible.”

  Once we all have the hats on our heads, Mrs. Bishop, Courtney, and Drew hold the cakes in front of the triplets. As soon as the candles are lit, we start singing “Happy Birthday” in a terrible off-key, but they love it regardless. Once the adults help them blow out their candles, the babies start destroying her masterpieces.

  Within seconds, bright colored icing is all over their faces and in their hair. They look adorable all covered in cake. A handful of people start taking pictures and making funny faces to get them to laugh, which isn’t hard considering we’re all laughing along with them.

  Mrs. Bishop breaks away and cuts the other cake and has Viola and Kayla pass out pieces to the bigger kids first, then to us.

  I gladly take my plate and don’t waste any time diving in. Before I even finish my piece, Jackson starts throwing cake at John, and that’s when all hell breaks loose.

  “You’re gonna pay for that,” I hear John shout.

  Cake is flying everywhere, and I can’t stop laughing when Jackson smashes Evan’s cake in his face too. He was so quick, I didn’t even see him coming.

  “You’re an asshole,” Evan mutters, shaking cake out of his hair.

  Dylan’s carrying Jessica over his shoulder when she makes eye contact with me and laughs loudly. “Help me,” she pleads with frosting all over her face. At this point, it’s hard to see who’s throwing cake at whom. I can’t stop laughing, and Evan gives me a devious look before he quickly grabs my plate and smashes the rest of my cake directly onto my face.

  “Ugh, you suck!” I wipe my face and know I’m going to be sticky the rest of the afternoon now.

  “Payback for laughing at me.”

  “Seriously?” Mrs. Bishop says to the group of adults acting like kids. “Y’all are worse than these babies.”

  Evan leans over and licks icing off my face. “Can’t waste it.”

  I tilt my face up toward him, and our lips connect. He kisses me, not caring who sees, and everything around us disappears when the kiss deepens. He tastes sweet and delicious.

  “Mmm, buttercream,” he says against our lips. “I forgot how much I love the taste of frosting on you.” He smirks, reminding me of our first time together when I had wedding cake that night, and he could taste it off my lips.

  “Should’ve figured you had some weird cake fetish,” I tease.

  With every tender moment we spend together like this, the more I find myself wanting to be around him. Being here with his family has allowed me to see a totally different side of him—one that’s more vulnerable and unguarded. Though my past is full of terrible relationships and bad decisions, and I’m slightly jaded because of it, I know I’m already falling fast and hard for him. As cliché as that sounds, it’s something I’ve never felt before. It’s such a strong and intense feeling that I’m almost certain I was doomed since our first night together. Though I spend long hours with him at work and all of our free time is spent with each other, especially now that I’m staying with him, it still doesn’t feel like enough.

  When we release our kiss, he smiles. “Parties like this always end in a cake fight. Every. Single. Time.”

  I smile at the thought and how this family really knows how to enjoy life and have fun. The older kids walk past me, and they’re all covered in cake too. I watch Travis give his kids high fives as Viola shakes her head in disapproval.

  Mrs. Bishop passes out paper towels and wipes, and though we try our best to get it off our faces, the icing in my hair isn’t coming out so easily.

  After everyone is somewhat cleaned up, though we’re all sticky as hell, Courtney and Drew begin helping the triplets open their gifts and reminding them to thank everyone for everything. It’s a long process, considering they’re still getting the hang of presents, but it’s adorable to watch.

  Once the party comes to an end, they make their rounds, exchanging hugs and thank yous with everyone. When Courtney gets to me, she hugs me so tight. “I really hope to see you again.”

  “You will,” I promise.

  “Good.” She looks at Evan. “I like her. Put a ring on it.”

  He rolls his eyes at her before giving her a hug. “Y’all better stop with all that. You’re going to scare her away,” he teases.

  Courtney is so sweet and funny, just like Kiera told me she would be. I love her, and I love how close they all are even though she no longer lives here. Actually, I love all of his family, and I’m so happy Evan invited me. I don’t want this day to end, but I can tell the babies are getting cranky as they fuss and start getting into everything. Mrs. Bishop and Benita start cleaning up while Courtney and Drew start packing up all the gift bags.

  Evan places his arm around me, and we make our rounds, telling everyone goodbye. After we tell his mother goodbye, we make our way back around the house to the truck.

  “That wasn’t so bad, was it?” He opens the passenger door for me.

  I slightly shake my head. “It was perfect.”

  He grabs my hand and presses a soft kiss to my knuckles. “Good.”

  We drive back to the house with the windows down. My hair blows around as we listen to the radio. I look over at him, and he’s smiling, and I don’t ever want to forget the way he looks right now. So relaxed and happy.

  We pull up to the house, and I’m so sticky that I can’t wait to take a shower. We get out of the truck and race to the bathroom.

  “I said I wanted a shower first,” I pretend to pout.

  “You snooze, you lose,” he says, taking off his shirt. I can’t get enough of his body and that sexy V that leads to the “holy lands.”

  “That’s not fair. You know my weaknesses,” I tell him, taking my shirt off too. That causes him to stop, but then he begins to unzip his pants. Soon we’re standing in the bathroom in our underwear. Our lips magnetize toward one another, and nothing can stop us at this point. We’re ravenous and greedy, and I hope this feeling never gets old. His fingertips brush across my skin as he removes my bra and panties. Taking my time, I slip his boxers below his hips until they hit the floor.

  He smirks, leans over, and turns the water on in the shower, then we step in together. Warm water covers our bodies, and we can’t keep our hands off each other.

  “I need you so bad,” I moan, running my fingers down his chest.

  “We get clean first, then dirty,” he murmurs, his lips kissing my neck as his soapy hands brush across my breasts.

  “Tease. But ya know two can play that game,” I say, allowing him to finish washing my body.

  He adds shampoo to his hands and massages my scalp. I lean under the water and rinse before adding conditioner. Once I’m clean, I take the soap from his hand and return the favor. As I grab his shaft, his breathing increases. As he places his hand on the tile, enjoying it a little too much, I move to his chest. Stepping closer, his cock rubs against my bare stomach, so I make sure to shift my body just right to keep teasing him. I roam my hands around his lower back and dig my nails into his ass cheeks. He groans as his body tightens. The want and need is too strong, and I don’t know how much longer I can wait to have him.

  “Fuck this,” he finally says, giving in
. He steps out of the shower and wraps a towel around his waist before reaching for me. When I step out, I look at him and smirk. He’s sex on legs in every way, and I can’t believe he wants me the way I want him—considering he’s Mr. Undateable.

  Evan stands on the rug with a towel in his hand and softly dries every part of my body. Once I’m dry, I wrap the towel around my body and walk to the bedroom with Evan following behind.

  “On the bed,” he tells me as I turn to face him. His lips hover above mine until they finally touch. His kiss is heated and passionate, and by the time he pulls away, my lips are swollen, but my body is begging for more.

  “Bossy.” I lift an eyebrow and look into his blue eyes. “I like it.”

  “I know.” He leans forward, wrapping his arms around my waist and sucks my earlobe into his mouth. His touch makes me feel weak in the knees, and it takes everything I have not to lose my balance.

  “Well?” He smiles and waits for me to do exactly what he says.

  Dropping the towel on the floor, I lie on the bed with my hair cascading around my head. Evan takes his time, studying my body, and when he looks at me, it feels different. It’s more emotional as if he’s trying to remember me exactly like this, and maybe he is. Stopping at the edge of the bed, Evan places his hands on my knees, opening my legs. He tucks his bottom lip into his mouth and falls to his knees in front of me. Placing his hands under my ass, he scoots me to the edge of the bed. Before he even touches me, my breathing and heart rate increases just from the anticipation of what’s about to happen.

  “I’ve been waiting all day for this,” he says, taking his time kissing the inside of my thighs.

  “Me too,” I say my voice barely above a whisper. My eyes flutter closed when he hums against my clit before swirling his tongue against me. I quickly lose myself in him, not caring about anything, allowing him to take full control as he taunts and teases me with his tongue. Letting out a sigh, he slides his tongue down my slit and sinks deeper.


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