Needing Him

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Needing Him Page 31

by Kennedy Fox

  “I’ve got to go.” She sighs. “I’m on call this weekend and have a delivery.” She stands and walks over to me, giving me a big hug. “Please call me more. I miss you.”

  “The phone works both ways,” I remind her.

  “Doctor life,” we say at the same time with a laugh.

  She walks over to Evan and gives him a big hug. “If you break my sister’s heart, I’ll kill you.”

  Annie lets out a chuckle, but I don’t doubt her promise, and I don’t think Evan does either. Before she leaves, she hugs Mom, then rushes out.

  Dad, Evan, and Daniel continue their detailed discussion about the new research he’s doing, and they decide to make their way to his office to check it out. I wave him on and shake my head smiling.

  “Emily,” my mother says, pulling me away from my thoughts.

  “Yes, Mom?”

  “I can see how happy you are. You’re glowing. Makes me so pleased to see.”

  I swallow down my emotions. “Thanks, Mom.” I smile. “I’m the happiest I’ve ever been.”

  “I’m also very proud of you. Even if I don’t say it enough, I really am. I’ve also had a lot of time to think about things, especially since you moved away. I finally agreed to go to therapy after all these years, and it’s really helped me to see how self-destructive I became after the accident and the way I took it out on you. It wasn’t fair to you or anyone, and I knew that, but at the time, I was so emotionally numb that I didn’t care about anything. I don’t expect you to forgive me or forget, but I’m hoping you’ll accept my apology at least. I’m truly sorry, Emily. For everything.”

  I hug her, trying to push my emotions to the side, but it’s been so long since we’ve been able to talk like this. “Thank you for saying that, Mom. I’m so happy to hear you’re getting some help. I love you, and I always have.” A few tears stream down my face, and I try to wipe them away.

  She tilts her head at me. “Don’t cry, sweetie.”

  “It’s the hormones, Mom. I’m an emotional mess lately.”

  She lets out a chuckle. “You know, when I was pregnant with you, all I wanted to do was eat pickles dipped in mustard. It was the grossest thing I’ve ever eaten, but I wasn’t satisfied until I had them.”

  “Oh my God. Yes, pickles for me too, but not mustard. What kind of monster was I in the womb?” We both laugh, and the only thing that pulls my attention away is Evan. He’s smiling from ear to ear when they enter the room.

  “What?” I ask, wanting to know.

  “Your dad is a genius,” he says, my father smiling and patting him on the back.

  “Don’t give him too many compliments. He’ll start believing them, and his ego is big enough,” I tease, glancing over at my dad with a smirk.

  An hour later, the yawns start, and I feel the exhaustion from traveling begin to take over.

  “You should get some rest,” Mom says, patting my leg. “I’m sure you’re tired.”

  I nod and glance over at Evan, and he’s yawning too. “Ready?”

  Evan looks over at my dad and my brother and grins. “Yeah, we’ll have to do this again sometime.”

  “Definitely,” Daniel says, walking over to me and pulling me into a hug. “Don’t be a stranger, okay? I’ll drive to the middle of nowhere Texas to kick your ass after the baby is born if you ghost us.”

  When he lets me go, I look straight into his eyes. Time has been good to him, but I can see the years of overworking himself on his face. He could use a good vacation in West Texas. “I won’t ever plan on ghosting you mainly because I know you’ll come knocking on my door, which you should. I want to show you around. Take you horseback riding or something.”

  “You haven’t even been horseback riding yet,” Evan blurts out.

  “So! If Jackson can teach a child, I’m sure he can teach the Bells.”

  Evan lifts his hands. “Okay, okay. You’re the boss. But really, you should come and visit.”

  “I might take you up on that offer.” Daniel nods.

  I watch as Evan gives my mother a hug and tells her how happy he is to finally meet her.

  “I like him, Emily,” she shouts, loud enough for Evan to hear.

  Dad gives me a big hug bye and squeezes me tightly. “I love you, Emily.”

  “Love you, too, Dad.”

  By the time Evan and I finish saying our goodbyes and walk outside, I’m smiling ear to ear.

  “Your family is awesome,” he declares, opening the door for me and kissing me before I climb in. He jogs to the other side and gets in.

  “I’m so happy we came,” I say once we hit the main road. “I was worried about seeing my mom again, knowing it could’ve ended in a disaster, but it all went really well.” I’m shocked at the way my mother opened up but also really glad we can start working on our relationship again.

  “They love you, Emily. I can tell they’d do anything for you. I know how your childhood was. I know what you went through, but tonight, I saw a family that really cares about you.” Evan glances over at me as we head back to the hotel.

  “I think it’s the baby that’s softened them up.”

  He shakes his head. “Maybe, but I’m willing to bet it’s their love for you. It was obvious to me how proud of you they are and happy to see you happy. They’re really trying to make an effort.” He squeezes my hand, reaffirming how much I love him.

  The next day we decided to fly back to San Angelo so we could spend a day recovering from traveling. It was easy to exchange the tickets last minute, but that meant flying out at six in the morning. I was okay with it because I knew once we were home, I’d sleep for a few hours, then have the day to be with Evan.

  After we make it home, we have nothing but a lazy day, which is exactly what we both needed.

  The following morning comes early, though, especially considering our internal clock is still on our work schedule.

  “Good morning, beautiful.” Evan nuzzles my neck.

  “I want to go look at the house today,” I whisper.

  “They started framing. I’ve been having Jackson send me pictures every few days.” Evan sits up. “I’m going to make you breakfast, then we can head over just as the roosters start crowing.”

  I let out a small chuckle. “You’re not joking about the roosters, are you?”

  “Not. At. All.”

  After I eat the most delicious bacon and fresh farm eggs, Evan and I head over to the ranch. The sun is rising, and the sky is full of bright purples and pinks. Seeing the morning like this never gets old.

  We turn down the old gravel road, pass Evan’s parents’ house, and tucked away at the end of the road is the dirt driveway that leads to our new house. My blood is pumping as I see the wooden skeleton standing tall. Once he parks, I can barely contain my excitement.

  I lean over, and he plants a soft, sweet kiss on my lips. “Let’s go see our house,” I say, ready to bolt out of the vehicle.

  We get out of the truck, and as I walk through what will soon be our front door, a warmth of happiness overwhelms me.

  “I’ll give you the grand tour, my lady,” Evan says, holding out his arm. I lock my arm through his, and he leads us inside. Of course, I know the floor plan by heart, but it’s different now that the studs are placed.

  “This is where the fireplace will be. Over here is the kitchen. This big window overlooks all of that.” He points out to the rolling hills, then pulls me around to another part of the house.

  “Here’s where the magic will happen.” He wiggles his eyebrows, and I let out a big laugh.

  “Your giant closet, our master bathroom. Over here is the baby’s room.” We stop at the door and look inside. I close my eyes, trying to imagine what it’ll be like once the sheetrock is placed and it’s painted. Soon, we’ll be living here together and starting over in a brand new house with a baby.

  When my eyes flutter open, I see Evan staring at me. “You’re so damn beautiful,” he says, tucking loose strands of hair behind
my ear. I shiver at the softness of his touch, and so much love streams between us when our lips collide. I lose myself in him, in us, and our little family, and that thought alone brings me so much joy.

  “I love you, Evan Bishop. I love you with all my heart.”

  “I love you too, Emily. More than you’ll ever know.”

  Evan kisses me, and when we finally pull away, I search his face and look into his baby blue eyes. When our eyes lock, I know deep down that I’ve truly found my other half—the missing key to my heart. It took years to find him, and there’s no way in hell I’ll ever let him go.




  I’ve never really cared to celebrate my birthdays. Growing up, my mother planned these extravagant parties, and they were always so over-the-top that when I got older, I begged her to stop. After the accident, she had no desire to celebrate my birthday at all.

  In college, I studied more than I partied, and after I graduated from medical school, I worked twelve-hour shifts through my birthday. But this year is different.

  This is the first year I’m genuinely excited to celebrate it. Evan made sure we both have off work, and the anticipation of what he has planned is killing me. At almost eight months pregnant, I’m only hoping whatever surprise he has in store doesn’t put me into early labor.

  “Happy Birthday, baby.” Evan nuzzles his lips against my neck, waking me with his erection grinding against my ass. “How are my girls this morning?”

  “Mmm… is that my first gift I feel?” I tease, wiggling my hips to torture him. I’ve felt less than sexy over the last couple of months as my stomach grew along with everything else—my boobs, legs, ass. This giant Bishop baby is turning my body into her own personal food buffet.

  “Yes, so take off your panties,” he demands, sliding his hand between my legs.

  “I feel like a giant house,” I groan.

  “But you look sexy as hell,” he mutters, feathering kisses along my neck and shoulder. His words still make me shiver after all these months.

  “But I can get sex out of you anytime I want,” I quip, turning around to face him. “Today I want more than sex, so you better have something good planned.” I lean in and kiss him softly on the lips. Those days worrying about morning breath, messy hair, and leftover makeup are long gone.

  “I love it when you’re demanding,” he growls. “Panties. Off. Now.” He nips the bottom of my earlobe.

  I smack his chest and laugh. “We’ll save that for the evening celebrations.” I wink, rolling over to get out of bed, but realize I’m stuck. “Crap. My belly is too big.” I groan, ready to cry at how pathetic I feel. “I need help.”

  Evan walks around to my side and starts laughing the second he sees my helpless face.

  “I hate you right now,” I mutter, holding my arms out. “Help me up!”

  “You love me.” He pulls me up and presses me against his chest, kissing the top of my nose.

  “River warned me about carrying a Bishop baby. I should’ve taken her more seriously.”

  “How do you think Mama felt?” He chuckles. “Get in the shower, and I’ll make breakfast.” He smacks my ass, making me yelp. “Gotta feed that baby girl.”

  “Trust me. She’s well fed.” I roll my eyes, stepping around him to head toward the bathroom.

  Half an hour later, I’m showered and half-dressed. Wearing scrubs is much more comfortable with my belly, so I haven’t stocked up on a lot of maternity clothes. Mostly dresses and maxi skirts are all I can wear now.

  “Babe?” I call out, walking to the kitchen where an array of smells hit my nose. “Oh God, that smells amazing!” Rounding the corner, I spot a shirtless Evan at the stove.

  “It’s almost ready,” he calls over his shoulder, and when our eyes meet, he flashes me a wink.

  “I know what you’re doing, mister. It’s not going to work.”

  “I’m just cooking breakfast,” he denies, smirking.

  “Uh-huh.” I smile as he moves effortlessly around the kitchen. God. How does he manage to get sexier every single day? He’s tempting me with his tan skin, chiseled muscles, and broad shoulders—knowing I can’t deny his delicious six-pack and that sinful V that points to the greatest place on earth.

  Evan tells me to sit and serves me a large glass of juice with my plate. He’s made me a ham and cheese omelet, toast, and hash browns. I love his omelets, which is clearly evident when the baby starts dancing in my belly.

  “Quick, come here!” I wave him over and grab his hand. “She’s kicking up a storm.” I place his hand on the side where she’s moving.

  “Must be the juice,” Evan says with a smile.

  “Probably.” I chuckle. “That’s one way to wake her up in the morning.”

  Evan kneels and places both palms on my stomach before lifting my shirt and pressing a soft kiss to my belly. I adore the way he already loves his baby girl. I can’t even imagine what it’ll be like to see him holding her for the first time.

  “Okay, Elizabeth Rose.” He starts talking to my stomach, which I love. “Today is your mommy’s special day, and I’m going to need you to cooperate with me here. That means no making your mama sick, so I can get to home base later.”

  I laugh, my belly shaking up and down at the smooth way he talks to her. Once we found out we were having a girl, we brainstormed names for a few weeks before landing on Elizabeth—after the first female doctor in US history, Elizabeth Blackwell—and Rose, after Mama Rose Bishop. It just sounded like the perfect name for her, and I couldn’t be more excited about it.

  After breakfast, Evan gets ready and makes me wear a blindfold as he drives us. I have no idea where he’s taking me, but I have a feeling he’s going to want me to wear this blindfold later tonight, too.

  “You ready?” he asks, helping me out of the truck.

  “Yes!” I squeal with a smile.

  He takes my hand and leads me forward. I walk with him, hoping I don’t trip and fall on my face. Evan’s a closet romantic, which is another thing I love about him. He pretends not to make a big deal out of special occasions, but deep inside, he plans for weeks.

  “Are you ready to see our house?” He holds me to his chest and whispers in my ear.

  “What? I thought it wasn’t going to be ready for another month?” Construction got behind due to the weather a few weeks ago and put the schedule back.

  “No, that was just a little white lie so I could surprise you.” I feel his lips curl up into a devilish smile. He pulls the blindfold off, and that’s when I realize we’re standing on the front steps of our house—completely finished and perfect.

  “Oh my God,” I squeal, wrapping a hand over my mouth. There’s a couple of wooden rocking chairs on the porch and planters hanging from the ceiling. “It’s really finished?”

  “Yep.” He kisses my cheek. “But that’s not your birthday surprise.”

  He walks in front of me and opens the door. “This is.”

  I step inside and see the house is completely furnished. We’d been looking at magazines and pictures for months, trying to decide what kind of theme we wanted. For months, I dreaded decorating with how pregnant I’d be by the time the house was finished, but now I don’t have to. He studied my Pinterest boards and mimicked the things I loved the most.

  “I can’t believe you did this.” I gasp, walking deeper into the foyer that leads into the kitchen and dining room. “It’s gorgeous.” Spinning around to look at everything, I’m in complete awe at all the details he included down to the wall décor, the large sectional couch I wanted, and even the light fixtures. It’s everything I dreamed of and more. “It’s absolutely perfect.” Tears fall down my cheeks out of nowhere, but I don’t care. My emotions are boiling over, and they’re uncontrollable at this point.

  “Good,” Evan says, bringing his arms around my belly and holding me close. “I wanted to take away the work and stress I knew you’d feel the moment it was
move-in ready.”

  “How’d you even manage to do all of this without me knowing?” I turn around and wrap my arms around his neck.

  “I recruited some help.” He smirks. “And lots of favors.”

  Shaking my head, my mind is still reeling at all of this. “I’m shocked. I really can’t believe it.”

  “Believe it, baby. Home sweet home.” He cups my face and brings our mouths together in a heated kiss. “Let me give you the grand tour now that it’s officially ours.”

  Evan shows me the rest of the rooms before bringing us to the master bedroom and nursery.

  “Her room is beautiful.” I beam, reaching for the pink baby blanket off the crib. I bring it to my face and feel the softness against my cheek. “I can’t believe she’ll be here in about six weeks.” Evan even hung picture frames around the room, ready to be filled with her baby photos, and I can’t wait.

  “She’ll be here before we know it.” He palms my belly, kneels, and places a sweet kiss on my stomach. “I have one more surprise for you.”

  “I can’t imagine anything better than what you’ve already given me,” I tell him honestly, cupping his face and bringing his mouth to mine. “Seriously, the best birthday by far.”

  “Well, I’ve been planning this last one for a while, so c’mon.” He flashes me a wink, grabbing my hand and leading me to the kitchen. “I know we didn’t talk about this addition, but I knew you’d want it.”

  He opens up a cupboard door that isn’t actually a cupboard and then I realize what it is. “No way!” I laugh, stepping closer to look inside. “You got me a built-in ice chip maker?”

  “I know how much you love your ice, and now you can have ice anytime you want.”

  “It’s perfect.” I shake my head in disbelief at how amazing everything is. “You’re perfect.”

  “You are.” He kisses my lips. “I even made sure to stock up on your disgusting black licorice.”

  “You did?” I exclaim. “Where?”

  “In that drawer over there by the pantry.” He points, and I’m quick to go check it out.


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