Ultimate Curves

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Ultimate Curves Page 9

by Miranda Forbes

  I move my hand higher and brush the base of his cock, it is hard and straining already and I have to wrap my hand around it, I cannot resist a moment longer. The weight is satisfying as I squeeze gently and sweep my fist up to the pinnacle and slide it back down again. He is hot and sticky in my hand, hard and unyielding. I break our kiss so I can look down and enjoy the view.

  I watch in a hypnotic trance as his cock hides in my fist then reveals itself to me over and over as I pump up and down. Todd moans and hisses with pleasure and I revel in the power I have over him, the power of arousal. I would love to tease him until he anoints my fingers with his come but I am impatient and my cunt is hungry once more.

  “Lie back, baby.” I whisper as I move on to my knees. He scooches down on to his back and moves into the middle of the bed as I shift over to accommodate him. I pull the satin away from my body as it wraps itself around my legs. He groans and reaches out to cup and mould my soft naked breasts in his hands.

  Once he is flat I swing my leg across his body and position myself above his straining dick. I reach between my thighs and grab it. Gently I press it to my wet hole and enjoy the hiss of breath through his clenched teeth as I ease him inside me.

  I love to push down and fill my hungry cunt with hard, hot cock. The power of controlling the speed and thrust is delicious and as I push up and down I arch my back and moan out my pleasure.

  I hear a click but ignore it, too wrapped up in what I’m doing, but I notice Todd look slightly left of me and smile. He has his hands on my hips and he’s crooning now, encouraging me on with noises that stir my emotions and fuel my lusts.

  “You’re so beautiful,’ he growls as I cup my breasts and stretch my fingers round to tease my nipples. I am watching him now as he talks, meeting his gaze and revelling in his words. “That’s it, fuck me, take my cock deeper into that hot, wet cunt.” He digs his fingers into my soft hips and I yelp with shock and arousal. “My sweet slut,” he continues, “ride me, make me come.”

  “Yes,” I moan, “fill me, fucking fill me.” My cunt squeezes and I feel his hard cock throb within me.

  “Oh, Elle,” he groans and squeezes me again. My eyes had closed in pleasure but they flick open to see him looking to the left again. I knot my brow and he notices then mouths, ‘we are being watched,’ and my pussy pulses again.

  We have someone watching us. Some man or woman is standing at the door watching my big arse rise up and down. With each lift that person will see my pussy lips wrapped around his thick member and will watch my cunt swallow it every time I sink down its length to the very root.

  I slow things down now, wanting to give our voyeur a show, Todd grins as he realises what I am doing and his hands move off my hips. He uses one finger to beckon me closer. I bend at the waist and rest myself on my hands. He whispers in my ear, “You like being watched, don’t you, slut?”

  I nod my head as my hips continue to rise and fall.

  “I know, I can feel the juices dripping around my cock and your cunt squeezing me in pleasure. You’re putting on a show aren’t you, dirty girl?”

  I nod again and he captures my lips with his. His hands move down my back to my arse and as we kiss hard and lustfully he grabs my buttocks, one in each hand. Gently he pulls and I know he is displaying more of my cunt to the gaze of our onlooker. He is displaying his sex in mine and allowing the voyeur a closer look at our lovemaking. I tingle and shake with arousal as I imagine what the person at the door can see. I am almost jealous but I realise that I prefer actually fucking to watching.

  He digs his fingers into my bum and his hips begin to thrust. I can tell he is close to orgasm as he desperately thrusts up into me.

  “Come for me,” I moan as I intensify my thrusts to satisfy his desperation, “fill my hot, slutty cunt. Give me your cum, fill me, up I need your cum.” I babble and moan louder and louder as his arousal transfers from his pounding cock to my aching, sensitive clit.

  “Yes,” he groans as he stiffens, I feel his cock clench and relax inside of me as my plump pussy pulses and the pleasure shakes my whole body. I slide down and envelope him inside me as he expands and contracts, the last shots of pleasure flowing from him to me.

  “Wow,” I whisper as I disengage and fall to the bed beside him, “that was so good.”

  “Mmm,” he replies, too blissed out to say more. We hear another faint click and when we look up, the door is closed again.

  “I thought you were a voyeur,” I tease, snuggling into Todd’s warm, replete body.

  “Seems I’m an exhibitionist when I’m with you, too. I want to show you off, baby, you’re so good.”

  I blush and giggle. It’s good to experience both sides of the coin, maybe next time I’ll get to be the voyeur.

  The Photographer’s Muse

  by Scarlett Sanderson

  Cathy bit down on her lip. Anticipation coursed through her body, settling in the pit of her stomach. She stared at her reflection in the mirror. Today was the first day of her new beginning. Out with the old Cathy, in with the new.

  Yeah, right.

  She unbuttoned her shirt. If this was a good idea, why were her hands shaking?

  Replying to a ‘Curvy Model Wanted’ ad in the local news seemed like a good idea at the time. Now she wasn’t so sure.

  The model was expected to pose in a very scanty piece of lingerie. Her gaze drifted to the black velvet effect box. Inside lay a scarlet lace overlay bustier complete with G-string and stockings. Cathy swallowed. She’d never worn anything so revealing … or so sexy. She’d always been self-conscious of her curves. She’d never been bold enough to wear the sexy lingerie most women did.

  Lifting the lid off the box, she took out the bustier. The fabric felt wonderful against her fingers. She wondered what it would feel like against her skin. A wicked image of her dressed in the scarlet outfit, wearing a pair of shocking red high heels and wielding a feather whip, flashed through her mind. It wasn’t an unpleasant thought. In fact, it thrilled her, sent ribbons of desire coursing through her body. She fingered the satin and lace, rubbing it between her thumb and forefinger. So soft. So slippery. Like the feel of a man’s cock in the wet cavern of her mouth.

  A knock at the door broke her thoughts. “Cathy? Are you nearly done?”

  Rachel was the photographer’s assistant. She’d vetted the applicants and chosen the ‘winner’. Cathy had yet to meet James Seymour. With a name like James, she expected a crusty, old guy. Or a gay one.

  “I’m nearly done, I’ll be right out.”

  Swallowing her fear, putting aside her doubts, Cathy lifted her head, took a deep breath and stripped off. Stepping into the bustier was easy. The closing of the hook eyes at the back proved more difficult. She struggled, but after a few tries managed to get them clasped. After pulling on the G-string and attaching the stockings, she glanced at herself in the mirror.


  She looked … sexy. Her full breasts spilled out of the cups in an enticing way. The dusky pink tips of her nipples were visible through the scraps of lace. Her waist tapered then flared. Her curvy thighs looked luscious in the red garters. The transformation was extraordinary. She’d never known a piece of lingerie could make her feel so special.

  She tugged on a robe. Time to meet her photographer.

  Opening the door, she peeked out and gave Rachel a shy smile. “I’m ready.”

  “That’s great.” The assistant ushered her out through a set of doors and into a studio flooded with light. “James is all set up and ready to go.”

  Rachel pointed at the figure with his back facing them. Cathy gulped. From the back, the view was delicious. The figure wore a tight white T-shirt and faded jeans. Broad, muscular shoulders filled out the T-shirt to perfection. The jeans encased an ass so perfect Cathy resisted the urge to bite down on a closed fist.

  His bare feet caught and held her attention. How very bohemian.

  He’s got to be gay.

  “James, your model�
�s here. This is Cathy.”

  When he turned, Cathy retracted her preconceived notion about his sexuality. This was a man who loved women. His dark, messy hair stood out in all directions, as if he constantly ran his hand through it. There was a wicked glint in his green eyes, a glint suggesting he was pure Alpha male.

  She gulped. Did that make her prey?

  Dear God, she hoped so!

  His chiselled face showcased perfectly sculpted lips and slashed eyebrows. Handsome and sexy in a manly, dangerous way. When he smiled, Cathy felt as if she would melt into a pool of orgasmic harmony. Her body responded instantly. Her pussy became wet, readying her for the hefty bulge she noted at the front of his pants.

  “Hi, Cathy.” He held out his hand. “Pleased to meet you. Thanks for agreeing to model for me today.”

  She blushed and chided herself for her schoolgirl indulgence. She was a woman. A liberated, strong woman who wasn’t afraid to get semi naked in front of a gorgeous stranger.


  “Shall we begin?” James’s voice held a slight Irish lilt.

  Damn, she’d always been a sucker for an Irish accent.

  Pushing her wicked thoughts aside, Cathy nodded. “Where do you want me?”

  His gaze snapped to hers. Heat blazed in his eyes.

  She blinked. Her cheeks heated with a blush as she thought about the double meaning. She knew exactly where she wanted to be – on her back, legs splayed in the air with James pounding his cock into her. Either that or on her knees sucking his cock into her mouth, teasing him to the point of distraction.

  “Over here.” He motioned to a boudoir seat and she was reminded of numerous burlesque settings she’d seen in photographs.

  Once she was seated, he pointed at her robe. “Take that off, please.”

  Crunch time. Slipping the robe off, she shook it to the ground. Her gaze moved everywhere except to James. She found she couldn’t meet his gaze, yet she was dying to see the reaction on his face.

  His sharp intake of breath finally made her look in his direction. If she’d thought his eyes burned passionately before, she’d been wrong. The green orbs were now aflame with unmistakable desire. His gaze raked over her curves with a hungry sweep of possession. Remembering his professionalism, James shook his head slightly, as if dispelling some form of trance.


  They spent a few minutes in silence. James rearranged her body to exactly the position he wanted. His warm hands skimmed over her curves. Her nipples became throbbing peaks against the lace and she prayed he didn’t notice. If he did she could always blame it on the cool air.

  The heated grin he gave her squashed the notion. Of course he’d noted her reaction to his hands. He took photographs for a living; it was his job to see.

  “Now,” he picked up a camera, “I want you to look at me. Look into the lens and imagine you’re looking at a lover. Imagine you’ve taken the time to set this up. You’re planning to seduce me. Give me a seductive look.”

  She gave him her best come-hither look. He snapped a few shots then shook his head.

  “Nope, something is not quite right …”

  Laying down the camera, he once again raked his gaze over her body. His eyes blazed with heat. He followed the shape of her curves with his hand. As she watched his hand move against the air, Cathy’s mouth went dry. Her eyelids fluttered closed for just a moment as she imagined him running that hand across her body, feeling his heat through the lace of the bustier, cupping her tits, spilling them into his hands and tweaking her nipples until she moaned with pleasure. She licked her lips in anticipation, squeezed her thighs together as her cunt gushed …

  “Right there! That’s it! Don’t move! Perfect!” She heard the shutter of his camera click repeatedly.

  Opening her eyes, she looked at him through hooded lids.

  “You’re Venus. A goddess. A siren sent to tempt men to do wicked things. A wanton woman …” All the while he spoke his camera buzzed.

  She threw back her head and laughed at his words. His exuberance was infectious.

  “Jesus, Cathy, that’s perfect!”

  Enjoying herself, Cathy slipped into the moment. She forgot the setting; instead, she fantasised about James. She imagined he really was her lover, that the pictures he took were for his personal collection. Luxuriating in the attention, she ran her hands seductively over her curves. First her breasts, then down over her curved stomach to her thighs. Her hands idled so close to her pussy, she could feel the heat emanating in waves. Her clit throbbed in time with her pulse. She wanted to slip her fingers inside the seams of her G-string and rub her clit. She was so turned on. She couldn’t believe she was acting so bold, feeling so fucking sexy.

  The silence made her glance at James. He’d stopped taking photographs. Instead he stared at her, mouth slightly agape, eyes blazing with heat.

  Good lord, he was gorgeous! And from the look on his face he thought the same about her.

  Giving him a wicked grin, she crooked a finger in his direction. Inviting him. Enticing him. Cathy didn’t know what had gotten into her. Maybe it was the situation. Maybe it was James’s wicked green eyes, or maybe it was the lingerie …

  She did exactly what she’d been fantasising about. Slipping her fingers inside the hem of the G-string, she kept her gaze locked on James. As she rubbed her fingertips up and down the satin, pulling the fabric away from her pulsing cunt, giving him teasing glances of her wet pussy, she watched his nostrils flare. The fabric of his jeans pulled tight across his groin and she could see the outline of his impressive cock as it hardened.

  He took a step towards her and she shook her head.

  “No, stay there. I want you to watch. You’re the photographer, the artist.”

  He didn’t answer her, but he didn’t move either. Instead he stood transfixed, mesmerised by the movement of her fingers. The look of rapture on his face made Cathy bolder. Her clit beat at a thumping pace; she felt it harden, peak from the fleshy hood. Biting her lip, she swept a fingertip over her clit, gave the nub a slow, leisurely rub, circled her finger around and around. Unable to resist, she dipped her fingers into her pussy, pumping a few times. When her fingers were slick enough, she pulled out and raised them to her lips. Her tongue snaked out and she lapped at the warm honey from her cunt.

  James groaned. He fisted one of his hands before lifting up his camera and snapping off a picture.

  Cathy grinned seductively. Every nerve ending in her body pulsed with electricity. In a matter of hours she’d gone from being a plus-size ‘model to be’ to a porn star. Maybe she’d always had this inside her – a repressed sexual side. Right now she didn’t give a fuck. She didn’t have the motor functions to overanalyse. What she wanted was to come and for James to watch.

  With more authority than she thought possible, Cathy spoke: “I’m going to come now, James, and you are going to watch me as I finger my pussy. I’m going to come all over my fingers and I want you to imagine it’s your cock getting me off. Can you do that, James?”

  His eyes blazed. His cock jerked in his jeans. “Come for me, Cathy. Now. Make your pussy cream.”

  She moaned at his words. Her clit beat wildly like someone drumming fingertips on her mound. Throwing back her head, she pushed the G-string aside and shoved three fingers inside her pussy. As she pumped them in and out, in and out, she lifted her legs up and parted her thighs wide enough to penetrate deeper. It felt so good to be fingering herself.

  “That’s it, Cathy, fuck your cunt.” His whispered words of encouragement were accompanied by sounds of a camera clicking.

  She didn’t care. All that mattered was reaching orgasm.

  Sliding her thumb over her pubic bone, she pressed down on her clit, rubbing it in vigorous circles against the bone. Biting her lip, she concentrated on the fantasy in her mind. In this reality James unbuttoned his fly and fisted his hard cock in his hand, running his palm up and down the rigid length, pushing back foreskin to revea
l a bulbous purple head. After a few pulls he threw back his head and spurted hot sticky cum all over her generous tits …

  Unable to hold back, Cathy sped up the vibrations on her clit. The image of James coming on her curves was enough to send her over the edge. Her orgasm ripped through her, leaving her panting and sated. Slumping back on the couch she rearranged the G-string to cover her soaking cunt. Leaning back, she focused on breathing at a normal rate.

  The tingling sensation in her body alerted her that someone was close by. Opening her eyes slowly, she saw James standing over her. His camera hung limply at his side. Her gaze roamed to his groin. His cock looked painfully hard, straining against the metal zipper.

  Licking her lips, Cathy gave him her best seductive smile and wiggled her eyebrows.

  James laughed.

  It broke some of the erotic tension in the air.

  “Ahem!” A quiet cough from the corner of the room brought Cathy crashing back to reality. She met Rachel’s amused smile and her cheeks flared with heated embarrassment. “I think I should leave.”

  James put down his camera. “No need, Rae. I think we are done here.”

  Deflated and embarrassed at her forwardness, Cathy slipped into her robe. “I guess I’ll be getting dressed.”

  Fumbling to tie the sash, she watched Rachel take the roll of film offered by James as he cleared away his equipment.

  “Gonna get this to the lab. See you again, Cathy.” With a friendly wave, she was gone.

  They were left alone. The photographer and his muse.

  Well, this is awkward.

  “Will you be needing me again?”

  James looked up and tilted his head to the side. His gaze met hers before travelling down her body.


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